Another from the In Manhattan series that also features the Knight siblings. Harriet‘s story is still my favorite. But this one was still fun.
Book 26 for #winterreadathon
Another from the In Manhattan series that also features the Knight siblings. Harriet‘s story is still my favorite. But this one was still fun.
Book 26 for #winterreadathon
Love, love, love. ❤️ I really enjoyed this one because the guy was actually the one in love and having to play his cards right with a woman afraid of commitment. #romance
An impulse read. #WinterGames #TeamGameSleighers #WGWordSearch 160 pts. #AVeryMerryReadathon #BookSpinBingo #WinterCosy #WrapItUpReadathon #Adventathon
I‘m definitely not making my goal this year but when I‘m on winter break I‘m going to try to read as many books as I can starting with this one.
Very good. Enjoyed the story especially the sections where the characters interacted with older characters from previous series's as it enabled you to see how they were getting on. Also love how she is setting up the rest of the series as she sets up characters for later books as this is a 6 book series.
#petsandpaperbacks @HotMessJess
1. Harlie on the left, Elvis on the right.
2. Elvis came to me when my sister passed away so I‘ve him almost 11 years. We rescued Harlie almost 6 years ago.
3. Well you can see Harlie is a weirdo. Elvis actually get a lip hung up on his teeth and looks like the human Elvis 😂
4. @Debiw781 @Marilyn1970 @britt_brooke
My Saturday. All day long medications for my boy recovering from eye surgery. The results were not what we hoped for unfortunately and one of risk factors we feared came to fruition. It looks like he now has glaucoma in one eye 😢 and then the stress migraine has settled in. So today, bed with elvis trying to keep him as calm as possible, Olympics and maybe some reading.
This isn‘t the best book I‘ve ever read but there are some great inspirational quotes or sayings at the start of each chapter.
#humpdaypost @MinDea #letsmaketricksysmile
No nuts
Sunset in Central Park; girl knows boy, girls life is hard, girl has issues and I‘m assuming girl eventually falls in love with boy and they live happily ever after. If you like predictable romances yes, I recommend.
My boy on the left goes in for cataract surgery tomorrow and I‘m severely anxious about it. My girl on the left is recovering from a minor eye procedure this week as well.
Sweet, charming, and with more depth than I expected. #24in48 #readathon
People project an image. You see what they want you to see and they often hide who they really are. It's like going out with a mask on. I don't have the energy for it.
#bookmail 📯📖 it's the german edition of #sunsetincentralpark by #sarahmorgan 😊 I've read a Christmas story from the author some time ago and it was sweet and funny. That's the reason why I wanted to read another book by Sarah Morgan. 🙃
After reading #schlaflosinmanhattan im looking forward to read #einsommergarteninmanhattan . I love the way Sarah Morgan writes her storys. I think I'm going to have a very good time in Manhattan once more. 😊
Sometimes it takes a while before you can find love or your soulmate...I loved how Sarah untangles a web of hurt from Frankie's past left by her parents...Yes every girl truly needs her father & her father should show her how to be loved...A great message in between the lines & words...Just loved the scenery of New York...Can't wait to read the next book in this sequel...💜💜💜...Love my romance books 💜💜💜
Perfect morning for reading & sipping on coffee....Love my scenery...🍁🍂🎃👻🌰
Ahhh...A Pumpkin Spice Mule...Smooth
Some days I just want to chill with my book @ my happy place...Enjoying my pumpkin spice latte...I'm so blessed...🎃🍁.
Getting my Pre-Debate Conversation on with Steve Cobble & Phyllis Bennis along with my cousin Tootie...The things we find to do when we are together are endless....💜💜💜
"I just love the boy chases girl, boy gets girl storyline. Sarah Morgan surpasses expectations of a predictable romance by developing Frankie‘s friendships and family ties, as well as having her come to terms with her past." Reviewed by Calliope http://bit.ly/2dlQndd
This is romantic comedy catnip for fans of the genre. A romantic first nondate at Central Park is the perfect set up. Ms.Morgan weaves the magic of that beautiful place within the developing relationship between Frankie and Matt. Combine the beautiful setting with funny and witty dialogue and you have the perfect romance!
"Single, sane and solvent?" There was amusement in his tone. "That's all it takes? That doesn't sound like a very high bar."
"In Manhattan, you'd be surprised," Frankie said darkly.