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Where the Past Begins: A Writer's Memoir
Where the Past Begins: A Writer's Memoir | Amy Tan
FROM NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR AMY TAN, A MEMOIR ON HER LIFE AS A WRITER, HER CHILDHOOD, AND THE SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FICTION AND EMOTIONAL MEMORYIn Where the Past Begins, bestselling author of The Joy Luck Club and The Valley of Amazement Amy Tan is at her most intimate in revealing the truths and inspirations that underlie her extraordinary fiction. By delving into vivid memories of her traumatic childhood, confessions of self-doubt in her journals, and heartbreaking letters to and from her mother, she gives evidence to all that made it both unlikely and inevitable that she would become a writer. Through spontaneous storytelling, she shows how a fluid fictional state of mind unleashed near-forgotten memories that became the emotional nucleus of her novels. Tan explores shocking truths uncovered by family memorabilia--the real reason behind an IQ test she took at age six, why her parents lied about their education, mysteries surrounding her maternal grandmother--and, for the first time publicly, writes about her complex relationship with her father, who died when she was fifteen. Supplied with candor and characteristic humor, Where the Past Begins takes readers into the idiosyncratic workings of her writer's mind, a journey that explores memory, imagination, and truth, with fiction serving as both her divining rod and link to meaning.
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Starting this one next! I‘m planning to sit out here and read until it gets too hot.

kspenmoll Lovely reading spot! Glad you can be outdoors. Cold winds, 40 ish here! 2y
BookishBelle Oh my goodness! I would definitely be indoors for that! It‘s supposed to get up to 88F here today. Summer found us! @kspenmoll 2y
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Book 3 of #20in4 #readathon
16hr 56min Total

#AmyTan #AuthorAMonth

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Soubhiville Yay! 3y
Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
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An in depth look into her writing process - a delicate balance of memory, imagination, creative license, inspiration, and insight. I enjoy her NF as well as her F, or as it is applicable, her HF!

#authoramonth2021 @Soubhiville

#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

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I learned more about Tan's relationship with her father in this book. I enjoyed knowing what makes her tick : music, dead languages. #AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

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I really enjoyed this memoir and getting to know more about Amy Tan‘s mother and the family stories that have inspired many of her books. #AuthorAMonth #BookspinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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She questioned everything, from fishy odors to fishy explanations, both of which pointed to a faulty character.

#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

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Kindle edition is on sale today! 📚💜📚💙📚❤️📚💛📚💚📚🧡📚💜📚💛📚💚📚💙📚❤️📚🧡

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We took a drive today and stumbled upon a used bookstore. $5 for 5 books!

Suet624 Awesome! For some reason I assumed you‘d read Fates and Furies already. 5y
TrishB Bargain 👍🏻 5y
LauraBeth @Suet624 F&F is one of my all-time favorites! I bought this copy to give to someone! 😀 5y
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LauraBeth @TrishB that‘s what i thought too! 😀 5y
Suet624 Ahhh... a great gift. 5y
emilyhaldi Wow great haul!!! I was about to tell you how much I love F&F and then saw the comments about 😂 glad we‘re in the same boat! 5y
MEGR LOVED Fates and Furies! 5y
Tanisha_A WhatAMoment! 🎈🙂 5y
LeahBergen Awesome! 👏🏻👏🏻 5y
LauraBeth @emilyhaldi and @MEGR Lauren Groff may be my favorite living writer. 5y
LauraBeth @Tanisha_A I love a deal! 😀 5y
LauraBeth @Redwritinghood It‘s been a while since I‘ve had an inexpensive book haul! 😆 5y
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“Memory...gives you no choice over which moments you can erase, and it is annoyingly persistent in retaining the most painful ones. It is extraordinarily faithful in recording the most hideous details, and it will recall them for you in the future with moments that are even only vaguely similar.” So true! #Memory is a mixed blessing when the mind forces you to relive past pains & humiliations over & over. #QuotsyAug19


The writing is excellent - evocative, poignant, reflective, dry, and honest. Tan writes about being a writer as well as family history. I liked that it wasn‘t chronological “this happened, then this, then this.” It‘s more deep thinking in different directions.

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You go, Amy Tan! Great idea! Anyone tried this? Want to give a try?

Jee_HookedOnBookz What a great idea! 5y
Leftcoastzen Wow! 5y
Avanders 😲😲 5y
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Soubhiville That is smart! 5y
Rachbb3 It would have to be one heck of a good book! 😂 5y
Tanisha_A The awesome Amy Tan! 5y
ReadosaurusText Mind blown. Totally genius! 5y
BooknerdsLife Love Amy Tan!! 💖🤗 And this is such a great idea! Thank you so much for posting this 😍💓 5y
Cathythoughts What !!! 😀. I‘m off to the gym shortly ... 🤔I don‘t think I‘ll chance it , they would think I was completely mad. Love this ♥️👍🏻 5y
ju.ca.no I need to try this😱 @maralinchen look, this might work for us😂 5y
Kaye HELP ! I‘VE FALLEN AND I CANT GET UP. This gives me the hives thinking about it. I‘m not limber enough to get up if I got down there to start with. 5y
sisilia Wow! I shall try this 5y
erzascarletbookgasm @Kaye 😂 🙌 I can probably get down to this position with a few groans, but I certainly can‘t hold a ‘plank‘ even for two seconds! 5y
britt_brooke Omg, I usually last about 30 seconds. 😆 5y
Bookladylinda Wow!!!! So cool! 5y
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Ladies and gentlemen, I have my volunteer assignment! I will be an usher for the main stage 1:00 to closing. Looks like a great lineup of speakers! Also, the app is super helpful.


5280reader Love Doris! Hope you have a great time! 6y
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Amy Tan has an odd mix of analytical and whimsy in her writing. She snatches a lot of physical details out of the air and presents them as something that supports a point that is never quite clear to me. It is like wandering around in a magnificent hedge maze, where I‘m completely lost, but totally enthralled.

For full review: http://www.amyyuki.com/books/2018/08/19/where-the-past-begins-a-writers-memoir-b...

tpixie Well said! I felt the same way with this book! 6y
Amy_Yuki_Vickers @tpixie Thank you. I'm glad to know that I'm not alone. 6y
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So excited to find this in a used book store today! I heard her speak many years ago, and I‘m hoping this is as much a delight as that was. ❤️

britt_brooke I have this but haven‘t read it yet. Curious to see what you think! 7y
peacegypsy @britt_brooke I‘m curious, too! Maybe we could read it together. 😊 7y
britt_brooke @peacegypsy Let me know whenever you decide to crack it open and I might join you. 👍🏻 7y
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peacegypsy @britt_brooke awesome! 👍😎 7y
mrozzz Lucky find! This is a good one. 7y
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Thank you, Amy Tan! Your memoir was perfect for me in all ways that I can find a book to perfect. I resonated deeply with almost every heartfelt message of yours, including, “the loneliness of never fully sharing the truth of who I am because I have not yet found it...” I learned lots about different things that I did not know, like “caving”. You gave me a new perspective on my life. have cherished the time with you. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Kaye Isn‘t she pretty ? I think the only one of hers I‘ve read was ... very good book ! 7y
Kaye Thanks @Joyfulmimi I do need to read that. Another one I‘ve wanted to get to for years ! Thanks for the reminder. 😊 7y
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Memory gives you no choice over which moments you can erase, and it is annoyingly persistent in retaining the most painful ones.

revenge4porgy Too true 😱 6y
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In reading this, for me, its like spending a wonderful time with a great friend.

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I loved the behind-the-scenes look into Tan's writing process. But I feel that because I haven't read more of her work, especially her most recent novel THE VALLEY OF AMAZEMENT, I missed out on a lot of the book's depth. While I enjoyed this nontraditional memoir, I would recommend reading some of her novels first. But rest assured, hardcore fans will adore all of the insights included in WHERE THE PAST BEGINS.

JaclynW I am so curious to read this! I've read 2 of her books, but not the most recent. Does it mostly focus on 7y
JaclynW Amazon has a $1.99 ebook deal currently on 7y
Sophoclessweetheart This looks so good. And signed! I love Amy Tan x 7y
kdwinchester @JaclynW It focuses mainly on THE KITCHEN GOD‘S WIFE and THE VALLEY PF AMAZEMENT. Though, she does discuss her other books some as well. Great insight into her writing process. 7y
JaclynW @kdwinchester Good to know. I will have to pick those up! 7y
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Whew! I thought I was the only one! 😅 Really excited to be reading this fascinating peek into Amy Tan‘s creative mind. There‘s great reassurance in being reminded that even the best writers struggle.

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My newspaper changed the format of the book reviews. Not sure if I like it.

BarbaraBB I‘d go immediately to page 5! 7y
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Amy Tan is an #autoreadauthor for me and I‘m #currentlyreading Where the Past Begins: A Writer‘s Memoir. I‘ve been following her Facebook page where she sometimes posts her bird sketches. I was happy to see this drawing in Chapter One!

PenguinInFlight I love her! She‘s an autoread author for me, as well. Her sketches are gorgeous! ☺️ 7y
Blaire I love her too and want to read this memoir. 7y
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Couldn‘t resist one final book haul of 2017. I‘m a big Amy Tan and Alice McDermott fan. This will be my introduction to Claire Messud. #booksbywomen

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The Amy Tan is a signed first edition, you guys! @kspenmoll This is amazing. Thank you ❣️❣️#secretsantagoespostal #wintersolsticebookexchange

Melissa_J Sweet! 7y
Hollie Awesome 👏🏻 7y
Cinfhen 🙌🏻 7y
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brilliantglow Wow! That's awesome😍😍 7y
MrBook Whooaa! 😁👏🏻 7y
Bookalong 😍 really want to read this! 7y
kspenmoll ❤️❤️❤️ you are welcome! 7y
britt_brooke @Book.Along It sounds really good! 7y
dragondrool Mine is, too. Snagged it online at Barnes and Noble. I love all the little bird drawings she's been posting on Facebook. 7y
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What is there to say? Amy Tan is such an insightful person and a fabulous author. Whether she's talking about about the fugue state she enters when writing a new novel or retracing the supposed story of her mother's mother.

For me it was a bit hard to follow on audio because the sections were so long, but also allowed me to delve properly into her life as she emotionally narrates.

DrSabrinaMoldenReads I can‘t wait to read this. I loved her first memoir. 7y
mrozzz I haven't read it! @Joyfulmimi I should look it up, thanks 😊 7y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads Indeed! One of my favorites. @mrozzz 7y
mhillis I can‘t wait for my hold to come through! I love Amy Tan too 7y
mrozzz @mhillis 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 hope you get it soon ☺️ 7y
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Wandered into Amsterdam Billiards in Manhattan to sink some balls while in my own world, Amy Tan recounting her life and best writing advice into my ears.

BarbaraBB You‘re playing solo? Great to have an audio book then as well! 7y
MrBook Awesome! 👌🏻 7y
mrozzz @BarbaraBB yes! Don't even have my cues or glove with me but doing alright with a house cue. It's fun to see how quickly I can shoot a rack by myself and it's definitely a good time to get ahead on my audiobook 7y
mrozzz @MrBook sure is!! Haven't been in awhile. 7y
BarbaraBB Very cool! 7y
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My aunt gets me, belated birthday mail. 💕

TricksyTails Welcome to Litsy!! Happy to have you join this wonderful bookish family! 😊#LitsyWelcomeWagon (edited) 7y
RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! P.S. Here's a compilation of Litsy tips that some of us put together:
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Part autobiograhy, part essay, and a philosophy of the writing process, author Any Tan weaves personal stories and insights that inspired and influenced her to write The Joy Luck Club. Whether it is the cultural traditions of the time, her mother's struggles with mental illness or the tragic death of her father and brother, Amy paints a moving portrait of herself and her family.

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I really liked this kind of unstructured look at the life of a writer, a 1st-generation American, a survivor . . . 🎧 She does a good-enough job as narrator. You can tell she‘s not a professional, but it doesn‘t matter much in this context. The photo has nothing to do w/ the book, but *shrug*

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I‘m almost done with this book on audio - Amy Tan reads it herself so how could I resist?

This collection is so eloquently written and her vulnerability is striking, as is her most curious mind. There is a familiarity in the way she writes and what she chooses to write about that resonates deeply with me. When I heard her speak she said, “I like the way I am! Stay disturbed!” and I also tend to agree; I like the weird, inner-workings of my mind.

emilyhaldi Love this 7y
UwannaPublishme Great review! Gotta get this! 😊👍🏻 7y
Blaire Sounds wonderful! 7y
ferskner I've had such a craving for roasted corn all week, and then you post this! 7y
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Seeing Amy Tan tonight. Swoon. Big time 💕.

mrozzz 😍😍😍👏🏻🙌🏻👍🏻 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Enjoy! I'll just sit over here and feel envious. 👏🏻👏🏻 7y
Lcsmcat I hope you had a great time! 7y
Skygoddess1 Wonderful writer and speaker. Can‘t wait to hear what you thought of the talk and what you think of her new book 7y
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#TBRtemptation post 3! An intimate memoir from an important author on how she became an unlikely and inevitable writer. Tan delves into her traumatic childhood, her self-doubting journal entries, and heartbreaking letters with her mother. She discusses her parents' lies regarding their backgrounds and family histories, and she relates, publicly for the first time, her complex relationship with her father. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

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@thereadingwomen here is my entry for your #thereadingwomen #readathon mini-challenge!
Amy Tan is an incredible woman and her writing works are stellar. I treat her books like I treat my game of Pokemon - I gotta catch em all! (Even her new memoir released this week!)

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Without a doubt my local independent bookstore, Politics and Prose, delivers the best events! What an amazing night with Amy Tan! I can't wait to read her latest memoir? Has anyone read this one yet??

#spinesvines #books #wine #toread #wherethepastbegins #amytan

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The first thing you‘ll notice is the writing. The second will be the almost casual references to her incredible family history & personal tragedy. You‘ll be drawn in by the insight of one of our greatest living writers. Orbiting an emotional core, this collage of poetic thoughts & essays on art & language are intermingled with chapters of Tan‘s heart-breaking real-life, creating a unique memoir that I can‘t stop thinking about. - Jocelyn

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Amy Tan speaks about 3 influential books in this month's Elle Mag.

TheLudicReader I think Jane Eyre influenced a lot of young women. I am currently re-reading it for the first time in 40+ years. 7y
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The Kitchen God‘s Wife and The Joy Luck Club are 2 of my all-time favorite books. Tan‘s last few novels have been underwhelming, and after reading the first 40 pages of this it makes sense. She‘s really playing heavy on the tortured artist stereotype.

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I love Amy Tan's writing and I can't wait for everyone to get their hands on this! The finished copies are SHINY. (Both literally and in the Firefly sense of the word.) ❤️📚❤️

kspenmoll Nice photo! 7y
Clwojick Is that scrapbook paper?! I NEED that paper. 😬😬😬 7y
Liberty @kspenmoll Thanks! 7y
Liberty @Clwojick It is! 7y
Lisaw13 Thank you for making a Firefly reference! 🤗 7y
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A new memoir coming out in mid-October.

vivastory Just curious, what would be the title for Shawn Mooney's memoir? 7y
shawnmooney @vivastory ????"Let the bailing begin!" ??? 7y
vivastory 😂😂😂 Perfect! 7y
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Amy Tan!!

Reviewsbylola 😍😍 7y
MrBook That's awesome!!! 7y
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