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My Sister, the Serial Killer
My Sister, the Serial Killer: A Novel | Oyinkan Braithwaite
Satire meets slasher in this short, darkly funny hand grenade of a novel about a Nigerian woman whose younger sister has a very inconvenient habit of killing her boyfriends. "Femi makes three, you know. Three and they label you a serial killer." Korede is bitter. How could she not be? Her sister, Ayoola, is many things: the favorite child, the beautiful one, possibly sociopathic. And now Ayoola's third boyfriend in a row is dead. Korede's practicality is the sisters' saving grace. She knows the best solutions for cleaning blood, the trunk of her car is big enough for a body, and she keeps Ayoola from posting pictures of her dinner to Instagram when she should be mourning her "missing" boyfriend. Not that she gets any credit. Tade, a kind, handsome doctor at the hospital where Korede works, is the bright spot in her life. She dreams of the day when he will realize they're perfect for each other. But one day Ayoola shows up to the hospital uninvited and Tade takes notice. When he asks Korede for Ayoola's phone number, she must reckon with the reality that dating her sister means certain death, this time for a man she cares deeply about. Sharp as nails and full of deadpan wit, Oyinkan Braithwaite has written a deliciously deadly debut that's as fun as it is frightening.
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This was a really good first effort. I thought the ending was okay and really compelled the reader to decide whether blood is thicker than water. I liked the way in which Braithwaite introduced us to her culture and customs, while still staying with the story line. If there was any weakness it would have to be the second half of the book in which I think the author remembered that the sister was a serial killer and introduced additional proof.

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This was so easy to get through, I finished it on quick flight start to finish, I just think it could have been so much better with the end

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#CoverLove #Red

Red covers on my shelf❤️❤️❤️

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect ❤️ 2mo
Eggs Fantastic! Love the red candles🕯️❤️📚 2mo
maich @Eggs thanks❤️ 2mo
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I picked this one up at a library sale. I've heard mixed reviews, but I'm goin' in!

KathyWheeler I liked it but found many description of it to be odd. I didn‘t view it as either dark comedy or satire — both terms have been applied to it. 3mo
Rachel.Rencher @KathyWheeler I'm having the same feelings toward it...bailing on it for now 3mo
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Korede's sister Ayoola's boyfriends keep dying. Korede starts to worry when Ayoola is attracted to Tade, a doctor Korede works with and likes. Korede shares all of her thoughts and secrets to a patient in a coma - who wakes up. Ayoola's incredible narcissism and Korede constantly getting dumped on by everyone in her life wore me out. The background on the sisters parents did help explain their relationship. ⬇️

bthegood Overall, a good story and I enjoyed how the story was told, the main characters just got on my nerves (except the guy in the coma) and it wasn't as witty or “fun“ as I thought it would be.
Make a great day 😊
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My #BookSpinBingo for May. Thanks for hosting @TheAromaofBooks -

Make a great day everyone 🙂

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 5mo
bthegood @Bookwormjillk it's been on my tbr for a long time - I need to pick it up next!! 5mo
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“Is this how he sees her? As an exotic beauty? I console myself with the knowledge that even the most beautiful flowers wither and die.”
― Oyinkan Braithwaite, My Sister, the Serial Killer

It's a love triangle of sorts. #ittakesallkinds #lovetriangle

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 💚🖤 6mo
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It is very dark, which isn‘t usually my thing, but I really loved being in Korede‘s mind. The book was written in a way that so much information was revealed without so much writing and explaining. It read like a movie, she showed us the dynamics. I also liked how the “why” was slowly unraveled as you continued reading. I loved that the coma patient was Korede‘s confident. Ayoola‘s character also made sense to me and their tortuous sisterly bond.

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One sister kills her boyfriends/lovers, and the other one saves her from herself every.single.time. The serial killer sister is so unlikeable one simply wants her comeuppance (or gosh just justice would be enough). But the codependent sister is equally unlikeable. This is a short, very readable book. I just couldn‘t muster enough feeling to like it. So I‘ve an unpopular opinion having read so many great reviews. But it‘s just not for everyone. ⬇️

Texreader Oh, there was one likeable character who almost saved the story: the guy in the coma. #Nigeria #foodandlit #scarathlon @Catsandbooks #batbrigade (edited) 11mo
tpixie @Texreader 😂‘ the guy in the coma” 😂 11mo
kspenmoll 😂😂 ditto @tpixie ! 11mo
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Amiable I wasn‘t a fan of this one, either. 11mo
Catsandbooks 😂 that's too bad 11mo
bthegood I felt the same way about this one 🙂 4mo
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Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🇳🇬 11mo
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A short book about a serial killer and her sister who tries to protect her. This book was kind of funny given the topic. A very wry look at families and sibling rivalry.

Texreader This is my chosen read for #Nigeria as well. Hopefully I can get to it! Glad to hear it‘s short 11mo
Bookwormjillk @Texreader super short! Maybe 2 hours? 11mo
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Catsandbooks Yay! 🖤🇳🇬 11mo
TheSpineView Awesome! 11mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 11mo
DieAReader 👻👻👻 11mo
Andrew65 Loved this, well done 👏👏👏 11mo
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I devoured this book, it‘s so good!

My Sister, the Serial Killer | Oyinkan Braithwaite
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Jari-chan Can't wait to hear this episode! 14mo
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I liked some aspects of this story, but I guess I just didn't fully get out of it what I was supposed to.

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A dark ode to the powerful bonds of sisterhood. Practical Korede must look out for her baby sister Ayoola, a spoiled beauty who attracts many men, only to end up killing them when she loses interest. Complicating things further, Ayoola soon catches the interest of Korede‘s crush: a handsome Lagos doctor. A fun setting for some sibling rivalry; otherwise, the breezy plot doesn‘t bite very deep. Poolside w/ coffee from Naked Lounge in Sacramento!

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Mimi28 Oooooo!! I am going to look for that movie. Do you know where I can find it? Sorry, I haven‘t been on here in a while, lol 1y
TheSpineView It is a Universal Studios film so Netflix??? 1y
Mimi28 Darn!! Seems like I have everything but Netflix, lol. I have Amazon, Hulu, and Disney Plus. 1y
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TheSpineView @Mimi28 Murphy's law! 1y
Klou Awesome!! 1y
TheSpineView @Klou 🤩📘 1y
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A really fresh writing style, very memorable characters and a compelling story. I liked it quite a bit but it's not at all what people online are saying about it: “edgy dark comedy“. check out our discussion about it on the Mind Duck Books podcast episode 43: https://bit.ly/3MvKfQ5

KathyWheeler I thought the label of dark comedy didn‘t fit. I‘ve also seen it referred to as satire, and I don‘t see that either. I did like it, but I don‘t think it‘s what people say it is. 1y
mindduckbooks @KathyWheeler to quote you, I agree with everything you said here :D 1y
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fredamans Loved this read! 1y
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My Sister, the Serial Killer | Oyinkan Braithwaite

The way some chapters were written was interesting because sometimes it would be a page for a chapter or other times it would be pages long. I thought that the book was well written.

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Eggs 👌🏼💚🙌🏻 1y
fredamans I loved this book! 1y
IndianBookworm @fredamans I loved this book too!🙌 1y
NataliePatalie Read this one for a bookclub awhile back that ended up getting cancelled lol 1y
Blueberry @NataliePatalie I remember you reading it. 1y
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#Love taken to extremes can be dangerous"
#ThemedThursday @dabbe

Sisterly love how far will it go? I don't have a sister, but I would like to think I would hide a body for her But at some point Korese's love for her sister Ayoola might just be enabling her!

I really loved this one.

dabbe Ooh, yeah! It's stacked! Thanks! 💜🤗💜 1y
ChaoticMissAdventures @dabbe I hope you like it! 1y
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I wanted to love this, but I didn't.
I thought it was OK. It was well written, and it was a very quick, easy read. I just found it a little dull, and I really hated the bratty attitude of Ayoola. I'm a big sister myself, and I liked how the book portrays the big sister as the scape goat at times and the one who should always clean up their little sisters' messes, despite them being adults. I think all big sisters can relate. I'd give this 3 stars.

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This is a short novel exploring the nature of loyalty, the things that draw us together and keep us together, the things that keep us apart, and the patterns we follow despite our best intentions to change. It's fairly understated for a book about a serial killer, which I find interesting. It's like the murders are secondary to the relationship between the two sisters. The ending feels unsatisfying but also just like the ending would have to be.

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Last year I read 143 books &decided that was too many. & I know people here read extremely more, slightly more, less, there‘s no “right” number, but I feel like I don‘t savor or ruminate on anything anymore -& I like to do that-
so I said I have to calm down 😂 anyway,I read 16 books this month not including the one I DNF‘d 🤣 so than resolution obviously did not stick. anyway, the tagged book is my favorite of the month

Storygraph 5feet_of_fury

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5/5 stars! I thought My Sister, the Serial Killer was a solid thriller, had me laughing and screaming for the main character, siblings really be like this😂

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Loved it.
A quick read, the story of two sisters 👯‍♀️ the older one always cleaning up the younger one‘s messes.

Had me hooked from page 1 “Ayoola summons me with these words- Korede, I killed him. -I had hoped I would never hear those words again.”

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Listened/read this one today for my book group. The blurbs made me expect more lol humor, but really it‘s just thick with dark humor and absurdity. Looking forward to what the group thinks about it. I‘m mostly meh…. It was a quick read, but I‘m not feeling the desire to rave about it.


This book was really just about the eldest sister (Korede) cleaning up after serial killer sister‘s (Ayoola) mess. The book was far too short and lacked too much depth for me to fully understand why Ayoola was the way she was. Instead, we get Korede‘s bitter POV throughout the book. There‘s no growth at all with any of them until the end. Ayoola stays shallow, Korede‘s stays bitter, and their mom is forever in-denial.

#bookreview #review

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I missed Day 1 of #AdventRecommends so will play catch up and post two today. For this Challenge I am going to post two of my favourite books from each month.

Day 1 Loved the #ReadingAfrica2022 Challenge this year and really enjoyed this book set in Nigeria, short but hugely entertaining and different. Thanks to @Librarybelle and @BarbaraBB for this challenge. January Book 1


ChaoticMissAdventures I loved this one! You rarely see books that are so focused on sister love. And is not super sappy ;) 2y
Andrew65 @ChaoticMissAdventures That sums it up well. 2y
BarbaraBB Very happy you joined us on this journey! 2y
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Andrew65 @BarbaraBB Think I will still need to continue in 2023. Loved exploring different books through it. 2y
BarbaraBB Many people are continuing in 2023! We can learn much more about this continent! 2y
Andrew65 @BarbaraBB Definitely, learnt a lot about history and geography of Africa this year. 2y
Linsy LOVED this one!!! 2y
Librarybelle So glad you enjoyed this one! And, thanks for joining us on the challenge this year! I know I‘ll be continuing into next year with books set in Africa - so many great recommendations from everyone! 2y
Andrew65 @Librarybelle Thanks for all you and @barbaraBB doing in setting up and maintaining these challenges. ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
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#ScarathlonDailtPrompts #TeamMonsterMash @Staycurious

Prompt #3- Killer
Photo- 5 points
Post- 1 point
Total= 6 points

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Again a day late this week!

✨I enjoy both
✨haunted house
✨tagged… not really spooky but I don‘t like scary books!

#thoughtfulthursday @MoonWitch94

MoonWitch94 Thanks for playing 🎃✨🏚🕯📖 2y
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Eek!! I‘m already behind on my #ScarathlonDailyPrompts #PhotoChallenge! Playing catch-up. This is Day 3: #Killer. I really need to finally read this one! #TeamSlaughter #Scarathlon2022 🔪💚

Clwojick This one is so good! 2y
KT1432 Good to know @Clwojick! 2y
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My Sister, the Serial Killer | Oyinkan Braithwaite

I really liked this one. I went in blind based on some list recommendation and was not disappointed. The family dynamic between the main character and her sister was really endearing. And this was a much funnier book than I would have thought it would be at first glance. Overall, I enjoyed it and would suggest for anyone wanting a quick, dark, sometimes humorous read.

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This was a dark comedy style book that was quick and easy to read.

Nearly everyone was unlikeable but that added to the story. You would need to be in the right mood to enjoy this as it's quite bleak in some ways

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Set I'm Nigeria, Treasure is obsessed with her Instagram account. The goal is 5,000 followers, getting that blue tick and becoming an influencer.

It just takes one post to pose a threat to the whole dream, just one tiny mistake on one single post and the cards can come tumbling down.

As long as you delete it fast, its going to be OK. Right?

At the time of posting this collection is available on Kindle Unlimited.

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Slow but worth the read! Unexpected ending

EJsmama0729 I wish there was a glossary in this book or footnotes to translate some of the words and phrases but I enjoyed the book. A quick read. 2y
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️s! #LetterM #AlphabetGame

Bookgoil Love this book!!! 2y
ChaoticMissAdventures I loved this one too!! 2y
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It was a quick listen. I was slightly disappointed/ hoping it ended a bit different. But overall I did enjoy it. My drive to and from the doc office was a little over 3 hours so…. It was perfect!


BookwormM What a cutie 🥰 2y
ElizaMarie @BookwormM awe thanks. She is our newest one to our pack 2y
BookwormM What‘s her name? Love that little tongue sneaking out 2y
ElizaMarie @BookwormM Zoey. We had adopted her from a breeder. They no longer were gonna breed her and didn‘t want her anymore… which makes me sad but we are glad to have her (she is 6 years old) 2y
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Downloaded this one from #Libby to listen to to in my way to the doc‘s office. It‘s pretty quick. I‘m sure I will finish it today actually. I‘m enjoying it so far :)

Here too early so I get to sit in the car and listen another 25ish minutes

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Not as thrilling as I expected. But it was a quick short read. I liked the author‘s writing style and short chapters. I would certainly read more from this author, though.

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How far does the bond and loyalty of sisterhood stretch? Korede has helped her sister, Ayoola, dispose of the bodies of her last 3 boyfriends and she is fed up. Especially now that Ayoola has her eyes on the doctor that Korede has a crush on at work. Who will she choose to protect in this dangerous game? Can she save them both or does one‘s survival depend on the sacrifice of the other? dark satire for sure, quick read, very entertaining

Sydneypaige This has been on my list forever! 2y
writerlibrarian Read that in one sitting. Loved it. 2y
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37/22I enjoyed this book about murder and sisters, it was as witty as it was dark. I was listening to it and it felt like it ended very abruptly because I wasn‘t paying attention to how far along it was. But I actually quite liked that. I didn‘t know how it would end but I felt satisfied when it did. #booked2022 #authorborninafrica (Braithwaite was born in Lagos). #192025 #2018

Librarybelle Good choice! I‘ve yet to read this one, but one that works so well for #ReadingAfrica2022 ! @BarbaraBB 2y
Andrew65 Loved this book. 2y
Cinfhen I really enjoyed this one too!! Good choice 👍🏽 2y
writerlibrarian So so good. 2y
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What a romp!
Read for #bookspin and #authorborninafrica #booked2022

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I loved the prose. It is a dark read, so you have to be in the mood for it. #readingafrica

SqueakyChu This sounds creepy!! 2y
Graywacke Such a strangely fun book 2y
Christyco125 I thought this had some great dark humor. 2y
BkClubCare Pie! 🌟 I enjoyed this book. 2y
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So many books on my Libby shelf. Love this app 💚🐉

LoverOfLearning Yes! I love Libby!! 2y
Dragon Thanks @LoverOfLearning - it has to be my favourite app 💚🐉 2y
LoverOfLearning @Dragon I can agree. I've used it every day this week! 2y
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