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The Hot Zone
The Hot Zone: The Chilling True Story of an Ebola Outbreak | Richard Preston
In March 2014, the Ebola outbreak in West Africa was first reported. By October 2014, it had become the largest and deadliest occurrence of the disease. Over 4,500 people have died. Almost 10,000 cases have been reported, across Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and the United States. Impossible to ignore, The Hot Zone is the terrifying, true-life account of when this highly infectious virus spread from the rainforests of Africa to the suburbs of Washington, D.C in 1989. A secret SWAT team of soldiers and scientists were quickly tasked with halting the outbreak. And they did. But now, that very same virus is back. And we could be just one wrong move away from a pandemic.
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First off, this is an older book. Published about 1994, so its a little dated. It was before the time of Ebola outbreak in 2014, when a lot of people hadn‘t even heard of the virus yet. This book gives a summary of the then Reston Outbreak in Reston VA. It can get a little gory at times, but overall it‘s a solid read and can prove that truth is better (and scarier) than fiction…

Read more at: FictionLux

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I think the tag line sums this up nicely "The terrifying true story of the origins of the ebola virus."
Seriously this book has some disturbing revelations also as a warning Preston like to compare things to food. So don't eat while reading ?
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#Naturalitsy #freespace @AllDebooks
#Booked2023 #pandemic @alisiakae @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen

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Hot Zone | Richard Preston

Overall I enjoyed this quick read, but I thought the author spent too much time on the personal details of the cast—details that ended up being irrelevant. Descriptions of the viruses and containment procedures were super interesting.

RamsFan1963 I liked this book. You should read his non-fiction book, Crisis in the Red Zone. It's better and much more terrifying, because it really happened. 3y
hefau @RamsFan1963 Supposedly The Hot Zone is a true story as well. I‘ll definitely check out his other book. 3y
RamsFan1963 @hefau If I remember correctly, and it's been a few years since I read The Hot Zone, it's based on a real event that happened in a Lab in northern Virginia. I'd also recommend Preston's The Cobra Event, if you haven't read it yet. It's more fictional, about a terrorist using a virus. 3y
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Hot Zone | Richard Preston

“If the elephants have been tusking out the rock of Kitum Cave at a rate of a few pounds a night, the cave could easily have been carved by elephants over a few hundred thousand years. Ian Redmond…calls it speleogenisis by elephants—the creation of a cave by elephants.” Pg 397-8

Hot Zone | Richard Preston

“Ebola does in ten days what it takes AIDS ten years to accomplish.” Pg 66

Hot Zone | Richard Preston
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“You wanted to dissect the animals quickly, before the spontaneous liquefaction began, because you can‘t dissect gumbo.” Pg 60

Hot Zone | Richard Preston
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“The fact that the [WHO] team apparently never spoke with him, the monkey inspector, ‘was bad epidemiology but good politics,‘ he remarked to me.” Pg 42

Hot Zone | Richard Preston

“Then comes a sound like a bedsheet being torn in half, which is the sound of his bowels opening and venting blood from the anus.” Pg 24

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Picked up this book at a used bookstore for $2. Interesting and threatening breakdown of the sources and cause of different Ebola strains. Often told from the point of view of experts who worked to contain the outbreak. Easy to read big chunks of the books at a time but difficult to learn the messy and painful details. Would recommend to anyone interested in learning more about Ebola or viruses in general.

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I remember watching the tv series a few years ago and I loved that too! This was a quick listen on audiobook. The current pandemic has changed a few statement the author made at the end of the book, mainly that a worldwide virus would take 10 years to get a vaccine...

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This book is scary, and in light of our Covid situation, even scarier. #letskickthisshittothecurb This is our first vacation in 6 months.

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You know, maybe reading about the time Ebola nearly broke in America (and the mysterious history of the disease) while in quarantine actually was a good idea. Yes, the accounts are exaggerated, but I did learn a lot. I certainly realized that Americans really take their health for granted and don‘t realize the extent to which their health depends on the rest of the public. We unfortunately haven‘t learned much since 1989.

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#momreviews @Doll8455

Probably don‘t want to read this one anytime soon

CBee Nope. Don‘t recommend reading this one right now! 😳 4y
RamsFan1963 @Texreader l just finished Preston's fiction bioterrorism book, The Cobra Event, and I read The Hot Zone years ago. I don't recommend either for those with pandemic anxiety. 4y
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Hot Zone | Richard Preston
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Welp, now I am properly terrified of Ebola.

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My high school biology teacher recommended this to me, and although I loved it, I‘ve been absolutely terrified of Ebola ever since. 😬 Day 19: Book about something you fear #auldlangreads

OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚😱 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks IKR 😱😱 5y
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I read lots of horror books, and this book is scarier than most of those. 😨 Well written and informative.

I loved the quote at the top. It shows Preston can write about a difficult topic, but also inject a little humor.

#TIL I found the moral/ethical dilemnas of the veterinarian, Nancy Jaax, to be heartfelt. She wanted to help people, but she also didn't want to make animals suffer. Tough decision scientists face.

#NFNov @rsteve388 @Clwojick

night_shift Sounds interesting! 5y
rsteve388 9 pts 5y
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I was browsing Libby for some nonfiction to read last night when I came across this book. It seems an interesting place to start in learning about Ebola. (Not my highlighting btw.)

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Hot Zone | Richard Preston
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#RedRoseSeptember This book has been on my virtual TBR for a long time. I‘m just scared once I read it , I‘ll #panic and freak out.

arlenefinnigan Good choice! 5y
Hoopiefoot I was obsessed with this book in high school. Read it repeatedly 5y
ReadosaurusText I have read this book like ten times! And, the good news about reading it now is that last month (8/2019), news broke that they have possibly made progress with a cure! So, really perfect TBR timing. 5y
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ReadosaurusText @Hoopiefoot Glad to find someone else obsessed with this book in their high school days! 5y
Hoopiefoot @ReadosaurusText Haha. Likewise!! Now I want to read it again! 5y
Blaire @ReadosaurusText @hoopiefoot yes! I vividly remember reading this in high school and watching Outbreak. I only read it once, but it is one that sticks with you. 5y
Cinfhen You‘ve all convinced me I NEED to read this book @Blaire @ReadosaurusText @Hoopiefoot 5y
vivastory I read this one years ago & it's always stayed with me. I noticed that the author recently wrote a follow-up 5y
Hoopiefoot @vivastory Ooh—thanks! Will have to check it out! 5y
LeahBergen It‘s good!! 5y
CafeMom I didn't know there was a book. I watched the TV series, forgot what network it was on. 5y
BookDragonNotWorm I really liked this one. His book about smallpox freaked me out more than ebola. 😬 5y
Hooked_on_books I read it ages ago and loved it. It totally reads like a thriller but is definitely chilling. 5y
ReadosaurusText @Cinfhen Yes! Read it! 5y
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I think it is time for a reread of this book since I am watching the new show on National Geographic. The show is great so far!

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Listened to this on Hoopla and I really enjoyed it. Preston explores the first suspected cases of Ebola in Africa but the bulk of the book centers on the Ebola Reston strain. The story is very engaging and definitely sends a chill up your spine.

TimSpalding I read that some years ago. Great book. 5y
sprainedbrain I read this way back when I was a teenager and it terrified me. 5y
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Finished this this morning. Pretty terrifying what Ebola can do to you. The author gives real-hand accounts of those who have contracted the virus, and those who have bravely fought to eradicate it.

Believe it not, this was a Christmas gift from my parents a few years ago. So better late then never.

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📙 The Hot Zone.
🎬 Stay (2005). With Ryan Gosling, Ewan McGregor, and Naomi Watts.
🎶 Omen by Another Day's Armor. Insane guitar riff.

#ManicMonday @JoScho

JoScho Thanks for playing. Long time no see! How are you? 5y
TheRiehlDeal @JoScho I'm doing great! Sorry I haven't been posting much of late. Just haven't been too focused on Litsy recently (not sure why). But, I'd like to get back to having an active presence on here. 5y
JoScho You were missed 🧡 5y
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Hot Zone | Richard Preston
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Thanks to the vivid description of Ebola, I may never eat again.

vivastory I have been trying to share this description with my brother ever since I read this several years ago..as soon as I mention "sloughing skin" he shuts down the conversation ??? 5y
Geeklet @vivastory 😂 I do not blame him. I have a strong stomach but once I got to the part about the black vomit, I was screaming at the audiobook. 5y
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Finished my latest science/medical non-fiction book (The Hot Zone).

And I wonder why I have issues finding the horror genre scary. ☠️

CouronneDhiver Liked that one - CRAZY story though 🦠 5y
BookDragonNotWorm This is what I read when I'm in the mood for horror! The Demon in the Freezer is scary good too! 5y
Hoopiefoot I forgot about this book! I was obsessed with it in high school. 5y
Lizpixie This book made me terrified of Ebola becoming a global pandemic😷 5y
JPeterson @CouronneDhiver @Hoopiefoot @Lizpixie It was crazy! I‘m obsessed with reading true medical nonfiction books. @BookDragon I want to read The Demon in the Freezer next! 5y
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A 2nd & Charles opened up near work, right on my way home. This was my first time going and one, and I can already see the trouble this will cost in the future. 😂🤑

TK421 The Maxx! I haven't read those comics in years. 5y
JPeterson @TK421 I‘m excited to read some of them. My boyfriend has really old copies, that we don‘t touch so they don‘t fall apart, so when I saw this I had to pick it up. 😊 5y
jessinikkip The Hot Zone is so good!! 5y
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Hot Zone | Richard Preston
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You wanna freak yourself the hell out? This is the book for you! Holy. Smokes. 😳 This is the terrifying true story of the Ebola and Marburg viruses and hot damn is it simultaneously disgusting and fascinating. I tore through this one and couldn‘t put it down, which is not typical for me with non-fiction. If you like medical thrillers, science, or just a good “holy shit” every now and then, pick this one up.

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Happy Saturday! We are enjoying a lazy one...I‘m curled up with this book while the baby naps and my older son & husband play games. This book, you guys. It‘s gripping but also so, so gross. 🤮🙈 I‘m reading it for this month‘s #theunreadshelfproject2019 challenge as it‘s been on my bookshelf awhile. If I remember right, I think a Litten sent it to me?! If so, thank you! It‘s so interesting.

Coleen I have a horrible memory with most books, but I remember quite a bit about this one! 😷 6y
aschermetz @Coleen Yep. So gross. 🤮😷😑 6y
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I am researching books for my virology class next fall semater. Finished this one and while I knew most of these stories, it was so well written. The description of the pathology associate with the victims of the Ebola virus alone was worth it! 5 stars 🦠

hermyknee We read this in 9th grade PreAP Bio! I will never forget it 😱 6y
Ingerella I've had this on my TBR list for SO long. I really need to move it up on the list. 6y
CouronneDhiver I agree. Liked this one a lot 6y
kspenmoll This is a wonderful read! 6y
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Perfect Sunday night. Been looking forward to reading this one for quite some time.

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Hot Zone | Richard Preston

This was a great book for me but definitely not for everyone. There is a part that will keep you on the edge of your seat but most of it will dive too far into the science for most. I like that stuff though but will give it a so-so because I cannot think of a single other friend who would enjoy it.

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Been stuck on this for the past two days 😱😳

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Hot Zone | Richard Preston
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I read this years ago, but I still remember how terrifying the threat of the Ebola virus was conveyed in the pages of this true story! #hotinhere #heatofjuly

BarbaraBB Ooh this sounds good....! 6y
Kathleenkelly I read another story by the author about smallpox. As a healthcare worker, I found it terrifying. 6y
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DivineDiana @Kathleenkelly Thank you! I found it! Great reviews! This author is a master of writing science nonfiction! 6y
Cinfhen This would give me legit nightmares!! I tend to worry about illnesses 🙄😬😥 6y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen It‘s so well done! But, if that is your fear, then I agree, don‘t go there! 🧐👎🏻❤️ 6y
Kathleenkelly @Cinfhen I don‘t disagree with being nervous about highly communicable diseases. The last Ebola outbreak was definitely an eye-opener for the medical community. Fortunately, even if the government decides to cut spending on planning for and treating outbreaks, many health systems are developing plans to handle caring for patients. 6y
Cinfhen Thanks @Kathleenkelly that‘s reassuring to know a plan is in place for the care of patients 💚 6y
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I REALLY enjoyed this book! Disease is a fascinating subject for me, and Richard Preston really illustrates how frightening this disease is. With each unknowingly infected person, I felt as though I was watching a horror movie and going, “Don‘t go there! What are you doing??” Ebola is a terrifying disease, and this was a terrifyingly delightful read!

MicrobeMom Yay! This is on my list! Glad you enjoyed it. 6y
MicrobeMom Would t be appropriate for my Virology course? Or should I stick with the Polio book? 6y
ajshrk90 @MicrobeMom I think it might be! It‘s an engaging read, and the author interviewed so many people involved in the different cases — scientists, army personnel and veterinarians, doctors... — and he‘s definitely done his own research on the virus (even WENT to the place in Africa where two casualties possibly picked it up from!). There isn‘t as much history of discovery as with the polio book, but you learn a lot about the virus itself I think! 6y
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ajshrk90 @MicrobeMom I have a book on Zika that I picked up recently too that I‘m going to go to next, I‘ll definitely let you know how that one is too!! 6y
MicrobeMom Thanks Alaina! You are the best! 6y
keys_on_fire You should check out Harm by Kathy Kale. I devoured it! 6y
ReadZenRites If you‘re at all interested in a heart-stopping thriller about a similar hemorrhagic fever, I recommend Brad Thor‘s 6y
ajshrk90 @keys_on_fire I‘ll have to check it out!! 6y
ajshrk90 @ReadZenRites My boyfriend‘s dad is a big fan of Brad Thor! I‘ll have to see if he has that one! 6y
ReadZenRites If so, you can bond over terribly frightening diseases.😁 6y
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Nothing like horrific accounts of the Ebola virus in the 80s to start the day 👍 #happythursday

knittedgnome I read this while working at the mall during flu season. I washed my hands so much! Lol! Really a super interesting book! 6y
ajshrk90 @knittedgnome HAHAHA! I totally would too! 😂 6y
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#AprilBookishMadness #photochallenge @maich


Found this gem at a thrift store recently. It's the first adult book I read when I was a kid. I think I'm due for a re-read. Who knew Ebola could evoke childhood nostalgia?! 😂🤷‍♀️

amber_ldsmom I LOVED this book!!!! I read it at the suggestion of my high school biology teacher, and it‘s the cause of my paralyzing fear of Ebola. 😂 6y
CouronneDhiver It‘s a good one! 6y
Oryx This book was great! I remember being totally engrossed 6y
TheBookgeekFrau 🤣 Loved this book! 6y
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While hubby and son number 1 have been outside recreating Star Wars scenes from Hoth, I have been inside trying to finish the tagged book which I hoped to get finished yesterday to include in my Feb stats but the Beast from the East has been impeding my reading! But boy, what a cracking non-fiction book it is. So scary and also extremely graphic in its descriptions of the effects of Ebola on both monkeys and humans. Definitely recommended.

goodbyefrancie This is awesome! 7y
APLitlife That book scared the heck out of me. 7y
britt_brooke Fun!! ❄️ 7y
mariaku21 It looks like fun! 7y
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Need a palate cleanser after the drudgery that was The Catcher in the Rye so turning to the Ebola virus! Let's see how this one goes.
#AtY #wordborninthesameyearasyou #1976 #ebolavirus

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Ebola and the Olympics ;) I'm excited to finally get to watch some figure skating! This book is stressful because it is real. I do not want to get Ebola. #hotbooks #riotgrams

JillPill I read this book last year and it is so freaky! It's good but it scared me the whole time 7y
AmyG I read this years ago and it was great..and scary as hell. 7y
MichelleScott_author This book scared me to death! 7y
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ChelseaM6010 I got this book for Valentine's day! 7y
SandyW Loved this book, but boy did it scare the heck out of me! 👀 7y
RachLovesTV Yay figure skating! I can't read when I'm olympics-watching, though, I get to into the sports and distracted. 7y
knittedgnome @JillPill @AmyG @Coffeeshopreviews @SandyW I actually googled if it really was true hoping that it wasn't! Lol! Nope. True. Even more scary! 7y
knittedgnome @Chelsealpatt that's an awesome Valentine's present! 7y
knittedgnome @RachLovesTV I did ok for a while but then got distracted by the TV and the new kitten. 7y
RachLovesTV @knittedgnome ooooo new kitten too? 🐱🐱 7y
knittedgnome @RachLovesTV yep! My 16 year old cat passed away in July and I was finally ready for a new friend. I was hoping Pip was more snuggling but he is still very kitten playful! But he does like to cuddle in between playing. 7y
RachLovesTV @knittedgnome so sorry about your old buddy, that's really hard. Maybe pip will grow into a snuggler! 7y
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A good book, haagen-dazs ice cream, the Olympics, my favorite blanket, and a cat! Awesome night! This book is going to make me want to play pandemic or plague inc.

BookMaven407 I'm loving the Olympics! 7y
UrsulaMonarch Great combo! 7y
knittedgnome @BookMaven407 me too! I watch whatever is on and it's been so fun! 7y
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knittedgnome @UrsulaMonarch I thought so too! 7y
jfalkens On case your interested Tor.com has a free ebook club and this month is 7y
jfalkens *in case 7y
knittedgnome @jfalkens awesome! I have a copy on my Kindle now but am not thinking that I will have it done in time! So this will be perfect! 7y
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My coffee is ready but I can't decide what book to read next! I'm leaning towards The Hot Zone. What would you choose? Or what have you read and enjoyed?

BookishMe #bookwormproblems all the best in choosing! 7y
MatchlessMarie Probably the Hot Zone. I have that one on my TBR too. 7y
knittedgnome @MatchlessMarie A very enthusiastic customer recommended it to me. It's pretty different from what I have been reading. 7y
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MatchlessMarie @knittedgnome When I was in high school we read an excerpt in my biology class and I always meant to pick it up again. It‘s outside of what I would normally read as well. 7y
Scurvygirl I have Hot Zone coming up! I cannot wait to read it!! 7y
mjdowens I read the Hot Zone years ago and I am still scared. I actually had to get rid of it after I read it. Scared the crap out of me. 7y
MrBook Great group! I'd piiiiick that one. 😆 7y
knittedgnome I ended up going with The Hot Zone. Only about a quarter of the way in and already freaking out. @mjdowens @MrBook @Scurvygirl @MatchlessMarie @BookishMe 7y
BookishMe Yikes! @mjdowens yup, the synopsis sounds terrifying 7y
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1. Creme Brûlée
2. We just started Humans. Just finished Taken.
3. Tagged book. Read it 20-something years ago and it still freaks me out. Beginning of my fascination about pandemics.
4. 20 months
5. ????


Cinfhen We joined almost at the same time @BarbaraTheBibliophage 😘😘 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto I also love Creme Brûlée. ?? 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen Was it the BookRiot post for you? That‘s how I heard about Litsy. 7y
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Cinfhen Yup!!! It was blurbed by @Liberty back in April 2016 😻😻😻 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen I‘ll bet there are a lot of us here with that same answer! 🙌🏻❤️📚🙌🏻📚❤️ 7y
Cinfhen My first follow after @Liberty was @Yossarian #PhillyCrew 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen Haha!! That we are! 🤣🤣😘😘 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen I have no idea who I followed first. Whoever was in the Recommended users list. 7y
Cinfhen I'm pretty sure @MrBook was an early follower too 7y
Q84 Creme Brulée.....mmmmm! Now I want some! 7y
MrBook @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage Indeed I was! Proud and honored to have done so ???????!!! Yep, we joined because of @Liberty 's podcast promotion. @BookBabe joined first, then she kept nudging me to try it. Ever since she keeps saying, "There you are, on Litsy *again*! I should've known this would happen." ??? (edited) 7y
MrBook When are you looking to have this year's #PhillyMeetUp? 7y
ValerieAndBooks I think I joined at about the same time, too! But didn‘t actually post and start following people until June 2016. @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen @MrBook @BookBabe @Yossarian 7y
Cinfhen Yay!!! It‘s all the old timers @ValerieAndBooks I‘m hoping to be in Philly beginning of August but I have no tickets yet @MrBook as soon as I know I‘ll post to the group! I‘m looking forward to seeing the gang @MicheleinPhilly @DivineDiana @BookBabe @Lmstraubie @Captivatedbybooks @Librarybelle and the rest of the crew😘😘 7y
Captivatedbybooks I started about 2 yrs ago too but i saw my advertisement on fb. It said if “instagram and goodreads had a baby” LOL 7y
MicheleinPhilly 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 I think you should come in next weekend. It‘s going to be very quiet and relaxing. 😉 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @MicheleinPhilly Haha! Are you leaving town? 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Captivatedbybooks That‘s how I describe it to my friends too! 7y
MicheleinPhilly No, we‘re just going to hide in the basement. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @MicheleinPhilly Good plan. Crazy isn‘t it? I‘m sure my neighbors will be nuts too. 7y
Lmstraubie @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @ValerieAndBooks I also heard about #litsy from @Liberty on the #allthebooks podcast. I've been here just a little over a year now, about 14 months. 7y
Librarybelle @Lmstraubie I agree! I‘m hoping we all can get together again this summer 7y
Captivatedbybooks @Lmstraubie im definitely in!! 7y
TsundokuAleax Omg, Yes! I cannot wait. To see everyone for the next meet up. And this time I will for real plan to go, rather figure it out that morning. 7y
Cinfhen Hahaha @Lmstraubie "the band back together" PERFECT ???❤️looking forward 7y
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Hot Zone | Richard Preston
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7) Don‘t want to go to the Office Party...This is a reminder that if someone is sick and coughs on you could could DIE! So why not just avoid that whole thing lol

#SurvivingDecember *catching up so late lol*

vivastory I traumatized my family talking about this book 😂😬 7y
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I tore through this audiobook for #screamathon. It‘s the story of the origins of the Ebola virus, both fascinating and scary. I learned a lot and was totally engaged. My ONLY criticism is it was published in 1999 so some of the language was dated/off putting (eg euphemistically calling sex workers “friends” or generically describing people or traditions as “African” instead of identifying nationalities or tribal identification). Still, RECOMMEND!

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Adding a scary nonfiction book to this #screamathon. A narrative nonfiction about the origins of the Ebola virus. Definitely more terrifying than Agatha Christie😱

SkeletonKey I looooved this book. Read it a couple times when I was younger. 7y
CouronneDhiver Yes! Good choice - this was a crazy book! 7y
TheBookbabeblog84 Oh I loved this book. Read it in high school I believe. 7y
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cocomass @SkeletonKey @CouronneDhiver @TheBookbabeblog84 I feel good about the number of readers endorsing this one. It‘s riveting—terrifying and icky 😖 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Read this ages ago and loved it! 7y
TheBookbabeblog84 I need to read the Demon in the Freezer too. I love these types of books lol 7y
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This book was my love in high school how he described the virus loved!