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Sarah's Key
Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
Paris, July 1942: Sarah, a ten year-old girl, is brutally arrested with her family by the French police in the Vel' d'Hiv' roundup, but not before she locks her younger brother in a cupboard in the family's apartment, thinking that she will be back within a few hours.Paris, May 2002: On Vel' d'Hiv's 60th anniversary, journalist Julia Jarmond is asked to write an article about this black day in France's past. Through her contemporary investigation, she stumbles onto a trail of long-hidden family secrets that connect her to Sarah. Julia finds herself compelled to retrace the girl's ordeal, from that terrible term in the Vel d'Hiv', to the camps, and beyond. As she probes into Sarah's past, she begins to question her own place in France, and to reevaluate her marriage and her life. Tatiana de Rosnay offers us a brilliantly subtle, compelling portrait of France under occupation and reveals the taboos and silence that surround this painful episode.
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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I remember wanting to read this when it first came out in 2007 but never got around to it until I I saw this in a free pile of books at the library. I grabbed some ice coffee and muffin at the cafe by the library went outside to the balcony to read. Well, I never moved from that spot for four hours until I finished it. It was that good. I‘m only sorry that I didn‘t read it sooner! Very well written and executed. A MUST read!

Ruthiella That‘s quite a recommendation! 12mo
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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dabbe Lovely. 🩵💙🩵 12mo
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Another one of those “everyone-has-read-this-book-but-me” books. It‘s my June #doublespin and it‘ll give me my first bingo in ages!


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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great choices 🔑📚 2y
Eggs Thank you Lovely 🥰 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 2y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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What a touching ending. 💕

#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
perfectsinner Still in my tbr 2y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: Amelie

Klou Perfect! 3y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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This book is somewhere between okay and good. What makes it lean toward good is history learning; what makes it lean toward okay is some of the descriptions of emotion feel artificial.
A historical fiction, in my view, always offer something worth reading.

Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Elizabeth2 Such a great book! 3y
Lindy It‘s a curious cover indeed, with the children so obviously photoshopped into Luxembourg gardens and the Eiffel Tower photoshopped into the background, making the Paris setting unmistakable. 3y
Lcsmcat @Lindy It is an interesting version of the city. 😂 3y
Eggs Beautiful 👏🏻👏🏻❤️ 3y
Susanita This book made me ugly cry 😭 3y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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A journalist living in Paris starts to write an article about the deportation of French Jews in 1942. What seems to be just an ordinary task will change the course of her life...

Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Apart from the ending which was flat,I liked the book very much.Anything during the 2nd world war is always difficult to read.Sarah's story, although fictional,still felt very real, it felt something like that might have happened and it was heart breaking.The atrocities, the sufferings is really difficult to imagine.

Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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The more I read this, the more I get this feeling of dread that something horrible is about to happen!!!

Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Not going to give anything away but this particular part broke my heart, I cried a little too.
Book is set in France, 1942 and nothing ever good comes from that period in Europe. The inhumanity of it, the brutality of it is just so heart breaking.
I am only halfway through but I would highly recommend it!!!

Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Day 12 #12booksof2020 @Andrew65
This one will stay with me forever—HF based on actual events. There is a movie by same name that is well done. Kristin Scott Thomas is incredible as the protagonist

BayouGirl85 This one has stayed with me as well. 4y
Jerdencon I agree - this book stays with you... 4y
Maya.McClan @Eggs I saw the movie before I knew it was a book and the movie was so unforgettable and haunting also. I‘ll never forget it. 4y
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Eggs @Maya.McClan Haunting is the perfect word 👌🏼 4y
BayouGirl85 The movie gutted me too. 4y
Eggs @BayouGirl85 me too 4y
Andrew65 Loved this and it does stay with you. 4y
Eggs @Andrew65 😔 4y
Elizabeth2 Excellent book. ❤️ 4y
Eggs @Elizabeth2 💗💗 4y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Paris, July 1942: Sarah, a ten year-old girl, is brutally arrested with her family by the French police in the Vel‘ d‘Hiv‘ roundup, but not before she locks her younger brother in a cupboard in the family's apartment, thinking that she will be back within a few hours. Based on actual events, this book is powerful - #energetic present day journalist Julia retraces Sarah‘s journey
#france #fallfinds #wordsofoctober

Sleepswithbooks This book!!! 💛 4y
OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
mirnas I loved it! 4y
Eggs @Stacypatrice @mirnass yess!! (edited) 4y
Eggs @OriginalCyn620 💕💕 4y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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#3books #atthebottomofmytbr

Some very old titles I hope to get to one day.

OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
erzascarletbookgasm Oh I have Sarah‘s Key on my tbr too! 4y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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#3Books #thatmademecry

The first three that comes to mind where the crying wasn‘t pretty at all! Ugly cries all the way. 💔

OriginalCyn620 😥📚😥 4y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Vel d'hiv was a French bicycle stadium where thousands of Jewish women and children were gathered by the French police before being sent to concentration camps and ultimately Auschwitz.
This book is about one such child, Sarah, how when the police rounded up at her house one early morning, she locked her baby brother in a cupboard, in the hope that she would come back to rescue him soon.

Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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A slow burning novel for me - it quietly grew on me, especially after the narrative shifted exclusively to present day. I saw the movie years ago and so knew the tragic story in the novel, but yet it was still heartbreaking and haunting. A great commemoration of an event hardly spoken of, or at least at the time of this publication.

AmyK1 I had no idea there was a movie. Is it good? 4y
Librarybelle @AmyK1 I remember thinking it was okay, but honestly it‘s been so long since I watched it! It stars Kristen Scott Thomas. 4y
AmyK1 Hmm. I might pass on the movie then. I don‘t usually watch the movie if I‘ve read the book because it annoys me when things are different 😉😂 4y
Librarybelle @AmyK1 So true! 😂 4y
slategreyskies This book broke my heart. 💔 4y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Books that are important to me #day5

This book holds a place in my heart, not because of the book itself, but of the people it brought me to.
When I left the UK to move to Fort Lauderdale 15 yrs ago, I left behind all my friends and family. I joined a bookclub to meet new people, and this was the first book we discussed. Those women are now nothing less than family. 💕
If you want to join in this challenge, consider yourself tagged!

Cinfhen Awwwwwww 4y
BiblioLitten That‘s beautiful.💕 4y
JustKaela One of the best books I have read in years 4y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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This one put my emotions in a blender. You can come scrap me off the floor anytime. Between Sarah‘s heartbreaking past and Julia‘s arduous task of unraveling that past. There is instanced in history that should not be forgotten so they are not repeated.

Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Going to the way back of my TBR pile for this second weekend of sheltering in place. Hope you all are staying safe out there! #shelterinplace #flattenthecurve #tbrpile

Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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This book was heart-wrenching. I knew it was going to be sad, it's about the holocaust and that's part of the territory. But I had no idea what I had signed up for. Still, it was a great book. I loved it and will recommend it in a heart beat. I decided to read it because of a podcast I've been listening called 3 Book Girls. They discuss the books they've read over the week. They are hilarious, amazing, and real.

S3V3N I loved it! 4y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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#99ponkindle - one of today‘s offers.
A good read.

Curiouser_and_curiouser I have this one on my shelf. Thanks for your review 🙂 4y
slategreyskies This book is heartbreaking. I thought It was well written, and it is a powerful story, but there is a part of me that wishes I had never read it, because I will never be able to forget it. It will make you cry. (edited) 4y
Butterfinger @slategreyskies you described my feelings. I wish I hadn't read it, but a wonderful read. It physically hurts. 4y
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Jennifer3 Absolutely what @slategreyskies and @Butterfinger say. 4y
TrishB @slategreyskies @Butterfinger @Jennifer3 it was a wonderful read, but 💔 4y
Caroline2 This book ruined me!!! I was a sobbing mess!!! Crickey! Seriously traumatic stuff!!! 😭 4y
Cinfhen This book WRECKED me!!!! Although I didn‘t care much for the alternate modern day storyline 4y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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I'm going to say so-so to this book. It was all good til I got into the pages of 250, then it slid down hill. I found this book wasn't so much about Sarah but about the character named Julia and her personal problems with her husband.

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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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While it highlights a dark and sad period in France‘s history during WWll (that I definitely want to read more about), I found this book to be just okay. The writing was simple and character development shallow, and not at all the tear jerker I was expecting (and hoping!) it would be. ⭐️⭐️ #Booked2020 #FinishInADay #ReadingEurope2020 #France 🇫🇷#LitsyAtoZ #abecedarianTBR #S #PopSugar2020 #SetInACityThatHostedTheOlympics #Paris

Come-read-with-me I had the same reaction to the book. The story wasn‘t bad but it could have been so much more - more poignant, more tender, and of course more teary! 4y
Librarybelle I‘ll be reading this one soon for one of my book groups. Good choice! 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Good job—even if it wasn‘t that great. ♥️📚👊🏻 4y
Cinfhen This book left me weeping/ but I totally get what you‘re saying about the writing!! I‘ve tried to read a few others by the author and I couldn‘t get through any of them 😜 4y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Beautifully written...Sensitive subject matter given a modern life. The author researched the story through a piece of history and then created a story based on fact but pure fiction. Sarah‘s story is haunting. I can see how Julia‘s tunnel vision to dig up as much as she could to learn and have the story told was all consuming. She was a little selfish about it at times . I liked the full circle moment at the end .

Sleepswithbooks Such a great book! 5y
Jody3 Stacypatrice: It‘s on Netflix. I was debating whether or not to watch the movie. 5y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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I‘ve wanted to read this for a long time and I‘m glad I‘ve finally gotten around to doing so. Such a powerful story. It really puts into perspective how a lot of people really don‘t know enough about the horrors of world war 2. I loved the ending, it made my heart feel all warm. Absolutely recommend❤️

Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Loved, loved, loved this book! Historical fiction and mystery and possibly a tiny dose of romance. so happy I finally read this book that has been on my TBR stack for almost 2 years! Book 12 of #14Books14Weeks 😁

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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay

The best book I‘ve ever read!

Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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New book and new bird. I am blowing through this. The chapters are so short. I‘m trying to take my time, given the subject matter. A lot of picking up and putting down.

Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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For me this paled in comparison to the many wonderful, descriptive, moving options out there for WW2 historical fiction. Something about the super simple sentences and descriptions really turned me off, which is a shame because the story itself had promise. I mostly just found myself wishing it had been written by Kristin Hannah instead.

Have you read this book? Am I missing something? I'm not usually this far off base with popular opinion.

Scochrane26 I liked this book when I read it, but I don‘t read a lot of books from that era. 5y
3njennn When my book club read this we all loved it. 5y
wideeyedreader My mom and I both read this book and loved it — and we read lots of WWII fiction! 5y
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sammisho I read lots of WWII historical fiction and really liked this one. I recommend it a lot. But, not every book is meant for every reader! And that's okay! 5y
swishandflick Ya, I know I'm in the minority! The story was good, but I didn't care for the writing at all 🤷🏽‍♀️ @Scochrane26 @3njennn @wideeyedreader @sammisho 5y
sammisho There's been lots of books most people LOVE and I just didn't get the hype. The Night Circus is one that comes to mind. 5y
SaturnDoo WWII is one of my favorite sub genres in HF. I read this a few years ago and really liked it. I think the first part was a lot better than the second. I'm often in the minority too 😂 so I get where you are coming from. 5y
SaturnDoo @sammisho oh I didn't like the Night Circus either 😝 I am usually always in the minority on these everyone else LOVED these books. The Book Thief and The Handmaid's Tale come to my mind 😂 5y
Jas16 I did not like this one at all so you are not alone. 5y
Reagan Loved this but I am often off base with popular reads - looking at you You 👎🏻 5y
swishandflick @Jas16 Whew, thank goodness!! 😂 5y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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This was another good one! It was sad, but it was a quick easy read. I didn‘t know about the roundup that happened in Paris so I feel like I learned something about the time period too.

DimeryRene Just started it! 5y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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#manicmonday @JoScho

📘 Sarah's Key
🎥 Key Witness that starred Dennis Hopper is an old movie you younger folks may not remember.
🎶 Lock and Key by Rush

JoScho 💜🔑💜 5y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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#ManicMonday @JoScho 📒tagged book #InfiniteTissueRead 🎞Baby Driver 🎵 Before He Cheats by Carrie Underwood - it‘s in the lyrics 🎶 I dug my key into the side Of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive / l carved my name into his leather seats / I took a Louisville slugger to both head lights…

JoScho 💜🔑💜 5y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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We have a huge stack of SARAH‘S KEY in the back room. Plus I turn it down at least once every time I‘m on the trade counter. Plus I have personally thrown away several junky copies of it. WHY are there so many copies of this book trying to come to Bookmans?? 🤣 Was it that terrible? Did they just print too big of a press run? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Have any of you read it? #behindthescenesatbookmans

sammisho I read it and loved it! I tend to see it alot at used book sales. 5y
Amiable I loved it. Very unsettling read, though. 5y
Nu-Bibliophile I loved it too despite that it was sad.
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LibrarianRyan I think over a span of 8 years that at least one person a year had to talk up this book at Books Between Bites. Ughhhhh. It‘s the book club pick from hades. 5y
Teresereading Its been lingering on my #TBRpile for a long time..... 5y
ravenlee When I was at BN this book flew off shelves, but mainly to people who only read a couple books a year (better than nothing, I admit, but not heavy readers). I would guess that‘s why it shows up at used book stores a lot. 5y
KarenUK Read it with a book club..... very moving,but didn‘t like the present day set epilogue.... (edited) 5y
juliegumdrop I cried several times reading this. The ending was predictable, and I cried anyway. 5y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Such a beautiful but tragic story.

Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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What to do after crappy afternoon in work: pick a new book off the pile, have a long bath, get in bed. Read said book and have a cathartic cry 😢 it went with the mood.
Sad book, but a great, engrossing read where I learned new things again.
Thanks Caroline 😘

cobwebmoth Sorry you had a crappy afternoon. *hugs* 5y
rockpools 🙁 Hope tomorrow‘s better. It‘s nearly Saturday! 5y
Hope_a I‘m not sure this book is going with crappy mood. Pick something funny to boost your mood. ‘Sarah‘s key‘ is one of my all time favourite. But it is really sad and I cried so freaking much. Hope you will feel better soon! Xx 5y
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CarolynM Hope tomorrow is a good day🌼 5y
Crazeedi I have this book on my shelf, picked it up and realized it might be sad, so I put it down till I could handle sadness 5y
Itchyfeetreader Sorry you had a rubbish day in work - here to the weekend (loved this book when I read it) 5y
Soubhiville I loved this book. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you! 5y
S3V3N I loved this book. 5y
writerlibrarian Hugs to make up for the crappy day. Bath, book and bed is a good comfort alliteration. 5y
DGRachel {{hugs}} sounds like a perfect self-care routine. I hope tomorrow is better. 5y
Jovy This book broke my heart! But I do like reading tearjerkers when I‘m down 🤷🏻‍♀️ 5y
JennyM Hope tomorrow will be better ...it‘s Friday so just hang on to that. Sending hugs 😘😘😘 5y
TrishB @Jovy me too 🤷‍♀️ 5y
TrishB @Crazeedi I enjoyed it, but it is on the sad side! 5y
TrishB @BeaG it was a good read 👍🏻 5y
Caroline2 Glad you liked it Trish and I hope it didn‘t bum you out too much! Such a sad sad book!!! ☹️ I hope today is better for you, TFIF eh!!! 👍🏻 5y
NovelGirl82 I‘m so sorry that you had a rough day. I hope today is better! 5y
TrishB @Caroline2 it was a good read 😁 and I‘m smelling my Friday wine already! 5y
TrishB @NovelGirl82 thank you ❤️ it‘s Friday - I‘m holding on! 5y
Balibee146 Sorry it was a shitty day yesterday .... Hope your weekend has now started x x 5y
TrishB @Balibee146 take away ordered 👍🏻 weekend started. 5y
Lindy Ha! You‘ve got the edition with the cover that haunts me. The Eiffel Tower seems to be in the wrong place vis-a-vis this setting in the Luxembourg garden. I suspect it was photoshopped in along with the children. 5y
TrishB @Lindy I did think that - artistic licence, just to remind us it‘s Paris! 5y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Thank you Sara and Caroline 😁😁 looking forward to these books! My daughter wants to read The Heavy Bear too Sara, she likes quirky books.
Thank you for another lovely bookmark Caroline and more HP stuff and I love your comments on the review mags, they‘re worth waiting for in themselves!
Lovely #litsybookmail ❤️💜

Cathythoughts Lovely stuff 💕💕💕 5y
Lindy Hooray for getting a copy of 5y
TrishB @Cathythoughts it is ❤️ 5y
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TrishB @Lindy can‘t wait. I‘m going to start when I know I have a few hours to enjoy! 5y
Cinfhen Such loveliness xx I legit ugly cried over 5y
saresmoore I‘m glad it arrived safely! 5y
TrishB @Cinfhen I have been warned! 5y
TrishB @saresmoore thank you 👍🏻 5y
Caroline2 Yay, glad it arrived ok and that you like my comments! 😉 And yep @Cinfhen I proper ugly cried over this book too! 😭 I hesitated sending it as I think its prob the saddest book I‘ve ever read! 😟 5y
TrishB @Caroline2 I definitely won‘t be reading in public! 5y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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This book has stuck with me. For years after I‘ve read it. I got the movie out from the library and not even 2 minutes in my stomach was turning over. I just couldn‘t bring myself to watch it. Anyone else better able to handle difficult books than movies??

Sleepswithbooks I literally just finished this book 60 seconds ago. 5y
Smangela @Stacypatrice oooooh that‘s eerie! I feel like it‘s a book hangover kind of book 5y
Dragon I didn‘t realize there‘s a movie. 5y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Starting this new fictional journey from my tbr basket on a beautiful Sunday day. #Florida #fiction #booklover

tracey38 Looks like you found a cozy spot! 5y
RaimeyGallant Is that grass? I'd forgotten what it looked like. ;) 5y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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This is the book that came to mind for the prompt #ringofkeys . It‘s a key, but unfortunately it‘s not on a ring 🤷🏼‍♀️ All that I had in my arsenal! #musicalnewyear

Reviewsbylola Haha, this was where my mind went too! 🔑 5y
vivastory Good pick 👍 5y
Cinfhen This book!!!! Still makes me weepy just thinking about it 5y
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DivineDiana @Reviewsbylola And actually another Litten beat me to it! 😉 5y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen I need to read it! 😭 5y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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#musicalnewyear #ringofkeys
Yes I‘m a notorious#crybaby but this book! There are a couple of scenes that gave me a proper #uglycry !

But this book also has a special place in my heart. When I moved to the US (10 yrs ago) I knew no-one but my hubby‘s family. I missed my friends terribly. So I joined an IRL bookclub, and met the most amazing women, many of whom I now call family. And now I run it too! This was the first book I read with them.💕

Tex2Flo It wasn‘t a book that I loved, but am thrilled that it brought you to us 💕💕💕 6y
TiredLibrarian Book people are the very best! 📚❤ 6y
Samplergal ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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TrishB What a lovely back story! 6y
TrishB I see I‘ve stacked this already! 6y
Cinfhen This book made me bawl!! And I read it with my book club too. 💜 6y
Jee_HookedOnBookz Love your story! 6y
LauraBeth ❤️❤️ 6y
vivastory This is such a great story. I haven't read the book, but it sounds good. 6y
Sleepswithbooks I have this book in my “to be read basket.” 🔑 6y
DivineDiana Oh my! I missed your post, and just used the same book! 🙁 5y
KarenUK @DivineDiana great minds think alike! 😉 5y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Two timelines and history fiction, so basically made for me.

Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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I absolutely loved this book! It was heartbreaking and I‘ll never forget it. I had never heard of the Vel d‘Hiv roundup. de Rosnay did such a wonderful job in telling this tragic story through Sarah‘s eyes.

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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay

I loved this book so much. It really got a hold of my heart and I think I‘ll forever remember it forever.

Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Two books from my shelves which feature #keys in the title and the plot. #newhogwartsadventure @vkois88 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

vkois88 I've heard really good things about Sarah's Key 6y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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I enjoyed this book for it‘s interesting and sad story. I love how it highlighted France‘s part in the holocaust, because most people don‘t know that the French police also voluntarily rounded up and sent it‘s Jewish citizens to their deaths. That said, the character development in this book was atrocious. Both the present-day protagonist and her husband were vapid and one dimensional to the point that it took away from the story.

Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay
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Beautiful, fascinating, heartbreaking story set in #Paris during WWII. #Augustisatrip

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This is on my shelf!! 6y
Andrew65 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks It‘s a good read, but not comfortable reading. The actions of some people! 🤬 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Andrew65 I‘ve heard that!! 😡🤬 6y
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vkois88 I've always heard wonderful things about this one 6y
Caroline2 Oh wow, I think this has to be the most depressing book I‘ve ever read!!! 😢 6y
SqueakyChu I found this book fascinating in the way it described France under German occupation. 6y
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Sarah's Key | Tatiana de Rosnay

Super sad but a good read