Visited a used bookstore today and loved the book decor! 📚📚📚
Visited a used bookstore today and loved the book decor! 📚📚📚
I forgot my book at home & this was on the boat. No clue where it came from, and not my usual read, but I‘m desperate for a book!
My last book of the year!!!! This was a nice fast read. In the same style as Tom Clancy. They are not really my type of book but makes for a fun reading. You already have an idea on how it will end but the story is a fun ride.
I love reading about places I'm going to visit! I hope I don't have as much adventure as they did.
Good premise but weak execution. I liked the noir tone of the book but it was stronger in the 1st half of the book. The plot pacing wasn‘t great. I almost bailed at 25% because nothing was happening. All the real action happens in the last 20%. I didn‘t hate it but I probably won‘t read any more DeMille.
I was so excited about this book, and it was definitely enjoyable. I think the editor, however, should have chosen a random part of the book and ripped about 100 pages out. DeMille sure likes to ramble. 🙄
Also not a huge fan of the leading lady's character arc. She starts off as a bad ass and kind of turns into a damsel in distress... ugh.
I am DONE with finals! I've only gotten one of five final grades back, but so far it's looking good. No word on the Shakespeare paper, yet. I'm not going to lie, it was rough. 😅 I finished the last page or so with my MIL here and two margaritas in my system...🍹
Any who, I'm still reading this book and I absolutely love it. Some of the characters are starting to seem untrustworthy. 🤔
Winston always lets me know if I've been reading for too long. 🤣
Seriously, though, this book is amazing. I've never read anything else by DeMille, but he's witty, did his research on Cuba, and his writing style and characters are super interesting. I'm dying to figure out what happens. 🤑
Next up is The Cuban Affair! I've been excited about this one since ARCs were going out, so I really hope it lives up to the hype. Also, this book cover is amazing. 😍
Friends of the library sale book haul! 😍 We got all of these for $10. Some of them are practically new releases! Do you see any that you have read and loved?
The first half of this book was filled with intrigue, danger, and pretty believable relationships between the characters. Then the second half kind of fell apart when the main female character became a completely weak do-anything-for-a-man-you-just-met stereotype and all of the major plot points just felt a little too convenient.
I wouldn‘t call it a thriller, more like suspense. But, it was interesting from beginning to end.
Finishing this one today, as we are headed home from camping.
I normally like most of DeMille‘s books. This one wasn‘t terrible, just a little predictable.
Nelson DeMillie is one of my favorites...for the quick dialogue and the well-researched history of the setting. Was this my favorite by him? Not particularly. But, I read it right before my family did a cruise to Havana. This book definitely enhanced my trip and my understanding of Cuba and her people.
We‘re leaving soon on a cruise to Key West and Havana...what better book to listen to?
Book bundle 7 for our #SummerReadingProgram: the first Demille Bundle! Would you choose this one? Any ND fans here?
I have been reading Nelson DeMille FOREVER and I think I‘m done. All the books are starting to sound the same and all of his male protagonists are copies of each other. Mildly misogynistic, damaged war hero, but super badass, smart, and crucial to everything. The insufferableness of Mac overshadowed a very well-researched book. The writing is what you‘d expect from a mass market thriller by an older white dude. It‘s a fine book but fine to pass up
This country was like an elaborate magic show, a grand illusion, a game of three card Monty, and a Hogwarts for con artists. And I thought the Afghanis were slippery.
Loved this. Very fast-paced and exciting, always left you guessing. Also, it made me miss Cuba, despite everything in the book. And yes, this is a picture of Havana that I took when we travelled in 2014.
Up next, a book that's NOT a re-read! Bought this just before Christmas and later on learned my best friend's husband had bought her a copy too. Excited to read and talk about this book with her - it's not often we read the same things!
Favorite color: Greens and Blues
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Genre: Historical Fiction, Mystery, Contemporary Fiction
Favorite Hobby: Quilting
Favorite snack: Popcorn
Favorite Drink: ice cold Coke or a perfect margarita on the rocks
Favorite Bookish Items: bookmarks
This novel is worth reading, especially for fans of DeMille. A Cuban Affair is a beach read. Good story, DeMille style, and worth a vacation read for sure.
Ahhh book mail has arrived from my New Years Swap Partner....Three awesome books to start the New Year off ...This White Peach Sangria Lotion smells sooooo delicious...Loving my new book sleeve too...A big shout out to @brandtasticrx for all my awesome goodies...I love it all & thank you a million...Can‘t wait to turn the pages in one of these book...Hmmm which one should I read next????
The perfect day to sit back, read a little & watch some movies...For those who have to travel in this snow I have you in prayer...☕️📖☃️❄️💨....
#cubanaffair #nelsondemille #lovesnowdays #lovesnow #readingday #readingismagic #readingislove #bookpage #bookpagefeature #bibliophile #bookstagram #bookswag #bookstagramfeature #bookish #bookporn #bookpics #readingismyescape
Starting my new year off with some reading before I step out in this 15 degree weather... Happy Reading Peeps...🧐☕️📖
#newyear #bookpagefeature #nelsondemille #thecubanaffair #newbookchallenge #bookstagram #readingtime #readingissexy #readingisfundamental #readingisfun #bookpage #bookstagramfeature
#mostwantedtopfive #mostwantedtop5
📚The Cuban Affair
Nelson DeMille
📚Cork Dork: A Wine-Fueled Adventure by Bianca Bosker
📚Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel
Jesmyn Ward
📚The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
Carson McCullers
📚Old New York: Four Novellas
Edith Wharton
Nelson De Mille is the consummate story-teller. He can be relied upon to generate page-turners studded with smart-aleck heroes with great senses of humor. But not this time. Even though his protagonist fits the bill, this novel is weighted down by excessive wordiness that slows the action to a crawl. The strong point is a greater understanding of the mind-set of the Cuban exile community, and the unlikelihood that the Cuban thaw is real.
#TBRtemptation post 2! Soon to be released. A new character makes his debut, US Army vet Daniel "Mac" MacCormick. He's 35 & now charters a fishing boat out of Key West. He's offered $2 million by his lawyer, Carlos, to take a Cuban-American woman & an older Cuban exile to the island to find $60 mill. the woman's grandfather's stashed. With US & Cuba ties growing, it's only a matter time before someone finds that money. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook ?
Set in Hemingway's favorite city, "The Cuban Affair" sees our hero, boat captain and veteran Mac on an only slightly illegal trip to Cuba at the request of a beautiful woman. Somewhat full of overused tropes and lacking subtlety, DeMille still weaves together an enjoyable narrative from Mac's stream of consciousness set against the backdrop of burgeoning Cuba/US relations and of the true complexity of Cuba's uncertain future.
A solid 3 ⭐ read.
BOOKMAIL!!!!! I (well, Dad) just got our first bookmail! I entered a giveaway from @simonbooks for Father's Day and won. Thank you!!!
Dad now has an advanced reader's copy of "A Cuban Affair" by Nelson DeMille! (Maybe when he's done, he'll let me borrow it!)
(Yes, okay, awkward photo, I'll take a better one later, maybe when Dad is actually reading it. ??)
#newbook #bookmail #simonandschuster #simonbooks #arc #thecubanaffair #nelsondemille
Attempting to make some progress on this one while on the ferry from Victoria to Vancouver. Haven't been reading much because we have been busy all day since our vacation started in Portland on Friday. Aside from the 6 hour plane ride this has been my first time to sit and read.
Today I gave my two weeks notice to my ED. I'm broken-hearted bc my coworkers are the best group of people I've worked with in years and I'll miss the critters. On the other hand, I got a job at the LIBRARY! Stole this from my friend when I went to feed her cat to celebrate.
Library day so picked up a book to continue my #unitedstatesofbooks list... Modern Lovers for my home state of NY. #libraryday
And super excited that netgalley sent me the ARC of the new Nelson DeMille... one of my favorite writers. Sitting in the library and reading it on my kindle (is that a no-no in a library?) 😉😀😂