I read a little more and, uh oh, I am in danger of loving Bobby aka Count Zero aka an idiot who just got his brain computer scrambled by maybe touching a vast, alien machine intelligence. Try not to pull your own face off, Bobby!
I read a little more and, uh oh, I am in danger of loving Bobby aka Count Zero aka an idiot who just got his brain computer scrambled by maybe touching a vast, alien machine intelligence. Try not to pull your own face off, Bobby!
Reading along with Shelved by Genre, starting the parts of the Sprawl trilogy that I don't think people talk about much! Very interested to more properly meet the possibly titular Count Zero, who has been around for about 3 pages and spent them all stupidly computer-dying
Oh, this YA graphic novel is Charming As Hell! When the children I know get older, they will be getting a copy.
I enjoy this series, really I do, but they are definitely trips into the cishet mines, and now that Sascha is pregnant it's just getting weirder. You know your fetus's gender, psychically??? And don't even ask me about feeling the life-force at a couple weeks post conception...
Gift Card Books (minus 2 February preorders)
Honestly, the horror of some of the final chapter bumps this Gothic up to a light pick. Good for you, book!
I... I don't think this book understands It's A Wonderful Life very well
Truly couldn't hold up under its own back half, though there was still moving stuff it there
Introducing a whole clan of psychic, underground wolves in the penultimate chapter?! Book, what are you doing???
Just read chapter 17 and I'm getting whiplash from the introduction of both an extended sexual assault and also the introduction of a magical mob doctor. You're wild for this one, book!
You know, I've been hankering for some monster romance recently, but this was absolutely not what I had in mind. Noah and his monster girlfriend really drug this thing down for me.
Couple of horror publishers are having sales today: Ghoulish Books is doing a 31% off sale of their stuff and everything in their bookstore, and Tenebrous Press has half off ebooks. Treat yourself to some horror!
The year is not correct, but I think this book is besmirching the cinematic classic Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters and this I cannot stand for!
Normally I enjoy characters this rock stupid, but these two are a bit much
Sweet natured and cozy and very autumnal, but I am having to force reading it, which is a cue to return it to the library.
I really enjoy the way Lackey writes characters hanging out, which is good, because this book (like the last one) takes nearly half the page count for some plot thing to happen.
A couple more thoughts on this Federation history:
1) fucking Malcolm Reed makes captain? And he expected to roll up and big dog the Organians?!
2) convergent evolution already exists on planet Earth, I don't think it's that radical to think it could exist across planets (the extent it exists with the humanoids does seem unlikely)
In a book full of drawings, this page was a real lol
Gotta say, I don't know if choosing to abandon all connection and dissolve into the universe and become a higher being is a great choice to make at 32 either
I realize that, if I'm lucky, I will continue to get older than a lot of the leads in genre fiction, but please: don't get yourself killed by ghosts before you're even 32! It's not worth it!
As if this book wasn't already gay, what with the vibes from basically moment one, and the A Separate Peace, and the Greek statuary, now they're watching Rope?!
I cannot believe the Burbank Chuck E. Cheese is in this book #FullMunch
Normally I don't care about business dealings in fiction, but it turns out when the dealings are thinly veiled takes on real life movie studio nonsense, billionaires slitting their own throats and trying to destroy an art form, well, then I care A Lot
The podcast Shelved By Genre has picked their next unit, which means I'll be reading Mercedes Lackey for the first time! I think there are psychic horses on these?
The thing about this book is, since both leads are changelings, there are a lot of serious and also fully nude conversations in the woods. Fun!
Also truly psyched to spend even a scene with Amara, the bad vibes woman. I am rooting very hard for her!
If one of these books is focused on these reporters, maybe in some kind of more-violent-less-fun His Girl Friday situation, I'm going to throw a parade
Listen, if you want some polyamorous epic fantasy with a fun pantheon with cool powers, well, I don't know if you -have- many other options, but this is a great one!
God, it rules when a starchy hero gets entirely unmade by his own emotions
Light pick for this one. They get rid of ghost in this by telling him women can vote and he gets so mad he double dies. Just lightly girlboss a patriarchal spirit to death. A bit silly!
Also, I would NEVER stop texting the group chat about my haunted house, no matter how little they cared
You'd think ghost town-livers would recognize a possession situation when it happens to them, but maybe their ghosts are so benign that they've been left left helpless in the face of That One Asshole
"Living in a tourist town would be heaven on earth if it weren't for all the damn tourists."
I'm watching you, Florida-set book, but this is a fairly promising early sign
It was charming! Don't know if it's uncommonly so, but there you go.
Following my instinct to bail on a book when the idea of reading it makes me go "ugh"; this is my third try with this author, and my third bail. I just don't think we get on!
Aww man, I hope the family accepts Theo by the time this series is over
Oh no, this book is going to try and explain the Let's Make a Deal thing and I Just Don't Get It
I realize that a big touch point for this book is It, but I didn't realize it was such a big touch point as to have a group sex scene. It's an interesting choice, since the sexuality of these children is (for the most part) already a focus point in their lives, what gets them sent to this conversion camp.
Very soft pick, as the late stage complications really didn't work for me. Almost the epitome of an "I'll read the sequel if the ebook goes on sale" book
I feel like Krychek getting a first name that's getting used in this book is pointing towards him being an eventual lead, whiiiiich I've kinda been hoping for. Gonna stop reading the backs of these so that I can be surprised!
Oh you chaos gremlins, I'm glad things worked out for you (and also glad that the happy ending isn't "and we all entered into more 'normal' [aka heteronormative] living arrangement") (characters ain't queer, but the life they build kinda is)
I have maybe never wanted to send a group of characters a bag of groceries more than I do this center trio