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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
"Hi, I'm the guy who reads your e-mail, and also, I love you . . . " From the award-winning author of Eleanor & Park, Fangirl, and Landline comes a hilarious and heartfelt novel about love in the workplace.Beth Fremont and Jennifer Scribner-Snyder know that somebody is monitoring their work e-mail. (Everybody in the newsroom knows. It's company policy.) But they can't quite bring themselves to take it seriously. They go on sending each other endless and endlessly hilarious e-mails, discussing every aspect of their personal lives.Meanwhile, Lincoln O'Neill can't believe this is his job now- reading other people's e-mail. When he applied to be "internet security officer," he pictured himself building firewalls and crushing hackers- not writing up a report every time a sports reporter forwards a dirty joke.When Lincoln comes across Beth's and Jennifer's messages, he knows he should turn them in. But he can't help being entertained-and captivated-by their stories.By the time Lincoln realizes he's falling for Beth, it's way too late to introduce himself.What would he say . . . ?
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🌈 3w
Eggs 🌈💚📚 Perfect 3w
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Attachments | Rainbow Rowell
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At least it‘s the weekend 😄

📸 unknown.

CoffeeNBooks 😁 3w
Karisa 😂 3w
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Attachments | Rainbow Rowell
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#StorySettings #May2024 #Day17 #Office

Attachments was such a fun book to read, had me smiling at the antics.

Eggs I agrée-it was fun ? 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💛💛💛 2mo
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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I have to laugh at the three characters that immediately came to mind when I saw this:

* Roarke from the In Death series by Nora Roberts (writing as J.D. Robb)
* Lincoln from Attachments by Rainbow Rowell
* Henry from The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

With all the highbrow literary stuff I've read over the years, it's kind of hilarious that my three favorite book guys are basically from romance novels. #TLT

dabbe I love it! I've never read the books with your first 2, but I'll be adding them to my TBR! Thanks for sharing! 💙❄️💙 7mo
Deblovestoread Roarke swoon 💜 7mo
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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There's just something about how Rainbow writes characters that sucks me in. Beth and Jennifer and Lincoln all felt so vibrant and distinct, and I find the whole concept of this book so fun! I also appreciate how seriously she takes her situations, though. #reread #fiction #epistolaryfiction

Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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I spent most of Attachments mentally begging Lincoln to shit or get off the can – but that‘s me being a bit of a cynical snot, once again. It‘s actually a light and charming novel with plenty of ‘90s nostalgia and a wonderful female friendship. You just need to set aside your qualms about all the horrible hetero romances – and the creep factor. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/attachments-rainbow-rowell/

Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell

I was in the mood for an epistolary novel, so I really enjoyed this one. I could nitpick some aspects, but overall I felt that the characters had a lot of heart and it was funny and witty.

Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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I breezed through this one. Unique story and gave so many nostalgic Y2K vibes. Lincoln works as an internet security officer at a newspaper, basically reading people's emails to monitor no one is breaking company policies. He finds himself looking forward to reading the hilarious exchanges between two friends Beth and Jennifer and realizes he might be falling for Beth. But he can't introduce himself for fear of her finding out what his job entails

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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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I‘m glad I decided to try another Rowell because I loved this one. It was so relatable to me, because my coworkers and I have shared similar emails… hopefully someone is not reading them… or maybe, hopefully, and there‘s a cute IT guy coming my way. 🤣


Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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#Epistolary 💌📧📎 #BookMoods 😊📚

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Eggs I enjoyed this one 👍🏼👏🏻 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love your shelf 📚 2y
CoffeeAndABook I loved LOVED Attachments 😄 2y
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Attachments | Rainbow Rowell
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I have a few issues with this book but I let them go in order to enjoy this story for what I needed last week. It was a pleasant escape from the cold, snow, and stress from work.

Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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#ConflictedWorlds Lincoln is the conflicted #Coworker who was hired by the computer security department of his company to read through the emails of his coworkers in order to maintain internet security. He, himself, is conflicted by his job, and knows it would cause conflict with his coworkers if they knew he was hired to read their emails.
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Andrew65 I enjoyed this. 3y
CoffeeNBooks @Andrew65 I did, too! I enjoyed all of the 90s references while reading it. 3y
Andrew65 @CoffeeNBooks I also really enjoyed the novella she wrote for the 2016 World Book Day about queuing up to watch the latest Star Wars film. Far more interesting that it sounds. 3y
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CoffeeNBooks @Andrew65 Yes! That one was great, too! 3y
Eggs I really liked this book 📚🙌🏻 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻📚🙌🏻 3y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Lindsays_books I hope you get a ton of reading in!! 3y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Currently reading and loving it. I‘ve barely read the last few days but my goal is to finish this one by Friday. ❤️
#ilovereading #bookish #bookobsessed #booknerd #booklover #bookworm #bookaholic #booksbooksbooks #ilovebooks #bibliophile #reading #novel #bookphoto #amreading

monalyisha I just love her. 🌈 3y
Lindsays_books Cute picture!! 3y
Between2Novels @Lindsays_books hey you ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
Between2Novels @monalyisha I know me too! I wish she would come out with another release! 3y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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I devour 75% of Rainbow Rowell's titles in single readings. It's a romance but where the guy and girl only meet face to face in the last few chapters. Told in part episolary and part from Lincoln's perspective they fall in love through a distance and through Lincoln reading her filtered emails at the turn of 1999 meets 2000. Sigh. I need a 20 years later epilogue to know these fictitious lovers triumphed.

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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Re: my last post about why I love epistolary romance novels:

My husband & I (who‘ve been together for almost 12 years!) exchanged emails & letters before we ever met in-person. This is a photo of the first piece of mail I ever sent him (we also made each other mixtapes, complete with annotated booklets).

It‘s already a bit faded in this photo...but you get the idea. 💞 We‘ve also moved a bunch since 2009, so neither address is still valid. 😉

vivastory Mixtapes were an art form. This is fantastic. 3y
cariashley This is so lovely. 3y
ElleSkel I can‘t love this enough! 3y
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TheKidUpstairs I miss the joy of making and receiving mixtapes. 3y
monalyisha @TheKidUpstairs Same! I had a Volvo from the 90‘s for awhile, so it stayed relevant for me longer than it otherwise would have. But what an exercise in friendship & love & art. 💕 3y
Librariana Man... you guys are officially the cutest! 🥰😊 3y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Not a horrible book but not my favorite either. It was well written but I was hoping for more.

Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Are Rainbow Rowell's other books better? There's a lot of hype with this author, but I really didn't get why with this book. The only thing that stopped me from giving it a thumbs down was the witty banter in the emails because I'm definitely guilty of that. But now I'm creeped out that someone might have read it and fantasized over it. Ew.

Smartypants Samesies! I‘ve tried a couple books by this author and just couldn‘t get into any of them, though I did finish because I can‘t not finish a book, even if I don‘t like it. 4y
meganlynae I haven‘t read a book by her that I liked, and I tried! But no luck 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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It's Winston's 3rd birthday! I spent the morning giving him his presents, treats, and playing. Now that I've decided to settle into a book, the little guy decides he wants to play fetch. How can I say no to this face?

GingerAntics 💙💙💙 4y
bibliobliss Happy Birthday Winston!! 🎉 4y
CBee Happy birthday! I love a corgi ♥️♥️♥️ 4y
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RaeLovesToRead That is the happiest face ever!! 4y
Librariana Happy Birthday, Winston! ¡Feliz Cumpleaños! Hope your paw-rty was a blast 😊💙 4y
Beatlefan129 Stop trying to make fetch happen! (Just kidding, I‘m not a Mean Girl 🤪) Happy Birthday sweet pup! 4y
DaveGreen7777 Wishing your fur baby a very Happy Birthday! 🥳🎉 4y
throwmeabook Happy Birthday Winston! You are such a cutie! 4y
Tera66 Cute!! 4y
SconsinBookyBadger Happy birthday Winston! Hope your celebration is paw-some! 🎾🐶 4y
xicanti Happy birthday, Winston! 4y
JennyM Aww, happy birthday Winston 💕 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick 🎈Happy Birthday Winston🎈 4y
Rachel.Rencher @Beatlefan129 🤣🤣🤣😂 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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1. Attachments
2. The Lost City of the Monkey God
The Redbreast
The Thursday Murder Club
3. Just my husband's usual Hallmark movies.

#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Starting to listen to Attachments, I found the full audiobook on YouTube.

#24B4Monday #AuthorAMonth

Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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This book isn't the typical book I'd pick up to read. The writing was good and the plot was what I expected but the book was just ok for me. Lincoln went a little too far onto the creepy side by the middle of the book and I doubt it would have played out as it does. He was very intense to say the least. Also - pretty creepy that most companies probably track their employees like this now days.

#AuthorAMonth #FeastMode

@Soubhiville @Hestapleton

Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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It is a cold, snowy day here today so what better than a nice cup of hot tea while reading under a warm blanket. Going to start this #readathon by trying to finish up Attachments while drinking some Rhubarb Yogurt Parfait tea. The book has been ok so far - exactly what I expected from this book to be honest. Not my type of book but still well written.

#FeastMode #AuthorAMonth #CurrentlyReading #LibraryBook #Tea

@Hestapleton @Soubhiville

Hestapleton Snowy days were MADE for Readathons! Little jealous, not gonna lie. 4y
Jess861 @Hestapleton 100% agree! Chilly autumn days on the deck or snowy days inside are the perfect days to read all day (not that every day isn't perfect for this)! 4y
Hestapleton @Jess861 it‘s chilly and rainy here, which means sweaters and blankets and window seat! 4y
Jess861 @Hestapleton Also perfect reading weather 😄! 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Found a copy of this book at our local library and I've read a couple of chapters. Not a typical book I would pick up but it is enjoyable so far (not that I'm very far in). Seems like it will be a light and fairly quick read which is probably what I need right now. I know the premise of the book but I hope it isn't super romance heavy.

#AuthorAMonth #LibraryBook #CurrentlyReading


Texreader It‘s not romance-heavy although at heart that‘s what it‘s about. I loved it and I‘m not a fan of romance novels. 4y
Jess861 @Texreader Oh good to know 🙂 - I can handle that! 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Lincoln, a computer geek, is hired to take care of system security for a newspaper. Part of that includes reading emails employees send to make sure they‘re not behaving inappropriately. He gets caught up in the emails between 2 women, Beth and Jennifer. Soon, he finds himself falling for a woman he;s never met.

Kinda creepy premise, but Lincoln is so endearing.

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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Rowell‘s debut novel follows Lincoln who‘s job is to read emails of the employees of The Courier, a newspaper where he works. He lets slide the email conversations of Beth and Jennifer. Rowell portrays the wonderful friendship between Beth and Jennifer and their lives and relationships as well as Lincoln‘s own life and his family. This book also deals with some tough issues but is also hilarious. #AuthorAMonth

Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Rebecca Lowman re-recorded the #audiobook for Rainbow‘s debut earlier this year, and it is so wonderful. Sometimes a narrator and an author just WORK.

You can‘t help but root for Lincoln and Beth. The number one adjective that comes to mind with her characters is charming. She makes genres I don‘t normally like from romance (this book) to YA and fantasy (other titles) things I love.

#aam book 3 #bookspinbingo no 4 (posting card tmrw) night all!

Texreader Well said. I normally wouldn‘t read this types of books but this one was so good!! 4y
Soubhiville I‘m glad you enjoyed this 🙂 4y
TheAromaofBooks Yay! This is probably my favorite book of hers. I love how she manages to make Lincoln endearing instead of a creeper haha I also think that her romance works so well because her characters grow as individuals instead of having people who “fix“ each other. 4y
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Megabooks @Texreader thank you!! 4y
Megabooks @Soubhiville me too! She‘s one of my favorite authors, so I‘m glad to be rereading her books. 4y
Megabooks @TheAromaofBooks definitely agree about Lincoln. And I hate when people fix each other. #petpeeve Lincoln made friends and moved out on his own. Beth got out of her crappy relationship on her own too. Then they met on the same page. It is such an endearing story. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Exactly!! 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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What a fun, funny, poignant, reminiscent book about love in the 90s, e-mail still somewhat a new concept and the terrible fear of Y2K looming. I may have liked this one as much as Eleanor and Park! #authoramonth @Soubhiville

Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Update for #novelnovember!


✅ Attachment for #authoramonth @Soubhiville
2. A Freak of Freedom for #readingeurope2020 #SanMarino
3. Midnight in Chernobyl for #Ukraine
4. The Historian for #Slovenia

Make progress: The Dogs of Riga for #Latvia

Thanks @Andrew65 for hosting!

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Loved it! So funny and I loved the 1999 setting. For a while, I thought for sure the ending would be different as it wasn‘t looking too good for the MCs!


mom2bugnbee This is my favorite Rainbow Rowell. I thought it was delightful. 4y
TheAromaofBooks I really love this one. And I feel like she finds a good balance of having the Y2K stuff give it a sense of time without it bogging down the story with references, if that makes sense haha 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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I have to work today but nothing says I can‘t have a relaxing read for breakfast first!

Crazeedi I have something headed your way soon. Thank you so much for the beautiful cards you mad and sent me. Dont think I havent love me them. I appreciate you so much! 4y
Jas16 Looks like the perfect way to start your day. 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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This was clever and cute...and a little goofy...and fulfills prompts for two monthly reading challenges for November. #authoramonth

My local indie bookstore is also doing a challenge, and for this month it was to read a new-to-you author.

CoffeeNBooks I really liked this one! 4y
Soubhiville Woohoo! 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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My goals for #novelnovember:


1. Attachment for #authoramonth
2. A Freak of Freedom for #readingeurope2020 #SanMarino
3. Midnight in Chernobyl for #Ukraine
4. The Historian for #Slovenia

Make progress: The Dogs of Riga for #Latvia

Maybe overly ambitious but I need to get through these if I‘m going to have any chance of completing #readingeurope2020

Thanks @Andrew65 for hosting! I ❤️ the name of the challenge. It‘s easy to remember!

Butterfinger Good luck! 4y
Texreader @Butterfinger Thank you!! 4y
Andrew65 Great goals. I loved the Historian and am also reading Attachments. Good luck 😊👍 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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I really enjoyed this book! It was a fun, lighthearted rom-com, that also included a look back at the internet in 1999. I remember being at a New Year's Eve party in 1999, and the host turned off the breaker at midnight as a joke, because seriously, everyone was at least a little afraid that everything was going to stop at midnight, lol! 🤣 #AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

reading_rainbow Loved this one! 4y
Soubhiville That was a bit of a mean joke, but still funny. I was at a party, sitting on a roof looking out over the lights of the city of Asheville NC waiting for them to maybe go out. I was almost a little disappointed they didn‘t. 4y
Lcsmcat At the New Years party I attended, there was a pedant there who kept claiming that, since March 24th used to be New Years, nothing would happen until then. And it wasn‘t really the turn of the millennium. 😂 4y
Jemgirl2014 This was a great one! 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Not my cup of tea. A bit too mindless “fluff” for me, yet sweet. I will admit I skimmed a bit.

#authoramonth #November

Soubhiville I felt the same. Her YA is better. 4y
AmyG @Soubhiville I bailed on one of her YA books. She is just not for me.☹️ 4y
Soubhiville And that‘s ok! 😘 4y
AmyG Ha! It is. 4y
writethelettervy I felt the same. It was just okay. Landline wasn't my favorite either. I definitely appreciate her style though. 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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My first LOL. Ok being an employment (& cyber security) lawyer this punches many of my buttons but to really make it a hoot, I‘m a former newspaper girl! My first job was at the town newspaper! And I continued in journalism until law school. Then represented newspapers for awhile. This sums up all my previous and current jobs into one big howl of laughter!

Hollie I loved this one! 4y
Megabooks This is my favorite of hers. So much fun! 4y
AvidReader25 Love this book! My first job was at a small town newspaper too! (edited) 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Starting this one tonight in the hotel while on my business trip. It‘s great I‘m getting in a lot of reading time! #authoramonth

MsMelissa I enjoyed this one. Hope you like it. 4y
Texreader @Book_Fiend_Melissa Me too! Since as an employment lawyer the topic struck me as these sorts of things cross my desk periodically. Gee, I could write a book about the things I‘ve had to help clients through!! 4y
MsMelissa I can imagine the stories you could tell 😂 4y
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Lcsmcat @texreader “Dance like nobody‘s watching; email as if it will be read aloud in a deposition.” 4y
Texreader @Lcsmcat Oh the accuracy of that quote! I had to defend a client‘s “not so good” as in really bad email to a jury!! 4y
Texreader @Book_Fiend_Melissa Oh yea, I have doozies! I really do need to start writing them down, anonymously of course. If I can ever tell about the woman sorting fireplace ashes on the top of her desk, that‘s absolutely one of the best!! Years later I‘m still dying laughing (and horrified). 4y
MsMelissa I‘m not sure I even want to know why she was doing that 😂 4y
Butterfinger I'm planning to read this one too. 4y
Texreader @Book_Fiend_Melissa Nope. It was really quite awful but really funny at the same time. Honestly the things people think up... 4y
Texreader @Butterfinger It‘s really humorous so far!! 4y
Texreader @Book_Fiend_Melissa And did she really think her supervisor wouldn‘t notice her sorting through ashes during the workday? 🤣🤣 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Jenny Lawson‘s bookstore is still closed but it‘s clear she‘s enjoying updating her window decor! This is today when picking up the tagged book.

Copwithabook I want to visit her store so bad! 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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A little excursion around the neighborhood: picnic at a local Mexican food place and then across the street to pick up the tagged book from the Nowhere Bookshop for #authoramonth.

Soubhiville Yay! It‘s so cool that you can do curbside there! 4y
Nute That‘s a cool name for a bookstore - The Nowhere Bookshop. I like it! 4y
mrp27 This was my first Rowell and I enjoyed it, hope you do too. 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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I was going to read Landline for #authoramonth but decided to go with this one, which was also on my tbr, because my local indie bookshop has it in stock. Jenny Lawson is still only selling books to pick up curbside at her Nowhere Bookstore so I‘m trying to keep her in business until the pandemic lets up. Husband and I decided to buy books from her when she has what we need in stock even though it costs more. Hope to pick it up tomorrow.

sprainedbrain That‘s awesome that you‘re supporting Jenny‘s store! Also, I really liked Attachments! ❤️ 4y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag I quite enjoyed this one as well... I‘ve been doing the same thing with my local bookshop - they offered free delivery within 5km of their store (which I am, just). I know one of the owners delivered books everyday on his bike (it‘s dropped down to delivery 3 times a week as they‘ve just been able to reopen to the public) 4y
Scochrane26 I really liked Attachments. I need to reread it at some point. 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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Friday morning #coffeeandabook with my 2nd #AuthorAMonth book for this month.

OriginalCyn620 I‘m gonna read this one too this month! 4y
AmyG I‘m reading this now. 4y
Leftcoastzen Love the mug! 4y
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Jovy Oh I loved this one! 👍🏻 4y
Texreader I just ordered my copy of this one!! Yay!! 4y
CoffeeNBooks @OriginalCyn620 @AmyG @Texreader I'm really enjoying this one so far! It's fun to remember what people thought about the internet in 1999, lol! 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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I started out really disliking all the characters in this book, but they grew on me and I got caught up in their exchanges. I found this to be a perfectly good distraction for today, which was key. I didn‘t think there was anything standout about this, and the characters themselves confirmed my impression that Rowell‘s real strength is as a YA author. (though even there I‘m not convinced she‘s my cup of tea)

#votedearlyreadathon #authoramonth

Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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I thought this was good for what it was, but it‘s definitely not a genre I get into. I have enjoyed Rainbow Rowell‘s YA that I‘ve read much more.

I did appreciate the moral struggle MC Lincoln had with his job and his obsession with reading Beth‘s email. But overall, a bit too fluffy for me.

ephemeralwaltz Agreed! Not much more to add. 4y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Your review is right on.....I‘m just looking at my “pick” rating and I was too generous. I have no idea why I didn‘t give it a so-so...I may change that...but I LOVED E&P!! (edited) 4y
AmyG I am reading this now, and I thought it‘s a bit too fluffy, but it‘s easy to read. 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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This is fluff, but I needed fluff today, and it was fun in a rom-com kind of way. I doubt I‘ll read any more by her, but I‘m not sorry to have read this one. #authoramonth2020 @Soubhiville

Nikki_E Fan Girl is so good, I highly recommend trying that one. 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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I started this on my new Kindle for #authoramonth2020, and it‘s full of pop culture references, most of which are over (under?) my head. I was able to read outside on my lunch hour much better than with the old Kindle or my tablet. Now if I can just get Rocky Mountain High out of my head.

AmyG I‘m reading this one, too. Some of the references went over my head, too. 🤣 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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I have what feels like a huge TBR of library books and books borrowed from friends, not to mention bookclub books for November. #bookspinbingo will help me get through them! Here‘s my November #bookspin list. There are two Rainbow Rowell books on there for #authoramonth too.

paper.reveries So many books I‘ve never heard of before. Happy November challenge!! :) 4y
TheAromaofBooks I really love Attachments - I think it's my favorite Rowell book. Great list!!! 4y
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Attachments: A Novel | Rainbow Rowell
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At the start of quarantine my brilliant bestie suggested we start a virtual book club. We asked a few of our favorite people to join & Pandemic Pages was born. Every Saturday night we zoomed & discussed books. We all looked forward to it! It was a chance to connect & laugh during a time that felt so isolating & overwhelming. I am so grateful for these women, their insights, and the joy their conversation brought me during this insane year.

charl08 Aw that's lovely. 4y
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