Mars is 4.5 lbs of pure love 🥰
She's so widdle 🤏
A student of mine has a dachshund and a corgi who had puppies, and she brought them to school one day. This one walked right out of the litter and bonded with me. 🥺 So they let me adopt her. Mars is 8 weeks old and a perfect fit for the family. 💕
A warm welcome to the newest reading companion: Mars. 🤍
So Ripley managed to catch and eat a bird tonight before I knew what happened and could get it away. The only difference between him and this picture is he left no feathers behind. #DogMom #Dachushund
Got new dachshund planters and I just had to take a pic of Ripley sitting in between them.
You guys 😭😭😭 We had to put down the family dog that we'd had for 13 years a few months ago. I randomly came across this artist on Instagram who lives in my town & he drew this portrait of Cosgrove for me. I'm going to print it on a canvas and give it to my mom for Christmas.
Sorry, I know this isn't book related, but I just had to share this somewhere that she wouldn't see it! ❤