MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU!!!! I had the pleasure to meet the almighty Timothy Zahn when I worked at Barnes and Noble!
MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU!!!! I had the pleasure to meet the almighty Timothy Zahn when I worked at Barnes and Noble!
5/5 Still not sure if I prefer Legends Thrawn or Canon Thrawn #starwars #sweu #starwarslegends #thrawn
Woohoo!! I finished my #DoubleSpin book. I definitely won‘t be reading the next book. I only finished it because it was my #DoubleSpin book and it fit a reading challenge prompt on goodreads. #BookSpin
What are 3 EU books you‘d like to see get the Essential reprint treatment?
1. Deceived
2. Cloak of Deception
3. Crystal St- I mean, Paradise Snare
#starwars #ExpandedUniverse #books #starwarsnovels #starwarscollection #starwarsbookstagram #starwarsbookshelf #starwarsbookcommunity #starwarsexpandeduniverse #starwarsbooksforever #nerd #legends #essentiallegends
Man I am really enjoying this book, it‘s so enthralling.
Better than the new Star Wars sequel trilogy material.
I might just stick to reading Star Wars then watching it lol. About 75% through it.
I'm a huge Star Wars fan and I'm planning on reading this trilogy soon, a lot of people say it's the best of the books based on the movies so I'm so excited to read them! 🤩
Any fans of this trilogy?
Unabridged Audiobook:
My second dive into Legends content with the introduction of my favorite Star Wars character: Grand Admiral Thrawn.
As always you can feel the passion in the writing of Timothy Zahn! Absolutely superb and I cannot wait to finish this Thrawn trilogy!
This is an absolutely perfect Star Wars story and I‘m extremely excited for more Thrawn, Mara Jade, and our more well known characters: Han, Luke, Leia, Chewbacca, and Lando!
It‘s Free Comic Book Day which is definitely one of my favorite days of the year! Shout out to the staff at my favorite store who made sure I went home not only with some great (free) comics but also the new edition of the tagged book! Love visiting the store and talking comics, Star Wars, Ted Lasso, Marvel What If…ALL the things!
A solid novel with a fast plot. It's always nice to meet our heroes again. Especially pregnant Leia is a motive I like. But Thrawn dominates it all. Even through the faked paper of my e-reader I felt his power and his force. The book itself is easy to read, also thanks to the already mentioned fast going story line.
@TheAromaOfBooks #BookSpinBingo
Thank you for this #Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView and thank you for the tag @Branwen 😊
1️⃣ Tagged! Star Wars was a big part of my childhood, I even had SW toys and action figures. When this book came out, it featured the classic characters and portrayed them so authenticity, I felt like I was a kid in the theatre waiting for the Star Wars theme to start playing!
2️⃣ No preference, I‘ll read stories that take place in any country, real or imaginary!
This book is everything I wish the Star Wars sequel movies had been. Plenty of action, suspense, humor and great characters like Mara Jade and Grand Admiral Thrawn. I know the prequels couldn't have adapted this storyline, since the leads were now too old, but it would have made for a great trilogy of movies. 4 🔫🔫🔫🔫 1/2
1st book finished for #AnyWayYouReadathon @kimmypete1 @Eggbeater @MidnightBookGirl
and #MarvellousMarch @Andrew65
"Captain Pellaeon?" a voice called down the portside crew pit through the hum of background conversation.
#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl
(Free Audiobook)
Star Wars: Heir to the Empire: Behind the Scenes is a special recording that features new commentary by author Timothy Zahn and editor Betsy Mitchell, written for the 20th anniversary edition of Heir to the Empire, read by Zahn and Mitchell....
Thank you for this Happy-go-lucky #ManicMonday @JoScho 😁
📖 - “Heir to the Empire” by Timothy Zahn (I miss the Star Wars Expanded Universe! 😭)
📝 - Halle, Karina
🎥 - “Halloween” 🎃
📺 - “House, M.D.”
🎤 - Halford, Rob (Judas Priest) The metal god! 🤘
🎸 - Halestorm
🎶 - “Hells Bells” by AC/DC
My review of this book can be found on my Youtube Vlog at:
An amazing addition to the Star Wars epic with all the beloved characters as well as new allies and villains. Such a great trilogy! The first installment gets you hooked - one cannot help but wonder what Grand Admiral Thrawn will mastermind! Anyone who loves the classic Star Wars canon (now called “Legends“) will enjoy this series immensely.
Fourth finish for #24in48. I was half way through this audiobook reread at the beginning of the readathon. The narration was a little weird, as I‘m used to certain voices for Han, Leia and Luke... The story still holds up after 20 years, and I will continue to reread the trilogy.
Book 10 for #14books14weeks
Let's look at the second shelf on the bookcase I explored a few days ago. More sci-fi and fantasy, including the original Star Wars trilogy that sparked a book explosion for the extended universe that existed before Disney took over.
Post 1 of 3
#sciencefiction #scifi #HomeLibraryTour
Another Star Wars audiobook. This one falls in the middle of the pack to be honest, it wasn‘t my most favorite, but the thing that annoyed me the most was purely the giant TO BE CONTINUED at the end 😂 it really was only part one of a story, rather than a story in and of itself. Anything with Han and Leia in it is still going to get a thumbs up from me though! ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫
Timothy Zahn was the first writer to show that Star Wars translated to book form. This novel introduces his most famous characters, Grand Admiral Thrawn and Mara Jade, and picks up where Return of the Jedi left off.
I‘m a bad nerd. I had never properly read this before. I had the travesty of an abridged audiobook in my youth, but it was only two cassettes long so really I didn‘t count. Pocket Thrawn (Apparently he was 5‘ 9” in Legends) is kind of a dick. Definitely like Tall Thrawn better.
When this book came out in 1991, it was the only new Star Wars we‘d had since the Ewok movies. I‘ve read this book many times over the years, and it always holds up.
Luke, Han, Chewie, Leia, R2, Threepio, Lando, Wedge, and on and on. This book also introduced some of my favorite EU characters, Thrawn, Talon Karrde, Jorus C'baoth, and the Noghri.
It just has a classic Star Wars feel.
I really enjoyed this book. Zahn does a very good job of writing original content for known and well loved characters. I could hear the lines in the actors voices. Thrawn was excellent. A little more harsh and unbending from the prequel but I suppose he has had time to get that way. #Thrawn #Zahn # StarWars
✨This is my #nakedhardcover post, the best I could do. 😂 My boyfriend got so excited when I wanted to use his black, silver, & gold edition so he found a couple more to use. 😆 I love my Grimm's and Anderson's fairy tales editions sooo much. I need to add more to my collection of those sometime soon! So beautiful 😍📚
(My boyfriend's Star Wars edition is still in the plastic wrapping because he adores it so much. He didn't read before he met me!)
Despite not being considered canon anymore, Heir to the Empire is an incredible Star Wars read. It brings back all of our favorite characters, gives us some insight into how everyone is dealing with the events of Return of the Jedi, and gifts us with a new action-filled story and a great villain in this universe we love so much.
A great choice for f you would like to tackle the old Star Wars cannon of novels. This one has old well loved characters and new ones too. It takes place well after the sixth movie in timeline and is part of a trio. I especially love this edition, as it has little notes in the margin from the writer. #recommendsday
For today's #riotgrams some #welllovedreads are the original Thrawn Trilogy. These copies were my brothers and he passed them down to me when he went to college. We've both read them multiple times as you can tell by how beat up they are! It's probably time for another reread!
This is the crazy-awfulest #maythefourth. I would rather read these Thrawn books again - Oh what a thrill when they first came out and I could /see/ Luke in action again! #InaGalaxyFarFarAway #maybookflowers @RealLifeReading
Haven't read this trilogy since it was first released, but feel the need to reread it before I dive into Thrawn.
Grand Admiral Thrawn sounds a lot like Jeremy Irons the way he's voiced. Perfect! 👍
#KBReads #audio #librarybooks #sff
My reading outside of comics is somewhat limited. But much of my book collection is comprised of Star Wars novels, so what better way to #bookmark them than to use Star Wars widescreen trading cards? #riotgrams #starwars #thrawn
The earliest movie I remember seeing in the theater was "Star Wars." I was four. Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia had an impact on me, reinforcing the idea of women being equals to men (also had an awesome older sister to impress that on me). I'm grateful for Fisher's influence on my life and others. Gonna miss her. https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2016/dec/27/carrie-fisher-dies-star-wars-pri... #RIPCarrieFisher #PrincessLeia #CarrieFisher
On the other end of the original Star Wars trilogy is Timothy Zahn's trilogy that started with Heir to the Empire. Unlike the new canon, things didn't look as grim five years after Return of the Jedi. That is until Grand Admiral Thrawn enters the picture. Arguably the best villain ever in space fantasy lit, Thrawn exposed Vader as a brat having a tantrum long before the prequels. No one does Star Wars lit better than Zahn. #StarWars #TimothyZahn
This was the first of the Thrawn Trilogy, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Action packed! The author did an excellent job writing these beloved characters in a way that felt very consistent and intimate. Also perfectly described battle scenes. I'm going to take a break from the trilogy and come back later, as I don't like to "wear out" any author or topic, which is really easy for me. What to read next.... hmmm...
"you look like something the proom dragged in" ... lol ? So Star Wars. So normal... til it's *not*
"What in the name of the force...." Starting today, this is my thing to say. I hope someone surprises me today so I can use that. ??
Haven't had any time to read in what seems like *forever.* Lots of family visits and extra holiday work. And shopping. It may be 1am, but I've had plenty of caffeine and I'm ready to see what happens with Luke and the gang. Here's a good quote.
My sweet pup Simon is my full-time official #readingcompanion. He makes sure to tell me when we need to take a break and go for a walk haha. Otherwise, he just snuggles up to me in his star wars collar and awaits his Jedi training. #photoadaynov16
"We're going to need tighter security for these missions, obviously," Ackbar said. "At both ends -- your attackers *did* suborn a local Bimm politician, after all."
Had to look up that word! Ya learn something new every day. #newword #definitions #vocabulary
Today I'm #thankfulfor in-laws who are graciously excusing me from thanksgiving festivities while I rest with a heating pad to try to calm my muscle spasm in my neck 😲😨😫At least my husband was able to bring the mashed potatoes I made last night. I have to work tonight, so I'm hoping the pain subsides. Meanwhile, the bright side is that I have a house to myself with plenty of quiet time to read. #photoadaynov16
I need a friend like this, who has perfect memory. My memory is shit and I never know what's going on.