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The Library of the Unwritten
The Library of the Unwritten | A. J. Hackwith
88 posts | 58 read | 135 to read
In the first book in a brilliant new fantasy series, books that aren't finished by their authors reside in the Library of the Unwritten in Hell, and it is up to the Librarian to track down any restless characters who emerge from those unfinished stories. Many years ago, Claire was named Head Librarian of the Unwritten Wing--a neutral space in Hell where all the stories that were never finished by their authors reside. Her job consists mainly of repairing and organizing books, but also of keeping an eye on restless stories that risk materializing as characters and escaping the library. When a Hero escapes from his book and goes in search of his author, Claire must track and capture him with the help of former muse and current assistant Brevity and nervous demon courier Leto. But what should have been a simple retrieval goes horrifyingly wrong....
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Love the idea - execution was not good for me. Hard to follow the world author was creating - could not visualize it.
On to another book -
Make a great day everyone 😊

dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 3mo
bthegood @dabbe 🙂 3mo
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This is a a beautifully written book about the gray lines between heaven and hell, as well as what it means to be someone with a story to tell. The author‘s style of writing is spot on, keeping the pace moving with a perfect mix of humor, heartache, action and tears. Highly recommend!

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Normally, this kind of book has all the elements I love in a story (you would think) but for some reason it took a while to grasp my full attention (like 7 hours in). The narrator was great so I can‘t put my finger on the reason for it. This might be one of those that I would‘ve enjoyed more had I read the physical book. I liked the characters and they all had great arcs. The concept is interesting too, unwritten stories just waiting to be told.

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My next listen… hoping this one can keep my attention.

wanderinglynn I love this trilogy! ❤️ 11mo
BookmarkTavern Oh I adored this one! The audiobook is amazing! 11mo
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This book was so much fun and it made me want to write every story that‘s living in my head (and apparently the Library of the Unwritten) right now.

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My kind of woman!

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Claire is a librarian in Hell—librarian of the Unwritten Wing, where unfinished stories reside, to be precise. When a hero escapes from his book, Claire has to go track him down. What should be a simple task quickly becomes much more as Claire & a ragtag group of fiends rush to stop a looming battle between Heaven & Hell. Found family, a love of books, authors, the process of writing, & creating, feature in this quirky, entertaining story.

carmens.library Loved this book!!! 1y
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I‘m still working my way through this one. I enjoy it with old reading but so far it‘s definitely been a “it‘s ok to put it down and come back to it” type of book. We‘ll see if that changes now that I have a chunk of time to read and no other books with me.

#OutAndAbout #ReadingOnTheTrain

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Friday night reading…

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Great adventure fantasy. The different POV chapters from different characters got a bit old for me after a while but I usually don't enjoy switches in POV in a story. Even with that and seeing who the traitor is almost from the beginning there were plenty of thrills and surprises to delight a reader. I enjoyed the meditations about stories
and the power of imagination but I am a sucker for that kind of thing. Pic is of Kiwi and a shrew

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Okay, here are some of my fantasy choices for #LMPBC Round 14 #GroupF

I tried to get a mix of stand-alone and series. It no one likes these options, I‘ll look up some more!

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BookwormAHN They all sound good. The Library of Unwritten and The Color of Dragon would be my top picks. 2y
Chrissyreadit The Library of the Unwritten is my first, the bird king my second. 2y
Chrissyreadit The color of dragons my third. 2y
TheAromaofBooks I think Color of Dragons is my first choice and The Bird King is second and Chosen Ones is third. These are some good picks, though!!! 2y
Laughterhp @TheAromaofBooks Are you okay with The library of unwritten things? Otherwise, I‘ll do The Color of Dragon! 2y
TheAromaofBooks If I'm completely honest, I think the religious/hell/demon/angel aspect of The Library may end up colliding uncomfortably with my personal beliefs and I don't want to be the whiny person in the margins 😂 If everyone else is okay with The Color of Dragons, I would rather read that one. 2y
TheAromaofBooks Sounds good... thanks for understanding!! 2y
Chrissyreadit ❤️🎉❤️ 2y
Laughterhp @TheAromaofBooks Of course! I want us all to enjoy the books 💚 2y
BookwormAHN Works for me 😺 2y
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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And the Angels seek you wherever you may go, all realms of Paradise and even unto the ends of the Earth!

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The Library in Hell, guarded by an ancient mortal librarian responsible to maintain order in the chaotic wing that houses the unwritten works of eternity. She is a resident but not a ward of ‘his grinchiness‘. Now she, along with a sardine sea foam haired mouse and a demon of entropy set out to retrieve an escapee. The books calls upon knowledge of ancient texts, The Watchers and Enoch, The Devil‘s Bible, and immortal souls. So far, so good 😊.

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I love a good book about books. This book had a librarian dueling with a minotaur, so it did not disappoint. And if course if there existed a library of unwritten books that could come to life, they would be in hell. I appreciated the creativity, humorous existential angst, and the tenacity of the characters. This was well done.

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Yay, two bingos. The tagged was fun, it took me way too long to read, for no good reason 😅 I‘m looking forward to book 2 @TheAromaofBooks I will post my Sept bookspin tomorrow 😊

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Fantastic month!!! 3y
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The premise of a story with rogue books and adventurous librarians was too good to pass up. I enjoyed my time in this world and the characters but I did feel that it was kind of hard to suspend disbelief to truly be okay with how the books came to life. The adventure bits were fun and I appreciated the nods to various mythos. The best part of this was that it works perfectly well as a standalone but is in fact the first of a series.

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*sorry my camera skills suck!*

Laying & sitting out on the porch with the family. Its a nice rainy coolish night. Thought I would do some reading.

What are all of u Littens up to?

CaffeineAndCandy Reading! ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
Eggs Readathon reading 📚👍🏼📗 3y
ElizaMarie I love sitting out and listening to the rain! I hope you enjoyed your reading! 3y
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So I tried out a site that helps u figure out what to read next. This was one it said I should. I looked up what it was about... it sounds interesting. Well now I'm about to divide in.

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72

Weisubei I love it!! Super fun and action packed 💚💚 3y
NikkiM5 What is the website? I am super curious 😝 3y
AkashaVampie @NikkiM5 whichbook.net 3y
ElizaMarie It looks super interesting :) 3y
Littlewolf1 I loved this book 3y
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#TBRPile 📚 “Books ran when they grew restless, when they grew unruly, or when they grew real. Regardless of the reason, when books ran, it was a librarian‘s duty to catch them.”

AkashaVampie Is that ur spread in the notebook? It looks awesome. 3y
Lucy_Anywhere @AkashaVampie Thanks! It‘s my spread for all the unread books on my kindle 3y
AkashaVampie @Lucy_Anywhere i need to do that so I can actually see what I have. 3y
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So, good book. I think I would have enjoyed it more reading as a book vs listening to the audio of it. It was hard to keep track in places of who was who from where. It was kind of a weird serious mix of Dogma and that old kids movie The Pagemaster. I do recommend it, but if you go the audio route make sure you have no distractions.

#audiobook #hell #knittingwhilereading

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Thank you so much @AmyG for the great package! I can‘t wait to read all the books and use my new goodies! I love that bag and the doggie notes especially and I always need more cocoa cause the weather is so hit or miss here lol! Thanks so much for swapping with me! Also loved the doggie wrapping paper I meant to add a picture of that woops! #llss #litsylovespringswap @rsteve388

AmyG So glad you like it! 😘 3y
PurpleTulipGirl I 💜 Yes To products. 3y
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A friend recommended this awhile ago, & I finally read it for my library‘s book challenge (the first book in a series). It took forever for me to read because I‘ve been busy with tv& work. A fantasy adventure, with Hell‘s librarian trying to locate missing pages from the Devil‘s bible. I found the journal entries from all the librarians at the start of each chapter thoughtful. Liked the different characters & creativity of the story.

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Library holds are in!

readordierachel Great stack! 3y
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1. Tagged
2. Many books I have discovered on Litsy. The House in the Cerulean Sea & Clanlands are the most recent.
3. None
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

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I really wasn‘t sure if I would finish in time, but I practically DEVOURED this book for #LMPBC #GroupL (I finished my #GroupB book toward the beginning of the month). Both group books are now at the post office and heading your way @bluestocking.book.nerd and @LibrarianRyan (eta Tuesday/Wednesday)

LibrarianRyan Yeahhh 3y
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On the third day of Christmas,...

The Hell's Library duology by AJ Hackwith

Full review: https://sceptre.sktc.hamburg/2020/11/hells-librarian-is-a-badass/

#12Booksof2020 @Andrew65

Andrew65 Looks good. 3y
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Books that are not yet written reside in a library in hell, looked after by a librarian who is a bit of a soul in limbo. Then a character escapes, launching a wildly creative adventure (there‘s a muse named Brevity—I love it!). This book is a lot of fun and has some good social commentary. I‘m not sure if I‘ll continue on with the follow up, but I likely will.

julesG You should read the sequel. It's so good. There's more about Hero. And all the other great characters. 3y
Hooked_on_books @julesG I‘m thinking I will, though I‘ll wait a bit. Thanks for the rec! 3y
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Hey #LMPBC #Round010 peeps! I have now received my books for both #GroupB @IndoorDame and #GroupL @ads0123

I just wanted to check that you received books from me @bluestocking.book.nerd and @LibrarianRyan since we had that whole address kerfuffle.

Happy reading — I haven‘t started either book. It‘s been nutty so I am hoping I can get a lot of reading done once school is on break 😬

LibrarianRyan Yes. I got it. Sorry but thought I posted it. It‘s probably under the pile of books on my dining room table. We started WFH and my dining room hasn‘t been the same since. 3y
bibliobard @LibrarianRyan you might have posted and I just overlooked it too 😅 it‘s been kinda crazy for me the past week or so 3y
bibliobard @bluestocking.book.nerd nice! 3y
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#TBRPile 📚A library in Hell filled with unfinished books? Sounds like my sort of book...

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So this is so late ? between school and selling my house I am slacking. Thanks for the tag @Nute

#Two4Tuesday on Thursday ?
1. I am the proud owner of a pink Snuggie.
2. The Library of the Written. This books sounds awesome so I hope to get it in soon.

Nute Love the Snuggie. Love the Comfy. Love all wearable blankets!💜 4y
TheSpineView Never too late to play! I too love anything warm and fuzzy. Thanks for playing! 4y
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Book 1

There's a library in Hell where all the unwritten books go. The librarian has to keep them from getting too restless and has to keep their characters in check.
When one character escapes to Earth and a piece of the Bible of Hell appears in Heaven, Heaven and Hell try to outsmart each other trying to find the rest of the book.

Full review: https://sceptre.sktc.hamburg/2020/11/hells-librarian-is-a-badass/

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Truth from a great book.

Crazeedi True so true 4y
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My kind of Sunday 🖤🐾

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I can‘t believe it‘s October 1! Here‘s my September wrap-up.

I‘m pretty happy with the month. Becoming and The Library of the Unwritten were my 5⭐️ reads. The other 4 shown here are the 4⭐️ reads.

Now onto my October TBR for #scarathlon and #screamathon plus all the fun #readathons coming up. 🎃

Bookzombie Great month!! 🎉 4y
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#3books (top) that were recommended to me &
#3books (bottom) that I‘ve recommended to others

The Library of the Unwritten was a #blameitonLitsy
Redshirts was from a friend
Axiom‘s End was from the awesome @TheSpineView

I recommend Sarah Addison Allen, Darynda Jones, and Robin Hobb as they are 3 of my fave authors.

TheSpineView 😘💜📚 4y
OriginalCyn620 📚😊📚 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘ll have to look these up! I mailed you another card! We will see what happens this time! 🤞🤞 4y
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mom2bugnbee SAA is an auto-read author for me. I adore everything she's written. 4y
shellleigh33 Love Sarah Addison Allen ❤️❤️❤️ (edited) 4y
Laughterhp Every time I see the cover of the tagged book, I think it‘s 4y
wanderinglynn @mom2bugnbee @shellleigh33 yes, love all her books ❤️ 4y
wanderinglynn @Laughterhp 😆 yes, they do look similar 4y
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#3books I loved

It‘s so hard to pick just 3. So I went with the most recent 3 that I loved.

Ruthiella It‘s an impossible task to pick only three, right? 😀 You gotta categorize some how! 4y
OriginalCyn620 📚❤️📚 4y
wanderinglynn @Ruthiella yes you do! 😆 4y
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1. Normally I‘d say the cool mornings, crisp evenings, and the colors. Now living on a sub-tropical island, I have to say cooler (but not cool) temps. 😆
2. I really don‘t think of books in terms of seasons. I read whatever strikes my fancy whenever it strikes. So I‘ll recommend the tagged, which I just read and loved.
3. Stiff (paperback), Witches Be Crazy (audio), and Antlands (an e-book I won from GR).

Eggs Thanks for joining in🥰 4y
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Loved it! So imaginative and well done. I basically read it in one day (I read one chapter yesterday, and then read the rest today.) 4.5 ⭐️ I will definitely be buying my own copy.

Book 1 for #SuperSeptember

bookandbedandtea I just bought this yesterday! It sounds really good. 😊 4y
TheRiehlDeal Just read the synopsis. Sounds really interesting. Plus, it being a series makes me want to read it ASAP. 4y
Andrew65 Great start 👏👏👏 4y
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wanderinglynn @bookandbedandtea I didn‘t want to say too much here as not to spoil it, but loved it. Let me know what you think after you read it. 4y
wanderinglynn @TheRiehlDeal I thought it was so imaginative and such a neat take on stories. 4y
Scochrane26 A friend of mine really loved this & recommended it to me. I just haven‘t read it yet. 4y
kyraleseberg Loved this and the second one (out next month!) is great too! 4y
staci.reads That sounds so good! 4y
Deblovestoread Just picked this up yesterday. Looking forward to it. 4y
sharread Everybody is reading such good books on #Litsy. 4y
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More restrictions have been lifted and we got a bit more freedom—mainly that we can now shop off-base. But I really have no interest in going out today. A book in my lap, hot coffee in my mug, and a gorgeous view is all I need. #superseptember #readathon

Aims42 Wow! Beautiful view 😍 4y
AkashaVampie That water looks amazing 4y
meghathecloud The water!😍 4y
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Hooked_on_books You really have the best view. 🌊 4y
Reggie That‘s beautiful. 4y
wanderinglynn Thanks @Aims42 @AkashaVampie @meghathecloud @Hooked_on_books @Reggie ☺️ This view is the reason I picked this apartment. 😉 4y
jewright That water color! 4y
wanderinglynn @jewright and it is that blue. 💙 No filters. 4y
Gissy Beautiful view!😍👌 4y
wanderinglynn Thanks @Gissy ☺️ 4y
tracey38 I'd just sit with a book in front of that view, too! 4y
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I like the MC already. From Ch. 1:

. . . “Claire lived by the firm moral philosophy that one could never have too many pockets, too many books, or too much tea.”

This seemed like an appropriate book to read as I start prepping for NaNoWriMo! 😆

ElisabethRose One of my favorites that I've read this year!! 4y
wanderinglynn @ElizabethRose 👍🏻 The premise is super intriguing. And I already like Claire. 4y
SW-T Waiting on book two! 4y
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wanderinglynn @SW-T I didn‘t know it was a series. 🤔 4y
Read-y_Picker I loved this one! It was a super fun read 😁. Next part comes out sooooooon! 4y
NikkiM5 This sounds fun 👍🏾 4y
wanderinglynn @Read-y_Picker 👍🏻 4y
wanderinglynn @NikkiM5 so far I‘m enjoying it 👍🏻 4y
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I have an extra paperback copy of this book. Anyone want it? I‘ll mail it to you.

Hestapleton I‘ve been wanting to read this for awhile! I‘d love it if it isn‘t claimed. You are so sweet! 😊 4y
Moonprismpower @Hestapleton great! Send me your mailing address to my email cfrancis683@gmail.com. 4y
Hestapleton @Moonprismpower just emailed you! Thank you!!! 4y
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Moonprismpower @Hestapleton should be there Monday. 😀 4y
Moonprismpower @Hestapleton did you get the book? I lost the tracking number so I cannot be sure. 4y
Hestapleton @Moonprismpower I got it yesterday!! Thank you again! 4y
Moonprismpower @Hestapleton glad to know. Happy reading! 4y
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I don't know what I expected from this book, but not that.. and it was great!

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It was an odd month for me: 8 books finished & only one was print 🤔 I‘m not worried; I still ❤️ my printed books & can‘t imagine ever giving them up entirely for e-books & audiobooks! With the unusual circumstances of the past few months it‘s not surprising my reading habits changed. Borrowing audio & e-books from the library gives me more choices when I get hit by a slump.⬇️

TK-421 Anyway, May faves were The Ocean at the End of the Lane & Library of the Unwritten. Both were great on audio! #MayStats #MagicalMay @Eggs 4y
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"...Claire lived by the firm moral philosophy that one could never have too many pockets, too many books, or too much tea."

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