I am in love with the short and sweet format that Columbia Global Reports presents Nonfiction in. I like Saudi America so much I decided to check out this one.
I am in love with the short and sweet format that Columbia Global Reports presents Nonfiction in. I like Saudi America so much I decided to check out this one.
I will buy any audiobook narrated by Michael C.Hall. Just Saying.
I am really loving this new audible originals with membership thing. Who else listened to Emma?
A memoir and a cookbook ❤️ part of BookSparks Magic Of Memoir Blog Tour😊
Currently reading! This book is so beautiful and heartbreaking so far. I wouldn‘t expect anything less from Patricia MacLachlan ❤️
LOVED this book! It was just fun and witty and actually laugh out loud funny. The romance was also super cute.
Loved this memoir sooo much! I am loving being a #bookshark and being part of the #magicofmemoir blog tour thanks to #booksparks
While I don‘t deny that kids will probably enjoy this book, and I have been a huge fan of other Matt Phelan book... this one has huge issues. Let‘s start with the fact that his storyline is more than a little bit similar to Mary Pope Osborne‘s Magic Tree House Series. 👎 Next even though the author appeared to be empowering girls with a female knight this book was disgustingly sexist at times.
I‘ve heard this one is amazing but really dark. Hoping for good things.
Loved this book! It was dark and colorful all at the same time. A historical fiction with mystery and romance all set in the 1920‘s. Very well researched for anyone into art history.
For as long as I can remember the musicals of Rodgers and Hammerstein have been a huge part of my life. I still remember the first time my mother took me to see a production of Carousel and later I was in a production myself. I may have just started this book but I am already in love and fascinated with the tales behind the songs that filled my childhood.
Already well versed in the horrible environmental effects of the practice of fracking, I am really excited to read about the economic side. I love the whole idea behind Columbia Global Reports with publishing books that are meant to be able to be able to be read in one sitting.
Well Bring Me Back was a super fun read but I have been craving a bit of a romance so The Dinner List is next up on my TBR 😍
Next up! I have heard really good things about this one ☝️Who else has read it?
Finally getting to this book that the publisher sent a good while back. Only a few pages in and I am not so sure how I feel about the this... we will see lol.
Interested and terrified to read this one that is giving me serious Handmaids Tale vibes.
Happy to finally be getting to this book in my TBR pile.
Super cute new leveled reader I got in my book mail! I can definitely see this series being used in guided reading lessons in schools.
I have been so excited for this audiobook! Anything Michael C. Hall is absolute gold. Not mention Stephen King being a literary God of horror.
Currently reading. This looks like an interesting book. My TBR pile is so big for this month I think this one got picked next purely based on the brightest cover of the pile.
I'm actually going to read my Uppercase book this month in a timely manner... huge pile of ARCs and TBR pile be damned lol.
Currently reading 😊 I have had this one sitting in my TBR for a while, so I am excited to finally get to reading it!
Reading Be Prepared by Vera Brosgol in preparation for camping this weekend with 12 Girl Scouts!
Listening to Rachel McAdams read my absolute favorite story ever is pure magic. She captures the true spirit of Anne with an e in her reading❤️❤️❤️. I have lost track of how many times I have read this book.
Next up a YA sci-fi retelling of Jane Eyre! Has anyone read this yet? I know people either love or hate Jane Eyre, and I am solidly in the LOVE camp. So I need this book not to suck and to be awesome.
Currently reading this on the side of my book with my twin daughters. We are listening to it on audible and following along in the book. Muffin also apparently approves of the book🐱📖
I am going to attempt Nora Roberts new book Shelter I love Nora Roberts and I love reviewing her books! The specific content of an active shooter situation in this book is a huge trigger for my PTSD so I promise to try.
Having been in an active shooter situation before where I wasn't sure whether my children or myself would live and surviving it makes this a different kind of reading experience.
Needed something light and funny after the raw emotional journey of The Girl Who Smiled Beads. Luckily I have this ARC to read.
Been reading The Girl Who Smiled Beads in small chunks all week. It is very emotional and not easy to read but so unbelievably important and beautifully written. I am going to meet the author tonight on her book tour and I am just in awe of everything she has overcome.
A bit slow to start, but now I'm getting into it. I love other books by Jo Nesbo so I'm hoping this modern retelling of Macbeth is a good one.
Next up in the TBR pile.... The Italian Party by Christina Lynch. I still have such a book hangover from The Balcony by Jane Delury that I'm afraid any book I read next might just seem blah in comparison to how much I LOVED The Balcony. I have been excited to read this though so I am going to try and clear my brain and just move in.
My next March Read has some serious Spring vibes going on in the cover. Seeing how it's almost midnight here though, and I have been reading all night... I will start this one tomorrow 😊
This book has all the makings of a great ghost story so far. I am loving it, but not sure I'll be doing much late night reading... alone... in the dark.
So have any of you ever entered in to be a rep for a book box subscription before? If so which ones? This is my first time, and I put this together over on my Bookmama789 instagram account. I am trying to find new and creative ways to dive deeper into reviewing books full time, and Novl Box looks like so much fun!
Getting this Advanced Reader's copy done quick! Sounds so good 😊I love when I get YA!
Trying to fit one more graphic novel in today for my mini Read Harder Challenge Task 4 readathon that I had all by myself today. Seemed like a good way to spend a cold gray day.
Continuing to read books for the Read Harder Challenge Task of a comic written and illustrated by the same person. Dare To Disappoint -Growing Up In Turkey by Özge Samanci.
I would like to give an award for perfect visualization of a pity party to author Laura Lee Gulledge. I love everything about this illustration.
Read Harder comic written and illustrated by the same person. So far really enjoying this and loving the nostalgia of revisiting what it was like to be a teenager in the time of instant messenger.
I was really trying to not read multiple books all at once, but what is a girl to do when they get the advanced Reader's edition of Barracoon! I think I actually screamed a little when this was sent from the publisher.
Now that I finished The Dry I am moving right on to Force of Nature. The next mystery thriller with federal agent Aaron Falk by Jane Harper.
Started this mystery/ thriller today. Hoping to zip through it so I can knock out the ARC I have for the second book that is about to come out.
Me too. Give me a window seat, some coffee, and some cookies. All that is missing is the book to read and a cat.
I really love Uppercase book subscription! This is the second one that my husband has surprised me with and I love it sooooo much!!!! This was January's box so no spoilers.
Between the pub date getting bumped up for this beauty and me falling slightly behind my reading schedule I need to bust through this memoir that officially came out yesterday.
I had really hoped to have my review posted before its release. Life got in the way.
Let the #24in48readathon begin. I am going to finally finish this book today! Book 1 of the readathon.
The feeling of excitement when you finally get to open your #nocturnalreadersbox ! I know they have had lots of shipping issues, but January's box was so worth the wait!
As a person with a disability and chronic illness, this! It is all worth it, but doctors don't often see us for the people we are or the pain the treatment puts us through. What they prescribe is often an impersonal means to an end and we are a chart not a human being.
"How little so doctors understand the hells through which we put patients" - Paul Kalanithi