Olivia Cole masters the art of similes in this science fiction novel. By using similes, Cole careful matches planet Faloiv's unfamiliar elements to the main character‘s emotions in both tone and texture, which helps the reader connect and visualize.
Olivia Cole masters the art of similes in this science fiction novel. By using similes, Cole careful matches planet Faloiv's unfamiliar elements to the main character‘s emotions in both tone and texture, which helps the reader connect and visualize.
#25 of my year. This one has been on my TBR list for a year so I am excited to dive in.
This is a volume very close to the top of my tbr amd what is In The Pale Moonlight really but a conspiracy in the stars? People have already said a lot of good stuff about the episode in question, but let me add my voice to the chorus: it's an excellent episode. A minor bit I love: the dipping into the more sinister aspect of Garak. I'm very glad he isn't like this all the time, but he definitely has some darkness in him.
I met this author at a bookstore event. I‘m not usually a fan of sci-fi, so I wasn‘t going to buy the book, but after I heard her talk & met her, I decided to try it out. I love the characters, & she thankfully left out the ya love triangle trope. This one has a lot of world building, then major action at the end. Some good themes about environment, respect for indigenous people, & power. I‘m excited to read the next one in the series. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Taking a few minutes before yoga to enjoy sunshine w/ my cat, Griffin.
Currently reading! 😁 Have you read this? I‘m over halfway through but am not sure what I think yet. 🤔 I‘m hoping things will pick up soon. ✨
#popreadsbox #funko #ya #funkopop #youngadult #currentread
Perfect Tuesday! My sweet baby is taking a nap and I‘m getting to read A Conspiracy of Stars and watch Harry Potter!
Finally getting into January‘s #Uppercase book! So far it has my intrigue, as I am a die hard animal lover and this is chalk full of unique and alien animals!
I tend to dislike science fiction. You can world build me a fantasy land with the most intricate magic system and complex societal dynamics with 100 people with similar names & I will fall in love. But turn the land into a different planet, and the magic into science and I zone out. That didn‘t happen with this book. I feel like I just got back from a voyage to a richly detailed distant world, and I can‘t wait to return. Definitely Recommend.
Diving into my January UppercaseBox! I love this opening paragraph!
Only read one chapter so far and I‘m already in love. 🖤 Methinks this is going to have to go on my “to-get” list. I think the library would notice if their copy suddenly went missing 😋
I really love Uppercase book subscription! This is the second one that my husband has surprised me with and I love it sooooo much!!!! This was January's box so no spoilers.
Hoping to make a dent in the upper left stack for #24in48 and if I get burnt out on fantasy and Sci-fi, I have my library books that are mostly contemporary. And if *that* doesn't work, I have the TBR shelves of new releases and previous book box subscriptions... not like I'll get to all these, I just like options.
Just received A Conspiracy of Stars by Olivia A. Cole in my January Uppercase. It‘s a YA science fiction novel of a foreign planet and the exotic creatures and plants that duel there, as well as some political scandal it seems. Personally I‘ve never heard of it until now, hopefully it‘s a good pick! #Uppercase
Friday Night = Josh Gates + a new book ❤️
Any other Destination Truth or Expedition Unknown fans? 😁
✨I‘ve never heard of #aconspiracyofstars by #oliviaacole till I got this, but it sounds good! Has anyone read it yet?✨#scifi #fantasy #youngadult #uppercasebox
Enter the vivid and cinematic world of Faloiv in the first book of this dazzling series, perfect for fans of Carve the Mark, Red Rising, and These Broken Stars.
Kind of a “meh” start to 2018.
This is an interesting fantasy with rich world building, I just couldn‘t get into it. But I love the cover.