I rarely want to pick up the next book in a trilogy immediately. I usually like to give it a breather. Not this time! #3 in The Opportunist series. Yes, please!
Second in The Opportunists series. I've tried to read Tarryn Fisher before, and couldn't get into it, but this series grabbed me. It's bubblegum fiction, but it's good bubblegum fiction.
1. American Gods by Neil Gaiman. I love him and his books, it just didn't keep my interest to the end. I may finish one day though.
2. Does wine or coffee count as a snack?
3. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes by Caitlin Doughty
4. @Bostonmomx2
My friend won this ARC copy from Goodreads and let me borrow it. Lucky me! I adore a good murder mystery and this is likely the best I've read this year. There is so more to this story than meets the eye and I was actually left guessing til the last chapter! #murdermystery #jenniferhillier #thriller
I've been looking forward to this book for months! My friend won an ARC and shared it with me. ❤️ It's as great as I hoped. #jenniferhillier #arc #thriller #murdermystery
One thing I love about checking books out from the library is that when they are almost due, I can tell everyone to leave me alone and binge read legimately. 😁
I'm so excited to read this! But I made a goal to finish knitting a sweater this weekend... This is the sad state of my Kindle. Closed. Waiting.
I tried to read this last year and could not get into it. I guess it wasn't the right time, because I randomly grabbed if from my bookshelf and find myself blown away. It's time to stop doubting your greatness! Which I literally had to stop myself from doing as I wrote that sentence. Ugh!
Enjoying a little Bailey's and coffee on a Saturday morning, hoping The Last Mrs. Parrish is worth the hype.
1. Judgemental people
2. Cake, but I'd never turn down pie.
3. Dee Dee
4. Romance, unless it's recommended by someone I know.
5. @Bostonmomx2 @RaeRae
1. Neil Gaiman. He's adorable, and he would tell the best stories in that fabulous voice of his.
2. Chris Isaak!
3. Coffee or wine. Hardly original.
#trivialthursday #garthranzz
It took me far too long to finish, but it was very good! I love this author. She's helping me enjoy the fantasy genre again. The best part? I recommended it to my adult daughter and it turns out we are reading it together. She's already on book three though!
1. Facebook because I can't really read with this headache. :( I was going to start Mrs.Parrish.
2. Suspense / Thriller
3. Cadbury Dark Mini Eggs mmm mmm mmm
3. @Bostonmomx2 @RaeRae @BookFairy
#happyeaster @Syndelle777
83% through... I've been enjoying it, but it's also been slow going. Can a book be considered "good", even though it's not a real page turner?
I have cracks on my Paperwhite! 😭 I don't even know how it happened!
1. I don't play any. Make a suggestion! :)
2. Thrillers/mystery/suspense
3. Russell Stover Coconut Nests
4. My husband. Most of the time. 😂
5. @Bostonmomx2 I wouldn't be here without her! ❤️#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
I'm 30% in, and I'm loving it. I've tried Tarryn Fisher's books before and never made it to the end. I've wanted to like them, but just didn't. This one... So far so great! I can't wait to discover why... Well, I can't spoil it!
I enjoyed it a lot! The suspense fell flat for me though. I kept expecting more, so I read faster and faster. In the end, it was a good read, consistent, and it definitely kept my interest! I just wish there has been more suspense.
70% away from the end! Will I be disappointed or enlightened?
The Night Court! I definitely dig the Night Court. Tamlin, you need a long talk with your lady love.
I managed to catch a cold. Lame. But my darling brought me a Hot Toddy and my kids tucked me in. ❤️
I'm enjoying this! I'm not dying to pick it up every minute of the day, but I like it.
I started reading last night in the bath and the first 40 pages flew by.
Here is a review by Terri: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2215725152
This absolutely lived up to all the hype! I only wish I had read it sooner.
Wow, this was GOOD! There were no real lulls in the story, just moments of less intensity. I'm thrilled it's a trilogy.
It slowed down for me 1/3 through, but then it picked up and twisted and turned for a surprising end.
I joined a new book club and this is what I walked into. Perfect!
I haven't made much time for reading... I've been trying to write instead. This sounds like a fun and quick read. A perfect distraction! Has anyone else read Gretchen's books?
I love Neil Gaiman. But I especially love listening to Neil Gaiman. This is my favorite book to listen to him narrate.
The first 100 pages have flown by. I can't believe I've never read anything by this author before!
I've loved all of Jennifer McMahon's books I've read so far, and this is no different. She knows how to hook a reader and keep them hooked.
Alaskan summers are the best. Sitting outside at 10 PM while it's cool and quiet is when I feel at peace.
I can't remember the last time a book held me in ransom until I finished it. Black Lies sure as heck did. What a great way to spend an afternoon. It wasnt just a boy meets girl and they have lots of incredible sex story, although that's certainly an element. There are secrets for him and for her. And it's not the sort of secrets anyone would suspect. Give it a read. I promise you'll enjoy it. I even had a little cry at the end.
A dear friend suggested this one, so I nominated it for my Book Club's September read!
I enjoyed the story, but the main character wasn't all that likeable. There was enough mystery to keep me engaged and interested though. Overall, I'm glad I read it.
I'm almost done! Did my Kindle lie to me? 23 mins til the end?!
I'm excited about the book for my Book Club this month! I hope I can actually make it to th meeting. #thewomanincabin10 #mysterylover #bookclub
Good insight into what it takes to be a writer while remaining aceessable and humorous. It's a great read so far!
I never knew much about Jean Harlow... A friend gave me this book and I absolutely loved it. David Stern wrote an wonderful biography and kept it very interesting and evenly paced. Nothing was sensational, and there were a staggering amount of footnotes. I was very impressed and have found a new respect for the sweet actress who died far too young.
I started this today for my Book Club. Sadly, already reading two other books as well. I hope it's a good (and quick) read!
#hpchapteraday #chapter8 A snowy day makes for perfect reading.