My #bookhaul from our weekend trip to Boston and a stop at the Brattle Book Shop: three nonfiction reads (a book about pandemics, one about conjoined twins, and the third about George Washington and the Newburgh conspiracy) and a classic. 👍🏼
My #bookhaul from our weekend trip to Boston and a stop at the Brattle Book Shop: three nonfiction reads (a book about pandemics, one about conjoined twins, and the third about George Washington and the Newburgh conspiracy) and a classic. 👍🏼
Our motto is to be gracious under any circumstances.
This is my 180th book & last read for 2017! What an insightful & heartrending #biography of #conjoinedtwins, Daisy and Violet Hilton, in the early #20thcentury. Their lives were nothing short of struggles, dramas, heartbreaks and misfortunes. I experienced gamut of dramatic emotions from joy to heartbroken reading this book. Yes, it was a #goodread!
For my full review, please visit:
A dear friend suggested this one, so I nominated it for my Book Club's September read!
Went last night to see the play Side Show-- a poignant musical with an unmemorable score-- about the conjoined twins Daisy and Violent Hilton. The play was presented at the NC School of the Arts, a top ranking arts conservatory. (Mary Louise Parker graduated from the drama program.) The bad photo on the bottom left is of the stage set and the bad photo on the right is the design model. The top right photo is an archival photograph of the twins.