Read in March.
This is a reread from my childhood and I loved it all over again. It will be one of the books in my nephew‘s birthday pile.
Read in March.
This is a reread from my childhood and I loved it all over again. It will be one of the books in my nephew‘s birthday pile.
4✨I watched the movie as a kid so many times and never read the book. It was pretty much as epic as I remembered. Mrs Frisby has a sick child in their burrow and since her husband had passed away it was up to her to figure out how to protect him since the farmer was going to plow the field where they lived. This brave mama met with a crow, owl, rats, and the humans bent on exterminating them all. Definitely a book worth the Newberry Metal #roll100
Mrs. Frisby is a widow with 4 small children. She must move her family to their summer quarters immediately, or face almost certain death when the farmer plants the field. To make matters worse, her littlest one is ill with pneumonia. Can she reach the mysterious rats of NIMH in time and request help?? Book 1 of 3.
#RushAThon Day 11
If you never loved Justin, whether book or movie, you‘re lying and you‘re wrong. Great read aloud book. First time reading it for me and I loved it as much as I knew I would.
Day 5 #winterreadathondailychallenge - Fav Children‘s book.
This is the first year in quite awhile that I haven‘t read this book. I may have to try and squeeze it in somehow!
@Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
I never read this as a kid but I‘m glad I did now. The ending really has me twisted - how can we not know?! But the whole story was really well done.
Today on the phone with my mom, she was waiting in the car for grandkid pickup time, when a very noisy crow came to hang out near her. I asked if it was Jeremy (then explained why). She said, “are you Jeremy?” and there was all this very enthusiastic cawing - so apparently it was.
Writers/readers/podcasters unite on Episode 163 of my book podcast, on which author and First Draft Pod host/creator Sarah Enni joins me to discuss Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH! This Newbery Medal winner was published in 1971 and still offers TONS of yummy food for thought in 2021. Tune in at the link in my bio! 🐭
I picked this up from a free bin at a local charity shop, hence the F. I‘d have bought it at the original 50c price. An enjoyable quick read, even if you‘re no longer a child in body. Mrs Frisby has an adventure along with some enhanced escaped lab rats. I somewhat wish the rats had read some anarchist lit instead of learning they need crops, electricity and their subsistence was theft ;) The plot was familiar but I only vaguely recall the movie.
This book is netting me so many squares in the @DeweysReadathon #Bingo!
I should just change into PJs and do a 60min sprint in a different location while I'm at it!
#readathon #goingforblackout
Hubby took me to the bookstore tonight! 😍
📚Itty Bitty Princess Kitty: The Cloud Race (for my littlest)
📚Dragon Master: Rise of the Earth Dragon (for my hesitant boy reader)
📚Mrs. Friday and the Rays of Nimh (beautiful edition!)
📚Some Places More Than Others (#mgbuddyread)
📚Skunk and Badger (because I was looking for more by this author)
📚The Last Rabbit
📚The Toll (for my hubby)
📚Dracula (amazing cover!)
📚Gravity Falls (for the kiddos)
This book is vastly different from the movie adaptation I grew up on. One is an action-packed adventure with magic, murder plans, and death, while the other is an intriguing story of survival and working together. I really enjoyed the book's version of the story. The movie really made some odd choices with Jenner, bringing in magic, and killing off a major character. #nostalgia #anthropomorphic #MovieAdaptation
My husband and I grew up on the terrifying movie of this book, and it's been a fun nostalgic trip listening to the book. We've never read it.
Zane: I remember the cat... what was its name? Lucifer?
Me: I don't know, something dragony...
Us: Dragon!
5-17 Feb 2021
I knew this was a book I loved when I was young but did not recall the storyline. From the start, Beatrix and I were enchanted. Why are some books so captivating? The characters are wonderful - gentle, protective Mrs Frisby, wise Nicodemus and brave Justin. Beatrix could not believe it ended - how could there not be a sequel? I recall having the same reaction. But sometimes the appeal is to imagine the myriad of possibilities.
I've been meaning to read this book for a while. It was a childhood favourite of one of my former coworkers. I listened to it on audio and I quite liked it. I think that in my head I had connected Mrs. Frisby with Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus, so I was expecting Mrs. Frisby to be a teacher and I was a bit surprised when she wasn't 😄
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
What a wonderful book! 💚 I read this because it was my husband's favorite book, and movie, as a kid.
Mrs. Frisby is such a well written heroine in this story. She's resilient and fearless as she protects her family. I loved all the animals, and their adventures.
I loved this book as a child and I continue to see its charm today. I read it yesterday and watched the movie last night with Chaya. I believe a new version has to be made. The movie made Jenner a villain and there was no magic in the book. But, I am one who likes the movie to be different from the book.
#NewberyEpicChallenge @amber_ldsmom
#SummerFun @4thhouseontheleft @StayCurious book to movie and old favorite
Stalactites 👆🏽
You learn something(s) new everyday. 😀
It was not really a floor at all, but only the jagged ends of dead 💀 wood sticking up from below, like stalagmites in a cave...
June #NewberyEpicChallenge reads!
1. King of the Wind: The Story of the Godolphin Arabian by Marguerite Henry
2. Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert C. O‘Brien (This one‘s a favorite of mine!)
Feel free to join in anytime! This challenge will be ongoing for quite some time. We‘d love to have you!
#7days7books that left a deep impression on me.
These are a few of the books that I read over and over again when I was young. They opened doors to stories with complex plots and depth. They taught me that there was so much to be discovered between the covers of a book. Brilliant rats from a lab, a dystopian society, and a brilliant whodunnit, each book still stands up to rereading as an adult!
I've never read this book. I suppose I really should. I loved the heck out of the cartoon as a kid and would drive my folks crazy with how often I watched it.
I put it on today...and for a 38 year old cartoon I can't get over how good it still looks! 🥰
A true classic. 👌
This SF Newbery Award winning novel would be perfect for LC with the 8-12 age group. This book is about a widowed mouse who has to move her family to their summer living quarters immediately or they will die. One of her son's fell ill with pneumonia and cannot be moved. Mrs. Frisby goes to the rats that live on her farm for help because she was told that they have the capabilities to move her home to a safe area. The rats she meets are unlike any
My £4 book haul from the national trust Preloved bookshop ♥️
This was one of my favorite books growing up. I loved rereading it with my daughter. It‘s such a well written story and I still loved it as an adult. This time around I was struck by Mrs. Frisby‘s bravery. The tasks she tackles to save her children are incredible for the tiny little mouse. 🐁
Bedtime reading with our real-life Dragon cat. I remember watching the movie adaptation 5 million times when I was a kid.
#AyUpAugust Day 6: A medical expt in this cautionary story became a huge success such that the rats became intelligent enough to manufacture their own escape across #AvenuesAndAlleyways despite the sterile conditions imposed by the scientists and their making certain that there are no feasible means for the rats to free themselves. But where to go when they are evidently not the same rats they used to be. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-32
Love, love, love this #newclassic.
This cover change was probably due to time between book 1 and 2. Books 2 and 3 were never as popular as book 1.
I was obsessed with The Rats of NIMH as a kid and my sister just found an article about its inspiration. Apparently this guy was doing population experiments with mice, which inspired the book. This is so interesting:
Even though this Newbery winner has been around since the 70s, it‘s still a great SF addition to your library. A story about Mrs. Frisby and her family of field mice who meet another group of mice who are highly intelligent and can do many things humans can, thanks to the NIHM lab. You‘ll love reading this story told through a mouse and so will your class! I would use this as a LC option during SF studies, or an IR. #LAE3414sp19
I didn‘t take a picture of us reading it or the book I got from the library.
I read this as a child and loved it. I had 2 rather random and specific recollections about the book but otherwise remembered very little. I remembered that Mrs Frisby had to move her children and her home elsewhere to the “Lea” of the stone. I also remember the Shrew (a hysterical neighbor).
I read it out loud to my son and we loved it.
Who can play along? 😃
I never read this as a child, but I LOVED the animated film The Secret of NIMH, based on this book. I sadly didn‘t love the book. I tried print and switched to audio just so I could finish it for the PopSugar challenge. I found it dry and tedious, but that is also probably my mood, so take this review with a grain of salt. 😉
Rats who read、link: https://www.facebook.com/JungleVT/videos/1857829464266649/
We‘re chugging along on our reading streak (Last night was #534) and have been reading Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH for about a week now. The little bookworm was VERY worried about Timothy, and we‘ve just gotten our first view of the Rats!
Thanks for the awesome #Endowarrior21Giveaway!
My favorite book is the tagged one. I re-read this book often. I have so many favs that it was hard to pick, but I love the story, the characters and that it is also a quick read. When I need a little break from heavier reading, I pick this one to revisit my old friends. I‘ll probably need a new copy before too long!
Very good, I'm definitely interested in checking out the rest of the series and reading more adventures of the rats, Jeremy, Mrs.Frisby and her kids. #bookjarpick
Up next #bookjarpick
Just finished rereading my favorite childhood book. Completes a prompt for the Read Harder Challenge - a children‘s classic published before 1980. Loved revisiting this beloved book again ❤️
#readharder @bookriot
Listened to the audiobook with my son for the @bookriot #readharder challenge for the “children‘s book published before 1980s” category. My son LOVED listening to this in the car on our way to and about. It was our first car audiobook together, but it definitely won‘t be our last. This book is a classic for a reason, and I highly recommend it for children and adults alike. #raisingreaders
Thanks for hosting such a great #CinderGiveaway, @MommyOfTwo 🎉👏
One of my favorite books is the tagged one: Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH. It‘s just one of those that I re-read every other year or so. There are characters that you fall in love with, action, mystery...so good.
#congrats on your achievement!
A great childhood favorite. Great writing and great story. Very different from the 1990s Don Bluth film. However in my personal opinion I like both. This is a fabulous little story no matter how you tell it. This is great for younger readers or for adults who wish to look back on their childhood.
See my full review here:
Currently reading this on the side of my book with my twin daughters. We are listening to it on audible and following along in the book. Muffin also apparently approves of the book🐱📖
1. Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NIMH--- that book was my childhood!
2. One cat--- Penny 🐱
3. Owls, Cats, and Foxes are all among my favorites. It's hard to pick just one!
4. Cat.
A little #bookmail today. I think Pilot and I may have to watch the movie this evening.
Started Mrs. Frisby with the kiddos tonight. I've read it so many times but it's a first for them