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Where Are the Children? (Anniversary)
Where Are the Children? (Anniversary) | Mary Higgins Clark
25 posts | 72 read | 10 to read
Nancy Harmon long ago fled the heartbreak of her first marriage, the macabre deaths of her two little children, and the shocking charges against her. She changed her name, dyed her hair, and left California for the windswept peace of Cape Cod. Now remarried, she has two more beloved children, and the terrible pain has begun to heal -- until the morning when she looks in the backyard for her little boy and girl and finds only one red mitten. She knows that the nightmare is beginning again....
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I remember my mom having this book when I was a kid and I was always creeped out by the single mitten left behind. After many, many years I‘m finally reading it.

Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark

A great, quick read.

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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Excellent choice 🙌🏻 1y
Eggs Perfect! 1y
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Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark
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I remember WAYYYYYYY back in the day when my mother was reading this book, this cover scared the shit out of me 😅 I was about 7 or 8, and there was just something about that red mitten along with the title that got me all 😱

#ScaryFebruary #Disappear

Prairiegirl_reading Kept me up all night, back in the day!! 💜 2y
dabbe I love when books popped up from my (ahem) younger days! MHC was THE female writer of mysteries; I kind of likened her to Sidney Sheldon. We couldn't WAIT for the next book to come out. And wait we had to do--in the good ol' days! I might have to revisit her! #thanksforthememory 💕 2y
TheBookgeekFrau @dabbe MHC was the bomb digitty for my mother, along with Sidney Sheldon. I couldn't wait to be old enough to read them. So right after I snuck Flowers in the Attic, I read Where Are The Children, moved on to Sidney and never looked back. It's funny, when I was taking the picture I thought the same about a MHC revisit! #thanksforsharingmymemories 💕 2y
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TheBookgeekFrau @Prairiegirl_reading Other than being afraid of the cover -- I don't remember the story, and I read it TWICE 😅 But the last time I read it was 30 some odd years and thousands of books ago. 2y
Prairiegirl_reading Oh same!! But I know where I was when I read it and I remember being in trouble about staying up so late. Mary Higgins Clark had a way of doing that to me. 2y
TheBookgeekFrau @Prairiegirl_reading I love how a book can bring back such vivid memories, yet we can't remember the story 🤣🤣 2y
dabbe @TheBookgeekFrau OMG! Flowers in the Attic! That's another one! I told my mom it was a heartwarming family story, and she let me read it in middle school! 🤣 I only read the first one, though. It really creeped me out. 2y
TheBookgeekFrau @dabbe I think I was about 10 or 11 when I read Flowers. It creeped me out too, but like a train wreck; I couldn't stop reading. 2y
UwannaPublishme Oh yes! MHC and Sidney Shelton! Couldn‘t get enough of them back in the day. And couldn‘t put them down! 😍🙌🏻 @dabbe 2y
TheBookgeekFrau @UwannaPublishme So damn hard to put down!! 2y
MatchlessMarie How funny! Thanks for playing along last month. 2y
TheBookgeekFrau @MatchlessMarie You're welcome! Thank YOU for hosting, I had a blast!! 2y
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Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark
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Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark
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#WeRemember #MaryHigginsClark @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

I don‘t think I‘ve ever read any of her books; but she was dubbed Queen of Suspense! Many of her books were transformed into movies. She lived to 92 and died 2 years ago.

Jemgirl2014 “Where Are the Children” was my first Mary Higgins book. She was a fantastic writer! 😊 2y
SheReadsAndWrites She is one of my favorite writers! I met her twice and have 3 signed copies of her books. Lovely woman! And the best mystery writer. 🤓❤️ 2y
Eggs @Jemgirl2014 @SheReadsAgain How wonderful💕💕 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘ve only read a couple. 2y
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I liked it. It was short and easy to read. The entire thing takes place in one day so not a ton of thrilling build up. But it was cool. I put so- so bc I wouldn‘t recommend it to anyone 🤷🏽‍♀️

Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark
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These are mostly likely going to be super dated And i dont care one bit. I‘ll happily go back to 1975 and 1988.

Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark
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For a tiny space of time when I was a teen, I had a reading partner...My Mother! I had discovered Mary Higgins Clark through the tagged book. I thought it was engrossing as a teen reader. After I finished reading it, I had to find someone to share in this enthusiasm. I asked my Mom, & unbelievably she said “Yes.” I had never seen my Mom read a book. My joy was top level - another reader in the family! It was short-lived, but MHC did that for me!💕

Jeannineth Rest easy Mary. You will be missed. 5y
CoverToCoverGirl What a lovely story! She will be missed by many. (edited) 5y
Hooked_on_books What a great story! I think this book was my start on MHC as well. I enjoyed reading her as a young person. Such a loss. 5y
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Bookzombie What a great story! I read quite few of MHC‘s book during my teens too. 5y
Nute @CoverToCoverGirl Thank you! Agreed!💕 5y
CBee MHC was a big part of why I love the suspense/mystery genre! ❤️ 5y
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Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark
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I learned of MHC‘s passing last night as many authors retweeted Simon & Shuster‘s announcement with similar sentiments about MHC being their first adult reads. It was the same for me! I distinctly remember my first forays into the adult section of my library looking for her books. Tagged is the one whose cover is seared into my memory. MHC helped usher young readers into the next phase of their reading lives and into a lifelong love of reading.

Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark
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TheSpineView That's so sad!😥 5y
esurient @TheSpineView 😪❤📚 5y
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Andrew65 Very sad, like her books, another loss of a great author. 😢 (edited) 5y
TheSpineView 😥 5y
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bookaholic1 Very sad, read alot of her books😔 5y
Texreader @Andrew65 @thespineview @OrangeMooseReads @DaveGreen7777 @bookaholic1 My mom just discovered her and was recommending her to me, now this! Always sad when we lose a great author. 5y
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Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark
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Panic70 😢 5y
Megabooks 💔 5y
LeahBergen Aww. ☹️ 5y
DGRachel 😔 5y
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Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark
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My aunt lent me her copy of this one, and I finally got around to reading it. Where Are the Children? is my first Mary Higgins Clark novel, but it makes me nostalgic for thrillers I enjoyed as a kid (particularly in the overall style more than the actual plot). The twists and turns were fun to follow and I generally enjoyed myself quite a bit while reading it.

For those interested in reading it: tw for child sexual abuse

ljuliel I read that SO many years ago. Whenever it originally came out. 70s ? 80s? 5y
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#WhereTheChildrenAre #MaryHigginsClark

Nancy Harmon fled the heartbreak of her 1st marriage, the deaths of her 2 children, and the shocking charges against her. She changed her name, dyed her hair, and left California for the windswept peace of Cape Cod. She now has 2 more children, the pain has begun to heal -- until she looks in the backyard for her little boy and girl and finds only one red mitten. Read and find out where her children are!

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Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark
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Ms .Clark had written short stories and another book before this breakthrough title put her on the map.Published in 1975,her advance for hardcover a merely 3k.But a paperback bidding war put that advance over 100k!Found this beat up paperback in a thrift ,it had gone through 17 printings by November 1976.As a bookseller, got tired of selling it, guess I should finally read it!😂

MicheleinPhilly This was one of my summer reading books in like 8th grade. It was such an odd choice but I think I enjoyed it. 6y
batsy My sister used to buy her books so I've read this one, when I was in high school I think. I can't remember a thing about it 😳 6y
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Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark
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Nancy Harmon long ago fled the heartbreak of her first marriage, the macabre deaths of her two little children, and the charges against her. She changed her name and left California for Cape Cod. Now remarried, she has two more children, and the terrible pain has begun to heal -- until the morning when she looks in the backyard for her little boy and girl and finds only one red mitten. #comelittlechildren #octoberputaspellonyou

vkois88 I miss when I was really intrigued by her books... sadly, they elarent as good anymore. Then again, I started reading them in elementary school 😕 6y
AmyG @vkois88 I agree. I loved her earlier books. She lived near me and I used to go to the local bookstore for signings. 6y
JoScho @vkois88 @amyg my mom used to love her books. She use to talk about 6y
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EllieDottie I love Mary Higgins Clark!! 6y
JoScho @EllieDottie 💙💙💙 6y
vkois88 @amyg I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels that way... @joscho that one was my favorite too! 6y
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Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark
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I don't know why, but this is one of my least favorite Mary Higgins Clark books. #TBTReads

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Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark
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Started this last night and cannot put it down! I had a very unproductive winter break, but I think this book and two snow days will get me back into the swing of reading. I generally don‘t like suspense novels, but this was suggested by one of my students in my book club, so I have no choice but to finish it 😂

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Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark
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The writer Harlan Coben posted a picture of himself and Mary Higgins Clark on Twitter. I responded to his post. And then this happened. Yes, I totally freaked out. #bookgeek #writersarerockstars

Zelma 😂 that is petty funny. 7y
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Last year I met Mary Higgins Clark and for me #itwasagoodday! I bought one of her books in a used bookstore when I was about 10 and that book helped me fall in love with reading. As a young child with social anxiety to discover the escapism that comes with reading has made me a more social person and helped my introverted self face the world! So to meet one of my favorite authors at 89 years old was an incredible experience! #90sinJuly

Cinfhen That's such a great story 7y
Bookworm83 Oh wow! She's such a legend. Her books were the first adult books I read when I was younger. 7y
Robothugs That's amazing! 7y
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mklong What a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing it! 7y
MaleficentBookDragon ❤️MHC! 7y
DebinHawaii Beautiful story! 💜💜💜 7y
BestDogDad That's very cool! 7y
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Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark
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I have so many books I want to read and I have so many authors that I want to experience their art, so I don't have many #autobuyauthors but I can say that my standard auto buy is my standard palate cleanser MHC! #marchintoreading

UwannaPublishme MHC Rocks! 🙌🏻 7y
EllieDottie @UwannaPublishme I know! I love her!! 7y
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Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark
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My mom sold my MHC books when I went away to college, but I found some replacements at the library today! Free will donation and they are mine again... ☺️
*Bonus: The covers are the same as the copies I owned.

Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark
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Thought I would go back and read again the book that sparked my love of suspense and thrillers.....

Where Are The Children? | Mary Higgins Clark
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It begins.