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The Accidental
The Accidental | Ali Smith
The Accidental is the dizzyingly entertaining, wickedly humorous story of a mysterious stranger whose sudden appearance during a familys summer holiday transforms four variously unhappy people. Each of the Smartsparents Eve and Michael, son Magnus, and the youngest, daughter Astridencounter Amber in his or her own solipsistic way, but somehow her presence allows them to se their lives (and their life together) in a new light. Smiths exhilarating facility with language, her narrative freedom, and her chromatic wordplay propel the novel to its startling, wonderfully enigmatic conclusion.Ali Smiths acclaimed novel won the prestigious Whitbread Award and was a finalist for the Man Booker Prize, the Orange Prize, and the James Tait Black Memorial Prize.From the Trade Paperback edition.
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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A couple of pages in I realised I‘d read it before ! And also how good it is . A dysfunctional family and a beautiful stranger who exposes them and turns them up side down ! There was an undercurrent of justice in there somewhere . A great compulsive read .

Cathythoughts I havnt read this one by her, stacked 👍🏻❤️ 2mo
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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2 🌟 some compelling writing but the story did not hold up for me.

The Accidental | Ali Smith
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A reread for me.

This is such a summery read for me. Set during the summer vacation of the Smart family. Everyone in the family have their own struggles, when suddenly a stranger, a woman, is among them and shakes things up.

I love this novel. It‘s so Ali Smith.

merelybookish I picked this for my A in the #alphabetgame. Glad to hear it stood up to a re-read! 2y
AnneCecilie @merelybookish That‘s the danger of these games, I see all the books I forget to mention/ think about. It definitely stood up to a reread. I think most of her books do, this is the 5th of hers I‘ve reread this year. 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing! 2y
emmasm08 Great book ! I‘ve read it twice too 2mo
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Accidental | Ali Smith
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Thanks for the tag @vivastory
My pick is for the first Ali Smith book I read. It just blew me away! It is such a strange story, and the prose just crackled. It felt like she was experimenting with the form of novel, and I found that exciting. Must reread!
Consider this a tag for anyone who wants to play!

vivastory I haven't read this one, but I'm adding it to my TBR after your effusive praise! I nearly selected Ali Smith's Artful as my A selection. She remains one of my frontrunners for the Nobel. 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I need to read some of her books! 2y
BarbaraBB A memorable book! 2y
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merelybookish @vivastory I think if you like Ali Smith, then you should read this one. But I have several of her books still to read as well! 2y
merelybookish @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks She's an innovative writer. 2y
merelybookish @BarbaraBB Absolutely! I remember some passages quite vividly, which is rare for me. 2y
BarbaraBB I do too and yes, that‘s rare! 2y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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she told him how the killer hornets, which are ten times the length of the bees somewhere in South America, send their scouts out ahead to track down beehives then report back. Then hornets mob the hive, kill the bees and eat the honey. But then some bees got clever and worked out that these hornets die at a certain temperature, 116 degrees. But bees also die at a certain temperature. 118 degrees. So the next time a hornet scout was spotted by the

AnneCecilie bees, the bees somehow knew to surround the scout and vibrate together as a unified bee being until they reached - get this - exactly 117 degrees. Fucking brilliant, Astrid said 2y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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As expected not much reading done this week. I came back from Lucca late last night.

I‘ve finished Excellent Women #PemberLittens #excellentwomenandboiledpotatos and Culture Warlords #SheSaid

I‘m currently reading The Accidental

Cinfhen I‘m sure you had a wonderful time 🇮🇹 welcome back ❣️❣️❣️ 2y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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There is nothing else to do here. The village is a dump. Post office, vandalized Indian restaurant, chip shop, little shop place that‘s never open, place for ducks to cross the road. Ducks actually have their own roadsign! There is a sofa warehouse called Sofa So Good. It is dismal. There is a church. The church has its own roadsign too. Nothing happens here except a church and some ducks, and this is an ultimate dump.

merelybookish I loved this book! 2y
AnneCecilie @merelybookish Me too. I read it a few yrs ago, but it felt like such a summer read that I wanted to read it during the summer as well. 2y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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I like a clever book and multiple narratives often captivate me, however this just felt like a bad case of repeated deja vu. The character of Amber is instantly unlikeable and her cocky arrogance is really irritating! The other characters do little to ingratiate themselves to you, although I did find Magnus‘ narrative more honest than the others. I‘m sure there are many who loved this book but for me it tries to be clever and just falls flat.

The Accidental | Ali Smith
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Got my haircut today and of course had to stop by the used bookstore nearby! Their sales benefit our local senior center, so I shouldn‘t feel guilty right 😊? $20 for this fill-a-bag deal. Pleased to find the Ali Smith book (tagged). Picked up the SK and Blood of Abraham by Jimmy Carter for my Global Politics major son — bonus is that the Jimmy Carter is autographed! When I texted my son, he responded “Holy Moly” 😊

AmyG Amazing that the Carter book is autographed. My daughter found a Nixon book once at a used book sale...autographed. (edited) 3y
Leftcoastzen Wow ,great books! 3y
ValerieAndBooks @AmyG wow, my son would definitely be jealous of that find! He has actually read (voluntarily) quite a bit on Nixon and his foreign policy. 3y
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AmyG My daughter, at the time, was into reading about him, too. 3y
kspenmoll Wow! Great stack for 20$! 3y
ValerieAndBooks @AmyG that‘s probably why she picked the book up! 3y
ValerieAndBooks @Leftcoastzen now to try to find time to read these and all those other TBRs 🤪 3y
ValerieAndBooks @kspenmoll Right?! And the bag wasn‘t even completely full, but I badly needed to use the bathroom and the store doesn‘t have a public one 😂 3y
LeslieO Nice haul! I ❤️ Laurie Colwin! 3y
ValerieAndBooks @LeslieO so do I 💖. The last time I read her was a long time ago, so it‘ll be nice to revisit her. 3y
LeslieO I‘ve been thinking of retreading her, too. I have all my old copies of her books but I heard they‘ve been reissued. I kinda want to get new versions! 3y
LeahBergen Ooo, lovely! 😍 3y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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Here are my selections for #round8 #lmpbc. These have all been on my TBR for quite a while. Let me know what you guys would like to read. I can always come up with more options too. 💙💙

Chili They all look good!!! 4y
thebluestocking @Chili Thank you! 💙 4y
Pogue First @thebluestocking I love your Litsy name. Secondly I have only heard of one of the books so I am up for any of them. 4y
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tdrosebud I haven't heard of any of these, and will be fine with whichever you choose 4y
thebluestocking @Chili @Pogue @tdrosebud I‘m leaning toward A Woman is No Man, unless someone wants to tilt me elsewhere. 😂💙 4y
Chili @thebluestocking sounds great to me! I‘ve heard really good things about it. 😁 4y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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As good on a re-read as it was the first time. Although this is clearly earlier, less refined writing from Smith, I really think she can do no wrong. Each of Smith‘s novel is a perfect capture of a moment in time. Her examinations of human existence are pitch perfect. Her writing is sharp and original. I love it. #indiebuddyreads

The Accidental | Ali Smith
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THIS BOOK!! It was every bit as good reading it this time around. Maybe better. We believe what we want to be true about other people, and about ourselves. Ali Smith is 🔥.

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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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Re-Reading and old fave for #indiebuddyreads

The Accidental | Ali Smith
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Reading Girl, Woman, Other made me think of Ali Smith‘s writing style a little bit, and I‘ve been wanting to reread this gem for awhile. No time like the present.

The Accidental | Ali Smith
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Like all of Ali Smith‘s books, I‘m sure I‘ve missed some references or other, but I loved this.

The Smart family has rented a summer house for the summer vacation. Mother Eve, her kids Astrid and Magnus, and her husband Michael. They are all dealing with different things when we meet them, and are not spending much time together. One day a woman knocks on their door, Amber. And what happens then?

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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So these are my #bookspin, #doublespin and #triplespin books.

I‘m looking forward to reading all of these

This is such a great idea

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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Another collage of covers for the novel that made me fall in love with Ali Smith. A family of four is on vacation when the #beautifulstranger Amber shows up. Who she is, no one knows but her brief stay has immense impact on each member of the family.
Love, love, love this book! It's bizarre and brilliant and the language is so vivid, it crackles!
@Cinfhen #MOvember

Cinfhen Ohhh!! What a great blurb. I don‘t have the best track record with Ms. Smith but I‘m very tempted to try this book!!! 5y
MayJasper I need to try an Ali Smith 5y
AnneCecilie This is still on my tbr. Maybe next year? 5y
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emilyhaldi Oh man I need to get my hands on this one!! I ❤️ Ali Smith 5y
merelybookish @Cinfhen I would love you to try it. But it is strange... 5y
Cinfhen I‘ll watch for a used copy or a library loan. It‘s worth a try 5y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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Up next! #amreading #tbr

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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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Thanks so much for the tagged book, @Jas16 - what a nice #jb surprise! And thanks for the Christmas card, @Marmie7 🙏😊

@Bklover This time the #whodunitbymail book came quickly! Thanks for sending! I‘ve got reading to do ❤️

Lovesbooks87 I love Mary Higgins Clark! 6y
dariazeoli @Lovesbooks87 I‘ve never read her! But I think this one actually is due back to @MaleficentBookDragon, so I may have to postpone my foray into her work 😉 6y
Bklover ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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Marmie7 💞Welcome! 6y
Jas16 Glad it arrived! 6y
MaleficentBookDragon @dariazeoli if it's coming back to me, take your time with it. I hopw you like her. She's always been a must buy for me. 6y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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Over the course of a summer holiday in Norfolk five self-centred, obnoxious people have a transformative life experience. Despite this, they remain self-centred and obnoxious and largely untransformed. I won't say more to avoid spoilers.

A very good writer, but the novel already feels dated. (Which I didn't mind, in a nostalgic way.) This was my first Ali Smith and I will definitely try another of her novels.


emtobiasz I hope you do try another! This is probably my least favorite Ali Smith, but I love How To Be Both and Hotel World. 6y
zsuzsanna_reads @emtobiasz I own both How to Be Both and Autumn. I guess I just started with the wrong book by her. Even after this one, she is clearly a very good writer though. 6y
Moray_Reads My least favourite too, it only gets better from here! 😉 6y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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This is my stack for August for #MakeMeReadIt hosted by @TheReadingMermaid

1. The Remains of the Day
2. The Lonely City
3. The Accidental
4. The Girl who was Saturday Night
5. When I Lived in Modern Times
6. Behold the Dreamers

Vote in the comments, and I will read the one with the most votes first, and then the second and so on.

This is more than I read in a month, so I probably won't get to all of them.

Felso The Remains of the Day 6y
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hes7 Haven‘t read any of your choices, but I‘m voting for Behold the Dreamers. 6y
Lindy You won‘t go wrong with any of these, but my vote is for 🇨🇦: 6y
monalyisha Ohhh... I loved The Lonely Hearts Hotel so I‘m going with the Heather O‘Neill! 6y
BarbaraJean Because it‘s on my TBR, too! 6y
Reviewsbylola The Accidental 6y
shellleigh33 Haven‘t read any but this sounds good so has my vote 6y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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This book was very quirky, and there were large parts of it that I really enjoyed... but there were also parts that just seemed totally irrelevant and confusing. I was enjoying it, and then the end happened and now I just don‘t know.

The writing is so good. The family is dysfunctional, but in the way that many are today. I think if I wasn‘t so baffled, this would have been a solid pick.



AshleyHoss820 I felt the same way. I really enjoyed it and I also am unsure why I enjoyed it. 😄😄😄 I think it‘s the writing. Nice review!! 6y
vivastory I'm currently reading & loving her book 6y
Moray_Reads Ali Smith is one of my absolute favourite writers. She's a genius but this is my least favourite of her books 6y
sprainedbrain @vivastory @Moray_Reads This was my first, and I definitely plan to read more of hers. 6y
vivastory I haven't read this one, but I definitely recommend Artful & 6y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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#readingwomenmonth set in your not quite hometown but this is set in my county of Norfolk. Still haven't read this. My city has one of the best creative writing courses in the country so anyone who graduated from it or taught at it is considered a local author by moi. This way I can claim kazuo Ishiguro and Angela Carter as my own.

ephemeralwaltz Wow super cool! 6y
Andrew65 Elly Griffith‘s series (Ruth Galloway) are also set in your area of world . (edited) 6y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith

Often dazzling, occasionally baffling, tale of an English family whose lives are upended by the arrival of Amber, a mysterious drifter. Won't be to all tastes but the writing is often miraculous.

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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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My goodness these people are broken. I had a hard time liking any of them. But I think that's the point. If all our faults are laid out to bare, how many of us are really that likable?😊 I'm telling you to pick this because Smith's writing style is amazing. An unhappy family of four on holiday encounter a charming, mysterious stranger. She becomes part of their lives, but to what end? This book was a trip! 127/1,001 #1001Books

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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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I love Ali‘s style, which reminds me so much of Virginia Woolf. What‘s more, I felt like Ali took themes from TO THE LIGHT HOUSE and rewrote them into a totally new story. I could spend hours talking about this book (I already have, actually 🙊), but I will just say here that I love Ali Smith. And while this book isn‘t my favorite of hers, it‘s def one of the most thought-provoking books I‘ve read this year.

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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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What Ali does to me.

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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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From anyone else this would probably be a pick but from Ali Smith it's just okay. It has many of her trademark features including her faultless internal monologues and her playful, postmodern use of language but plot and characters lacked their usual heart and soul. Perhaps it's my dislike of the "offbeat stranger changes family's lives" trope, or perhaps because a similar theme worked so much better in There But For The

saresmoore I like that you're holding her to her own standard. I've gone back to change book ratings after reading something even better from the same author, or even from a different author if it's in a very specific vein. Have you determined a favorite of Ali Smith thus far? 7y
Lcsmcat I felt the same way about this one! Maybe I'll give her another chance. 7y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore definitely The But For The but I loved How To Be Both and Autumn too, the Accidental just seemed a little tepid compared to them 7y
Moray_Reads @Lcsmcat I've adored everything else I've read by her, this really want up to the same high standard 7y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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Just back from Paris and off course I came home with som new books ?❤️. The Accidental was bought at the airport while the other three was bought at "Shakespeare and Company". I was in there for 40 minutes and wasn't even close at browsing all the shelves.

The Accidental | Ali Smith
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This is the wrap-up of my Birthday book haul! Over the weekend my boyfriend took me to two different secondhand book stores and let me pick out whatever I wanted as a Birthday present! I'm pretty excited about everything I found including a first edition of Rebecca and of a Steinbeck!

Jaimelire You've got a good boyfriend! 7y
merelybookish What a great haul! 7y
Jas16 I will confess to being pretty jealous of the Rebecca. So glad you had a good birthday 7y
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Texreader Happy birthday and congrats on such wonderful finds!! 🎂🎁🎈 7y
saresmoore Woohoo! 7y
EllieDottie @Jaimelire I like him!! 7y
AceOnRoam Happy Birthday 7y
AceOnRoam What a great present 📚 7y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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I have been listening to audiobooks for about 10 years. And here's my theory: good books are better on audio, bad books are worse.
This is one of the first audiobooks I ever listened to. It's an all-time favourite. Ali Smith's prose is gorgeous on the page but it positively crackles when read aloud. #awesomeaudiobooks #marchintoreading @RealLifeReading

EllieDottie I like the theory! 7y
merelybookish @EllieDottie Thanks! 😊 I should add good books with the right reader! Because bad readers can ruin a good book. 7y
Lmstraubie Yes! I think your theory is on target! 🤓 7y
shawnmooney Intriguing theory! 🤔 7y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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Ali Smith #bookmail @saresmoore @vivastory let me know when you get your copy ❤️📚

saresmoore Lovely! I just got mine, as well! 7y
vivastory Lovely copies! I have my copy ready. 7y
vivastory @saresmoore @DeborahSmall Have you read Ali Smith before? 7y
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saresmoore @vivastory This will be my first! 7y
Moray_Reads I still need to read The Accidental and Hotel World but oh, I already wish I could read There But For The for the first time again! 7y
LeahBergen I've been meaning to read Ali Smith, too. 7y
vivastory @saresmoore This will be my second. I've read "Public Library" 7y
DeborahSmall @vivastory @saresmoore my first Ali Smith. I'm planning on reading Midwinter this week if you guys want to go ahead and start 7y
vivastory @saresmoore When are you planning on starting it? I'm fine waiting until next week, I have a few books left from my February TBR I haven't yet read 7y
saresmoore Next week sounds good to me! @vivastory @DeborahSmall 7y
saresmoore @LeahBergen Give in to the buddy read peer pressure and join us! 😘 7y
vivastory @LeahBergen What @saresmoore said! Join us! 7y
DeborahSmall Perfect @vivastory @saresmoore and please join us @LeahBergen 😘 7y
Megabooks Are you doing a buddy read?? I've always meant to read her. What books and when are you starting?? 7y
cariashley What's her best to start with? I've always wanted to read her, ever since reading about 7y
vivastory @Ebooksandcooks We're reading "There But For The" beginning next week @cariashley The only one I've read so far is "Public Library" you should join us! 7y
Megabooks Just checked it out from the library! 7y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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After much deliberation, I've finally figured out my books for the #litsyAtoZ challenge. I'm killing a whole lot of birds with one stone with this one: I've opted for the title stream, they are all women authors and they are all books (except one) that are already on my shelf! Several of these books I've been meaning to read for years, including the Oryx & Crake trilogy by Margaret Atwood. Hopefully I can get through all of them!

My_novel_obsession Great List! I ❤️️the idea of all women authors. 7y
britt_brooke I envy your neat handwriting. Great list! 7y
MonikaS Great List!😍📚 7y
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AtwoodLover The Atwood trilogy is amazing! I read them in reverse order - she released Oryx and Crake first 7y
AtwoodLover And then Year of the Flood and then MaddAdam. I wonder what it would be like to be read them chronologically? Enjoy!! They are so thought-provoking and a true call to action 7y
Eyelit 👍👍 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Some great titles there! 👍🏼 7y
dariazeoli I am jealous of your handwriting 😀 7y
wisebravegirl Such a brilliant list! 7y
Flaneurette Great list and handwriting 😍 7y
peaKnit Can we choose our books as we go along for this challenge? I hope so, but ❤️ you list!! 7y
Gleefulreader @Anovelobsession Thank you! I really wanted to try and focus there, given how 2016 played out. 7y
Gleefulreader @BookishMarginalia thank you so much for organizing! I've never participated in a reading challenge before, but after the success of #litsygoessecretsanta, I'd sign on to anything you organized! 7y
Gleefulreader @AtwoodLover ohhh... they are written out of order? I likely would have ended up reading that way since I knew which order they were published in. Thanks for the heads up! 7y
Gleefulreader @erzascarletbookgasm @peaknit thanks - I think you can choose as you go, and I may still make some swaps as necessary, but I also decided to do this so I could clear some of my purchased TBR shelve(s) 😂 7y
Faibka Beautiful handwriting! 💕 7y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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#WWW I'm sure she's been chosen many times, but Ms. Smith is a mighty wordsmith. Her books are singular, brilliant. She chooses her words with a skill not oft encountered and reading her books is a pleasure to be savored every time. And she's got mad stacking game! Photo from The New Statesman.

bedandabook Absolutely love her writing. How To Be Both was astoundingly good. 8y
BethFishReads I love her! 8y
Mayread There's a word that's bandied about quite a bit, and often used in regard to those unworthy of its meaning, but Smith positively deserves to be called it; she's brilliant. 8y
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Hugoreads Wow! On the list📖 8y
CherylDeFranceschi @Skiles You are right. I veer towards the hyperbolic and I'm flip with words. I make them up at will and am less careful with them than I should be. 😔But when I'm being serious about it, I choose my words more carefully. And Ali Smith is truly brilliant. 8y
Mayread @CherylDeFranceschi Ah I wasn't taking a swipe at you! You're usually spot on. I was just attempting to be artful (pun intended) in my praise of Smith, who is a wweveryday. 8y
SharonGoforth She's one of my favorites! 8y
CherylDeFranceschi @Skiles no- I knew you weren't. But it's truth, nonetheless. I am careless with words. She, she is not. She's so very talented. Nice pun. 😆 8y
Yamich49 Great pic- I like her already! Adding this to the TBR 8y
Lindy Hear, hear! 8y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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New reading location: Brooklyn Botanic Gardens 😍

I'm a big Ali Smith fan, I can wait to start this one!

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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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"A novel about the ways that seemingly chance encounters irrevocably transform our understanding of ourselves..." Looking forward to reading this over the next week or so!

The Accidental | Ali Smith
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I'd had the book for over a year on my shelves when I finally decided to give it a try. I loved it SO much I can't even begin to tell you about it. Smith is a genius writer and I can't wait to get my hands on smth else she wrote.

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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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I finally read this, and it was amazing! Of course. She's always amazing.

CherylDeFranceschi So. Very. Amazing. 8y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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I didn't know that Ali Smith describing A-ha's "Take On Me" video was a thing I wanted until I read it. ❤️

Megabooks Love that video! 8y
LaviniaG I loved that fragment so much! And all those movies or books she describes without mentioning their titles. She's just brilliant. 8y
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The Accidental | Ali Smith
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I finally picked a 2016 reading challenge! I am going to read a backlist title from every letter of the alphabet. I'm starting tonight, with the only Ali Smith I haven't read. Excited!

alexandria I love the bread background🍞 8y
Ubergeekygirl Bread, wha?? 8y
BethFishReads I LOVE her 8y
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