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The Invisible Life of Addie La Rue
The Invisible Life of Addie La Rue | V.E. Schwab
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Happy St Patrick's Day from N Ireland ☘️🍀
This is my book of the year (so far).....flipping gorgeous! Bittersweet and so clever; spanning countries and time periods with beautiful threads that tie the whole thing together 💚

BkClubCare Happy ☘️ St Patrick‘s Day! (From Kansas🌻) I have this book on my tbr. 1y
SamAnne Happy St Patrick‘s Day from Spokane WA….a big Irish town in its own way! 1y
dabbe Happy SP Day from sunny Phoenix, AZ! ☘️💚☘️ (edited) 1y
bthegood Happy Saint Patricks Day from Lebanon Ohio - 🍀 1y
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This book had so much hype, so I decided to read it. I guess I am the odd ball, but I could not get into it. It dragged on without much happening. It seemed the same scenario was repetitive just a different year. I am on part two and still not interested. This will be my first bail of the year

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Addie La Rue makes a deal with a devil in the woods the night before her wedding, and comes out to find the entire village has forgotten her. Then, in the beginning of the new millenium, she finds someone who can remember her name...

Full review: https://lamp.works/bwl?s=B084357H23
#fantasy #occult #historical

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This was so good!! This isnt my normal read but im so glad i picked it up!

TieDyeDude Loved it!!! 2y
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I vacillated back & forth about how I felt on this book. Ultimately — it was far too long and the parts more about Henry felt far more heartbreaking & nuanced than the parts about Addie herself. Much of this read like Phantom of the Opera to me — except the Phantom continued a charade of “choice”. It was difficult to feel empathy for Addie (to me), overall she felt quite selfish. Still, it‘s a pick for Henry/the writing itself. #AuthorAMonth

Chrissyreadit Is this your house? It‘s fantastic! 3y
Melismatic @Chrissyreadit I wish! No - but my neighborhood goes crazy with the decorations! So fun to walk around and see. 🧟‍♀️ 3y
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#LittensDressedInBlood Today's prompt is Sympathy for the Devil

This is the first book that popped in my head when I thought of the prompt, and I just went with it. This is my favorite Schwab novel, although I know it's a book that people tend to love or hate (kind of like my all time favorite book, The Night Circus), but I'm squarely in the LOVED IT camp. ;)

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Had to bail on this book, too long and everything was drug out. I see that everyone is hyping it up and that it‘s a great book but I had to bail. Maybe it gets better in the 2nd half?

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A magical coffee cup for this magical book 😍. I saw an Instagram post that V.E. Schwab posted with her Addie LaRue cup and I just had to have one too! It's so cute! ☕

Bookish.SAM LOVE that mug!!! 3y
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1- the tagged, which was great, and The Sanitorium, which was only ok
2- Dragons🐉are my first choice but since almost everyone else picked them also I'll go with mermaids 🧜‍♀️ 😁
@TheSpineView #Two4Tuesday

TheSpineView Thanks for playing and happy Tuesday! 💜🐲🧜‍♀️ 3y
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Visited a local bookstore this afternoon and found Book ❤️

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Now she plays in the field, and does not leave a mark...

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I think everyone has seen the hype around this book. So I decided to put the audiobook on hold and wait for my turn. To me it didn‘t really hold up to the hype. To me the ending is what saved the book for me. My heartbroken was for Addie and Henry and the way their story ended. I am very curious to check out the authors other books!

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Addie has discovered chocolate...

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Mom life.

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Friday filled with snow and ice are for self care for the soul 🖤

I‘ve been excited to read this one.

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I am kind of on the fence for this one, between a pick and so so for me. Addie LaRue makes a deal with a god of the dark making her immortal but with the catch that no one will remember her. I appreciated her glimpses of history throughout the years but felt some of the book felt repetitive and dragged a bit. I went in with high expectations which the book didn‘t quite meet for me but it was an enjoyable read overall.

julesG I'm about 15 chapters in and feel you. I've already cringed at the historical inaccuracies. 3y
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I wasn‘t excited when my book club chose this book, but I‘m pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Fantasy is not usually my thing, but there is enough historical fiction and a love of art and music woven in, that it kept me engaged in a story I would normally pass on.

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An hour and 9 min so far for the #20in4 readathon!

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1. Trying new crafts!
2. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
3. Mr. Sempere from the Cemetery of Forgotten Books series.
@ cupcake12

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Such a fun ride! Here and there, the writing was too flowery for my taste, but I was sucked in anyway and loved it! ⭐⭐⭐⭐ and a half.

Cathythoughts Beautiful profile pic ❤️ 3y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook Thanks @Cathythoughts! It was actually a slight flop, my youngest daughter was cut off. But I still like it 3y
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Four books returned. Five books taken out. 🤦‍♀️ oh well.

Cinfhen Pull of stars and Addie Larue were both really good!!! 3y
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🌟 🌟🌟🌟🌟

BookNightOwl One of my favorite reads of last year!!! 3y
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#ThankfulThursday @Cosmos_Moon

1️⃣ Nothing yet... but the year is young.
2️⃣ No snow!🥶😱

I'm late so if you want to play and haven't consider yourself Tagged. 💙📚💚🏷

Butterfinger You didn't get any snow this morning? It's coming down in Mcdowell. Stay safe and strong. 3y
TheSpineView @Butterfinger I am not in Asheville today. I have a house in Seneca SC and I made a quick exit to avoid the snow. All rain here. Be careful if you have to get out! 3y
Cosmos_Moon Burr! Hope you stay warm and safe! 3y
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200 pages to go... In the last book of 2020

So if you'll excuse me; I'll just read for the rest of this year 😊

BookDragon25 Enjoy!!!! 3y
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Addie La Rue makes a deal with the devil- she gets freedom and he eventually gets her soul. The catch is no one can remember her once she leaves their line of sight.

I really liked this. It‘s a solid fantasy with great characters. Addie travels the world, never being able to really put down roots. There‘s queer representation, and a beautiful story.

The audio narration is very good as well. Would recommend. 😊

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Oh Lisa, you spoil me. Puzzles AND a book AND treats?! ❤️🥰😘

Just as I was feeling the post-holiday drabs (which the rainy, cloudy weather isn‘t helping), I finally get to the post office and find this lovely package waiting for me. Thank you Lisa! ❤️❤️❤️ I‘ve heard a lot about this book, so I‘ve been curious to read it. And I love caramels. And, of course, puzzles. 🧩 #puzzleaddict

TheSpineView Sorry it didn't make it before Christmas. I mailed your package the day I mailed my others including the ones to the west coast. Anyway, enjoy! 😘 3y
wanderinglynn @TheSpineView it was perfect timing 👍🏻😘 3y
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My slightly late #weeklyforecast, the last of 2020!

I‘ve been unfocused in reading for the last 2 weeks, but I hope I can finish The Toll and Addie La Rue this week.

Austin has gained a lot of new murals this year, and I love this one on Lamar, not far from Book People. I happened to be stopped at a light and had the perfect photo op.

rachaich Really loved Addie 😍😍 3y
Cinfhen Great photo!!! That mural is FABULOUS 3y
cozypunk Oooo, nice line-up! 3y
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jeannasser I‘m also reading The Toll before New Year!!!!! Let‘s share our thoughts once we finish 😁 3y
Soubhiville @ObsessedWithBooks sure! I‘m about halfway through it... 3y
jeannasser @Soubhiville what did you think of the first two books? 😊 3y
Soubhiville @ObsessedWithBooks I loved them! This one has taken me a bit longer to engage with, but I think it‘s just me- I‘ve had a really busy couple of weeks and not a lot of down time. 3y
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Addie is 300+ yrs old, has lived through wars, rebellions & liberations. But she's made a deal that means nobody remembers her - each day she starts with a clean slate. It's a book to get lost in - the story winds slowly and carefully with it's wonderful side details. I loved the connection to books, art and artistic expression. The ending is really interesting - it leaves you with a warm, romantic and memorable final scene!

Bakingbookworm I have ordered this book as a Christmas gift to myself lol but it‘s on back order! 😩 I‘ve heard amazing things about it. I guess I know what I‘m reading first in 2021! 3y
Caroline2 Oh sounds fab! Stacked. 😉 3y
Soubhiville My library hold for the audio will be up soon, and now I‘m really looking forward to it, since you and @Hooked_on_books both have it pick reviews this morning! I‘m glad you liked it 😊. 3y
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Mitch @Bakingbookworm fingers crossed for an early posting date xx 3y
Mitch @Caroline2 Its my first V E Schwab and i really liked her writing 3y
Mitch @Soubhiville 🙌 🙌 🙌 3y
Bakingbookworm @Mitch It worked! I just got notice that my book is on its way! *happy dance* 3y
Mitch @Bakingbookworm Yeah - i am your bookish fairy godmother!! 😂 3y
Cathythoughts It‘s not my usual ... but I do feel drawn to it 3y
Hooked_on_books @Soubhiville The audio is well done! I think you‘ll like it. 3y
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This month I‘ve listened to so many podcast - so many more than normal. So if course I‘ve heard so many great author readings and interviews which has resulted in #bookmail! Oops!

rachaich I started it this week and it's brill! 4y
CaraTK I loved The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue! 4y
CoverToCoverGirl I see Hamilton in the back ground...have you read it? It was an exceptional read! 📖 4y
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Mitch @rachaich @CaraTK That‘s good to know - it was very much an impulse purchase! 4y
Mitch @CoverToCoverGirl I have and I loved it! 4y
eraderneely Those both look so good 4y
kyraa Life of addie was so good one of my top favorites of this year. 4y
Mitch @kyraa I heard her interviewed on Nerdette and promptly bought the book! 🤣 4y
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I'm so excited to get started with #wintergames2020! I am sure this list will evolve, but here is my current TBR for December. 🎅🎄 @clwojick #merryreaders

Clwojick Woohoo!!!! 4y
AmyK1 Great choices! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Good luck!! 4y
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BookmarkTavern Love Alix E Harrow! ❤️📕❤️ 4y
Q84 I'm reading some of the same books. Great selection. 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Looks like a good list! I was able to get We Met in December through Hoopla so I can join in on the #sundaybuddyread 4y
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The Child recommends V. E. Schwab's The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue.

Gissy So cute that toy!!😍💚💚💚 3y
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For the love of God. How do people get into this book? I'm trying so hard but it's so slooooow... Help me!

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The Addie La Rue #OwlCrate Box is the best book box I have ever received!

Chrissyreadit What was in it? 4y
Literary_Siren I got mine today too!! 🖤🖤 4y
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I am struggling with reading any physical book, so I‘ve started the audiobook today.

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I couldn‘t put this down (mostly)! I loved the characters, the writing, the story, and the atmosphere. Perfect fall read. Still, during the last 1/3 of the book, it started to feel a bit long. Maybe I‘m spoiled by short stories, but I feel like 50 pages could have been cut out & it would have still been wonderful. Also, though the super short chapters makes it easy to pick up and put down, it also (for me) interrupts the immersion every 2-3 pages.

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Love sending little ones books! This is my niece in Pennsylvania.

LoverOfLearning Beautiful! I love that she loves reading! 4y
she.hearts.horror Adorbs. I‘m so excited to read this one as well. 4y
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Happy reading today! 😎🖤 #amreading #happyweekend

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Difficult to review. This was mysterious and interesting, yet wasn‘t memorable for me 😕 it kept me turning the pages though. Started out slowly then became more interesting as we learned more about the characters (not just addie)yet I just couldn‘t shake the feeling of having heard this story before with the movie The Age of Adeline 🤔so didn‘t feel that original.
WON‘T be in my top books this year.. still it was entertaining enough. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

MidnightBookGirl It is a top book of the year for me... but maybe because I didn't watch The Age of Adeline? lol 4y
KarouBlue I have to say, The Age of Adeline vibes are running hot on this one. I also feel like it‘s impacting my enjoyment. 4y
HOTPock3tt @MidnightBookGirl maybe so 😂 that‘s a good thing though. @MellieAntoinette thank you for commenting. I was beginning to think I was the only one!! 😂 (edited) 4y
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SO excited for this.


Megabooks Great cover! 4y
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I cannot believe how lucky and excited I feel right now. I went into my library for my book hold and both of these books were on the new release shelf! I told the librarian that I felt guilty taking both and she shook her head and said no, take them. With Covid they‘ve had fewer patrons coming in and new books go to the library‘s patrons first, then get sent out if there are holds. The perks of my library being small. I love my library! ♥️

Cinfhen Yay!!!! Enjoy ♥️ 4y
Aims42 That‘s awesome, congrats to you!!! 🥳 4y
LiteraryinLawrence No guilt! It‘s ok for SOMETHING good to happen occasionally. 😋 4y
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It‘s a good day when your #bookmail is one of your most anticipated books of the year. Looking forward to starting this one soon!

Darthdad Me too! So many great books have been released recently. It‘s been really difficult to prioritize 4y
TracyReadsBooks @Darthdad Soooo many great books! Prioritizing is definitely a challenge! 4y
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It‘s always a happy day when my #BOTM box comes!

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#bookspin 1 of 2.

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Excited for another #botm I struggled this month to make my selection. It was this or Leave the World Behind which I may make my birthday pick if I see good reviews here.

magyklyXdelish This month was soooooo hard! This was the first time since I‘ve joined that I liked all the main picks. Usually there‘s always a clear winner. 4y
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So excited for my books this month! #botm

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I was actually excited for #botm this time.

CBee I got the exact same two 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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