I haven‘t posted my 2018 reading stats from goodreads, so here it is. 🤓 Not bad, considering in 2017 I only read 3 novels... #goodreads #bookstats #2018stats
I haven‘t posted my 2018 reading stats from goodreads, so here it is. 🤓 Not bad, considering in 2017 I only read 3 novels... #goodreads #bookstats #2018stats
New post is up! I did a review of the books I read in 2018! There is a top 6 list. It was so hard to narrow it down but I did it! Go check it out. www.lookingglassbookshop.com
I keep a little book shelf with the books I read through the year - at least the ones I own in paper form. This is 2018.
My top 5 reads in 2018 and my favorite reading spot in 2018 — St. Lucia
@TheSpinecrackersBookClub #spinecrackersbookclub
My four favorite books of 2018. Three with 2018 pub dates, and one backlist choice. I didn‘t have many 5-star books, but had a large list of four-star choices. As usual, I also divided my full “best of” list by my blog categories: Resist, Relax, and Learn. Check out the post for more stats, including my reading challenges. Whew! Now, I can proceed with 2019.
Full blog post at www.TheBibliophage.com
Here is a fun little picture of every book I read last year (except a couple I only got on audible). I had fun doing it. :)
... Well I was supposed to be every book but the picture is too long. 😂 So here are a few. I'll have a blog up with all of this in the next couple of days too.
2018 Year in Review
I read 48 books, some of which were 100 pages or less. One was a 6 page short story. My average rating was 4 stars, with 20 books getting 5 stars. Pretty good!
I didn't think I would have as much time ro read as I did. This year, I'm going to actually try to make time for another hobby in addition to reading, so I don't expect such a high total again. I'm going to focus on the enjoyment of reading instead of the quantity.
Well I didn‘t hit my goal of 30 but 2 shy is not bad. I gotta say this litsy community has definitely helped get me back on track with my reading and I love it 📚❤️
Hello again Darlings 🙈
•• Today‘s #bellesbookishnewyear19 prompt is “Throwback Thursday #tbt “.
So I‘ve decided to share my top 3 favs of 2018.
• #TheNameoftheWind. Absolutely adored this book! 10/10!
• #Mistborn. Akfbkeonf. My heart has been stolen by this one. And I‘m still not over the ending I never saw coming. 💔💘10/10
• #Jackaby. It‘s a marvelous, hilarious, read. 10/10 recommend the first two in the series. ☺️
#favsof2018 #top3
My favourite 18 in 2018. It's changed a dozen times but I genuinely loved all of these.
Favourite fiction: The Tsar of Love and Techno
Favourite non-fiction: Shapeshifters
This was my 2018 in reading:
Fiction = 176
Non-fiction = 27
Poetry = 4
Total saved by using the library in 2018 = $2230.32
The least popular book was one of my favorites.
My final stats for 2018...challenges, not so good, but I did make it above my Goodreads goal!
Completed 145 books for 2018. Genres pretty evenly spread out. Top reads Gentleman from Moscow, Castle of Water and Factfulness.
In 2018, I finished 121 books! Way higher than any year for me since I've started tracking my reading. I'm proud of myself. I completed the #booked2018 challenge and made a pretty good dent in the #ssdgmchallenge.
My #18in2018 are shown above. This was the year of amazing nonfiction for me- I can't choose between Columbine, Killers of the Flower Moon, The Indifferent Star Above, and I'll Be Gone in the Dark as my favorite for the year!
My #readinggoals #bingo from 2018. hope to fill in some blanks in 2019! #bulletjournal
My year in #2018 of books. I‘m really pleased that I read 209 books and 50,000 pages!
#bookstagram #goodreads #litsy #littens #year #challenge #reading #bibliophile #bookaholic #booknerd
My Year In Books! I had a goal of 52 and read 60! I'm shocked cause I had a few very bad reading slumps this year, plus started a new job. Surprised I reached my goal let along surpassed it!
This year I upped my goal to 100 😱 Porbabaly won't reach it but we'll see! I'm gonna try! What is your Goodreads 2019 reading challenge?
It was a good year in books for me! I fought for a work/life/reading balance and found my groove in the second half of the year. Bring on 2019, and lots of books yet to be read! ❤️🎉📚
Guess I didn‘t post my yearly summary here yesterday. Can‘t believe I only read 4 books in the first three months of this year! (The first month on the chart is 12/17). Best month was October with 27 books!
Better late than never! I managed to read a lot of amazing books this year and hoping for another great year of reading.
I had a great year in books in 2018! I read some great books and bailed on books that just weren‘t for me!
Here‘s to hoping 2019 will be even better! 🎉
Wow I outdid myself this year! My goal was 300 but I ended up reading 320 books!
In 2014 I set a reading challenge for 107 books a year. I read about 60. I kept the same challenge in 2015, 2016, and 2017. Never made it above 75. In 2018, I finally beat my reading challenge for the first time ever. 126 out of 107 books read! Definitely feels like the greatest accomplishment of the past four years!
Over all a fantastic reading year for me. I read more than I have ever read. I practically doubled my usual end of the year number. It was the year of the short story, the audiobook, & the graphic novel. Each month I ended up reading:
6-10 books/novellas (with some short stories sprinkled throughout the year)
2-3 audiobooks
5-8 graphic novels.
Let's see if I can keep this momentum up as I start the new year.
My Year In Books! 🥳 Happy New Year Everyone!
I used to read about 15-20 books/year. Something happened to me this year, and I sort of went... crazy! And I loved every second of it!
I was greatly surprised when I totalled my reads from 2018! I managed to read 140 books! 112 graphic novels, 4 audio books, and 24 (regular?) books. Hopefully 2019 is the year I tackle Mt TBR. Thank you for all of the reading encouragement, book suggestions, buddy reads, readathons, book swaps, traveling book clubs, and everything else that you Litsy folk have done to help each other in 2018. Lets make 2019 even better!
That‘s another year in the books! (Hehehe) The shortest book is wrong. I listened to it on audio. I read 4 more books than in 2017, but had fewer pages by a smidge.
Completed Challenges:
#LitsyAtoZ -26/26
#Booked2018 - 24/24
#Nonfictionchallenge2018 - 14/12 - two more than last year
Incomplete Challenges:
#MountTBR - 20/25 - still pretty happy
Series Completed/Caught Up - 4/5
#YearofChunkster (over 500 pages) - 2
I love seeing my year in books on Goodreads, it‘s so satisfying! 📚📚📚 #MyYearInBooks
This year I read 51,489 pages over 178 books. Thats an average of 140 a day! I read 297% of my GR goal. I read the most in August with 43 books (a LOT of kid books) and I read the least in December with just 6. My longest book was 827 pages (Winter) and my shortest was just 6 pages (Ouija). I read 12% from my own shelves, 60% from the library, 23% on my Kindle and 2% from friends. #YearWrapUp #HappyNewYear #2018
I set a goal of 111 books this year. I accomplished 119 books. 119 1/2 if you consider the audiobook I'm halfway through LOL 😂 Thats okay, we'll let that one count for 2019 👍. Happy New Year, Happy Reading ! 🥂🍾🎉🎊📖📚❤️
😆 This has been about my average rating for at least five years(2.1 to 2.2). I'm nothing if not consistent. (This may explain why I take so many days off from reading.) I know I'm a reader that is harder to please. 😏 #sorrynotsorry #yearinbooks
These were my five-star reads in 2018. I had a LOT of four-star books, and can‘t even begin to rank all of them. I‘m also working on my traditional year-end blog post. Should post that very soon ... Jan 1 or 2!
Happy New Year all! 🎉🎉🎉
One of these times I'll get to 100,000 pages. #yearinbooks
Final Reading Stats for 2018!
I used my personal spreadsheet for these numbers and feel they are more accurate than Goodreads totals.
I enjoyed tracking data this year, including the sources of my books. The bright purple bars are from libraries, dark purple are borrowed from friends (including postal book clubs), and the blue are owned or free access.
Goodreads Year in Books: https://www.goodreads.com/user/year_in_books/2018/2408113
My goal was 50 books, so I'm happy to say I surpassed that and almost tripled my previous year's results.
A great year for books! Whether you read the same picture book a thousand times to a baby, or a few hefty academic things, you're here celebrating books so I say hooray! Here's to many more pages (and audiobook minutes!) in 2019!
Year in review, part 2! All 86 books of the year. There were some great ones this year.
My year in review, part 1. Super proud of getting through 86 books. Especially when one was Don Quixote!
2017 vs. 2018 - so proud to have upped my reading this year by so much! Litsy has infinitely improved my reading quality AND quantity. I upped my number for 2019 to 70...I came so close this year that I think it‘s totally doable.
This year I read 100 books. I met this years goal of 100 and next year will be 90.
Adult 29~~Young Adult 71
Owned 80~~Borrowed 20
Standalone 53~~part of a series 47
#2018wrapup #seasonsreadings
#2018wrapup @IheartYA
1️⃣ The Song of Achilles, A Man called Ove, Iron Gold
2️⃣ The Shack
4️⃣ 1
Happy new year! 🥳🥂 Figured there was no time like the present to post my #yearinreview from goodreads 😉
I hope 2019 brings joy and good books to all of you and that everyone‘s having a fun New Year‘s Eve!
Any books you failed to get to on your tbr list? #MBCBookishBash
Here‘s a link to my favorite 2018 reads from the second half of the year. So many fabulous books this year!!!