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Denunziation: Erzhlungen aus Nordkorea | Bandi,
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Bandi ist das Pseudonym des ersten literarischen Dissidenten aus Nordkorea. Sein Buch ist die Sammlung von sieben Geschichten, die in den Neunziger Jahren geschrieben wurden und erst jetzt unter riskanten Umstnden aus dem Land gelangt sind. In schlichter Poesie und mit feinem Sinn fr Humor erzhlt der Autor von einem Leben, das vom totalitren Regime durchdrungen ist. Da ist der junge Bauer, dem die ntige Reisegenehmigung fehlt, um seine sterbende Mutter in einer nahen Provinz zu besuchen. Und die Ehe eines jungen Ingenieurs zerbricht an den vererblichen Hierarchien. Der Autor der Geschichten klagt an, macht keinen Hehl aus seiner Wut auf das Regime. Denunziation ist ein einzigartiger Blick in ein abgeschottetes Land und ein so mutiges wie beeindruckendes Stck Literatur.
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Um. Wow. Short stories from an anonymous author, smuggled out of #NorthKorea. They tell what it‘s like to live under such a regime, where even your emotions (or those of your young children) must not step away from authority lines. Bandi is a state-authorised writer in N Korea, although he would never be permitted to write stories like these - this is powerful literature, painfully told. All round remarkable.

rockpools Going with the spirit rather than the letter of the #BannedBook prompt for #Booked2020 - this couldn‘t actually be banned in North Korea, because it would never have been permitted to exist. This was also my #ReadAroundTheWorld book for October (tough books take time at the moment!) 4y
TrishB Stacked 👍🏻 4y
rockpools @TrishB 👍🏻 But maybe save it til next year! 4y
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TrishB I have some ‘sad‘ books I want to get to but know I need to be in the right frame of mind. Sad to say it‘s easier to read serial killer fiction than real life sadness. 4y
Cinfhen This will work for multiple challenges for next year!!! Stacked 4y
Caroline2 Sounds interesting. Stacked. 😉 4y
rockpools @Cinfhen I think I actually need to plan for next year‘s challenges, Cindy. It‘s most disconcerting! 4y
rockpools @Caroline2 I‘d recommend it! But it‘s tough 😔 4y
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Short stories from a variety of perspectives - all about people being mistreated by the North Korean government.

Realized I haven't reviewed a bunch of books I read on Litsy - been posting about them elsewhere and forgot.

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I was planning on re-posting last week‘s #bookreport with notes saying ‘same, same, same...‘ Then I realised I had actually started 2 more books this week 🙄 🤯(the inside of my head does look like this!)

Even though my book reports are a total jumble, they do actually stop things getting (too) out of control!

The Windsor Knot and Noughts & Crosses might be fast reads, so I have high hopes for finishing something next week (or even this wknd)!

JennyM I love this 😆❤️ 4y
TrishB Made me laugh anyway 😁😘 4y
Cinfhen Your notes are hysterical 😜I love a good sense of humor 4y
rockpools @JennyM @trishb @Cinfhen 😘😘 I‘m a teensy tiny bit envious of folks that appear to read in a straight line, finish one, start the next, all in the right order. It‘s beyond me!! 📚📚📚📚 4y
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Should be done with this tonight. Life and other hurdles keep sidetracking me. I honestly feel for all the characters in this collection. The privilege of freedom is not one everyone gets to enjoy and we so often take for granted things as trivial as being able to draw our curtains whenever we feel like it. You will get this if you read this poignant book narrating how the people in North Korea are faced with obedience every single day.

Adventures-of-a-French-Reader I absolutely 💖 your review ;) 4y
Ericka1 I really enjoy sharing these discussions with you 🙂. 4y
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Bandi wrote 7 short stories, each magnificently constructed, about life in North Korea.
I love how fiction is here used to depict the reality of life under such a regime. Each story resonated with me.
Disillusionment and injustice are themes that are common to several stories. But Bandi, in each story, manages to reveal something about how the North Korean regime is working. Very moving & interesting read!

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Had this on the TBR for a while and it was worth the wait!
I had to remind myself that it was fiction.
Very well written and translated.
Full of spirit

Pruzy What are some of the stores about? 4y
BookishRedhead @Pruzy both stories are about families that are struggling and trying to survive 4y
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This is a difficult read due to the subject matter, but reading this is so worthwhile. This is a collection of short stories, based on real people and events, about life in North Korea. Grim, sad, brutal, and beautiful at times, these stories purport to portray the realities of life in the country. The manuscript had to be smuggled out of the country in order to be published, and the author remains anonymous due to safety concerns. Read it.


The reader gets a taste of what life is like in North Korea... and it's not great. Here the party rules everything, everyone is suspicious each other, deportation of citizens from the city to the harsh countryside can happen within the hour, and lies are constantly recycled to prop up the infallibility and wisdom of the great leader. There is more. But these things alone make the book worth reading and remind us to watch our own governments.

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Bailed at page 89. Not that it's bad, but I just couldn't seem to get into it. Moving on to other things.

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Won't be closing this one until it's done, somehow it really drew me in from the first page.

#NorthKorea #literarytriparoundtheworld

the.bookish.valkyrie What an adorable reading buddy! #DogsOfLitsy 🐶 💕 6y
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This book has been written by Bandi, an inhabitant (still) of North Korea. He wrote this collection of short stories, yoked together to one overarching theme: criticism of the Kim Il-sun era.
What a country. What a system. What a fear.

(Picture: Vienna)

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In these times I decided it is about time I learn some more about North Korea. I start with this one but do also have a copy of The Orphan Master‘s Son. Any recommendations? #currentread

Libby1 I thought In Order to Live was excellent. 7y
BarbaraBB @Libby1 Thanks. I‘ll check that one out. 7y
LeeRHarry I second @Libby1 's choice 😊 7y
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batsy In this one N Korea is not explicitly named, but one gets the sense from various clues. It's a hard read but a memorable and unflinching one about lives of refugees. 7y
BarbaraBB @batsy I haven‘t heard of it but will look it up! Thank you! 7y
Sue I haven't read this one yet, but have heard good things 7y
RidgewayGirl Nothing to Envy is excellent. 7y
BarbaraBB @Sue @seebiscan @RidgewayGirl Thank you all. I had no idea there are so many good books about life in North Korea! 7y
Liz_M I second @RidgewayGirl recommendation. 7y
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To read next! I'm super excited about this one, it looks right up my street. It is a collection of short stories that were written IN North Korea and smuggled out.

#shortstory #diversity #diversebooks #diversebookbloggers #weneeddiversebooks #diversereads #reading #readdiverse #readdiversebooks #read #book #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookinspo #books #korea #hardback #collection

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I don't think I've ever rated a short story collection higher than 3/5 stars, and this is the case for this anthology as well. The stories provided very interesting insight into the daily lives of North Koreans, but some stories were better than others. I skimmed through at least 2 of the stories.

#translated for #litsyreadingchallenge
#collection for #aroundtheyearin52books

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At almost halfway through, I'd say this book is haunting. And raw.

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Road trip to Calgary! I'm not driving though, so I get to read the whole way. 😈

Jabberwocky If you have a chance for book tourism while you're here, fair's fair has an outrageous selection of great used books. (All of the locations are amazing) Also welcome to my city! 💛 Are you here for stampede? 🤠 7y
kendrastephaniekaryn @Jaberwocky Thanks! I'll have to check that out! We're from Edmonton so we're in Calgary pretty regularly, but this time around is for Stampede! 7y
JacqMac I'm hiding in my house and avoiding Stampede. Lol Have fun! 7y
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Litsy is definitely not good for me. I joined three weeks ago, today I entered a book store and completely lost it.... I blame you all 😍! #blameitonlitsy #bookhaul

Bklover You got some good stuff!!! I get books in the mail that I ordered and have no idea why I bought them other than it's a "#blamelitsy". 7y
BarbaraBB Exactly the same here! I get so greedy! 7y
Simona I was at the same place last year, but eventually I calmed down... for a little and now I'm trying to control my impulsive book-buying. Sometimes successfully, but sometimes very unsuccessfully🤷‍♀️ 7y
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batsy This is a wonderful selection of books! 7y
BarbaraBB @simona So there is a bit of hope that it will be temporarily 😀? This way I'll be broke before the end of the year and won't ever find the time to read them! 7y
Simona Maybe broke, but with the pile of good books.😎 7y
Suet624 I am so happy that I have four different town libraries close by. I rarely have to buy a Litsy recommended book. 7y
BarbaraBB @Suet624 Lucky you, you can order anything you like without buying it! 7y
BarbaraBB @batsy Thank you! 7y
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Depression-related insomnia has its perks, I suppose. Starting a new read tonight, despite feeling like I'm drained of all feelings.

Notafraidofwords Feel better. I know it's rough. 7y
Bklover Hope you feel better soon. There are people here who care. 🌷 7y
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kendrastephaniekaryn @Bklover Thank you so much for saying that. I feel safe on Litsy, even when I can't talk to anyone elsewhere. 7y
Bklover I know what you mean. There is kindness here. Sending you a hug. 7y
monkeygirlsmama 💙💜🖤 (((Huggles))) ❤️💛💚 7y
LeahBergen Hugs to you. 💕 7y
BooksAtNight Hope you feel better soon! 7y
TrishB Hope you're feeling better soon 💗 7y
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I also did some book therapy shopping tonight because I deserve it after the clusterfuck of a week & day I've had. But thank god for books! I've been looking forward to this one all year and finally just bought it already. That cover. 😍

EvieBee It's good!!! 7y
BookishFeminist @EvieBee84 Yes! Even more excited! I feel like we have similar taste in books. I haven't seen many people talk about this one. 7y
Bookscatsandcountry I need to pick this up. It sounds fascinating 📚 7y
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LeahBergen I've been eyeing this! 7y
EvieBee @BookishFeminist We most definitely do! 7y
WOCreads Looks great, I hadn't heard of it before! Hope next week is better!😊 7y
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Has anyone read this book? (the author's name is Bandi) It's a collection of stories that was smuggled out of North Korea. Here's an article about it: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/19/books/north-korea-the-accusation.html

ReadingEnvy I've heard good things! 7y
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5/5⭐️ I am not a huge reader of short story collections but this one was absolutely wonderful and amazing. Highly recommend

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Wow! These stories are all good, but there were two in particular that made me shutter at the horror and stupidity of the North Korean regime. Can you imagine not being able to travel to see your dying mother or living a life of deprivation for the sake of the Party? Crazy. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #junereads #20booksofsummer 1/20

SaraBeagle The curtains..... that one really stuck with me. 7y
EvieBee @SaraBeagle OMG yes!! 7y
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Current reading situation. It's 6:40 am over here. Just started using the Bookout app. #obsessed

Zelma Appropriate mug! 👍 7y
Ms_T I like a new app so I'll be checking that one out. Have a lovely holiday 😃 7y
bedandabook I've just downloaded this app and it looks fun. Thanks for that 😀 7y
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Cinfhen Are you in Hawaii??? Sooooo fun!!! 7y
EvieBee @Zelma mos def, Zelma! ☺️ 7y
EvieBee @Ms_T Thank you! I hope you enjoy it! 7y
EvieBee @bedandabook You are welcome! I've always wanted to clock how much time I invested in a book and learn my average reading speed so it's perfect! 7y
EvieBee @Cinfhen Yes! First time ever. I've never even swam in the ocean. A lot of firsts. 😆 7y
Cinfhen That's awesome😀post some pics! Enjoy...💜 7y
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We made it! Did I mention that I don't travel well at all? I'm always a ball of anxiety and nausea. 🤢
However the view this morning is so worth it! It's funny that I had been agonizing over what books to bring on vacation, and settled on these ones. I have no idea what I'm in the mood for. I also have a ton to read on my kindle. #bookproblems #TBR

MicheleinPhilly YAY! I can relate on the travel anxiety. But you're there! Have an AMAZING time! ☀️🏖🍹 7y
LeahBergen Yay!!! I think My Cousin, Rachel and The Girl Before are perfect holiday reads. Have a ton o' fun! 😘 7y
LauraBrook I'm another anxious traveler (and a v v nauseous one too), so I'm glad you're there and can relax! Enjoy! 🍾 7y
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minkyb Enjoy! They do have bookstores in Hawaii! 7y
EvieBee @MicheleinPhilly Thank you! So glad I'm not alone! ❤️ 7y
EvieBee @LeahBergen I'm so glad you approve! To the beach! 7y
EvieBee @LauraBrook Thank you, Laura! The nausea just about does me in every time even on road trips but I conquered! 💕 7y
EvieBee @minkyb I was just about to ask!!!!! Recommendations in Maui? (edited) 7y
Buddys_Momma Glad you made it. I get vertigo in planes because of the pressure. Motion sickness patches help bunches. Also gin and tonic 😀 Have a great time!!! 🌴🌞 7y
EvieBee @Buddys_Momma Vertigo is terrible! But I'll have to remember that for the trip back home. 😆 7y
batsy I haven't read My Cousin Rachel and I think I'm going to soon. Just heard that the movie with Rachel Weisz is coming out! 7y
EvieBee @batsy I used to have an old ugly copy and it really was the only thing preventing me from reading it because I know I'll love it! Had no idea it is being made into a movie! I better jump on it then. 7y
batsy @EvieBee84 I was pretty excited to find out about the movie! I thought I had a copy but it turns out I don't... Or it's buried somewhere in my triple stacked shelves 😁 7y
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This is a collection of short stories set in North Korea, written by someone who is currently living there. The author was able to get the stories smuggled out to South Korea, where they were first published. The writing is very good, but such sad stories!

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Smuggled out of North Korea, many of these stories are pretty good. But literary evaluation is utterly beside the point: any sentence from any one would get Bandi strung up. I shall never forget the woman character whose dad had been a war hero; her baby boy kept screaming and crying at the sight of the Dear Leader portrait across the street. She thought this offence would be given a pass due to her dad's valor. How do you think that turned out?

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Like these incredible stories, this photo of a real, malnourished North Korean soldier was smuggled out of the country. There are more such photos here: https://petapixel.com/2016/01/25/these-photos-got-a-photographer-banned-from-nor...

LeahBergen Wow. 7y
zsuzsanna_reads Need to get this for my husband's tbr pile. I'll probably just do in - is to heart-rending for me to read all the way through. 😢 7y
Sue Thank you for the link! Very interesting ( and just so sad) 7y
Zelma Thank you so much for posting this link. 7y
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This was so good. 7 short stories of North Koreans living under dictatorship. Bandi is not coy in his writings, his stories are nothing short of cries of dissent. What stands out for me is his anger, not just for himself but, for his fellow citizens caught up in this decades long impossible situation. #GRABBYHANDS #stagetruth

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Even self-soothing with tea and butterscotch pie can't make this book less bleak. It's really, really good but so very sad.

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This book is heart wrenching. What these people go through. Seems like such an important read.

shawnmooney I couldn't agree more - I'm only partway in, but it's amazing! 7y
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Quick study break while I enjoy a book for fun and not for uni! Such an important book, telling the rare stories of the North Korean people, smuggled out of the country by a dissident writer. I feel that the story of the author is just as fascinating and important as the stories contained within the book!
#bandi #theaccusation #chocolate #coffee #booksandcoffee #studybreak

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Brand new translation of an anthology of fiction by North Korean writers, smuggled into the West. I just saw the review by @Jessicav on Litsy and literally started reading the ebook off Scribd within 5 minutes!

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It's so hard to comment on a book like this. I've read a lot already about life in North Korea, but to have a work of fiction smuggled out of the country in hopes that change will come from outside pressures is a different beast. What is there to say about a collection of work from someone risking their life to teach others and talk openly about what's happening inside closed borders. Make some time for this one.

shawnmooney Wow! 7y
shawnmooney Ok this is a first: based on your review and the ebook's availability on Scribd I am going to start reading this IMMEDIATELY, less than 5 minutes after reading your review! 7y
Jessicav @shawnmooney yes!!! I mean, it's the sort of book that you don't really find "enjoyable" but is important and enlightening worth our time. 7y
shawnmooney I've already read a fifth of it - it's riveting! 7y
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Next up. I tend to listen to kpop while I read, and my bookmark is a photo card that came in a cd jacket. The juxtaposition could not be more stark. #highhopes #korea

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This comes out in the UK in May. Yeonmi Park, author of In Order to Live commented about this on her Facebook page today.

Sue Sounds like a must read. 7y
Libby1 I think so too, @sue . 7y
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A little self-care today - went for a mani/pedi and then HAD to use my B&N coupon...I have wanted Desperation Road since I heard it was coming out but I just stumbled across The Accusation while browsing - love it when that happens!

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Thoroughly horrifying collection of stories, from a prisoner of the the Communist regime in North Korea. Seven long and complex stories capture the horrors of life in this Stalinist gulag. Most striking is that every story is perrvaded by images of cold and hunger. In one story, a character is descrribed as "...so gaunt he looked like a stick of wood in clothes; even his bald head gave the impression of being somehow hollow." Essential reading.

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So excited to start reading this. Reminds me of when I was a kid, and there was a publisher that printed translations of samizdat. Great article in the New York Times, check it out!

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Regrammed from my instagram: look what came in the mail today... #toberead #intranslation #toread #shortstories

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4.5 ⭐. A haunting collection of seven short stories about life in North Korea. It's the first time a book critical of the North Korean government written by someone who still lives in North Korea has been published. The stories are great! It gave me a more well-rounded view of life in NK, replacing the caricature that previously existed in my mind. A government can oppress its people, but it can't crush all imagination and independent thought.

overlyattachedreader Full review @ Goodreads! #netgalley #shortstories 8y
LeahBergen This sounds good! 8y
overlyattachedreader I thought it was great. It's fiction, but he based them on real stories. I am also fascinated by this book's backstory! @LeahBergen 8y
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I didn't know what I didn't know about North Korea. LOVED this collection of short stories, the first thing to come out of communist North Korea.

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Heard about this book on the Vintage Podcast and immediately put it down as a must read for 2017. Anyone else's TBR exploding because of all the "Best of 2016" and "2017 New Releases" lists? (Please tell me I'm not the only one...?)

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