Sunday book club. 😊 #bookclub #sunday #sundayvibes
Today is my one day off this week, so I slept in, and now I'm enjoying a brunch of oatmeal and coffee, with a book on the side. #sundayvibes #sunday
Sunday spring day. Windows open, sunshine in. Seagulls calling. 玄米茶 (brown rice tea) in my cup, book in hand.
It's still National Poetry Month, and I am reading “Playlist for the Apocalypse“ by Rita Dove, Pulitzer Prize winner and former U.S. Poet Laureate. #poetrymonth #nationalpoetrymonth #poetrymatters #poetry #Sunday #sundayvibes
📚 These Granite Islands #BookSpin
📚 The Vacationers
📚 Birthdays Can Be Deadly #SeasonalCozies
📚 The Secret of a Heart Note #Sunday BuddyRead
#naturalitsy #hyggehugs #midwintersolace #Sunday
Surprised by snow today,illuminating our Christmas ball.
My reading couch
Books! Framed New Yorker covers about reading/books
Serenity outside my kitchen window
Birthday cake!
Em asleep on the warm radiator
Tonight‘s pot roast by hubby-perfect for the cold
Poe says hi from the radiator
Me at PT healing slowly
Our last Sunday together-I am so sad.Wish this could go on forever. #wintersolace???
#hyggehourreadathon #Sunday #naturalitsy #midwintersolace
My reading space full of of pillows & blankets to keep me cozy & warm. Reading the green book(tagged)on my table along with chocolate & wine. Exploring this poetry book was soothing. These shared reads are so comforting.
#Sunday #hyggehugs #momentsofhygge #midwintersolace #naturalitsy
Pictured from left to right:
~my husband cleaned out the kitchen & washed the floors- felt so restored
~me doing a new PT exercise that demands my focus & total attention. there are two other steps to it.
~ the book speaks for itself
~looking out my kitchen window at the snow falling today
~ early morning snow
~morning coffee & a book
#naturalitsy #Sunday #HyggeHugs
This weeks moments of hygge:
~ me & Poe
~ Christmas cookie platter under the tree- baking with my sisters
~ angel s & poinsettia, warmth of the lamp‘s glow
~ our magnolia tree with fuzzy, pussy willow type winter buds
Looking forward to tonight‘s cozy shared read. ☕️🍫📚🎄😻😍🍪
A beer and a book? Don't mind if I do! #pumpkin #pumpkinbeer #pumpkinale #booksandbeers #booksandbrews #beer #autumn #fall #Sunday #lazySunday