Some days selfcare is curling up in bed with a cat and a good book at 8:30pm.
Some days selfcare is curling up in bed with a cat and a good book at 8:30pm.
I tried. I really wanted to like this book. I really did. I understand it was YA but it was SO much like every other YA book (teenage girl with unknown past discovers she is the key to saving the world).... I just wanted more. Not sure I will read the rest in the series, guess I‘m too jaded for these types of stories anymore 🙂 ⭐️⭐️ 1/2
Home sick so time to finish this one off. #sickdaysareforreading #cinder #nerdgirlsbookclub
My name is Erin
My Litsy name is Weyrwoman. The first fantasy series I ever read and became obsessed with was the Dragonriders of Pern when I was in middle school. I ran an online fandom Weyr for several years and had even Emailed Anne McCaffrey herself to get approval. My fandom name was Weyrwoman Alora. Since this was a group about books, it was only fitting :) #LitsyHandle
Intrigued. Living my book club for picking out these books that I otherwise would have never read! #nerdgirlsunite #nerdgirlsbookclub
Overall this book was just ok. It didn‘t hold my attention like the first one and I found a lot of the scenerios redundant. I still enjoy Dresden‘s character and the overall storyline. I will continue to read the rest in the series, this one wasn‘t the best though. ⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2
1. Creme brûlée ?
2. The Punisher ?
3. Voyager by Diana Gabaldon ⛵️
4. Couple of weeks maybe? ⏳
5. How do I know who‘s new? ?
If you are a science nerd, you will love this book. The level of detail that Andy Weir goes into is absolutely insane. If you are a science nerd, you will love that it all accurate and completely plausible! Mark Watney is a lovable smart-ass and I loved his dry humor through the book. If you have seen the movie, the movie follows the book quite closely so don‘t expect any new revelations. Loved it! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Let‘s see, I cleaned my house and took a shower. Made a healthy lunch instead of eating the pizza I actually wanted. Took my meds and now relaxing on my couch while my husband plays video games and our son plays with my dad who is visiting 💕
I don‘t need anything at the moment and I‘m finally feeling happy and rested for a change! #selfcaresunday @Novelista
1. Sailor Moon
2. Can‘t say I‘ve read too many memoirs...
3. Onions
4. Getting a raise!
Gotta love Friday! #friyayintro
Wow. Stop what you are doing and go pick up this book. Seriously. Right now. Do it. Im normally not big on self-help type books but this was recommended to me by a stranger as a way to help with emotional spending. It did so much more! It really provides an extremely simple way to get up out of bed in the morning and tackle the world. One of my favorite lines is “Leave nothing important unsaid.” A reminder to be present. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
All right nerd girls, let‘s do this! #nerdgirlsunite #nerdgirlsbookclub #themartian #andyweir #openinglines #imprettymuchfucked
Mornings done right. Laying in bed with coffee and a good book. #jimbutcher #foolmoon #harrydresdenfiles #kindofhaveacrushonharry