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Invisible Monsters: A Novel
Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk
60 posts | 263 read | 71 to read
Love, betrayal, petty larceny, and high fashion fuel this deliciously comic novel from the author of Fight Club. She's a fashion model who has everything: a boyfriend, a career, a loyal best friend. But when a sudden freeway "accident" leaves her disfigured and incapable of speech, she goes from being the beautiful center of attention to being an invisible monster, so hideous that no one will acknowledge that she exists. Enter Brandy Alexander, Queen Supreme, one operation away from becoming a real woman, who will teach her that reinventing yourself means erasing your past and making up something better. And that salvation hides in the last places you'll ever want to look.
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Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Cool cover 🖤 2mo
Eggs Great choice 🖤❤️💙 2mo
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Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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A dark and twisted story with an unexpected ending.

Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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While Palahniuk seems to only write antiheroes, the lyric "I'll stare directly at sun but never in the mirror" immediately brought Invisible Monsters to mind.

#VolumesAndVocals #AntiHeroTaylorSwift

Eggs Brilliant ☀️🪞👏🏻 1y
Reggie I was eating breakfast at a diner when a piece of French toast fell out of my mouth when i found out who shoots her jaw off. Lol this and Haunted are my favorite books of his. 1y
TheBookgeekFrau @Reggie 🤣reading in public can be risky business🤣 Haunted is the only book of his I didn't like. I don't remember exactly why, but it annoyed the crap out me 🤷🏻‍♀️ 1y
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Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk
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It took a while to get into, but I really liked this book.

Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk
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Excited for September!

My #BookSpin is a loaner from my cousin and best friend who I haven‘t seen in several months and really miss. Finishing will give me a chance to see her.

My #DoubleSpin is a #FoodandLit selection that I should have finished in…May, I think?

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Enjoy!! 2y
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Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk

Crazy plot twists in this one y‘all 👹

Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk
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Book 97🎧
This was a strange one…
I almost bailed, but the last 35%, after the majority of the insane time jumps, started to get interesting (and less confusing)😵‍💫
BUT, the author did warn about the scattery-ness!
The last 1/3 and the ending saved this one for me.

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego The twists in this one are wild. 3y
Reggie This is one of my favorites of his. He has these crazy nutso reveals. I remember eating breakfast at this place and having a piece of French toast fall out of my mouth when I found out it was her who shot herself in the face. 3y
BeeMagical @Reggie The reveals/twists in the end half are definitely what I enjoyed most! Totally didn‘t see that coming at all! I was SHOOK. 3y
BeeMagical @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Agreed! Wild reveals!! I wish I could have followed the beginning better😂 3y
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Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk

Please help me if I‘m missing something! All I could think was this is like the novelization of a Quentin Tarantino movie- and that‘s not a compliment from me lol. I bailed about half way in. Am I missing something, is there a better book to start with by this author? #chuckpalahniuk #invisiblemonsters

Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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Give me grotesque!
Give me camp!

⭐️⭐️⭐️ 1/2 Despite the depravity it made me laugh quite a bit. Very campy and weird, I liked it

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Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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I‘ve never read any Chuck Palahniuk although I have a few of his on my TBR but this caught my eye today, great cover and the story sounds pretty interesting, thinking I might start it next #covercrush

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Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk


Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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Invisible Monsters follows the story of a glamorious fashion model who gets into an accident that leaves her horribly disfigured afterwards.

Invisible Monsters is signature Palahniuk, and for those of you already on his wavelength, this is a must read. If you're new to him however, this may not be the best place to start.


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Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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“Hysteria is impossible without an audience. Panicking by yourself is the same as laughing alone in an empty room. You feel really silly.”

#QuotsyMar20 | 15: #Control

📷: Made with iPhone & PhotoGrid & Typorama

goodbyefrancie Seriously. This is crazy. 5y
TK-421 Wow, are those photos of your local stores? 5y
LiterRohde @TK-421 Yes. L-R: Pick ‘n Save, Walgreens, Target. 5y
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sudi Wow, that is crazy. I actually just saw a video on youtube of a guy who bought 17,000 bottles of sanitizer but now can't sell them, cause he was banned from Amazon. 5y
ju.ca.no @sudi serves him right😅 5y
sudi @ju.ca.no i know, i mean can you imagine he actually has the nerve to make a whole video after that. People are going to hate on him for a long time. 5y
ju.ca.no @sudi 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️😳 5y
Slajaunie He should start giving it away. Others need it. 5y
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Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk

This book had me from start to finish.

Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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Just want to share my staged photos of my all time fave authors' books that own.

Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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“Love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, I'll be anybody you want me to be. Use me. Change me. I can be thin with big breasts and big hair. Take me apart. Make me into anything, but just love me.”

#QuotsyJuly19 | 9: #Plastic

📷: Made with Typorama

Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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I very much enjoyed this book. So many twists and turns, back and forths. Some I saw coming, some were surprises. A tough one to put down, as it was quite a ride and completely satisfied with how it played out.

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Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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“Find out what you're afraid of and go live there.”

#QuotsyMay19 | 15: #Coward

📷: Made with Typorama

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Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk

I. Will. Finish. This. Book.
This year. 🤞🏻

DarcysMom Welcome to Litsy! 🤩 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🤗 5y
RaimeyGallant You can do it! And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. 5y
Chelleo Welcome! 5y
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Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💙💙💙 6y
vkois88 I feel like this is accurate 6y
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Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk

Finished this and for once found myself enjoying his work instead of wishing I'd enjoyed his work.

Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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I read five other Palahniuk novels years ago and consider myself a fan. Maybe I'm just getting too old for shocking, in-your-face, escapades such as this. It‘s full of the typical Palahniuk grossness, strangeness, absurdity, bawdiness, etc., etc. This book isn't for the young or faint of heart. Overall, it'll give this an OK rating because I do like the author's writing style and humor. I just wish it was a bit less cringeworthy at times.

Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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And away we go! 😧

Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk
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Next up. I read five of Chuck‘s novels in the early 2000s. This is the last unread one on my bookshelf.

Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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Reggie Ohhhh, this book. What a screw of the mind it was. Lol 6y
Lcsmcat Welcome to Litsy! 6y
Purrfectpages Welcome to Litsy! 6y
greenhairdontcare Love this book. Welcome to Litsy! 💚 6y
AlwaysForeverReading Welcome to Litsy!! 6y
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Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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Sometimes I choose an audiobook because of the author and other times because of the narrator. Anna Fields is a great narrator. Chuck is a great writer. Invisible Monsters is typical Palahniuk; it starts out a bit confusing, and by the time you figure out what‘s going on, the novel spirals out of control on its way to a wild finish. While it‘s not his best, it‘s still good. Overall rating: 4.01 stars

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego This was my first Palaniuk. So many crazy plot twists, so entertaining. 6y
Jason7 Yes. There‘s a lot going on in this one, especially by the end. 6y
BookishMarginalia I‘m interested in the .01 stars... 6y
Jason7 A few people have asked about that. Its a ranking system I use for book reviews. I‘ve been using it for awhile. 6y
Jason7 I use it for audiobooks. It‘s a combination of various factors, including the story and the narrator‘s performance 6y
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Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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“The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open”

Linsy Truth! 🙌 6y
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Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk

Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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Reggie Omg, this book and Haunted are my favorites of his and I just bought his new one. All of them have been outrageous but he really has some important things to say. The twist(s) in this one floored me. 6y
vivastory @Reggie I think this will be my next Palahniuk, even though I just bought his new one. If you have not read it, I can't recommend Rant highly enough. I think it's his most underrated book 6y
vivastory @Reggie Also, I take a bit of pride that I was present at the KC reading of Guts that he mentions in the back of Haunted 😬😂 6y
Addison_Reads @Reggie This book and Diary are my top two by him, but I really do like almost all his books. @vivastory I loved Rant when I read it, and I'm very jealous you were there for Guts. That's awesome. 6y
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Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk
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Yep, the whole time I was was listening to the tagged audiobook. The timeline was all over the place and everybody kept changing their name and I couldn‘t even try to keep up with who was sleeping with who. But overall, I enjoyed this. You might want to have some Dramamine on hand to deal with all the twists and turns😂

Crewgurl 😂😂😂 7y
AmyG Ha! 7y
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Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk
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A book that has surprised me the most would have to be Invisible Monsters. It was my first Palahniuk book, and I had never read a book with SO MANY mind blowing plot twists. Not the most realistic story, but certainly an entertaining one.

@cobwebmoth #surprisedgiveaway Congrats on your followers, and thanks for the generous giveaway!

cobwebmoth Thanks! Plot twists are always fun.☺ 7y
CherryPie Crazy book! Not my first Palahniuk and still had some surprises. 😹 7y
LoLo_and_The_Dude Love his books! Add this to my TBR!!! 📚📚📚 7y
TheBookgeekFrau Never a dull moment in a Palahniuk novel😁 7y
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Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk

This book was definitely interesting, watching the twisted way all of the characters react to the world is definitely unique. I could have skipped this one honestly though, it just seemed a little much #bookclub #booksandbeer #whatdidijustread #bookworm

Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk

The only reason why we ask other people how their weekend was is so we can tell them about our own weekend.

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Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk
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Texreader Welcome to Litsy! Funniest place on the planet for book lovers!📚 7y
ChicaReads @Texreader Thank you 7y
Texreader @Christalynn haha! Supposed to be funnest! Darned spell check! But there are definitely funny moments. 7y
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ChicaReads @Texreader And with spell check , unpredictable ☺ 7y
ephemeralwaltz This novel blew my mind!! 7y
ChicaReads @ephemeralwaltz Same for me. It was my first of his. 7y
ephemeralwaltz @Christalynn me too! I read Choke and Fight Club after. 7y
ChicaReads @ephemeralwaltz This is the only so far. But I do plan in reading Lullaby and Haunted. 7y
kricheal Diary is my favorite. 7y
ChicaReads @kricheal yeah? I'll have to check into it thanks☺ 7y
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Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk
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Cool cover, weird book

Reggie This is my favorite of his tied with Haunted. 7y
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Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk
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This book was super weird. Read it a long time ago

Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk
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#90sinJuly #ScarTissue

I remember this book's ending blowing my mind. I wonder what I would think of it reading it as an adult.

Side note: Until I saw the posts for today I had no clue those were the actual lyrics for this song lol. I could never understand what he was singing. 😆

Robothugs 🤣 Every day is a learning experience! 7y
Cinfhen Ha! That's hilarious 😂 7y
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Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk
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When I saw the prompt "scar tissue" my mind immediately went to this amazing book. My favorite of his. #90sinjuly #scartissue

Cinfhen Excellent choice 🙌🏻how's your summer going? I'm sure you're enjoying time with your sister! 7y
Suzze @Cinfhen Yes, I am! I think she's read 5 books of mine since she's been here! 😁😁 7y
Cinfhen That's amazing 😉 hope your reading is back on track! 7y
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Suzze @Cinfhen I've read a 600+ page historical novel and now I'm halfway through a thriller. I think I've broken the slump! 7y
Cinfhen Woohoo 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 7y
DimeryRene This is my favorite of his! 7y
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Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk
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Currently reading - Invisible Monsters 😁

kricheal Love it! 7y
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Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk
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This book had some really memorable #unlikeablecharacters. #aprilbookshowers

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Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk

This book was very interesting. So much mystery with a side of humor. It's a fun read to change up the pace

Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk

Sort of blown away. So many twists and turns. Really I just don't know what to say, this was such a wild read. Truly. Of course in a good way. But damn, it was kind of traumatizing. Also her name is Shannon and she has a gay brother. Um, hi. That's a weird coincidence.

Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk
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I love having spare time. I'm already almost done with this one, should be done by today. The twist though.... 🙈

MrBook Great pic! 8y
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Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk

"No matter how careful you are. There's going to be the sense you missed something, the collapsed feeling under your skin that you didn't experience it all. there's that fallen heart feeling that you rushed right through the moments where you should've been paying attention"

Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk
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Finally a new read.

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Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk

But if you tell folks you're a college student, folks are so impressed. You can be a student in anything and not have to know anything. Just say toxicology or marine biokinesis, and the person you're talking to will change the subject to himself. If this doesn't work, mention the neural synapses of embryonic pigeons.

Laalaleighh My boyfriend is getting his masters in aerospace engineering. I can attest to the truth of this. 8y
Thedrunkstrawberry This is my favorite book of his! 8y
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Invisible Monsters: A Novel | Chuck Palahniuk
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This is my pick for today's #SeptPhotoChallenge, #weirdbooks. This book is both weird and totally worth your time!

StephBengtson So good! 8y
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