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Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 9: Squirrels Fall Like Dominoes
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 9: Squirrels Fall Like Dominoes | Ryan North
179 posts | 200 read | 3 reading | 84 to read
Doreen Green and her friend Nancy Whitehead have had a great idea: get some friends together and play an escape room! That's one of those real-life games where you get locked in a room and have an hour to escape before you die! Except you don't really. I mean, it's not like if you die in the game you die in real life, ha ha. But when Squirrel Girl and Nancy gather Koi Boi, Chipmunk Hunk, Brain Drain and Kraven the Hunter inside and lock the door, it turns out that this escape room is actually lethal after all! Can Doreen and company escape? Find out, why don't you?! It's everything you crave from a Squirrel Girl book: friendship, adventure and a room full of death traps! COLLECTING: THE UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL 32-36
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A very perky girl with a squirrel tail and squirrel qualities saves the day from villainy.

It took me almost a quarter of the book to realize that this was a Marvel book and character.

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I don't read comics or graphic novels very often so I'm not very well qualified to review them but I sure do love me some Squirrel Girl!

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Not sure it's possible to read two graphic novels so different in tone back to back. Mood whiplash.
Much like Terry Pratchett, I love the asides/footnotes; that they can contain social commentary as well as funny randomness. This is the first comic volume I've read with this character and I'm really loving her. So light hearted while also being kind in message, and featuring good representation. #comicbooks #eveningreading #eveningread

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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Squirrel Girl is definitely my favorite superhero. I find her to be hilarious . Going back and seeing where she first appeared definitely put some things into perspective; she has changed so much since then.


Just starting this; looks like a lot of fun.

Love the little footnote asides (at the moment, about other Marvel heroes) which look like they were written by Squirrel Girl.

... and Deadpool's 'Guide to ...' cards (with his snarky asides)

... and the pages of 'text messages'

Interesting addition at the end, which looks like the original first ever Squirrel Girl story (though I'm not a fan of her depiction there)

💖 💖 💖 💖🤍

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This is a joint review for issues 7, 8, 9 & 10 of The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. 🐿 I love this series! 3 ⭐️ for issue 7, 4⭐️ for the rest. I‘d highly recommend this series!

61 points total (on my TBR on Marvel Unlimited)


Clwojick I love this series too! 4y
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A fun romp with a silly but apparently more-competent-than-she-looks superhero. I enjoyed getting to know the character and seeing her try to start college, while continuously having to save the day. The characters were strong and the art style was fun.

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Squirrel Girl is a welcome break from reality these days. Every time I read a few panels, I find myself outright giggling and always feel better after.

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Digital books I read this month (part 1)

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#wondrouswednesday Definitely a squirrel theme going on here!

Apologies for the sweariness from those naughty grey and red squirrels!

There is only one book that could possibly describe me.... 😁🐿

I think all my friends and family are too scared to ask to borrow books as they know they have to be returned in a pristine condition. These days I buy extra copies of books I‘ve enjoyed (often from charity shops) and gift them rather than lending.

squirrelbrain Thanks for the tag @gradcat 😘 5y
quietlycuriouskate The sweary Sylvanians! 😆 5y
Eggs 😆😂😆 Love this❣️ 5y
KarenUK That meme is 😂 5y
gradcat You‘re hilarious, @squirrelbrain ... I didn‘t even know you read such “blue” literature!! 😂🤣😂♥️♥️ 5y
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So much fun! I love a female superhero who is quirky, nerdy and, to quote the artist;"...I like to draw heartier super ladies, if their powers are mostly physical, because I feel like I shouldn't be able to take down a super hero by sitting on her. " About time I meet a super lady who is something other than the standardized babe norm. Squirrel Girl is very loveable, and I need to read more.

Caroline2 @squirrelbrain one for you Helen! 😉 5y
squirrelbrain Of course I have this one already @Caroline2 ! 😁👍 🐿 (Although I‘ve only read the first one in the series...) 5y
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Uhm, so I went to Splurge City and I, well, splurged ☺😁

Thank you @Lauredhel for your recommendations earlier!😍

Lauredhel Oh, have fun! 5y
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Squirrel Girl gets it.

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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This book was a delightful surprise. I had thought for whatever reason that it would be too silly, but I purchased it anyway because I tend to enjoy North's sense of humor. It was the perfect amount of silliness! Filled with squirrel puns, absurd situations, and hilarious characters, each issue made me smile in a different way. The way that Squirrel Girl resolves all her major conflicts made me smile most though. I will pick up the next one soon!

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This was a great cornucopia of Squirrel Girl comics! I loved reading every one of them including the newest ones at the end. Of course I'm dying to know what happens to Ratatoskr... guess I'll have to read the next volume to find out. And looooove the Deadpool cards!!! Spot on!

3 stars

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From this issue‘s “Starring” descriptions. I like the juxtaposition of these two. This is my first time reading Squirrel Girl. Loving it so far.

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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Easter excitement

brandybear22 @xicanti I think we have a winner 5y
xicanti This makes me so happy. 5y
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#currentlyreading I can‘t wait!!

Mimi28 Thanks @xicanti for recommending this to me and reminding me I had it out from the library 👍🏽👍🏽❤️❤️ 5y
xicanti Hurray for Squirrel Girl! 5y
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Doreen reads to save the day! Well, and to help a ghost librarian! #charactersreading

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I am #thatgirl - The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl! 🐿


JennyM 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 🐿 6y
Cinfhen Perfect 🧡😂👊🏼🐿 6y
rockpools 😊🐿🌳 6y
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TrishB Love it ❤️ 6y
TheKidUpstairs ❤❤ 6y
Cathythoughts Great pic 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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This was cute and fun, though not super engaging. I'll read the next one to see if more of a story gets going, since the first volume is often a lot of setup. My other gripe is that the retro stuff at the end of a lot of these Marvel volumes doesn't really do a whole lot for me- the art style (especially for Squirrel Girl) is very off-putting. 3.5/5⭐

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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@kaye A book and a cat, lol ❤️ #mogwai #catsoflitsy How are you? I got my doctor to say “booger” today. It cracked me up. I‘m sooo passive aggressive I didn‘t laugh till my belly ached till I got home. Dry nose. Nasal spray prescribed, lol. She said it so matter of factly too, kinda like she was dumbing things down for me but in a serious way. I am going to read this book now, I promise. Thanks again for your support!! ❤️❤️❤️

Crazeedi Rest easy tonight! 6y
Kaye That‘s funny Michelle. I‘m glad you got a chuckle today. You needed it. Thank you for the picture of your cat 🐈 band your book 📚 💕 6y
Mimi28 @Crazeedi Thanks!! You too!! ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
Mimi28 @kaye actually I didn‘t belly ache laugh about it, it was more of a low- key wow that‘s hilarious and strange kind of laugh. But I haven‘t cried today yet- cuz I am listening to sad songs right now. But I am about to go to bed with the Simpsons on my tv, lol. Thanks ❤️❤️❤️✌🏽😻 6y
Dragon 😻 6y
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Squirrel girl and friends escape a room, deal with the police, Spider-Man, and the possibility of redemption and it is delightful. Then, THEN, there‘s a wonderful dialogue-less stand-alone where a ghost librarian (think ghost busters) is actually pretty cool. And just wants a quiet reading room.


Squirrel girl and friends escape a room, deal with the police, Spider-Man, and the possibility of redemption and it is delightful. Then, THEN, there‘s a wonderful dialogue-less stand-alone where a ghost librarian (think ghost busters) is actually pretty cool. And just wants a quiet reading room.

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Why did I wait this long to read about the amazing and unbeatable Squirrel Girl is beyond me but this was great and funny read.
Plus the cameos were both adorkable and unexpected.

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Well, I guess this is coming home with me! ❤🐿🥜

VioletBramble I saw a woman dressed as Squirrel Girl yesterday at NYCC. She looked amazing. 6y
xicanti !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6y
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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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@IheartYA Giveaways are the best!! And I really do hear YA! #15kgiveaway

1. My top 3 most anticipated reads are Dread Nation, Reaper at the Gates (which Sabaa JUST officially finished!!!), and Circe (I've seen so many good things about it!)
2. I recommend The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl comics. They surprised me with how witty and uplifting the are!
3. I choose @krissylovesbooks75 @mmtrashcan @CheshireMellos

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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YOU GUYS!! My friends and I were tweeting about how awesome Squirrel Girl is, and Ryan North REPLIED TO MY TWEET!! ❤️❤️❤️🐿🐿🐿 I'm so excited!

jwashreads That's so cool!! 6y
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Too freaking cute! I love Doreen forever!


Very fun!

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1. Unbeatable Squirrel Girl 😍
2. I have two cats
3. This one's hard...elephant maybe? 🐘
4. Definitely an elephant for this one!

#manicmonday @JoScho

JoScho I had a pet squirrel for a bit. He was so cute. He loved Cheerios. 7y
jwashreads @JoScho That sounds adorable!! 7y
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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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This weekend at ECCC I got to meet Ryan North and Erika Henderson, and have them sign some comics!! I also asked Ryan and the illustrators of Midas Flesh to sign my copy of Vol. 1. AND there was an adorable and amazing Squirrel Girl cosplayer there!!

Needless to say, it was a great day! 😆☺️

#eccc #comiccon #autograph #squirrelgirl #marvel

kamoorephoto I was there!!! 💚💙👊🏼 7y
RachLovesTV @kamoorephoto Awesome!! Hope you had a great time! I went on Saturday and it was sooooo crowded! 7y
xicanti 😍😍😍 7y
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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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So my name is Helen, but the squirrelbrain thing takes a bit longer to explain. I suffered from debilitating panic attacks for years, although not any more (but I‘m still a worrier). Years ago a relative was telling us they‘d had pest control out as they had squirrels in their loft and my husband said that‘s what I had, squirrels skittering about in my loft (head!).
It became an ‘injoke‘ between us, he used to say things like...cont in comments

squirrelbrain ‘I can see their fluffy tails hanging out of your ears‘ whenever I was fretting. 7y
squirrelbrain Now I have squirrel stuff all over the house and I don‘t mind telling (some) people about the squirrels in my head!🐿🐿🐿 7y
GondorGirl I love looking at your anxiety that way. It makes a lot of sense, plus it's a cute joke that probably helps take the edge off of some of your panicking. 7y
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squirrelbrain It certainly does @GondorGirl and it was Squirrel Appreciation Day (for real!) a couple of weeks ago so that was fun! 7y
Velvetfur That's such a cute story! Not about your anxiety of course but about the squirrels running around in your head. Little friends 😊 7y
Scurvygirl I love that! 🐿💚💚 7y
Chelleo Great story! Thanks so much for sharing. My brain works overtime so I get the squirrels 🤗 7y
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This was fun, but the art style was a bit too cartoon-y for my taste. But a good break when I was beginning to tire yesterday evening! #24in48

jamie_in_the_library I agree. I really wanted to like Squirrel Girl, but I thought it was a bit ‘meh‘ 7y
Kalalalatja @jamie_in_the_library it felt like it was trying a bit too hard, if that makes sense? 7y
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I definitely just turned in a paper about the pacing of Squirrel Girl. #homework #comics

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Sitting in Urgent Care, I need someone who is unbeatable. With her chipper spirit and footnotes, I‘m already feeling cheered up.

Weyrwoman Are you ok?? 7y
DebbieGrillo Hope you're outta there by now. Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon 7y
Novelista @Weyrwoman Sinus infection. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I‘ll be okay. 7y
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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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Funny story: my grandma (who was wonderful but also kind-of a nut) had a bunch of irrational fears that she tried to instill in me. Top of the list? Sciurophobia. She warned me that squirrels would “jump at my throat & never let go.” Needless to say, I have no trouble imagining Squirrel Girl as fearsome & unbeatable. I was pleased to find that she‘s also funny, awkward, strong, fashionable, righteous (in all its definitions) & relatable. LOVED it!

2BR02B If you're in the mood for similar reads, I'd recommend The Unstoppable Wasp, Patsy Walker AKA Hellcat!, or Chelsea Cain's Mockingbird. 7y
monalyisha @2BR02B I do have the first volume of Patsy Walker checked-out from the library, too. Thanks! 7y
LauraJ Some of the urban squirrels in Los Angeles are pretty vicious. I wouldn‘t put it past them. 7y
monalyisha @LauraJ Ha! I mean, she did live in LA briefly. Maybe your dang West Coast squirrels traumatized her! 😆 7y
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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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“Obeying an unjust law is itself unjust.”

An apt quote for MLK Day.

(Also, please note the beyond funny “Purl Jam” poster. Oh, yeah. Squirrel Girl‘s roommate, Nancy Whitehead, is just as super-cool as Squirrel Girl herself. I appreciate the proliferation of strong women thus far.)


TricksyTails 😂 Purl Jam! ♥️♥️♥️ 7y
RealLifeReading Love Nancy!! 7y
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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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First five pages? Already in love. 💖🐿

“I‘m Doreen Green, completely regular college student.
“Who just happens to have a tail?”
“Nope! Who knows how to tuck her tail into her pants... and who just happens to appear to have a conspicuously large *and* conspicuously awesome butt.”



The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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Attempting to become a graphics fan.🤞🏻Starting slow. #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon

2BR02B This is a good one to start with. SG is a lot of fun. 7y
monalyisha @2BR02B Phew! That‘s good to hear. 😉 7y
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y‘all look what i found at my local indie for $12

RebL Love indies and bargains! 🙌🏼 7y
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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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My Christmas book..... just having a quiet moment before heading out for the tour round various relatives...
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all Littens! 🎄🎄

Bookzombie Merry Christmas! 🎄 7y
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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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Playing a game of 'find my kid at the pool party' and reading Squirrel Girl at the same time! Maybe being in this pool will finally convince him to go out for the swim team!!

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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My husband gifted this to me on Amazon! Hooray, $2 sales!! 😄🐿

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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Issue 26 fanzine is amazing. Squirrel Girl and Libraries are my favorite superhero team up.

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This was super adorable and awesome. It makes me wish I was Squirrel Girl!

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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What a delightful story so far. Makes me realize I'm kind of like Squirrel Girl without the cool powers🐿

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I purchased this original piece of #LiteraryArt from the amazing Corinne Roberts this past weekend. She's one of my favorite artists and I have several of her prints hanging in my house, but I'm super stoked to add an original to my collection. Plus, who can resist Squirrel Girl and Tippytoes?

#GRCC #GraphicNovel

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I know of Chip & Dale. Are there any well-known fictional squirrels? 😁 #LitsyHumor

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Tanzy13 theres the one from ice age 🐿 7y
DGRachel I always think of Rocky from Rocky & Bullwinkle. 😊 7y
SpeculativeFemale Slappy Squirrel and Skippy Squirrel from the Animaniacs. 7y
DarcysMom There is Pattertwig in 7y
rwmg Secret Squirrel! 7y
Sungirl79 Ha ha!!😂😂 7y
CarrieASchless Squirrel Nutkin. Chip and Dale are chipmunks! 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled 😂 I second @SpeculativeFemale - the ultimate cartoon squirrels 7y
xicanti Tippy-Toe, Squirrel Girl's partner-in-crime-solving, is my very favourite fictional squirrel. 7y
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