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Books & Company and Miss Lily's Cafe | Picton, Ontario, Canada (Bookstore)
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A visit to my favourite bookstore and then the cafe next door led to some purchases (that I Do Not need!)

Hot stew because ‘Elmet‘ and
All‘s well because ‘Bunny‘.

I hadn‘t heard anything about these new books but these authors‘ previous works had me hooked!


Ruthiella Awad is an auto-read for me now too. I thought Bunny was a little more cray-cray but I also really liked 2y
Bookish.SAM @Ruthiella Bunny was most definitely cray-cray! But definitely intriguing. Looking forward to 2y
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TheBookStacker I love her writing, I just got this one on my kindle! (edited) 7y
Velvetsun @TheBookStacker So, so good. She and Susanna Kearsley are my 2 fave historical authors. 7y
Laalaleighh Omg so I read one ☝️ book by her (The Forgotten Garden) and immediately went out and found her entire works in the Sophie allport limited edition set. That's how good that one book was. I've only gotten house of riverton in so far but this is making me want to read it badly! 7y
Velvetsun @Laalaleighh Oooh, i own all of her books, but haven't read that one. Might read that one next. 7y
Laalaleighh It's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. 7y
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Untitled | Anonymous
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These are some of my favorites.
Stephen King, Joe Hill, Poppy Z. Brite
Tanith Lee, Glen Duncan, Cat Winters
#marchintoreading @RealLifeReading

DiruVamp I always feel so excited when someone else mentions Poppy Z Brite. Not many know of her and she is fantastic!! 7y
bookwrm526 I want to read some Poppy Z Brite, but I tried one and I just couldn't do it. There was a really gross scene with eyeballs, and it did me in, and it was really near the beginning 7y
TrishB I love her stuff too 💟 7y
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RohitSawant I read Poppy Z. Brite's foreward to Thomas Ligotti's Nightmare Factory and made a mental note to check out her work since but forgot. This was a welcome reminder! 7y
JessClark78 @DiruVamp I do too. I haven't come across many people that read Brite's books. 7y
JessClark78 @bookwrm526 Yeah, I've read some pretty graphic stuff in a few of the books. Lost Souls was the first one I read. I don't remember it being too bad, but it's been a while since I last read it. 7y
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Bad Feminist | Roxane Gay
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These are authors who are not just my #autobuyauthors but also automatic preorders. Or even better, I search high and low for a way to get an ARC because I seriously can't wait to read what they write next.
Roxane Gay
Neil Gaiman
Margaret Atwood
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

RealLifeReading 🙌🙌🙌 awesome authors 7y
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The Bone Clocks: A Novel | David Mitchell
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Boy, that David Mitchell can write! Took me forever to read this because it gave me nightmares in the middle & I had to put it down for a while. Then the end left me crying. This was a wild roller coaster & I'm amazed at the mind that could think this up. I know the #autobuyauthors prompt was the other day, but Mitchell is very quickly becoming one of mine. #marchintoreading

jhod Loved Black Swan Green, will check this one out, thanks 7y
Amandajoy @jhod Black Swan Green is the next one I have of his to read 😊 7y
LitLogophile So far I've read Cloud Atlas & Black Swan Green, and they're both brilliant. I have this one burning a hole in my TBR, but after Cloud Atlas I know what a project it's going to be to read another Mitchell so I'm waiting for the perfect mood 😂 - agreed, he's one of my favorites. 7y
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TrishB I loved this book and cried my eyes out at the end. I wanted Holly to be my best friend! 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I loved Black Swan Green too, but I rec that you read Cloud Atlas first if you havent because a character from CA shows up in Swan (or maybe I read them in reverse order and it's the other way around? 😂) 7y
I-read-and-eat I love David Mitchell, this on is on my TBR right now 😊 7y
Beachesnbooks This is on my tbr for next month, I can't wait! I loved Cloud Atlas 7y
Amandajoy @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I loved Cloud Atlas, so I'm good to go! 7y
Amandajoy @lostlogophile This one is definitely a project like Cloud Atlas. I had to put it down for about a month because it got in my head & gave me nightmares, but it was still so brilliant! 7y
LitLogophile Hmmmm I'll definitely have to get to it 😊 7y
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Seventh Decimate | Stephen R Donaldson
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Yesterday's #MarchintoReading prompt #AutoBuyAuthors got me wondering if there are any Stephen R. Donaldson books I wasn't aware of. I checked his website today and guess what?!? He has a new trilogy in the works! I downloaded an excerpt and I'm intrigued by this new world, its people, and their magics.
(screenshots are from stephenrdonaldson.com)

Under the Dome | Stephen King
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#autobuyauthors My best lucky thrift shop find was Under The Dome for $2.00 - Let's say the thrift and book sales make an auto buy on sight. I support full purchases when I can, with the Game of Thrones books in the winter; otherwise saving coffee coins by keeping to the library. #marchintoreading

Kraken | China Miville
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A day late for #autobuyauthors I think I really only have 3. Neil Gaiman, China Miéville (pictured), and Adrian Tchaikovsky. So basically 3 British guys.

4 of these are TBR. The rest are all spectacular in their own unique ways.

I'm basically going to keep posting about Kraken until everyone checks it out. @CherylDeFranceschi knows what's up. #marchintoreading

TobeyTheScavengerMonk @saresmoore If you like The City & the City there's more where that came from! 7y
2BR02B Embassytown is next on my TBR. Mieville is one of my few auto-buys as well. 7y
saresmoore I haven't read Adrian Tchaikovsky yet either. Do you have a suggestion of where to start—or rather which will a good the best representation of his skill? 7y
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saresmoore Also, @CherylDeFranceschi always knows what's up. 7y
Sue The City and the City is my fave Mieville. I also loved Embassytown. I struggled though the Kraken and bailed on Perdido St - way too many bodily fluids in that one for me! 7y
CherylDeFranceschi Listen to Tibet- this book is tentacular!!!! 7y
AlaMich Another vote for The City And The City. Kraken definitely on the TBR list. 7y
AlaMich @Sue I finished Perdido but did not love it. 7y
IamIamIam I have one autobuy and that's Carl Hiaasen. Almost everything that man does is gold...almost...lol 7y
mandapants Done. Added to list. You got one more on board. 7y
Moray_Reads I've had a couple of misses with China Miéville but I'll read anything he puts out because he's a genius. I love Kraken, the City and the City, Railsea and The last Days of New Paris but I haven't read all of his backlist. Have you seen his forthcoming nonfiction? 7y
Sue @AlaMich It really reminded me of the grunge writing that started getting big in the 90s, which was not my thing. 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @sue @AlaMich Perdido Street Station was indeed gruesome with a capital GRUE but it was my first book by him and rocked my grunge '90s high school world. I will say that The Scar takes place in the same world and is a much better novel. 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @Moray_Reads I am excited about his October. I read very little nonfiction and it is a subject I know little about, but you are right about him being a genius. I have no doubt it will be a great read. 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @GrilledCheeseSamurai I‘ve still got to read Rail Sea, Un Lun Dun, Three Moments and New Paris. And October which came out after I took this. 6y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @TobeyTheScavengerMonk Un Lun Dun is unlike any of his other work, IMO. It's more young adult / fairy tailish. Very much an Alice in Wonderland vibe going on. Good stuff though. 👍 6y
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Home | Harlan Coben
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I have a lot of #autobuyauthors. The only one I haven't seen in person is Stephen King, which breaks my heart! 💔#marchintoreading. Stephen King, Karin Slaughter, Harlan Coben & Lisa Gardner.

AnnieReads All great authors!! 7y
Krisjericho He's the only one I have seen in person! He's surprisingly charismatic. 7y
Bookladylinda @Krisjericho so jealous!!!!! 😊😊😊😊😊 7y
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