Wow, Salman Rushdie, parricidal thoughts from a young child just eight pages in! Love it!
Wow, Salman Rushdie, parricidal thoughts from a young child just eight pages in! Love it!
One of my most fave authors 🤪 honestly this guy is da reading bomb! 😁 meanwhile, how about the odds of two books in as many months including character on a plane with a taxidermied dog tho? 😁
I am posting one book per day from my extensive collection. No description. No explanation. Some will be old. Some will be new. Don't judge me. I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want.
Original idea of- @StaceyKondla @cortg
Courtesy tags for @Trashcanman @Catherine_Willoughby
📚The Moor‘s Last Sigh
🖋Toni Morrison
🎶Modern Love
#ManicMonday #LetterM
Very excited to find this waiting for me in the mail today: thanks again for the giveaway @GatheringBooks ! 😃
#Adventrecommends Day 16
Rushdie's take on the multi-generational family saga. Funny, absurd, playful; with a mix of art, religion, politics,and crime. It's full of wordplay and little linguistic jokes, rhyming slang (weird, but I loved it) and Indian colloquialisms. As much as I love this book, it is not an easy read and took me a long time to read. Recommended if you're looking for a laugh and a challenging, but satisfying read.
I‘ve been to either 7 or 9 countries (greece, russia, the us, mexico,brazil, china, the uk, and a couple others of the fantastical variety ;) )thru books this year :D i‘m interested in #2 #litworld2018gb @GatheringBooks
I googled John Foxx to find out why I‘d never heard #runningacrossthinicewithtigers before. The man‘s only a book cover designer in his other life, under his other name of Dennis Leigh! Here‘s one of his.
I have very much enjoyed the journeys I've taken via the #LitWorld2018GB challenge thus far! I've visited 20 countries - a little off my pace, but I have my December trips planned out so that I can meet my goal of 25 (visiting Zimbabwe and Ethiopia now).
My preference would be #5 The Moor's Last Sigh , but any of these are new to me and would be welcomed. Thanks for this generous giveaway @GatheringBooks ! 😃
We are giving away 6 books for our Literary Voyage Around the World Reading Challenge. Just REPOST and share how many countries you visited this year through books and you automatically get a chance to win any of these titles. Guesstimate is fine! Open internationally. Indicate which book (#1 to #6) you prefer. Just tag @GatheringBooks and hashtag #LitWorld2018GB. Open until 15 December 2018! Do share! #BookGiveaway! #PayingItForward! #FreeBooks
Hey book tribe in Litsy, We are giving away 6 books for our Literary Voyage Around the World Reading Challenge. Just share how many countries you visited this year through books and you automatically get a chance to win any of these titles. Open internationally. Indicate which book (#1 to #6) you prefer. Just tag @GatheringBooks and hashtag #LitWorld2018GB. Open until 15 December 2018! Do share! #BookGiveaway! #PayingItForward! #FreeBooks
May was such a busy month for us, with graduations, concerts, school trips, etc, and that‘s reflected in my low-for-me totals. Mainly audio as well, since I can listen on the go. 😃
13 books finished
4 ebooks & 9 audiobooks
5742 pages (including audio equivalent)
150 hours listened
My favorites are shown above. ❤️
Hoping for lots more reading time in June!
This week‘s audiobook is interesting and the writing is fantastic, but I‘m not quite sure what I think of the story yet.
#Reading1001 Book of the Month
#1001books #audiobook
For me, this book is pretty much perfect. A detailed multi-generational family saga, beautifully written, with magical realism, a little humor, and a lot of intelligence. Once I started on it, I couldn‘t really make time for any other books. This was my first Rushdie, and now I‘m looking forward to reading his other books from the #1001books list.
I highly recommend this audio version—Sunil Malhorta‘s narration is fantastic.
Listening to #Rushdie for #Reading1001 Goodreads group. He writing is delicious.
What a difference a week makes... since I last took this trail it‘s gotten very green. Spring has finally sprung, just in time for our first 80+ degree days. 😂
I don‘t know what I was expecting from my first Rushdie, but this book is so entertaining! The narration is perfect so far.
More book giveaways for the #LitWorld2018GB Literary Voyage Around the World Reading Challenge - monthly prizes to be won, open internationally, to be announced quarterly. Do sign up, fellow bibliophiles- let‘s take a trip around the world in books! https://gatheringbooks.org/literary-voyage-around-the-world-reading-challenge-20...
In writing about Gunter Grass' "The Tin Drum," Rushdie said, "This is what Grass's great novel said to me in its drumbeats: Go for broke. Always try and do too much." Rushdie's novel is an ambitious family saga, a historical fiction and stunning magical realism. The language crackles and blazes. Rich with wordplay and fierce with indignation. It is a demanding and immensely rewarding work.
Supposedly one of his most overlooked works.
A playful novel, epic in scope, oozing black humor and extravagant puns. Rushdie created an ornate universe inhabited by characters with #bestcharactername Moraes Zogoiby and his mother Aurora.
Opening line: "I have lost count of the days that have passed since I fled the horrors of Vasco Miranda's mad fortress in the Andalusian mountain-village of Benengeli; ran from death under cover of darkness and left a message nailed to the door."
#bookgnome #themoorslastsigh #salmanrushdie