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The Wild Remedy
The Wild Remedy: 12 Months of Feeling Better in Nature | Emma Mitchell
33 posts | 7 read | 3 reading | 21 to read
Emma Mitchell has suffered with depression for 25 years. In 2003, she left the city and began to take walks in the countryside around her new home, photographing, collecting and drawing as she went. Each walk was as medicinal as any talking therapy or pharmaceutical. Emma's moving and candid account of her year is a powerful testament to how reconnecting with nature may offer some answers to today's mental health epidemic. While charting her own seasonal highs and lows, she also explains the science behind such changes, calling on new research into such areas as forest bathing and the ways in which our bodies and minds respond to wildlife. Filled with Emma's beautiful drawings, paintings and photography, this is a truly unique book for anyone who has ever felt drawn to nature and wondered about its influence over us.
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It‘s the middle of May so I better post my tbr! Definitely won‘t finish this month but a girl can dream.

🌻 tagged - started last month, intentionally going slow
🐴 The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and The Horse - just for fun
🪷 finish Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows
📕 The Library Book
⭐️ Where the Forest Meets the Stars - for the Monthly Key Word Challenge
🚗 Billy Summers for the #LosersClub group read with @BarkingMadRead

#tbr #maytbr

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Just finished this #naturalitsy buddy read from April- and I loved it. It was a slow savor through the months. I appreciated the authors battle with depression and the way nature could alleviate the symptoms. I also see nature as healing, although some days are a physical struggle- and was reminded that sometimes it takes work and effort and will be hard initially but in the end will pay off with wonder and perhaps serenity. #litsolace

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It‘s our #hyggehourreadathon day🌷I‘m hoping to spend some time with Spring cleaning and some Spring planting. (Saoirse is sitting on me at the moment though so i will be delayed getting outside. ) Then resting with a book and tea to end/begin the week. can‘t wait to see all your posts 💛💛💛💛

TheBookHippie 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 5mo
Bookwormjillk Yay!! 5mo
kspenmoll Gorgeous vibrant flowers! 5mo
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I‘m still slowly but surely reading this #naturalitsy selection- it feels like being a walker in a marathon tbh but i wanted to share the beautiful bookmark sent to me from @mabell . it suits the book well and i love it so much!

curiouserandcurioser @Chrissyreadit I love your bookmark:) 5mo
mabell It does go well! I‘m so glad you like it! 5mo
TheBookHippie 💟 5mo
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I MAY have overcommitted myself to group reads this month, so this is more likely an April/May tbr, but a girl can dream.

🔎 The Colorado Kid - an IG group read
🔍 Later - #LosersClub group read
🪺 tagged - #NaturaLitsy group read
🇲🇽 I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter - book club
💜 Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows
⭐️ Where the Forest Meets the Stars - #keywordreadingchallenge
👻 finish If It Bleeds for #LosersClub

#tbr #apriltbr

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#ReadAway2024 #MarvelousMarch #readathon

Finished today for #Naturalitsy #LitSolace #SpringEquinox I‘ve been listening to it in my car mostly as I run errands & It‘s a pleasant listen (narrated by the author) & free on Audible but now, I might want a print copy as I feel I may have missed out on the illustrations. As someone who battles depression, I can relate to the author & how the beauty of nature can improve mood & mental outlook. Lovely.💚

Chrissyreadit 💛💛💛 6mo
PurpleyPumpkin I also embrace nature‘s healing power. Taking a walk outside is so therapeutic and relaxing. Thanks for mentioning that this is available on Audible. I‘ve added it to my library and will listen to it soon!🍃 6mo
DieAReader 🥳Awesome! 6mo
AllDebooks It's been a real tonic to read x 6mo
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It's our favourite day of the week. What are you planning on reading or doing for our #Hyggehour readathon tonight?
I will be driving home after taking care of my aunt for the weekend. I will be listening to our #buddyread (tagged). It's really helping to calm me at a distressing time x

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit

kspenmoll Hoping to get back to The Tiffany girls. Sending love to you- hope your ride helps you. 🩷💚❤️ 6mo
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Finished this one on the way home from work. I got this one on Audible/free and I enjoyed it. The Author narrates it (I love it when they do that), and it felt so “real“ and so “brave“ for her to discuss her struggles with Mental Health and how nature helped her through these depressive episodes.

I plan on re-reading when I purchase the physical copy.

#NaturalLitsy #LitSolace

Texreader Lovely!! 6mo
TheBookHippie 💚💚💚💚💚 6mo
AllDebooks The audio is good. 6mo
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dabbe Daffies! 💚🌼💚 6mo
ElizaMarie @dabbe that was taken on St Patrick‘s Day, and then today it snows! 6mo
dabbe @ElizaMarie That's plain crazy! 🤩💚🤩 6mo
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Initially intended as an #AudioCommute book for work, but now I feel like I need a physical copy. The book's descriptions of nature are so soothing and inspiring that they make me want to go for a nature walk.

#NaturalLitsy #LitSolace

AllDebooks So glad you're enjoying it. X 6mo
TheBookHippie It‘s just amazing. Hard copy is a must. 6mo
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My copy came today,I think I‘m going to read it month by month. I just finished “March” I honestly had no idea what this book was about other than nature keeping us sane. I did not realize how absolutely true that is in regards to the author. I know for me 10 years ago my dad died,I entered perimenopause, my mom‘s full diagnosis revealed itself (Lewy Body Dementia) , she passed away, then a pandemic hit. I need to force myself to go outside.

mcctrish I forget how much better I feel once I‘m outside. Everyday it is the same though. A new battle. 6mo
TheBookHippie I‘m doing that too!! Month by month! 6mo
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This book is so pretty! I‘m excited to read it over the next few weeks. #litsolace #springequinox #naturalitsy

TheBookHippie I‘ve gifted it so many times I‘ve finally purchased one for me, hopefully it‘ll arrive Monday! 6mo
Crazeedi @Chrissyreadit @TheBookHippie every place I lived I took walks to identify the medicinal plants native to the area. I have a great guide too. I'll find it and post. Some great natural remedies, I have lots of books on the subject 6mo
TheBookHippie @Crazeedi oh wonderful!!! 6mo
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Chrissyreadit sounds perfect @Crazeedi 6mo
Crazeedi @Chrissyreadit ❤️❤️❤️ 6mo
AllDebooks I'm finding it fascinating and oh so relatable x 6mo
Darklunarose This book was amazing, I really loved reading Emma‘s work. 6mo
ElizaMarie It looks just beautiful! I found it on Audible for free but... with this beauty, I think it's gonna have to be a physical purchase. --- But I can at least start it as an #AudioWalking type book :) 6mo
kspenmoll I have just started reading it- her writing, illustrations & photos are gorgeous. 6mo
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Happy #litsolace #springequinox edition! How is everyone? #springisintheair
I‘m hoping to get some yard clean up done if weather allows, and Read- I am taking 3 days off for a #staycation of rest and rejuvenation.

AllDebooks Sounds wonderful. Enjoy your staycation x 6mo
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#Naturalitsy #LitSolace #SpringEquinox

I don't know about you guys, but I am so happy to see some signs of Spring springing. The daffodils are budding, the apple blosson is finished, the birds are singing their little hearts out. 🎵

What signs have you spotted? We hope you've been well and are ready to celebrate a new season with us.
@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit

Prairiegirl_reading The geese are coming back early this year! 6mo
TheBookHippie Nothing yet. Although we aren‘t buried in snow like usual, no signs yet. I don‘t usually plant til after May 15. We have snow through April in “normal” years. I do long to garden. It so short that everything is “green” here. Still in the 20s F here at night. 40s F in daytime. Which is a heatwave for March! 6mo
TheBookHippie Was January long or what?! February flew by. March is going decent speed as well. 6mo
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kspenmoll I have seen some daffodil shoots, we have had some unusually warm days, but now it is in 30s/40s. Haven‘t needed a winter coat lately so spring must be around the corner! 6mo
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie It really is flying by. I think that's why I love our #Hyggehour time to slow down and relax x 6mo
AllDebooks @kspenmoll still quite chilly here too but I'm loving the longer days x 6mo
Catsandbooks Spring has indeed sprung in MS! Temps in the 60s/70s. Everything in bloom. And more rain storms, which we've desperately needed after being in a drought for so long. I could do without the bugs and pollen though 🤧 6mo
AllDebooks @Catsandbooks Wonderful 💚🌱🌷💚 6mo
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Repost for @AllDebooks

#LitSolace #buddyreads

I've selected two books for our relaxing Spring #buddyread The wild remedy and Spring - An anthology. All are welcome to participate.

Although the Spring Equinox event will be 15th-24th March, the buddy reads will be extended until the end of April.

Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.

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#LitSolace #buddyreads

I've selected two books for our relaxing Spring #buddyread The wild remedy and Spring - An anthology. All are welcome to participate.

Although the Spring Equinox event will be 15th-24th March, the buddy reads will be extended until the end of April.

Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.

@LitsyEvents @TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit

julieclair These sound lovely ! I‘m in! 🌸 7mo
PageShifter Please tag me, I am trying to join 7mo
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Friday night was my birthday.My husband & I went to a local French bistro for an early diner of roasted beets with honey nut squash,candied walnuts&pomegranate;Bourguignon beef stew,(me);chicken Coq Au Vin d‘Alsace(hubby).Cake was at home with my son.You can see a lovely,snow covered bush to the right in the window next to me.#naturalitsy
I read some of the month of January in the tagged book when I got home.

TheBookHippie How beautiful!!! All of it!! HBD🎉🥳 8mo
AnnR Happy belated birthday. 🎉🎂💐 8mo
Bookwormjillk That sounds lovely! 8mo
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IndoorDame That sounds like a wonderful celebration! 🎊💐 8mo
Ruthiella Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳 8mo
Aimeesue What a lovely winter menu! Happy birthday!🎈🎉 🎈 8mo
Jari-chan Happy birthday 🎊🎂 8mo
AllDebooks Wonderful. Happy birthday x 🎂 8mo
jlhammar Happy Birthday! Your dinner sounds wonderful. 8mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️🎊🎈🎉 8mo
kspenmoll Thanks for all the birthday wishes! @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Jari-chan @Ruthiella @AnnR Yes it was a wintery, delicious, wonderful meal & evening @jlhammar @AllDebooks @Aimeesue @IndoorDame @Bookwormjillk @TheBookHippie 8mo
DebinHawaii Happy Birthday! 🎊 Your dinner made me hungry! 8mo
batsy Lovely! Happy Birthday! Dinner sounds so delicious 😁 8mo
Gissy Happy belated birthday! It looked was a nice place🎂❤️❤️❤️ (edited) 8mo
Reggie Awww looks like a great night! Happy belated birthday! 8mo
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Thank you so much for the birthday gifts and cards! @TheBookHippie I am already reading January‘s chapter. I love how the book goes through the natural world, month by month.The illustrations are gorgeous!Not pictured is a box of fuzzy cozy socks because they are in the laundry right now.Thanks so much Christine for your generosity.The cards brightened my day- thank ypu for remembering me @Lovesbooks87 @Kappadeemom @readwithcori @Sleepswithbooks

kspenmoll I included some New Year‘s Day cards that I have yet to respond to but plan to ever so late. @Crazeedi @BookwormAHN Thank you for your kind thoughts! 8mo
TheBookHippie ♥️♥️♥️♥️🎉🥳🎂🥳🎉♥️♥️♥️♥️ 8mo
TheBookHippie I hope you got the tea!! It‘s my favourite! 8mo
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kspenmoll @TheBookHippie I did! It is at work! Delicious. I have coffee in the morning, tea in afternoon. Glad you asked. (edited) 8mo
readwithcori 🎉♥️ 8mo
Crazeedi @kspenmoll of course I didn't get a birthday card sent, my bad! But I hope you had a really special day. Hugs💗 8mo
BookwormAHN Happy Birthday 🎂 8mo
kspenmoll @Crazeedi No Bad!!!! 8mo
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I have officially found one of my favorite reads of 2024! The writing is beautiful, the illustrations are gorgeous and the message of the book will ease your soul. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Darklunarose I read this last year and I loved it! 8mo
PaperbackPirate This has been on my wishlist forever. Just purchased it. Thanks for the push! 🌻 8mo
KristiAhlers @PaperbackPirate you're welcome. Let me know what you think. 8mo
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Finally finished this book tonight. It‘s been a long read for a short book. It‘s wonderful to read how therapeutic nature can be but how medicine can also help when needed. I really enjoyed Emma‘s recollection of the year in her small woods and the uk at large as well.

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After an awfully hot unseasonable day I‘m enjoying to cool breeze while watching my son play soccer and trying to finish this book….which I am sure is close to overdue at the library

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When you‘re at soccer, it‘s freezing and you‘re still getting over what ever you have been sick with, and your FIL brings you this! HUGE oat milk coffee

Chelsea.Poole Oh good job to FIL! Oat milk coffee is delicious! We are at soccer all weekend…a tournament. I‘ll be freezing out there in the morning 🥶 11mo
SarahDWriter Delicious and healthy! 11mo
AnnCrystal Sweet 💝🥤👍. Stay rested... 11mo
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Currently sitting in my recliner in the sun trying to get back into reading this book. The last week I have not been able to sit up let alone look at a screen or read. I had something down right nasty, not covid, not flu, but nasty. Finally on the better end of whatever it is. Hoping my brain can unscramble a bit today to focus.

Ruthiella Glad you are on the mend. ❤️ 11mo
AnnCrystal 💕💖Wonderful that you're doing better, that really is scary. Keep resting 💐. (edited) 11mo
TheBookgeekFrau Glad you're on the mend! 💕 11mo
Darklunarose @AnnCrystal it was. For four days my heart rate keeper peaking at over 120 at rest. I spent time contemplating if I should call an ambulance, but as I have trauma from our local hospital….it would have had to be a last choice. I‘m glad I‘m on the mend too. 11mo
AnnCrystal @Darklunarose, Oh my. Thank goodness you've recovered. Trauma...we can't handle hospitals either. So glad you didn't have to go. 🙏 Take it easy. (edited) 11mo
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I‘m still reading “A River Enchanted” but need to wait for it to come back from the library as it was over due.

In the mean time I‘m diving into this!

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This book is so gorgeous and moving that I really want a hard copy of it 😍

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This is a really lovely book and I can't recommend it highly enough. Emma Mitchell writes honestly and vividly about how debilitating her depression is, and her description of nature and wildlife and how healing it can be is beautiful. The drawings and photos are absolutely gorgeous.

TrishB This is 99p on kindle, but am thinking it‘s probably a book you need to look at in print? 4y
arlenefinnigan @TrishB yeah it's definitely worth paying the extra for the print book, the illustrations are really beautiful. 4y
RachelAmphlett That looks wonderful 4y
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TrishB Stacked it 👍🏻 4y
arlenefinnigan @RachelAmphlett it really is, it's gorgeous. 4y
Tamra Must see! 4y
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This is just gorgeous.

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Enjoying Emma Mitchell's beautiful description of the healing power of birdsong and gorgeous drawings in the hospital garden while two nearby pigeons go at it like the clappers. Nature is healing.

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Taking a break from Ulysses (there's no way I'm gonna finish it, and the other books I've still not read on Penguin's 20 books to read before you turn 40, in the next month), been looking forward to this.

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