Look at what my amazing co-worker made for me!
Look at what my amazing co-worker made for me!
One of my amazing co-workers randomly made this necklace for me!
This is a really good overview of gender identity and sexual identity.
About to start listening to this while trying to finish knitting a scarf I‘m making for my charity box.
It's #AsexualAwarenessWeek. I'm somewhere on the ace spectrum (combined with elements I haven't defined yet), so I figured I'd post about it!
The ABCs of LGBT+: where I 1st found words to kind of describe my sexuality (I'm still working on that).
The Diviners: 1st book I found an explicitly ace character in.
Let's Talk About Love: 1st book with an MC with very similar experiences to my own. It was validating, and painful.
I picked this up in a book store a while back and thought it looked like an interesting resource for someone like me who has no easy descriptors for her sexuality. It's given me some ideas, and some things to think about. I'm still working on it, but I've learned a lot about other sexualities and identieis in the meantime! The writing was highly accessible. #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtbook #queerbook 🖤🤍💜
So is most of you may know I have the Read Harder Reading Log that I am working through this year and one of the challenges is to read a book w/a LGBT main character, written by a LGBT author. I'm looking for a book that has a storyline/plot to it as the challenge dictates having a main character. I know there must be lots and lots.
Can you guys suggest some for me please? 😃
I found out about YALSA‘s #hubchallenge, a reading challenge where participants read award winners with YA/teen appeal from the previous year, from @Bkwrm7 . Today‘s the official end date and I didn‘t quite hit the goal of 25 (only 2 left!), but I found a lot of good stuff and really considered how I talk about/purchase books for teens. Plus I‘m going to finish the 2 I have currently in progress so I complete it for *myself* 😂
Congrats @Linsy on your 1,000 followers! 😘
This is one of my favorite words.... I love how it‘s so specific to a certain type of feeling.... As someone who lives thousands of miles away from my home country and all my family... this word touches my heart 💕