This book was amazing! I was diverse and intriguing, kinda mysterious. Reminded me a lot of Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi. I think I was in a book slump and this got me out of it.
This book was amazing! I was diverse and intriguing, kinda mysterious. Reminded me a lot of Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi. I think I was in a book slump and this got me out of it.
"...Claire lived by the firm moral philosophy that one could never have too many pockets, too many books, or too much tea."
I commissioned a custom book stamp for my ever-growing personal library and I love it 😭
I'm leaning hard into the goth librarian life
On that Witcher train...
#currentlyreading #nowreading #thewitcher
Got my first Bookshop.org order yesterday, I'm so excited!
The semester is finally over and although research never ends, I'll finally have time to read without class work
I feel like I'm going to explode (grad school stress), but I'm still trying to read a little to keep my sanity. It's not going super great, but I'm trying.
Wowzah, apparently it's been 3 months since I last posted??? I hope y'all have had a good holiday season.
I was sick for pretty much all of Christmas break and am feeling crappy again today. Happy New Year's Eve 👍🏻
Thankfully I have my Gigi cat to keep me company, probably adopting her a friend soon cuz she's SO BORED/lonely since Gin passed 🤷🏻♀️
Probably shouldn't be reading a bummer book given my life right now, but here we go anyway 🤷🏻♀️
Howdy, friends! Wow, I've been busy pretty much since Memorial Day.
Big trip to China, work trip two days after China, wrapping up one job and starting another. Also, I'm in grad school now!
I haven't been reading quite as much, but I'm still trucking along. This book is very cute so far, I love it
Boy howdy, it's been a while. Hi! I was traveling for fun and work for all of June and now I'm buckling down on house hunting before starting grad school next month. So much going on 😵
So excited to finally read this though. Bought it as a gift for someone a while back and read the first chapter before shipping it... I almost kept it 🙈 it's just as good as I remember!
Incredibly slow to start and was very hard to care about. Not my cup of tea. Not sure what all the hype was about. Almost certainly won't read the other books in the trilogy.
Grave robbers! Murder! Lovecraftian cosmic horror!
1780s NYC: cadaver dissection is illegal, but essential to medicine. Resurrectionists were hired to steal bodies. Black cemeteries were favored for body snatching. Salem is a free black man that earned his freedom fighting in the war. He's now fighting for families of the deceased. Salem gets entangled with cultist doctors and chaos ensues!
I received an ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.
Won an ARC of this and it is a weird one. I like it a lot so far!
Started this last night. I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I like it!
Picture is unrelated, but makes me laugh 💖
This book was pretty good. The pace felt kinda slow at times, but the flow was pretty good and didn't feel like it dragged or was rushed. The unnamed protagonist is dynamic and grows throughout the story. She's strong, but flawed and not so perfect that she's not believable.
Also, I'll say it again: the narrator is perfection and I could listen to her rasp forever.
Not quite a pick, but better than so-so. It's a so-so pick. Really interesting and tragic story about a legacy buried. I knew nothing of Milicent before, aside from what Mallory has said on RG. Her life was a wild ride. The "women have it rough" got old and a bit redundant for 300 pages. I had an issue with the insistence that Italians were white. In the early 20th century, Italians weren't white. Mil was among first generations to be "white."
Can't remember where I got this recommendation, but it looks really good! I love the narrator, her voice is perfect.
Finally digging into this 👻
Listening to this audiobook for the Book Riot challenge, "historical romance by an author of color"
Hachi machi is this a dark book, especially for a children's book. Told by the ghost of a little boy, starting from before he died. Really good although the writing is a little juvenile, but the narrator is 10 years old, so I'm not bothered by it.
Looks like campus closed for a snow day tomorrow, even though it hasn't started snowing yet.
No work tomorrow! Yay!
Guess I'll stay up reading 🤷🏻♀️
📷: taken in the descent into the caldera at Yellowstone National Park, September 2017.
Gigi pictured to offset depressing book feels.
Alright, here we go. This book is incredible. McGreal does a great job of reporting a complex, long-lived public health crisis that we all know of, but probably know very little about. He takes legalities and makes them interesting, enticing. My heart breaks for the victims, it truly is a tragedy. Chris is relatively objective and it's clear to see who is in the wrong, even without the emotion.
My foster got adopted on Saturday and we all miss him a lot, sadly including one of my cats that got used to playing with him 😢
Regency era mysterious death leads to a crazy investigation that is linked to English palace intrigue.
A decent story, though a lot of the dialogue felt a little robotic at times. Fun historical references and a genuinely surprising "who done it," I really wasn't sure how Jane died.
Nothing to write home about, but it was good book.
Underwhelming, not as much infectious disease as you'd expect from the title. More corporate conspiracy than disease fighting. Dialogue was lackluster and the character dynamics were relatively flat. Cook does do a good job of explaining molecular biology & immunology concepts for the layperson, but it read like a textbook at times. This is the first book I've read by him and while I'll give the others a try, I was not impressed with Pandemic.
Regency era murder mystery + palace intrigue, it's pretty good so far.
Got this in a pagehabit box when I was still subscribed, just now getting around to it.
4.5/5. The ending was strange and wasn't very fulfilling, but overall the story was great. Good pacing, decent characters, moral ambiguity. Would recommend. HOWEVER, I would NOT recommend to people that don't like graphic violence and gore, there is a lot and also pretty detailed accounts of post-mortem decomposition.
This book is a southern/Appalachian noir and I am in 👏🏻 to 👏🏻 it 👏🏻
"Failing because you were too cool to try doesn't give you or the world shit."
Haven't had much time to read the last few days because of this little foster baby. Look at this handsome boy!! 😍
Reading a weird book.
In other news, my new kindle case is the cutest ever 💖
I'm about halfway through this book and it's still really slow, ugh
Looking forward to this 👌🏻
Finally reading this, it's pretty good so far. Gigi is the best model 🦇
Made it through all of my education thus far without reading this and oh boy, was I missing out. This story is incredibly well written and heartwrenchingly sad, all the more because it is a memoir and not fiction. I cannot fathom the depths of despair that victims suffered, but as Elie famously said "for the living and the dead, we must bear witness."
Hot buttered rum and a book. Great way to spend Sunday afternoon 🥃📙
When you read your ARC two months after the book goes on sale... 🙈
Man, this one really fucks with you. Is it the apocalypse? Are they full of shit? A little girl, Wen, is on vacation at a remote cabin with her two dads when four strangers show up preaching the end of days. One of their little family must be sacrificed to stop the apocalypse. Chaos ensues.
NOT recommended for sensitive parents and people upset by bad things happening to children.
Very creepy, but I'm not cruising through like I thought I would.