p. 232: 'The fact that all were at rest after the working week in a spiritual and social environment may ... have been a source of comfort.'
p. 232: 'The fact that all were at rest after the working week in a spiritual and social environment may ... have been a source of comfort.'
Rather relevant, timely and apposite introduction to this book about Richard II and Henry IV (who were both born in 1367)!
I should have waited for the shortlist and hibernated this book. I'd be very surprised if it makes it, as I really struggled with it and could have bailed on it if it hadn't made it.
#atozultimatechallenge #c #authorsurname #e #booktitle #f #birdonthecover #h #itemoncover (hart) @AudiobookingWithLeah
#aty25 #animalvegetableormineralinthetitle @BarbaraBB
started out as a 4star read for me but then gradually turned into a 3.5 mainly because the main protagonists kept going round in circles torturing each other with do they/don‘t they - come on !!!!!………
Random book from our home library:
📖 Everything You Know About England is Wrong by Matt Brown
I tried, I really did. For the right reader, this would be fantastic.
But I don‘t get on great with ‘Kings & Queens history‘. Sadly this was‘t the book to convince me otherwise. (Social history, great! Kings, Queens, dates & power machinations - no). I got through 4 hours of it. There were 16 more go. Obviously it‘s not my thing, but I don‘t see what makes it uniquely prizeworthy. So I‘m bailing.
I did learn who Wat Tyler was, so there is that!
Mollie moonbeam does love ❤️ reading 📖 in bed 🛌 😆and so does mummy 😆 anyone who loves one day and normal people will L❤️VE this slow burn 🔥 courtship only 50pages in and got to drag myself mollie & her brother Ted out for a walk whilst the sun is shining happy 😃 Monday #litsylove #bookspinbingo
With a blurb that references One Day and Normal People, this just about lives up to that. A sweet story of perceived “bad boy” Will, studious Rosie, and Rosie‘s twin, Josh, as they finish sixth form and try to find their way. It really is a lovely story - with that ever elusive romance without the cringe factor - yet I‘d say this didn‘t quite reach the heights of Sally Rooney genius for me, I agree more with the One Day vibes.
What happens when a Canadian who loves smaller press and translated fiction hits London, finds used books by the Thames, goes to Brick Lane Books *and* Blackwell‘s in Oxford? This happens (oh, and I still have Daunt Books and Hatchards before we leave). And even better? Three of them are signed editions!
I'm still finding the writing of the main character of this series a bit inconsistent, but overall, the story is interesting, so I'll continue the series. On to book 3. #10-2025