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The Invited
The Invited | Jennifer McMahon
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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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This was my 1st book for my bookclub that I‘m now officially part of and may I say, this was the best way for me to be initiated.It kept you on the edge of your seat and kept you guessing.It‘s about a couple who moved to a remote town to start their lives over by building their house “from scratch” by themselves on a land where a lady who was hung almost a century ago for what people thought was a witch. Things start happening.Leave it at that 🫣

The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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Though this book contained several spooky scenes, I found the writing lacked the skill required to truly freak me out. Scariness was abrupt and thrown in like M&Ms in a Skittles bowl: not an unwelcome surprise, but didn‘t particularly mix well with the things around it.
I struggled with the rating, hovering around 2.5 most of the book, and it honestly is closer to a 2.5 for me. It took me over a week to read, so you know I wasn‘t in to it!

The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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A beautifully written haunted house story with a unique twist. Loved this. Only the second McMahon book I‘ve read, but she‘s quickly becoming a favorite of mine.

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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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A young couple moves out to the country to live a more relaxed life and quickly find themselves surrounded in mysteries. Things start going missing and then they both start things that they cannot believe or understand. A great mystery with a touch of supernatural elements.

The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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The book started kind of slow. It was just at a steady pace. Not terrible but i was ready to give up. Im glad I didnt though. Half way to the book it started to pick up, things began to fall in place. I was at the edge of my sit and i could no longer put it down. Now i can say I love this book!

Ps. I knew who the villan was from the start. It didnt fool me one bit. Well maybe a tiny bit at first but i uspected. Lol


The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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2 for 2 of 'horror' novels read this week that were better than I'd hoped. I love this twist on a haunted house, but even more I love that it's almost more mystery/suspense than horror. Themes of intergenerational trauma and healing; connecting through family history; a lot more warmth, communication, believing the best in people, than I expected, also architectural history & exploring nature/observing wildlife. Didn't see the last twist coming!

Cathythoughts Nice review! I see I have this one stacked already. 2y
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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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Petition for all porcupines to be nicknamed Mr. Nibbles! ☺️

The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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Hungry for delicious knowledge! 😋

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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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Creepy houses have been my jam lately. 😀

This one had a bit of a different take on a ghost story. I loved that the main character was searching for haunted items to build her new home. In her search for spooky decor though she gets caught up in a haunted town history that uncovers dark deeds.

McMahon knows how to write a suspenseful tale without going too dark or scary with her subject matter.

Mccall0113 I really enjoyed this one! 2y
Mccall0113 @Addison_Reads I just borrowed it from Libby. Thanks for the suggestion! 2y
Addison_Reads @Mccall0113 I read it before this one and enjoyed it. 2y
tokorowilliamwallace That's good to know. Thanks for characterizing this author's writing and themes. I may like her better than other thriller authors. 2y
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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon

What people don‘t understand, they destroy.

The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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I enjoyed this! It‘s a ghost story, but not super creepy. A couple is building a new house, and the wife is basically building it haunted. Add in some murder mystery and a couple twists, and it‘s a quick, fun read.

WJCintron I have a copy of this one! Thanks for sharing, I'll add it to my next month's TBR! 😃 👍 3y
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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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I don‘t normally read this type of book because I‘m a scaredy-cat, but this was an excellent novel! I did have to sleep with the lights on a couple of times and tried not to read it at night, but eventually the scary parts weren‘t so scary and actually play an intricate part in the mystery and I was able to read through them and I‘m so glad I did. The only evil was in the hearts of the living. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Cathythoughts Great review! Stacked 👍 3y
Suelizbeth @Cathythoughts Thanks! 📚❤️ 3y
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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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Wasn‘t bad. Got through the audio book quickly. I‘ll def continue to read her books.

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Invited | Jennifer McMahon
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Helen and Nate have left their secure live to build the house of their dreams on land near a small New England village. As a former history teacher, Helen is excited by her ability to investigate stories that the land is haunted, and to include relics from previous owners in the design of their house. Then they begin to see things they can‘t explain.

Not her best, but entertaining.

The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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Happy Dance #PreOrder

The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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Jennifer McMahon is always reliable for a great book! This is probably one of my least favorite books that she has authored but it was still ⭐⭐⭐💫 stars. It started slow & it took 60-ish pages for me to get into it. The paranormal element & witchy history made it a great read for October.

Alfrazier21 I loved this one!! 3y
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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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Cranky review ahead. The first chapter was awesome and I was excited for the rest of the book. Now, I‘m just bored as the book appears to be turning from a ghost story into domestic, small town drama. I am not here for that. Supposedly it eventually picks up with clever twists, but I want to slap Nate, Helen, and Olive. I don‘t want to spend any more time with them. (Pic of Bailey because she‘s better than the book)

LeahBergen Bailey is better than ANY book! 🥰 3y
MicheleinPhilly I ❤️ cranky reviews! And Bailey. 3y
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Leftcoastzen Life is too short ! Sweet Bailey! 3y
LauraBeth Awww 🥰 3y
Lindy I‘m guessing that Bailey is better than ANY book. 💕 3y
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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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I‘m slowly getting better at making book sleeves. I just finished this fun retro one with sleepy owls inside. It‘s for a friend of mine that loves anything retro and colorful. Not perfect , but I‘m happy with it.
I almost have the measurements right. I need to add another half inch to the height. AND learn to cut straight. 😕

KateReadsYA I think it looks great. :) 3y
TheSpineView Cute! 🧡 book sleeves 3y
Avanders Adorable! ☺️ 3y
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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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I always like Jennifer McMahon. This wasn‘t my favourite of hers, but I still liked it. It was a bit easy to predict. But I enjoyed her spin on a ghost story. It was more comforting than creepy.
#scarathlon #TeamHarkness @StayCurious
17:55 on the readathon clock #necronomathon @Patchshank #spookoween @TheSpineView #wickedathon

TheSpineView 👍📖 3y
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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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I‘m suffering from a book hangover and I couldn‘t decide what to read next, so hubby pulled one from the stack for me. It‘s a cold and dreary day here. I‘m feeling a little cold and dreary, too. This should fit.
#scarathlon #TeamHendrix @StayCurious

DGRachel That‘s on my list for this month! 3y
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The Invited | Jennifer McMahon
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This month‘s #bookspin and #doublespin picks are full of ghosts and zombies. Yay!!! 👻 🧟‍♀️
They will also work for #teamhendrix #scarathlon

StayCurious Awesome! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Good luck!! 3y
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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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📕 I‘m working on my #scarathlon2021 TBR
🍇 Hmmm… I love fruit… watermelon.
🤩 I have been saving all the spooky reads for October and I can‘t wait to dig into them.
💞 Today I am grateful that I am loved.

Thanks for the tag @Palimpsest
#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

Eggs 💗💗💗💗 3y
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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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1. Tagged!
2. Mostly playing video games but I also enjoy cross stitch, doing puzzles, scrapbooking…
3. Yes, two! The Final Girl Support Group and One Last Stop.
#WeekendReads @rachelsbrittain

The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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The chapters mostly went back and forth between Helen and Olive in 2015. There were only a few flashback chapters to traumatizing incidents. This is another really good book by Jennifer McMahon. She is very good at creepy. It would have been more so if I‘d read more at night (tried to, but I fell asleep a couple of times – not due to the book, however!). Cont in comments...

LibraryCin I found following Helen more interesting than following Olive, but of course the stories do come together with a surprise end (though I guessed it only a few pages before it was revealed 3y
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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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Ghost Writer is still in the running, but I found a few more in my stacks that look good to me. What do you think?

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Reggie I‘ve read The Invited and Dark Matter but any of the others sounds great. 3y
JackOBotts I‘m game for any that haven‘t been read by others...of the group, Yesternight & The Ghost Writer jump out 3y
BookwormAHN I've read The Invited but the others sound good, especially Ghost Writer. 3y
Avanders I loved ghost writer… though I read it about 15 years ago - it was one of the first in that sort of “modern-gothic” genre that I‘ve read, and I was hooked. ☺️ 3y
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Invited | Jennifer McMahon

I struggled a little with this in beginning. It got better midway.

The Invited | Jennifer McMahon
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Great ghost story. Great mystery. Gave me goosebumps! Loved the interconnection between the two mysteries and the past and present time. Towards the end I had my suspicion on who the antagonist was. Overall the story showed complexity and depth.

The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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1. YES! 🤣

I'm probably more of a true crime and horror person. Thrillers are mysteries are a close next.

2. Tagged. I won't say that it really scared me but there were some parts that gave a serious sense of unease

@TheSpineView #Two4Tuesday

TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 👍📖📚 3y
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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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This is a ghost story, but not a scary one. I enjoyed the unraveling of the mystery, even though I figured out the twists pretty early on. It dragged at points, and there were some areas that could have been further explored instead (Jane‘s unhinged rage, for instance), but overall this was a solid novel.

Tiffaytiffay95 Read this today in one sitting ❤️ 3y
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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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I am listening to this on audio. I am enjoying the characters much more than the actual story. I am eager to find out how they make out! I hope to finish by tomorrow a s get back into my daily reading habit.

SeaToSkyes This was a good one! 4y
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The Invited | Jennifer McMahon
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Two teachers quit their jobs and decide to build a house themselves in a remote Vermont town on land that used to be owned by witches. This book had a really interesting take on the whole haunted house trope - the freshest execution I've read in a while. It was a bit sluggish at times, and I didn't love the writer's style in the beginning, but by the end I couldn't put it down because I had to know what happened!

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The Invited | Jennifer McMahon
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Thank you so much @sharread for all of my goodies. I love ❤️❤️ them so much and can not wait to read the books. #bestof2020swap

candority Looks great! I read The Invited in December and enjoyed it! I hope you do too 😊 4y
shellleigh33 I can‘t wait to read it @candority It sounds so good 4y
sharread You're welcome! I'm glad you like it. Happy New Year! 4y
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The Invited | Jennifer McMahon
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Really enjoyed this it was very different to what I normally read. A well written creepy ghost story with a good ending 👻

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The Invited | Jennifer McMahon
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I absolutely loved this book. Perfect to read around the spooky season! Not a particularly scary book but it was eerie with all the ghosts and witches. I love a good ghost story and this one was great! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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The Invited | Jennifer McMahon
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My first book from this author and I enjoyed the story. It definitely had me interested through the entire book. Good characters and the I enjoyed the ending.

The Invited | Jennifer McMahon
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A good ghost story with surprises. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

#jennifermcmahon #spookyreads 👻🎃

The Invited | Jennifer McMahon
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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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Oh this was spooky, 5 stars! A couple purchases land to build their dream home on a Bog creepy things start happening. I could only read this in the day hours. Too creepy to read before bed. It started slow but then picked up in scariness by Chapter 7. 👻💀🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️

#cocoturns50 #Halloween #spooky #scary

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The Invited | Jennifer McMahon
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So boring. I literally read once sentence per page and skipped through to page 78 and I still understood what happened. I couldn't be bothered to read the rest. What a shame.

The Invited | Jennifer McMahon
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Here are a few of my favorite Halloween reads. They give me all the spooky vibes. Also, I am hunting books actually set on Halloween. Any suggestions?


The Invited | Jennifer McMahon
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Made myself a cardamom and honey latte, pulled out my ghost story, and will be spending this grey afternoon tucked away at home. Things could be worse.

MaleficentBookDragon Sounds wonderful to me. 4y
MaleficentBookDragon Sounds wonderful to me. 4y
Kenyazero That drink sounds amazing and your day is enviable! 4y
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Bradleygirl uhhmmm. any chance of getting that latte recipe b/c it sounds AmAZing. 4y
SW-T Enjoy! Sounds yummy and cozy. 😊 4y
ShyBookOwl @Bradleygirl @Sharpeipup 1c coffe brewed with powdered cardamom (a tsp maybe), 1/4 tsp vanilla extract, 2 tsp honey, 1/2 cup hot milk 😌☕ 4y
ShyBookOwl @Kenyazero @SW-T added the recipe in the comments 😉 4y
Kenyazero @ShyBookOwl oh man I might need to try this out now! 4y
Bradleygirl @ShyBookOwl oooooOOOOOOOoooo nice thank you! 4y
ShyBookOwl @Bradleygirl no problem! Hope you enjoy it 4y
CaramelLunacy That sounds wonderful 4y
SW-T @ShyBookOwl Thanks! 4y
janeycanuck Oh, that sounds lovely. 4y
ShyBookOwl @Bradleygirl @Sharpeipup @Kenyazero @SW-T minor recipe correction after making it again: 1/2 tsp cardamom (not 1 tsp) 😌 4y
SW-T @ShyBookOwl Good to know! 😊 4y
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The Invited | Jennifer McMahon
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It had started when Hattie was a little girl. #firstlinefridays

The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon

Such an interesting story line with twists and turns at every chance. Another amazing book by Jennifer McMahon. Having said that, it didn‘t wow me like previous books from this author.

The Invited | Jennifer McMahon
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Stayed up way past my bedtime last night to finish this up for #lmpbc round 8. Loved this one! It was just creepy enough and had lots of surprises. It was so much fun reading everyone's thoughts along the way!
Also using this one for the #summerfun prompt A book picked by someone else.
@bookwormahn @rsteve388 @Alfrazier21
@4thhouseontheleft @StayCurious

Alfrazier21 This one was SO good!!!! 4y
BookwormAHN Loved this one 💜 4y
StayCurious Ooh I‘m intrigued! 4y
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The Invited | Jennifer McMahon
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I really enjoyed The Invited, it's a nice creepy ghost story. Nice choice @rsteve388 I'll get it out to you next week @Mynameisacolour
#lmpbc @Alfrazier21

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Invited | Jennifer McMahon
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Switching gears here after a really long run of romances. I love Jennifer McMahon! ❤

The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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@Alfrazier21 Look what finally arrived 😸 Anyway I'm looking forward to reading it #lmpbc #GroupK

Alfrazier21 oh my gosh!! I am so glad!! I really sorry that it‘s late, but I‘m so happy it finally made it. I‘ve been worried all week. It‘s a great read btw! 4y
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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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Group K - I finished this one this week and I‘ll be sending it on its way to @BookwormAHN tomorrow! 📫 I‘ll save posting my thoughts on the story, so as not to give anything away! 😬

@rsteve388 @Mynameisacolour


BookwormAHN Okay great I'll watch for it 😺 4y
BookwormAHN I haven't received the book yet, I know the mail is crazy right now, but could you check the tracking on it? Thanks 4y
Alfrazier21 @BookwormAHN omg I am so sorry! Let me find the receipt and I‘ll let you know. 4y
Alfrazier21 @BookwormAHN I‘ve looked everywhere for the receipt and I can‘t find it 😫😫😫 I know it was supposed to be there by 05/09 (the ONE TIME I choose to send something by media mail instead of priority 🤦‍♀️). I‘ll keep looking for the receipt and I‘ll run to the post office in the morning to see if they can help me track it. I am so sorry! 😢 4y
BookwormAHN Hopefully and most likely it will still show up. The mail is crazy right now. 4y
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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon

@Alfrazier21 I sent my book to you should get there sometime next week for Group K. #LMPBC I hope you enjoy my notes.

Alfrazier21 Great!! I‘ll be on the lookout :) 5y
rsteve388 @Alfrazier21 it'll be via FedEx 5y
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The Invited: A Novel | Jennifer McMahon
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I read this book expecting it to be spooky and scary, but was more mystery and a twisted thriller.

I loved how the story twisted and turned just enough to make you doubt what you thought you knew. it was delightful and the evil villian I didn't see coming at all, it was left as a complete surprise, the author did a good job of keeping that character in the background and really made her seem as a secondary character.