“Doesn‘t matter if it‘s personal or professional, a good partnership takes work.”
A reminder that relationships, whether romantic or otherwise, require constant effort and care.
“Doesn‘t matter if it‘s personal or professional, a good partnership takes work.”
A reminder that relationships, whether romantic or otherwise, require constant effort and care.
The way the series explores the complexities of family, love, and survival in a hostile universe gives it emotional resonance beyond the action and spectacle.
A genre-bending space opera that combines elements of fantasy, science fiction, and family drama. The dynamic art style and mature storytelling make Saga stand out.
Another entry in this expansive series. Vaughan and Staples have a great way of educing my care. There were several emotional cliffhangers between issues- I can see how the hiatuses later on would be difficult to handle. I got all the currently available volumes from the library yesterday and I‘ll be working through them this week, in between my other reading. Pictured: my own personal Lying Cat: Sleepy Disinterested Cat. #catsoflitsy
I don't think much happened in this one compared with the previous volumes, but it was still a good read.
Overall, it's a good story, engaging with awesome artwork. 3⭐️
I would recommend this and this comic series is getting better and better, the characters are becoming more comfortable in their own skin.
#briankvaughan #sagaseries #comic #graphicnovels #fantasy #sciencefiction
You THINK you know where the story is going after you see the first page & then you turn it and nope, that‘s not where the story is going...it‘s going elsewhere & that‘s okay because of course it‘s good. And THEN…
Deep breath…
If you are a fan of Saga, buckle up. This one does not disappoint.
Great writing &, as always, stunning art from BKV & Fiona Staples. So good. Okay, stopping the fangirling now…
Onward through my SAGA reread, with a ginger cookie beer to keep me company!
This is the volume where I began to suspect Vaughan & Staples were trying to kill me. (Vol 4 confirmed it. Those devious bastards.) What an awesome series. I have TOO MANY THOUGHTS for 451 characters, y‘all. I‘ll save the big one for the next volume & just gush/cry/scream here.
[insert gushy scream-crying]
I love this series! I inhaled this one and I loved the cliffhanger! If you‘re new to graphic novels this is a great series to start with. Plenty of action, amazing characters…and a smart and compelling storyline.
Apparently I backed up all my photos from my last phone on Google photos. Not sure how, but look what I found... me with Brian K. Vaughan at Travelling Man, York 😁 (about 5 years ago)
I was so starstruck that I forgot to beg him not to let anything happen to Ghüs 🦭
Continues to be an amazing series. 🤌🏻 The highest quality art and messaging and truly original fantasy.
41 books in May…the last such month for a while as I head off to my 7 week archaeological excavation later this month. Reading the script for the first issue of Saga was a real highlight—seeing the process is really cool. Lots of good Star Wars leading up to Obi-Wan Kenobi. Fantastic graphic novel about the Dust Bowl & Zachary Ying was a super fun MG. The Great Mistake, The Sweetness of Water and Fire Season were other favorites.
New Saga today!!! And LOOK AT THAT COVER! 😍
A few other ongoing comics as well. Happy that the rain held off long enough for me to get my pull.
“This is how an idea becomes real.”
As new issues roll out of Saga I‘m revisiting the beginning.
#graphics #favorites
Didn't quite manage a midnight reading (working mum needs sleep 😴) but did eagerly devour this over breakfast. So glad it's back, so happy to be back with these characters. Still slightly stunned to be back without certain characters...
The artwork is amazing. I love the changes to Alana.
And as for the writing...oh, Mr Brian, you're gonna break my heart again, aren't you?
I haven‘t posted in a while because I haven‘t read much lately (typical for me towards the end of the year). I‘ve only read four books since October - all graphic novels or manga.
BUT I stopped by Barnes & Noble today to take advantage of their 50% off all hardcovers sale and I wanted to share what I picked up. I‘m most excited about grabbing the three hardcover Saga omnibuses. I also bought a horror-themed board game!📚
Continuing this odd journey. This is a unique world the authors have created, with creatures from depths I don‘t understand. At any rate, it manages to intrigue me and so I‘ll continue to read this story for a bit longer. Definitely for adults only. I‘ll count it towards my #scarathlon2021 #teamhendrix @StayCurious
This is a very ADULT graphic novel. The art is gorgeous and the storyline (lovers from enemy races come together and make a baby and then struggle to find a home where they are not hunted) is a solid one.
I continue to have mixed feelings on this series. Oh, the internal conflict. I enjoy the story & art style & am admittedly intrigued. I do still have reservations about the whole space war/alien thing, but I guess it's growing on me? I also get oddly embarrassed every time I come to adult content. Maybe it's the mix of cartoon with nudity that weirds me out? Still, I am liking my read & won't abandon the series. I'm riding this train to the end.
Loved this first volume and am excited to continue. I hear it just keeps getting better.
I reread Saga and continued on my chapter a day reading of Anne #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead and The Italian #ItalianBuddyRead
I‘m so glad I finally reread this series and I might read again too.
A story about impossible love. The planet Landfall is at war with its moon Wreath. Alana, a wing from Landfall falls in love with Marko, a horn from Wreath. They have a baby girl. And suddenly both their sides are after them, several assassins and journalists.
A modern Romeo and Juliet story. Can‘t wait to read the rest of this story and I hope the hiatus is over soon.
Ghüs keeping watch over my bookshelves! How adorable he is in his little feety pyjamas ❤
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This volume was wild. You get to meet Markos ex-girlfriend and so many other characters. This series continues to impress me and I have 4 – 9 on hold at the library. Volume 3 is full of action and I‘m gonna be honest I don‘t know what to make of the tv head species. You get to see more of the story from the prince robot and its weird, but so good.
I wrote this a week and a half ago and I‘m laughing at how bad this review is.
So.. I am surprised I didn't explore this series sooner. I love it! I want to say I enjoy it better than Papergirls (even though I really really enjoyed Papergirls)
But I mean... is there a reasons to rank them... No! So yeah I love it anyway. I think this is the last one for today. I am going to download the next one so that I can read it during my lunch break at work tomorrow (fingers crossed I get one)...
CAN‘T STOP WON‘T STOP 😂😂😂 Saga is delightfully, wonderfully weird and I am there for it 😁🤯
Wow I did not know these were so good...gross and gory and vulgar... But so good.
I absolutely love the art style. Everything is really beautiful. And all the different species remind me of Doctor Who (and old Sci-Fi). It's just so different. I love it.
Trigger warning: it is extremely graphic! There's a lot of sex and violence.
#MarchReads #GraphicNovel
Just finished the first Saga. Wow! Rich worldbuilding and complex storytelling. Definitely a "grown up" graphic novel/comic book but also lots of fun trying to dig through the layers.
#WinterGames #TMSkellington @Crimson613 @StayCurious @Clwojick
I hate that they have drawings that should be "censored". Theres is no point in drawing those. Has nothing to do with the storyline.
Again, it's funny. I still like reading Marko and Alana story.
#TeamSlaughter #Scarathlon @Clwojick
+1 participation
so many good things have already been said about this series so here is my review in emojis.
Our shelves are really getting crowded. We definitely need a dedicated home library in our next house. 📚 #Shelfie
Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples's Saga continues to epitomize all that is glorious about fantasy for me: it's so, so real. This series confronts the issues that are super relevant right. now. . . . just in space and with aliens. We're talking abortion and war and violence and screens and love and creation. It's gorgeous and sad and sexy and perfect. (continued in comments)