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Nancy Drew 09: The Sign of the Twisted Candles
Nancy Drew 09: The Sign of the Twisted Candles | Carolyn Keene
56 posts | 50 read | 3 to read
Another exciting mystery begins for the young detective when her friends Bess and George ask her to investigate a rumor that their wealthy great-granduncle, Asa Sidney, is virtually a prisoner in his own mansion. But solving the mystery and befriending Carol Wipple, the sixteen-year-old foster daughter of the caretakers of the old mansion, nearly costs Nancy the friendship of Bess and George. It takes all of Nancy's sleuthing ability as well as diplomacy to save it.Nancy braves one danger after another to bring to justice the swindlers who are stealing Asa Sidneys fortune. With only the sign of the twisted candles to guide her, Nancy uncovers hidden treasure and an amazing letter that ends a family feud and brings unexpected happiness to Carol.
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I enjoyed the beginning of this Nancy Drew story because there have been some red herrings pointing me into the wrong direction. And l liked that the characters of some sidekicks, who were not seen this much so far, were deepened. But in the end the arc of suspension was carried to far for my taste, I just wanted it to end.

Librarybelle It sounds like book 10 is better! 1mo
MariaW @Librarybelle I hope so 😊 1mo
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Picking up my Nancy Drew reading… Not much time left till the 15th and still two to go. 💪💪💪

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July #SeriesLove2024 wrap up

At a little over the halfway mark I‘m keeping up nicely with middle grade series. Now I just need to pick up my pace with adult series.

TheSpineView Great job! 1mo
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Book 9. They are all starting to feel the same and blend together. Take a spooky inn, mansion, farm, ranch, with a girl in distress and voila you‘ve got Nancy trying to help her out and thus gets involved in a mystery where you have some bad actors trying to get rich quick. Not a fan of George and Bess in this one and very little of Ned. Still, Nancy shows great character and is one of the great literary heroines.

Librarybelle George and Bess were awful in this one! 1mo
Bookwormjillk I‘m wondering if they‘ll just go back to normal in the next book. 1mo
mrp27 @Bookwormjillk I hope they do! 1mo
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Scrawled on the front page of this book is the statement that “This is the first Nancy Drew book I ever read“ probably written circa 1991 😂 I can see why this one got me hooked - there's loads of action and the treasure-hunting aspect was great fun. As an adult reread I was a little confused by the attitudes and actions of some of the characters, but overall I just let it ride with these LOL

Thanks as always for hosting @Librarybelle !!

Librarybelle It had lots of adventure this time!! 2mo
bookandbedandtea It's so cool that you made a note of your very first ND. I wish I'd done that, or left any notes to myself, really. And I'm with you in just enjoying and going along for the ride. 2mo
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Librarybelle This has been so much fun to read together! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
PurpleyPumpkin Me too! I‘ve so enjoyed us reading together. Hope you enjoyed! 2mo
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I truly enjoyed this fun installment with secret drawers and panels, a quick pace and of course dreamy, always supportive Ned Nickerson. #NancyDrewBR

Librarybelle Yay!!! 2mo
bookandbedandtea Ned was my first #litcrush 💜 Little did I realize, back then, just how high he was setting the bar. 2mo
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4✨ I remember this one more than some of the other books in the series. Maybe not the plot, but when I saw the cover. Nancy, Bess, and George find themselves on two sides of this mystery because Mr. Drew is helping and old man Asa Sidney rewrite his will. When the results of what the will now says comes out they are shocked. This was a really fun mystery to read. #NancyBR @Librarybelle

Librarybelle What a good way to describe what happens between Nancy and Bess and George! 2mo
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#LittenDetectives : It‘s time for our #NancyDrewBR discussion! I posted 5 questions as spoilers; they can be found on my feed, the book‘s feed, or by searching the group‘s hashtag.

Please share any additional comments below!

Can you believe next month is book 10 in the series?!?! I will post the graphic for next month‘s book, The Password to Larkspur Lane, tomorrow! Thanks for reading with me!

Ruthiella Looking forward to Larkspur Lane. I know I read it as a child because I remember the title! 2mo
DebinHawaii Thanks for hosting @Librarybelle 🤗 Looking forward to the next one! 2mo
DGRachel Thanks for hosting! I was late to the chat, but I love seeing everyone else‘s reactions. 2mo
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BarkingMadRead Looking forward to book 10! 2mo
Bookwormjillk Thank you! 2mo
Sace I haven‘t read this yet and I had a minor procedure done yesterday. I‘ll read it and post my thoughts later this month? Hope that‘s ok? 2mo
Librarybelle Of course, @Sace ! Wishing you a speedy recovery! 2mo
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5. Let's talk about the dangers in this book. There were parts that really had me gasping (I have a fear of people looking at me through windows!). Nancy gets physical with bad guys, there are other fight scenes, & the Lemitts continuously mention striking Carol for punishment. Oh my!

To me, this one felt more physically charged rather than super scary episodes (going off a bridge, trapped on a sinking boat). What are your thoughts? #NancyDrewBR

Ruthiella Definitely. When Nancy jumped on Frank Jemitt when he had the advantage over Mr. Hill. Or when Jemitt tried to push her off the ladder! 😱 Pretty dangerous stuff! 2mo
kspenmoll Much more violence in this book than I was used to with the series. Don‘t think all of it was necessary. Wonder if this is the direction the series is going? There was a point when i suspected Mr. Hill was in cahoots with the Jemitts when he was opening a plank to discover money at the tenant house. (edited) 2mo
bookandbedandtea I did feel there was a lot of physical violence in this one with Nancy being chloroformed, guards being frequently knocked out, various instances of grappling, and the abuse to Carol. It felt like it was nonstop action. 2mo
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CogsOfEncouragement I really enjoyed this for the fun it is - ND w/no car due to carpooling (that was poor planning but to set up the peril of her not having a car) & slashed tires, guards that were no match for the Jemitts, the couple minutes we thought the banker couldn‘t be trusted, ND deciding there was no time to waste & using the ladder - of course to set up the dramatic peril. This type of story was why I loved checking these out from my school library. 2mo
DebinHawaii It does seem like Walter likes writing “action star Nancy” more than some of the other writers but it did make it fun. I did think that Carson needed to hire better guards! 😂 And I‘m still considering a chloroforming counter! 😉 2mo
dabbe And what about the Attack with the Hairbrush? 😱 2mo
DGRachel I hadn‘t actually thought about it being more violent than the others. They definitely got me with Mr. Hill and I side-eyed him for the rest of the book. The ladder thing was a bit much and the grappling at the window. We definitely need a chloroform counter @DebinHawaii! 2mo
kwmg40 There did seem to be a lot of physical violence in this book. The thought of Carol living with the Jemitts made me shudder. 2mo
Bookwormjillk Late to the discussion but the snake in the box! Ugh. 2mo
Librarybelle It felt more violent to me this time, and I wonder if it was because of a male ghost writer. Last time, we had the football discussion! I too was suspicious of Mr. Hill—I still don‘t buy why he happened to be in that room! 😂 @Ruthiella @kspenmoll @bookandbedandtea @CogsOfEncouragement @DebinHawaii @dabbe @DGRachel @kwmg40 @Bookwormjillk 2mo
MariaW I do agree that there was a lot of violence. At some point it was over the top because one attack was added to another and there was not any end to be seen. I got the impression that they wanted to make sure the story has a certain length. (edited) 1mo
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4. In the last question, we talked about characters. I wanted to focus a bit more on Carson Drew, because he is more prominent in the story, and we see him in his professional capacity. What do you think of Carson Drew the lawyer versus Carson Drew the father? In the past, we've discussed his almost nonchalance with Nancy and her adventures, but at least in this book we do see him trying to protect Nancy. #NancyDrewBR

kspenmoll He did protect Nancy not just from home or office but actually being on site.I think we saw more of him in both capacities-his integrity with the will & his professional skills at the reading-even his management of the will‘s recipients.As a dad he kept in close proximity at times at the house, & worried about his daughter knowing the lengths the Jemitts might/did go with Nancy & even the guards he hired! (edited) 2mo
Ruthiella Honestly, I think he is as protective as the plot allows! 😂 The writers use his absence or presence as needed. That said, he is Nancy‘s main support and ally. Given when these books were written, the fact that he believes in his daughter‘s ability to do everything she does is very positive. 2mo
CogsOfEncouragement I always think of ND being able to take so many risks because she has friends that know what she is up to, can go for help, or be the help, when she can‘t get herself out of the scrape. With Bess and George disgruntled we got more Carson and the perfect boyfriend Ned, who is there to help and never take the glory nor mansplain. 2mo
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DebinHawaii I liked Carson more in this book & appreciated that he was around for Nancy. @Ruthiella makes a great point about his presence & protection level being driven by the particular story or plot! 😂 2mo
dabbe @CogsOfEncouragement Excellent point about Mr. Drew stepping up to the plate when Bess and George go awry for a while--I'm still pissed at them. 🤩 2mo
AnneCecilie I liked Carson in this book, he‘s very supportive of Nancy and helping her getting in contact with people that can help. He‘s also obviously proud of her, but he also sees that Nancy sometimes need protection even from herself 2mo
DGRachel I enjoyed getting to see more of Carson, as well. To @Ruthiella point, it does rather seem like the writers have a bucket of sidekicks to pick from and the sort of mystery that needs solving dictates which sidekicks we get. I can almost picture a discussion between the person who outlines the plot and the writer: Outliner: here we have B&G….Writer: “ugh, no. I‘m sick of them. Can‘t I feature Carson or at least Ned?” 😂 2mo
kwmg40 I too agree with what @Ruthiella said. Carson tries to protect his daughter but he also gives her a lot freedom, which she needs to do all those amazing feats. 2mo
PurpleyPumpkin The father/daughter relationship in this book was the highlight for me. I really enjoyed seeing Carson more. And as @Ruthiella points out, given when these books were written, it really is impressive how much support Nancy receives from both Carson and Ned. Neither tries to one-up her, which I appreciate. 2mo
Librarybelle Really great insights, everyone! I just finished watching the most recent Nancy Drew series on the CW in the US, so I keep thinking of Scott Wolf taking care of the Lemitts (he‘s Carson Drew in the series). 😂 @kspenmoll @Ruthiella @CogsOfEncouragement @DebinHawaii @dabbe @AnneCecilie @DGRachel @kwmg40 @PurpleyPumpkin 2mo
Roary47 I agree with @CogsOfEncouragement I saw his added presence in this book as a result of her lack of support from her friends. Plus Ned was away for a while. I also like what @ruthiella said about the times. Nancy is very lucky to be so supported by her father. Fathers are awesome. 🥰 2mo
MariaW I totally agree with @PurpleyPumpkin, I enjoyed seeing more of Carson Drew. But I think the writers have to take the side characters (like CD and Ned in this book) further and have to deepen their personalities to have different options for the upcoming books, otherwise they would get boring at some point. Hannah does have a bigger role and takes part in the action this time as well. (edited) 1mo
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3. I have to say, I was so upset with Bess and George! At least in the 1968 edition, their behavior towards Nancy was horrible. Nancy, being the good role model, forgives them in the end, but I'm not sure I would be as forgiving as quickly!

A few #LittenDetectives mentioned in their reviews how upset they were over Bess and George, as well as the sympathy they felt towards Carol. What are your thoughts on the characters in this book? #NancyDrewBR

Laughterhp Yes! I was so upset with Bess and George! They turned on Nancy rather suddenly. Especially since they had known before they visited that they were related. So I don‘t get why they didn‘t already know the drama. 2mo
Laughterhp I really liked Carol but her foster family treated her so awful. They were really awful in this book. Shockingly so! 2mo
kspenmoll Yes, they were such turncoats!After years of friendship they had no backbone to go against distant family wishes.I would not be so forgiving-I would have felt betrayed- especially after how generous Nancy always is. I did not like how she forgave them so easily.Not a good plot point-I think maybe her forgiveness should have been later in the book,after they earned it. @Laughterhp Carol was so likable! Once she had Nancy on her team,what grit! 2mo
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Ruthiella That turn was very sudden and disconcerting. I am glad Nancy did not hold a grudge! 2mo
CogsOfEncouragement Money does funny things to people and I would have been surprised if it was written that Bess and George ignored everything their parents were telling them and didn‘t have some hard feelings for at least a short bit. I thought this played true to human nature. 2mo
bookandbedandtea I was surprised by Bess and George too. Their behavior seemed out of character and too abrupt. As @Laughterhp mentioned, they should have already known of the family dynamics before they initially asked Nancy to go with them to visit their relative so their change of attitude didn't make much sense. 2mo
DebinHawaii Yeah, I didn‘t like that they were so rude & mean to her. I can understand that they live with their parents & if the parents were angry & said they couldn‘t speak to/hang around Nancy, it would be hard to do so, but it was written that they were angry at her too which I wouldn‘t have forgiven as easily. I also thought it was funny that all these greedy, angry, mean people are all of a sudden so happy for Carol when she gets most of the money! 🙄 2mo
dabbe @DebinHawaii Yeah, I really had to suspend my disbelief for that ending. How would they have felt if Carol hadn't been a family member? I almost wished it had gone that way instead. 2mo
dabbe I've said it more than once ... I'm still pissed at George and Bess. They could have at least talked to Nancy before giving the insipient cold shoulder treatment. 2mo
AnneCecilie I was disappointed in George and Bess as well. Only goes to show what money or the possibility of money, does with people. 2mo
DGRachel It felt really out of character for Bess & George. I can see being told by their parents that they couldn‘t interact with Nancy, but I feel like they should have said that instead of being as horrible as they were. Carol was sweet, but she definitely has that flighty damsel in distress quality of so many of the girls Nancy helps, that I kind of wanted to shake her. 🙄 2mo
BarkingMadRead Bess and George definitely gave off mean girl vibes, I‘m glad they finally worked it out, but it seemed so out of character for them. Carol was so sweet, I‘m glad it ended well for her. Those foster parents were nightmares! 2mo
kwmg40 Like many others here, I found the scenes with Bess and George out of character and unrealistic. 2mo
PurpleyPumpkin I agree with the majority, Bess and George‘s behaviour was deplorable! And I don‘t think I would have been as ready to be friends with them again like Nancy was. How could one trust them? It would be hard. While the ending wasn‘t my favourite, I was glad that Carol came out on top. She certainly deserved it after the way her foster parents treated her!😤 2mo
Librarybelle I agree, @DebinHawaii …it seems not quite right that the people who were clearly greedy were happy for Carol in the end. I understand too that Bess and George were influenced by their parents, but I also feel like they could have handled everything better. Very mean girl vibes, @BarkingMadRead ! @Laughterhp @kspenmoll @Ruthiella @CogsOfEncouragement @bookandbedandtea @dabbe @AnneCecilie @DGRachel @kwmg40 @PurpleyPumpkin 2mo
Roary47 Sorry I‘m late I was out of town. I actually disagree with Bess and George actions being unrealistic. Teen girls seem to do this all the time. If your parent has an opinion the teen will do a complete u-turn. It‘s the whole frontal lobe not completely developed issue. Instead of thinking about it and then responding, as a teen they just respond as they see their adult respond. I agree with @DebinHawaii though on suddenly being happy for Carol. 🤨 2mo
MariaW I totally agree with you, @Roary47. I see this behaviour with students every school year, nit only girls but boys as well. Sometimes the student don‘t even know why they are not talking to each other anymore, Bess and George at least had reasons. And Nancy is portrayed as a good friend forgiving them, this just ubderlines her role as the „grown-up“ in this constellation. The one-eighty of Carol‘s relatives was super unrealistic, I thought. (edited) 1mo
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2. A few of you mentioned changes in the writing style during last month's discussion, and that is thanks to Karig. The changes continue in the structure of this book, with the guilty party very obvious within the first couple of chapters.

What do you think of the overall style of this one? Did it work for you? I know there were mixed reviews on this book from the #LittenDetectives ! #NancyDrewBR

kspenmoll I didn‘t like knowing ahead who the “ bad guys” were, although the plot centered around them so I suppose it was necessary. I like having more of a mystery. 2mo
Ruthiella I‘m not that picky about these books, but I do think it is interesting to look at stylistic differences between the various ghost writers. 2mo
bookandbedandtea I'm with @Ruthiella that I'm not too picky about these books. I do feel like the bad guys have been obvious from the get-go in all the books so this didn't feel different to me in that respect. 2mo
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CogsOfEncouragement I thought this one was a lot of fun with searching for family heirlooms around the old place with hidden drawers and panels. It seems quintessential Nancy Drew to me. 2mo
DebinHawaii I got interested in looking up the ghostwriters after my favorite librarian was checking my book out & mentioned all the inconsistencies in writing style due to the different writers. They still all get a nostalgia pick for me but there have b en some I liked more than others. I‘m curious to see how I feel about Walter‘s writing in book 10. 2mo
AnneCecilie I completely agree with @bookandbedandtea 2mo
DGRachel I liked book #8, but I really didn‘t care for this one. I didn‘t hate knowing the bad guys up front, even though, unlike @bookandbedandtea I‘m not great at figuring out the baddie early. 😂 I fall more in line with @Ruthiella. I try not to dig too deep into the books and really critique them, but I do enjoy seeing the stylistic differences. 2mo
kwmg40 I was worried I wouldn't enjoy this next book by Karig, as I felt so-so about the last one, but I ended up liking it much more. 2mo
PurpleyPumpkin It‘s funny, I didn‘t like the last book all that much. It was a soft pick. But I really enjoyed this one. Definitely my favourite so far in the series! 2mo
Librarybelle I thought this one was better than the last one. For me, the narrative had a different feel to it, maybe because it was pretty obvious the identity of the “bad guys,” but it did not turn me away. @kspenmoll @Ruthiella @bookandbedandtea @CogsOfEncouragement @DebinHawaii @AnneCecilie @DGRachel @kwmg40 @PurpleyPumpkin 2mo
AmandaBlaze I really liked the pace of the book. It seemed to fly by. 2mo
MariaW In the beginning I assumed that the Jemmits are just a subplot and the two fighting uncles of Bess and George would be the „bad guys“, even though they were keeping Mr Sidney in the tower. The uncles seemed to be more threatening. I did not like how violent the Jemitts turned out in the end. Their characters are sonewhat to overdrawn for my taste. (edited) 1mo
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1. The two main editions, with minor differences from what I can tell, are 1933 & 1968 (which is the basis for subsequent editions). Which edition did you read?

As @debinhawaii noted in her review, this is the second written by Walter Karig. We'll discuss the overall story in the next question! Some notes I read indicated Karig brought back Helen...is she in the 1933 edition? Karig also wrote book 10, The Password to Larkspur Lane. #NancyDrewBR

Laughterhp I read this on kindle and Libby is saying it was released in 1959. So I‘m not sure what version I read. I already returned the book, so I can‘t see what it actually says. I‘m going to assume the 1968 version. 2mo
kspenmoll Mine has 3 dates: 1933,1968,1996 so I am assuming my edition is 1996 - wondering if the editions have changed over the years? 2mo
Ruthiella 1968 yellow spine! 😁 2mo
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Librarybelle The pub dates are hard to decipher! In the Nancy Drew world, there are two main pub dates: the original in 1933 and the revised in 1968. Anything published prior to 1968 follows the original 1933 text, but anything after 1968 follows the 1968 revised text. Because there have been additional printings, you‘ll find 3 years on some of the editions—such as the 1959 and the 1996. Those are the pub run dates, but follow either 1933 or 1968 ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 2mo
Librarybelle ⬆️⬆️⬆️ In the case of the 1996, which I would assume many of us are reading, the book must list the original pub, the revised pub date, and the current publication run date. That‘s why some classics have multiple pub dates too on the copyright page—they‘ve been revised or content added, so all major changes from the original pub has to be noted. Hope this helps! @Laughterhp @kspenmoll 2mo
bookandbedandtea I read the 1968 version. It would have been interesting to see how Helen would have been included. 2mo
DebinHawaii My library copy says 1968. 2mo
dabbe 1968. This is the one I remembered from my childhood as well. 2mo
AnneCecilie I don‘t know what edition I read. I read it on Faded Page and it says it was published in 1933 2mo
DGRachel I‘m assuming ebook copies are all the 1968 version. Mine did not have Helen. Like @Laughterhp Kobo says 1959. 2mo
BarkingMadRead I am pretty sure mine was 1968 2mo
kwmg40 I'd also read the 1968 edition. @AnneCecile I'm a volunteer at Faded Page and yes, it's the 1933 edition. 2mo
AmandaBlaze 1968 2mo
MariaW I am not sure which one is mine, I have the same problem like @kspenmoll, but since there is now Helen mentioned I am assuming it‘s 1968. 1mo
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#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024

Read for #NancyDrewBR I finished this book earlier in the week. It‘s a soft pick as far as Nancy Drew books go as the mystery felt light & George & Bess acts like jerks. So, out of curiosity, I looked to see who wrote it & it‘s Walter Karig, the same person who wrote the previous book (also not a favorite), so the jury is out on the next book as he wrote #‘s 8,9 & 10. No concussions in this one so our Nancy Noggin ⬇️

DebinHawaii …Knockout counter, the #NNK is now 3 out of 9 books. But **Spoiler** this is the 2nd time she has been chloroformed & left under something sleeping & since the other time is book 8, I think it‘s a “Walter thing.” And we should be concerned because “Breathing chloroform or ingesting chloroform over long periods of time may damage liver (such as hepatitis and jaundice), kidneys, skin and central nervous system (such as depression and irritability)⬇️ 2mo
DebinHawaii …Skin contact with the liquid can cause a rash or a burning feeling. Repeated skin contact may produce dermatitis.” So now do I need to add a chloroform counter?! 🤔 Hmm…
Here‘s some info on Walter: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Karig
Ruthiella I think we might need a chloroform counter! 😆 2mo
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Librarybelle I agree, @Ruthiella …a chloroform counter may be needed! 2mo
TheSpineView Fantastic!💚📖 2mo
kspenmoll Haha love your review! Interesting that it is the same author for some chloroform books & maybe more to come?! Now I will be watching for that. 2mo
bookandbedandtea Great review! 2mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! I hope you enjoy the next ones more❤️‍🔥 (edited) 2mo
DGRachel I think we need a spreadsheet that tracks NNK, chloroform, and whatever the next repetitive bodily harm ends up being, with the author of the stories. 2mo
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🐯 Nancy is much more physical when Bess isn't around to calm her down, I guess!

Librarybelle Good point! 2mo
Ruthiella Or the ghost writer had just visited the zoo? 🤪🐅🐆 2mo
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This one feels a bit different than the others in the series so far…the reader knows from the beginning who the villains are in the story. There are a number of fights and threats of violence, plus a snake and hidden treasure. And, Bess and George are awful…I think Nancy is a better person than I am!

#NancyDrewBR discussion tomorrow!

Ruthiella I felt a little bad about the snake. 🐍😢 2mo
Librarybelle @Ruthiella It was an interesting choice for a scene in the book! 2mo
BarkingMadRead Ugh I was not a fan of Bess or George in this one! How they could turn on Nancy so quick is beyond me! 2mo
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PurpleyPumpkin I completely agree! Nancy was very forgiving of Bess and George. Not sure I would have been. 😤 2mo
Librarybelle We‘ll have a bit to discuss on that tomorrow, @BarkingMadRead @PurpleyPumpkin ! 2mo
mrp27 I‘m still waiting for my library hold to come in…. 😕 2mo
Librarybelle Oh no, @mrp27 ! I hope it arrives soon! 2mo
AnneCecilie @mrp27 It‘s available online from fadedpage.com for free, it‘s a page kind of like the Gutenberg Project 2mo
mrp27 @AnneCecilie oh thanks for the tip! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks I can see why I enjoyed this one as a kid, because there is a lot of action. But as an adult, I was mostly upset at how badly George and Bess treated Nancy!!! 2mo
Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks Their treatment really bothered me! 2mo
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Another exciting adventure for Nancy! I had no memory at all of this, which is weird because I read the series over & over & over as a young girl. I suspect that my heart was hurt by the behavior of Bess & George so I may have only read it one time. This time around I enjoyed Ned helping out &, especially, how close Nancy is to her dad & Hannah.
As always, I was fascinated by the specific foods they ate. ⬇️

bookandbedandtea I cannot imagine going to a restaurant and requesting only tea and cinnamon toast. (Even though I love that snack combo at home!) And the thought of eating jellied consommé: 🤢! 2mo
Librarybelle Yeah, those food choices! 😂 2mo
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Actually finished this before the 15th! This one felt a bit different where she already knew what the mystery was. Poor Carol. This one kind of had a different formula and her family was more involved in helping, so I liked that.


Librarybelle Agreed! 2mo
bookandbedandtea Yes! I enjoyed that this one didn't follow the formula and that Nancy's family was closely involved. I just posted a review saying much the same thing! 2mo
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Sunrise at the cabin is one of my favorite things. 😍 Even better, I'm starting to get my reading mojo back! ☺️

Ruthiella Yay! 😁 2mo
TheBookgeekFrau Yayyyyy!! 📖 2mo
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Hopefully I‘ll be able to get some time for reading.

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#WeeklyFavorites @Read4Life

Better late than never. 😀

Read4life Excellent choice! 🤓 2mo
dabbe @Read4life Especially when it's the only book I finished last week! 😂 2mo
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Hanging with Nancy Drew Book 9 tonight for #HyggeHour. Snack is Lindt chocolate with hazelnuts.😋

Mood tonight is a little tired & not really anxious but more anticipatory as I start my new role tomorrow & it gets announced to the team & the company. Still not sure what I got myself into! 😬 but we‘ll hope for the best!

TheBookHippie 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 2mo
AllDebooks Good luck in your new role. You got this x 🙌 2mo
kelli7990 Good luck! 2mo
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Bookwormjillk Good luck. You got this! 2mo
Librarybelle Good luck! 2mo
Chrissyreadit Good Luck! I hope you love it! 2mo
Lesliereadsalot You‘ll do great! I‘m sure they‘re lucky to have you 💜 2mo
AnnCrystal Wish you luck🤞🙏😉👍. 2mo
LiteraryinLawrence Aww, let us know how today goes! We‘re rooting for you! 2mo
Ruthiella Good luck! ❤️ 2mo
dabbe Kick some serious ass! In a good way, of course! 🤩🤗😘 2mo
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We know the perpetrators right away,so the plot depends on its characters to move the mystery along.What follows is a struggle by relatives to persuade Asa Sidney, their 100 yr old relative to leave them some of his estate.Nancy‘s dad & Ned are involved in a quest to protect Asa‘s heiress Carol from her thieving,mean foster parents A surprise:Bess & George cut end their friendship with Nancy because they may inherit.Nancy is too forgiving! 🔽

kspenmoll 🔼 I fluctuated between a pick and a so-so because there were so many characters. I almost felt I had to write them down, even the incidental ones who appeared briefly distracted me. Maybe it‘s the heat! In the 90s here today! (edited) 2mo
Librarybelle Some of these are better than others! 2mo
dabbe B&G in this one: #grrrrrrr 😂 2mo
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I can‘t put my finger on what annoyed me so much about this one that I can‘t even make it a soft pick. We get Ned, Bess, George, and lots more Carson Drew, but this one was even more predictable than usual and I just wanted to shake Carol the entire time. 🤷🏻‍♀️ #nancydrewbr

Librarybelle I plan to start this one later this week! 2mo
Bookwormjillk Carol was kind of a dummy. 2mo
DGRachel @Librarybelle Mine seems to be the #unpopularopinion. 😂 2mo
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Read some chapters while the hubs was getting out Milkshake. I wish I had taken a pic before, it matched the cover 🤣 things are getting a little spicy!

JackOBotts Tell us more about that milkshake! 😆💚 Looks delish! 2mo
BarkingMadRead @JackOBotts it was called Mint to Be. It had mint chocolate chip ice cream, Andes candies on the rim and a brownie on top with chocolate whip cream (edited) 2mo
Bookwormjillk Wait! Where are you? My son works there! 2mo
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Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead We‘re in Virginia. I thought they were only here and Florida. Hope you enjoyed it. He loves working there! 2mo
JackOBotts @BarkingMadRead that sounds incredible. Enjoy! 2mo
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk they opened quite a few in NC and SC. So so good! 2mo
Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead cool, thanks for the intel! 2mo
dabbe Dessert and Nancy Drew. What could be better? Bess would approve! 💚🍨💚 2mo
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Not much of a mystery here since we knew who did it all along. Still fun to read about Nancy fighting crimes in between regular meals though. I‘m sure all of the buddy readers will want to join me in discussing George and Bess so I‘ll save that for the 15th ☠️☠️☠️

dabbe I'm still pissed at George and Bess. #grr 🤩😂😀 2mo
Bookwormjillk @dabbe how dare they 🤣🤣🤣 2mo
Librarybelle “…fighting crimes between regular meals…” 😂 2mo
BarkingMadRead George and Bess can go jump in a lake 🙄🙄 2mo
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#NancyDrewBR @Librarybelle

Whew! Lots of action in this one. Nancy wasn't conked on the head, but there was a startling incident with a hairbrush. 😳 And George and Bess were at their ugliest; I still haven't forgiven them--even though Nancy has. A classic kind-of-Hatfields-vs-McCoys mystery involving the inheritance of Asa Sidney, the man who created those twisted candles. I quite enjoyed this detective story and look forward to #10!

Librarybelle Great review! 2mo
dabbe @Librarybelle 🤩😀🤗 2mo
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CBee Awesome! 2mo
dabbe @CBee 🤩🤗😀 2mo
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#LittenDetectives : We are less than two weeks away from our discussion! What sign will the twisted candles show to Nancy? How many dangerous episodes will Nancy and her friends encounter?

Discussion on the 15th!

MariaW I will be back for this one 💪💪💪 2mo
AnneCecilie I found the book on Faded Page online in case anyone has trouble getting their hands on a physical copy. 2mo
Bookwormjillk I‘m thankful my library has the e book for this one. 2mo
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BarkingMadRead I‘ve started it, the beginning doesn‘t bode well for our girls 🤣 how they manage all of this danger I‘ll never know 2mo
Librarybelle Hooray, @MariaW !! 2mo
Librarybelle Good to know, @AnneCecilie ! Thanks for sharing! 2mo
Librarybelle Good to hear, @Bookwormjillk ! 2mo
Librarybelle Oh dear, @BarkingMadRead ! 😂 2mo
bookandbedandtea I plan to read it this weekend 😊 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I literally have written inside the cover of this one “This is the first Nancy Drew book I ever read“ 😂 2mo
Librarybelle @TheAromaofBooks That‘s awesome! 2mo
Ruthiella @TheAromaofBooks That‘s so cute! 2mo
Ruthiella @BarkingMadRead Oh no! I hope NancyBess and George are able to get out of this situation! 😂 2mo
Roary47 You can also listen to many of them from Penelope Heaven on YouTube. Her voice has been awesome as I have read along on other books. 2mo
Sace Can‘t wait! 2mo
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Repost for @Librarybelle

Great discussion for Nancy‘s Mysterious Letter, #LittenDetectives! Please feel free to continue commenting in the discussion threads.

Our next book for #NancyDrewBR is book 9 which sounds spooky to me - The Sign of the Twisted Candles. Discussion will take place July 15th. All are welcome to join! Please let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the tag list.

Librarybelle Thanks for reposting! 3mo
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Great discussion for Nancy‘s Mysterious Letter, #LittenDetectives ! Please feel free to continue commenting in the discussion threads.

Our next book for #NancyDrewBR is book 9, which sounds spooky to me - The Sign of the Twisted Candles. Discussion will take place July 15th. All are welcome to join! Please let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the tag list.

BarkingMadRead Can‘t wait!!! I forgot to check the discussion yesterday, headed there now! 3mo
TheBookHippie I‘m out. 🫣😝 I do thank you for leading these. I just can‘t do it. The privilege bothers me immensely -which I wasn‘t planning on and this particular one was a chore. 😵‍💫🤷🏻‍♀️ Enjoy reading on! 3mo
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Librarybelle Thanks for joining, @TheBookHippie ! ❤️ 3mo
Sace Yay! Looking forward to it. 3mo
Ruthiella Fantastic! 🤩 3mo
julieclair Looking forward to it! 3mo
TheAromaofBooks While I don't remember the plot at all, the title of this one really sticks out to me. I think this may have been one of the first ND mysteries that I read. 3mo
Librarybelle So cool, @TheAromaofBooks ! I don‘t remember this one either. 3mo
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Started reading this after midnight and couldn‘t stop reading it. Number 83 of #Roll100.

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 8mo
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I feel like a kid staying up late to finish my Nancy Drew book. I love this version of the cover.

Julsmarshall I love that! 8mo
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Only one left to find: Colorado.
#WickedWords #Caretaker

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Andrew65 Good old Nancy Drew 🕯🕯🕯 2y
Crazeedi She was my hero for so much of my childhood!! 2y
DieAReader 🕯️🕯️🕯️ 2y
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Andrew65 Love it! 🕯🕯🕯A classic series. (edited) 2y
annahenke That‘s an amazing edition! 2y
IndoorDame @annahenke sadly not mine, when I decided I wanted to use such a recognizable title for a photo challenge I went searching google for a photo/edition that made me happy 2y
annahenke @IndoorDame well it‘s beautiful either way!! 2y
DieAReader ♥️♥️♥️ 2y
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This read was motivated in part by nostalgia, but also by #autumnbingo2022 !


AnnR Excellent! 🍁 I hope you liked the Nancy Drew novel too. 2y
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Monica5 Loved Nancy Drew growing up ❤️ 2y
Blueberry @Monica5 Gosh, didn't we all ! 2y
Eggs 🖤🕯💚 2y
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#Candles 🕯 #OminousOctober 🐈‍⬛👻🎃🖤🤍🧡

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 💛🕯📚 2y
Eggs Oh I love this 💛🕯🧡 2y
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#OminousOctober @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @eggs

I read this book was I was a kid. Now my grandkids enjoy these books.

#Scarathlon2022 @StayCurious

Eggs They‘re so fun 🤩 🕯🧡 2y
StayCurious I have great memories of having these read to me as a kid 2y
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A lot of twists and turns in this one. An excellent story.

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#SleightheShelves @OriginalCyn620 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

I have not read all of the Nancy Drew books. Yet I remember reading this one and thought it was one of the better ones.

OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚🕯 4y
EclecticBookLover I love Nancy Drew.! I'm m trying to track down (and read!) the first 50 or so that have the shiny yellow hardcovers. Quest for the Missing Map has always been on of my favorites. 4y
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#20series20days @Andrew65

For me, this was the series that started it all! I always loved reading and books, but when I found I was capable of reading books with chapters and no pictures, I was hooked and never without a book again. I loved Nancy and her friends, and I loved trying to help them figure out their mysteries.

Andrew65 Great series. 4y
mom2bugnbee Yessssssssssssssss. I'm 48yo & I can still picture the public library shelves that held these books when I was a tween. 4y
AlaMich I have a box full of the old yellow NDs, just like these, in my basement. My dad finally shipped them to me a few years ago in exasperation. 😂 4y
Soubhiville Me too @mom2bugnbee ! I‘m 45, and I remember looking through the titles at the library and choosing the spookiest ones! 4y
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Who else read ALL the original Nancy Drew books?

#candle #screamathon @4thhouseontheleft

Charityann Love Nancy Drew! 😊 5y
NataliePatalie Not me 🙊 But I read a Nancy Drew comic earlier this month that I forgot to post about! 😱 5y
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Blueberry @Nataliepatalie but I think you did read most of the 2nd generation Nancy Drew Notebooks. 5y
NataliePatalie Yeah I did! Unless they made more since then hahah 5y
Libby1 🙋🏼‍♀️ I read every one I could find from my local library. 5y
alisiakae I read a few, but I have never read all of them. I think I stopped after the first 10. 5y
TorieStorieS 🙋‍♀️ 5y
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Nancy kept the spotlight on the #panic-stricken pair as they charged through the brush and meadow grass toward the road.


Third finish of the day! Wrapped this up with my daughter during bedtime. Another good mystery for the girl detective, though we have villains who are pretty unbelievable in their cruelty and cleverness, a significant character whose motivation makes no sense, and Nancy‘s best friends behave badly toward her. Still a fun romp.

Number 6 down for #nancydrewchallenge

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While solving the mystery of an old man's disappearing fortune, Nancy ends a family feud and reveals the identity of an orphan of unknown parentage.
#candle #octoberputaspellonyou

Mrsann2000 I have all my Nancy Drew books from childhood! 6y
JoScho @Mrsann2000 that‘s awesome! 💚 6y
tracey38 I loved Nancy Drew. I used to spend the summers with my grandparents in the Poconos and they had all of this series and I had such fun reading them they had The Hardy Boys series, too. 6y
JoScho @tracey38 oh what fun memories ❤️ 6y
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Throwback this week to my 3rd grade reading life 🙌

readordierachel Love it! 6y
wanderinglynn Love the shirt & also your necklace! 6y
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[DELETED] 3803335244 I love Nancy Drew & especially the old covers! 💙 7y
azulaco I remember this one! 7y
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