This #nakedhardcover is too pretty not to share for #riotgrams And who doesn't love some Sherlock? 🕵️♂️
This #nakedhardcover is too pretty not to share for #riotgrams And who doesn't love some Sherlock? 🕵️♂️
#riotgrams 11. I'm not sure why this came with a dust jacket, since the #nakedhardcover is exactly the same. Regardless, I love this New Orleans-based artist. The cover doesn't reflect his work too well, but he is amazing. The only piece of legitimate "art" I own. I was determined to buy a print from his shop after my first visit in 2008; saved up and did so in 2015.
Another #NakedHardcover just because it's so pretty
This is my only #nakedhardcover photo of my copy of Practical Magic. My sister got so bored in the house during her last semestral break and decided to plastic cover the prettiest books she could find in the house. I came home to it neatly covered so I couldn‘t complain! 😂
✨This is my #nakedhardcover post, the best I could do. 😂 My boyfriend got so excited when I wanted to use his black, silver, & gold edition so he found a couple more to use. 😆 I love my Grimm's and Anderson's fairy tales editions sooo much. I need to add more to my collection of those sometime soon! So beautiful 😍📚
(My boyfriend's Star Wars edition is still in the plastic wrapping because he adores it so much. He didn't read before he met me!)
#riotgrams #nakedhardcover
This is an amazing book! I recommend it to everyone. Not a religious book. I really believe this book has something for everyone. So many inspirational quotes and wonderful ways to find more joy.
Day 3 of #riotgrams: a couple always naked hardcovers (Cupcakes and Cashmere and Simple Matters), a couple just plain pretty ones, and the greatest of Bears, Beets, and Battlestar Gallactica mugs. #nakedhardcover
#riotgrams Day 3 - I chose The Rise of Nine - not only is it a fantastic installment to the I Am Number Four series, but the #nakedhardcover is gorgeous. Definitely recommend this series! 📚💛 #iamnumberfour #theriseofnine #series #hardcover #read #recommended #pittacuslore