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Taming of the Shrew (Updated)
Taming of the Shrew (Updated) | William Shakespeare
122 posts | 240 read | 2 reading | 35 to read
Love and marriage are the concerns of Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew. Lucentio's marriage to Bianca is prompted by his idealized love of an apparently ideal woman. Petruchio's wooing of Katherine, however, is free of idealism. Petruchio takes money from Bianca's suitors to woo her, since Katherine must marry before her sister by her father's decree; he also arranges the dowry with her father. Petruchio is then ready to marry Katherine, even against her will. Katherine, the shrew of the play's title, certainly acts much changed. But have she and Petruchio learned to love each other? Or is the marriage based on terror and deception? The authoritative edition of The Taming of the Shrew from The Folger Shakespeare Library, the trusted and widely used Shakespeare series for students and general readers, includes: -Freshly edited text based on the best early printed version of the play -Newly revised explanatory notes conveniently placed on pages facing the text of the play -Scene-by-scene plot summaries -A key to the play's famous lines and phrases -An introduction to reading Shakespeare's language -An essay by a leading Shakespeare scholar providing a modern perspective on the play -Fresh images from the Folger Shakespeare Library's vast holdings of rare books -An up-to-date annotated guide to further reading Essay by Karen Newman The Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, DC, is home to the world's largest collection of Shakespeare's printed works, and a magnet for Shakespeare scholars from around the globe. In addition to exhibitions open to the public throughout the year, the Folger offers a full calendar of performances and programs. For more information, visit Folger.edu.
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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I interpreted this to mean the oldest story I've read in its ORIGINAL form. So, I didn't say THE ILIAD because I did not read it in Homeric Greek; I read the much more readable translation by Robert Fagles. Having said that, this is the earliest one I can remember where I read it in its original form: THE TAMING OF THE SHREW was published in 1592.

BookmarkTavern … I completely forgot about Shakespeare. I took two classes on him in college. 😅😅 Thank you for sharing! 6mo
dabbe @BookmarkTavern 💚💙💚 6mo
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare

Hate to admit Mr. Shakespeare did make me laugh a little.

The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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There are so many great options for #ScenePrompts for the #MayMovieMadness challenge. (Ex for above scene: “includes a sassy character”) It‘s really easy to make it work for you, and your reading needs since you‘re the one creating the prompts! 😆

I‘m so excited to see what movies you guys pick, which scenes you pic from said movies, and which books you match for your prompts! Happy planning everyone. Let me know if you have any questions!

JGadz11 love, Love, LOVE this movie!💖 2y
BeeMagical Absolutely love this movie!💕💕 2y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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Another example for a #ScenePrompt from another one of my favourite movies 10 Thing I Hate About You.

“Read a book that includes a grand gesture”


BethM One of my faves! 2y
JGadz11 One of the best movie scenes EVER.💖 2y
Nelnjali This is one of my absolute favorite movies! I just fell in love with Heath Ledger's smile from the very first. 2y
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mandarchy The movie was filmed at my high school and someone posted a notice that they were filming a sequel on April Fools day - it caused a lot of commotion. But the notice suggested that people show up this week if they wanted to be extras - this week is spring break here, so that was the joke. Students and alumni were freaking out! 2y
Clwojick @mandarchy omg! 😆 I would‘ve been there, waiting to swoon over Heath Ledger! 2y
mandarchy @Clwojick I'm talking about this last week. He wouldn't have been available 🤔 2y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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8. Love poem

This movie is so cute 😍

TheBookAddict Yes, love that movie! I also greatly enjoyed reading The Taming of The Shrew my sophomore year in HS. My teacher was awesome, she had a recording of the actual play and after we read a scene we would watch that corresponding scene and we discussed it as well. 😁👍🏽 3y
Ast_Arslan @TheBookAddict Wow! I guess it has been awesome 🤩 3y
Eggs Well done ❤️🤩❤️ 3y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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Found some great Shakespeare! Always wanted to read it and then watch 🎥 10 things I have about you👌🏼 Movie was based around The Taming of the Shrew!!

….do you see it!👀

The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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This was the first play I ever seen, when I was in middle school!!! This book is what started my love for the Shakespeare plays!!!

Taming of the shrew | William Shakespeare
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#shakespeareinayear book 1 done!

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Taming of the shrew | William Shakespeare
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TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 4y
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Taming of the shrew | William Shakespeare
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Hmmm.... I read this book when I was in middle school, deep in my Shakespeare phase (did everyone have one of those or just me?) I remember watching the movie that starred Elizabeth Taylor in Music class and of course I have seen updates movie versions, Kiss Me Kate and 10 Things I Hate About You, watching all of those helped me with this reading. I think it really helps to know the big plot points when it comes to Shakespeare.


The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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Another book for my Bingo!!


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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This one was also finished during the “weekend“ -- Holiday Weekend so Monday counts!

@jessinikkip , @jb72 , @AkashaVampie , @AsYouWish , @AnansiGirl , @Catherine_Willoughby , @MissAimz_55 , @cortg

AkashaVampie Great job with the holiday weekend!!! 4y
Cortg Smart! 4y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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So, I finished this one the other day (during the holiday weekend) it was so so quick but.. I felt like I didn't get as much out of it as I wanted to.. So, I ended up listening to an audio dramatic type read of it too! Anyway this was a great book #ReadMoreClassics #ReadingWithTBRCrew @AsYouWish

The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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So it started off so sweet then took a huge turn! @AsYouWish #ReadingWithTBRCrew #BuddyRead

The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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Started this yesterday :) so far so good :) #ReadingWithTBRCrew #BuddyRead @AsYouWish

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The Taming of the Shrew | Linzy Brady, Richard Andrews, Rex Gibson, Vicki Wienand
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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Here‘s my come away:

Petruchio is CLEARLY the villain of this story. Straight up. Kate is married off to the bad guy. The first time we meet him, he‘s beating his servant. Bad sign. He‘s awful.

Kate needed to turn it down a bit. She tied Bianca‘s hands up and slapped her. That‘s mean. I enjoyed her wit though. She clearly figured P out once married; I think she played him.

(An epilogue would show her murdering P in their bed, let‘s be honest)

Taming of the Shrew (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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I had to table #Shakespeare2020Project for nearly 2 mos. I just finished reading “The Taming of the Shrew“. I then watched the Globe presentation and was like, “Wait. They got married?! That was the point of Lucentio and Tranio switching identities?!“ I *totally* missed this while I was reading it. And apparently the other 80-zabillion times I've read this play! I'm laughing at myself, but I'm also recognizing how tired I really am. o_0

Taming of the shrew | William Shakespeare
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Day 15 - #Shakespeare #MarchMadness #TamingOfTheShrew #KissMeKate #BroadwayMusical

I enjoyed the musical Kiss Me Kate on Broadway. It is an adaptation of Shakespeare‘s Taming of the Shrew.

Eggs How lovely! 5y
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Taming of the shrew | William Shakespeare
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I know it's a classic, but the sexism and the gaslighting just pissed me off too much.

WomanistBibliophile I despised it! We don‘t have to overlook misogyny because a text is deemed to have literary merit! 5y
Auntynanny Agreed! 5y
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Taming of the Shrew (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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WomanistBibliophile I despise it! Had to read it at school and didn‘t find it humorous in the least. The breaking of a woman‘s spirit is always tragic 5y
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Taming of the shrew | William Shakespeare
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SW-T A belated welcome to Litsy! 🥳 #litsywelcomewagon 5y
RaimeyGallant Welcome! 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👏🏻 5y
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Taming of the Shrew (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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Taming of the Shrew (Updated) | William Shakespeare
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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Nothing makes #Shakespeare come alive like seeing it performed in person. A local troupe was performing the tagged play in the middle of a local park in #Brooklyn. So fun...and funny despite the play having some serious misogynistic undertones. Petrucio was played by a local pro wrestler and he was incredible! 😂💃🏻📜

Makes me want to read more of the Bard. What‘s your fave?

Melismatic @TheBookHippie love Macbeth! I‘ve never read Windsor! Adding to the stack.... 5y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare

Funny but forgettable

The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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The #MayMadness challenge starts next week, so I‘ll be getting my week one stack together shortly.

Here are my recommendations for week ones “Book to TV/Movie Adaptation” theme. Have any of you read these books, or watched the adaptations? Which ones your favourite on the list?

#Recommendsday #MayMadness @RadicalReader @Clwojick

Kaila-ann The Help was good in both formats. 5y
Lchnessmnstr I loved both versions of Ready Player One but many of my book loving friends had strong negative feelings about the movie. 5y
Lchnessmnstr I also read and watched the BFG. I prefer the book. I think I‘m better at imaging myself in the role of a child main character than I am at watching children actors... 5y
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GloVerdino I liked both versions of Big Little Lies, You, and Me Before You. I liked the Pretty Little Liars show but I read the first book in the series and I was not as good as the show! And I usually prefer the book! 5y
mom2bugnbee @Kaila-ann Agree with you about The Help. @Lchnessmnstr Agree with you about Ready Player One. A movie like that is never going to touch on every facet of the book. People need to understand that they are two different media. Both were a lot of fun, IMO. 5y
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage 10 Things I Hate About You is my all time favorite movie. Julia Stiles and Heath Ledger are 💥. I liked both Ready Player Ones too even though they are different. 5y
Sharpeipup Seen all but 2 actually. Many adaptations were really well done such as 5y
girlwiththeglasses I liked Ready Player One!! But I think I prefer the book 😅 5y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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The ultimate in vanity: Shakespeare's Petrochio of The Taming of the Shrew.

#Youresovain #marchintothe70s @Lizpixie @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Any guy who can run errands in a mini skirt, black velvet duster and knee high heeled boots and still manage to look both cool & effortless has to be SO VAIN 😜😂😂😂😆 6y
Blueberry @Cinfhen 🤣😍 6y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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Reading through some Shakespeare this evening 🎭 #day24

Taming of the shrew | William Shakespeare
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Taming of the shrew | William Shakespeare

It‘s a surprise, sometimes, to see how bawdy the greats could be. I imagined Elizabeth Taylor as Kate the whole time.

The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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Got a small cut on my arm today, which provided the perfect opportunity to use one of my Shakespearean insult bandaids.

Quirkybookworm Omgoodness!! Love!❤️❤️ 6y
Leftcoastzen Those are awesome! 6y
Ahomeinpages Oh! Omg, that is nothing short of brilliant😍 6y
Sace That's awesome! 6y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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“If I be waspish, best beware my sting.”

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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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Congrats @LittleBug on the milestone & thanks for the #litfluencegiveaway !
1. In bed or parked in my car with the windows down on a cool, breezy day.
2. Usually by author
3. My heart is at the library! But when I do go to a bookstore, it's almost always Half Price Books!

I'd pick classics, because Taming of the Shrew is my favorite by the Bard, & I've always wanted to read the other two but still haven't.

LittleBug Thanks for playing!! 6y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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#readingresolutions day 20 #rich @Jess7

One of my favorite comedies, by the Bard or otherwise.

The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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Wonderfully led discussion by merelybookish (when tagging is available I‘ll properly tag you) in the #ShakespeareReadAlong.

This play left me feeling rather flat and sad to see the changes wrought in Kate by a male dominated society. Meant to be a comedy, there were portions that rather horrified me and I didn‘t laugh like I hoped I would. Best part of reading this book: the discussions with the readalong group!

Cinfhen Pretty pic 6y
tammysue Lovely roses ! 💗 6y
CoffeeNBooks I agree, exactly what you said. 6y
Jess_Read_This @Cinfhen @whatshesreadingnow Thank you so much! 💕💕💕 6y
Jess_Read_This @CoffeeNBooks Hopefully the next one will be better! 6y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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I am trying out #readercoin which is an app that let's you listen to audios and get rewarded by doing so. You get a point for every 10 mins and you can use those points for items or pay outs. It seems pretty cool so far, and a great way to tackle the classics. So I have loaded up on Shakespeare and Sherlock Holmes.

If you would like to try it out you can use my code, Michevsv , and get 50 points to start out with.

jpmcwisemorgan I think this is going to be very useful because of the audio option. I like to do dishes and fold laundry to audiobooks. 6y
wanderinglynn Thanks for sharing. I just downloaded the app. 6y
InLibrisVeritas @jpmcwisemorgan Exactly! I have a job where I can listen to stuff, so audios have been a staple for me 6y
InLibrisVeritas @wanderinglynn No problem! Hopefully it's something you can get some use out of 6y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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All right #shakespearereadalong friends, we've reached the end. And again, Liz's puzzled face says it all.
In Act V, we learn that K. Is the superior wife because she obliges her husband. We also get a gross speech on wifely behavior from Kat.
I cry foul that Christopher Sly does not reappear!! Will K's marriage be happier than B's?
Do our true natures out in the end?
Overall, better performed on stage, I expect. What are your final thoughts?

GingerAntics I read that K‘s speech may have been intended as sarcasm, but again that is clearer in a production than a reading, so I‘m not so sure about this theory at this point. Yeah, this ended just sort of fell flat for me. Eh. 6y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yep, I agree...I loved the banter when preformed, but disliked the play. Blah!👎 6y
TheBookHippie Love the banter it's better on stage and film I think but I enjoyed reading it as it enhances watching it . 6y
CoffeeNBooks This is my least favorite of his plays. I feel like he got bored at the end & forgot to wrap up the whole Christopher Sly angle. The only thing I can think with Katherine's behavior at the end, is that she does what her husband asks of her (not unusual for the time period) because she knows he respects her. Bianca is married to someone who was interested in her looks above all else, & may not feel he respects her. Or maybe I'm completely wrong. 🙄 6y
Jess_Read_This @GingerAntics I just read the essay at the end of my edition and the writer says the same thing. He said a clever actress highlights the sarcasm. I did not glean sarcasm from a straight read of it...the sarcasm angle makes me feel a little better? 6y
GingerAntics @jess_read_this yeah, I had the same thought. It makes me feel a little better-ish, but it‘s still sort of like a drop off ending. 6y
Jess_Read_This I felt let down at the end of the play. It just didn‘t seem like the same playwright who wrote so many other strong female leads, wrote this. I didn‘t laugh or find it comical, like I hoped to. It just seemed like an argument for the conventional marriage of the time. Maybe I read it too much at face value and with a literal mindedness, so I could have missed something? I did find it interesting that Bianca seems like more of a shrew in the end. 6y
Lcsmcat @CoffeeNBooks I agree. I feel like B is going to cause some pain in her marriage. 6y
Jess_Read_This @GingerAntics Exactly! We start the play w a fiery Kate and end up with a 16th century Stepford wife Kate (edited) 6y
GingerAntics @jess_read_this EXACTLY!!! Eh. 6y
Lcsmcat I‘ve seen a couple of productions of this and none of them use the opening bit with Sly, and now I suspect it‘s because it seems like Shakespeare kind of forgot him too! 6y
Jess_Read_This @Lcsmcat Poor Sly just can‘t catch a break! 6y
Rachbb3 I totally felt robbed that Christopher Sly wasn't mentioned again! This was the most annoying to me. I did laugh at the banter and it seems the Katherine in the end made the better marriage. I would like to see this on stage, I hear it's better. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Jess_Read_This Yep, that‘s how I felt too! You nailed it. 6y
batsy I agree, @Jess_Read_This ! This was my general impression, too. I read an article somewhere (can't remember which one now) that said since it was one of his early plays, it seems as though even Shakespeare himself seemed to move on and create more complex female characters as he went along. 6y
GingerAntics Not going to lie, I kind of hope K ends up smothering P at some point after the events of the play. 6y
Jess_Read_This @GingerAntics This might be one of those plays in which we ought to write the sequel 🤔 6y
GingerAntics @jess_read_this I agree. I have this mental image of K humming this song “Keep Awake” every night as she goes to bed, just to freak him out. 6y
Jess_Read_This @batsy That makes sense, I didn‘t take into account how early this one was written. 6y
Jess_Read_This @GingerAntics and maybe sewing one of his doublet sleeves shut. Then telling him he looks amazing and no other doublet will do for him. 6y
GingerAntics @jess_read_this YES YES THIS!!! She would do all sorts of little “innocent” things trying to help him, then in the end she smothers him in his sleep. Yes, this is good. This play is going to be AWESOME!!! 6y
GingerAntics @batsy @jess_read_this it is one of the earlier plays. Someone suggested along the way that this was almost like a writing exercise he got sick of, so he just ended it. It definitely feels like he got into his stride as a playwright after this play. 6y
Jess_Read_This @GingerAntics And then! She will take that extra dowry P got for her and use it for a horse rescue farm. She‘ll rescue mistreated and elderly horses and tell P they are show horses. All prior to the pillow smothering that will take place. 6y
GingerAntics @jess_read_this PERFECT!!! Perfect!!! Yes!!! Part of me wants this to also be a musical. lol (edited) 6y
Jess_Read_This @GingerAntics I think singing and dancing while pillow smothering is a must. 😂 6y
GingerAntics @jess_read_this I don‘t understand how anyone could smother another human being while NOT singing. It‘s what one does while smothering. Isn‘t it? This is going to be the best play ever!!! 6y
Jess_Read_This @GingerAntics I think it has the makings of Tony award worthiness. I have this mental image of K warbling “the hills are aliiiiiive with the sound of music” while pillow smothering. Then twirling. 6y
GingerAntics @jess_read_this yes...yes...I can see the awards coming in already!!! Ever high school theatre department in the country (possibly the world) is going to want to do this thing in no time. This is great. 6y
Jess_Read_This @GingerAntics We‘ve completely revolutionized this play lol 6y
readinginthedark @Rachbb3 It's definitely better on stage! The actress playing K can revolutionize the character. 6y
readinginthedark @CoffeeNBooks I agree! But I also wonder if that's just what we want to be true about these relationships.... 🤔 6y
readinginthedark I definitely feel that this is one of Shakespeare's plays more open to interpretation. How an actor or actress reads a part can completely change the meaning of the text! 6y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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Okay, officially, this didn‘t make me hate the movie at all. In fact, I love the movie even more now. The movie makes this play look like rubbish. Wait, it‘s actually the play that makes the play look like rubbish. Shakes wasn‘t in his stride yet with this one, I think. So much better material later in his career I think. Not sure what happened here. Just...eh. #shakespeare #tamingoftheshrew #10ThingsIHateAboutYou #shakespearereadalong

readinginthedark Good points! And I love this movie! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yea, I love this movie too. 6y
GingerAntics @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @readinginthedark if you get freeform it‘s supposed to be on this weekend again (or at least that‘s the suggestion) 6y
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readinginthedark I own it on DVD! 😆❤ 6y
GingerAntics @readinginthedark YES!!! I used to have it on DVD but it went missing. I hope whoever‘s house it lives in now is enjoying it. 6y
TheBookHippie I agree with everything you said!!!!!! So much love for it all!!! 6y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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One of the repeat reads for #ShakespeareReadAlong where I dislike the play more than the first time. It feels harsh & cynical; the humour forced. Not an outright pan because the concepts of identity & disguise & how that exerts force on a character are compelling. But it's hard to read this as a farce when you come to the final monologue on wifeliness. I can only read it "straight"(?) & I'm not impressed. This is one of his early works & it shows.

batsy Thanks for hosting this month's discussions, @merelybookish ! 6y
saresmoore Your review makes me think I need to reread this. I haven‘t read it closely since I was a young teen (at which point I loved it). 6y
twohectobooks I haven‘t read this one yet. I do like this cover, though! 6y
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batsy @saresmoore I read it in college, and I remembered liking it. But that's because I somehow thought Kate was saying everything with a wink, which I can't seem to see this time. So I might have been filtering it through literary analysis and 10 Things I Hate About You 🤔🤦🏾‍♀️ 6y
batsy @twohectobooks The covers for these editions are pretty nice :) 6y
GingerAntics I read that the last scene is supposed to be irony. K doesn‘t really mean what she says, she‘s just playing along with P‘s madness. It doesn‘t make me like this any more. Eh. 6y
batsy @GingerAntics I know in critical readings and modern interpretations that monologue is often delivered with irony, but as words on the page it can be read literally and I had a hard time "reading" the irony, if that makes sense. All in all it did feel quite hollow. 6y
GingerAntics @batsy I know what you mean. The ending was very eh. The whole play just wasn‘t what I was expecting. The first act went so well, and then it was like 10 Things just did it‘s own (plausible and legal in the 20th century) thing from there. This made me love that movie way more. No idea what I was worried about. 6y
batsy @GingerAntics Yes, it started off well and then ended like it was a writing exercise ol' Will got tired of! 😂 I love 10 Things so much more now and need to watch it again soon 😁 6y
GingerAntics @batsy that is an absolutely perfect way of putting it!!! It‘s less a play than a writing exercise run amuck. lol 6y
saresmoore How could you not?! It was almost formative for me as I saw her as the snarky heroine role model I‘d always dreamed of. The foil to Anne & Meg & Elizabeth, who all seemed to have their ferocity dampened. I‘m wondering if I even read to the end of TotS when I was young. 🤔 6y
CarolynM I know what you mean about the final monologue. My take on it is she can say those things because she now trusts him not to act on them. It's not entirely satisfactory, but it helps.🙂 6y
CoffeeNBooks Um... I almost feel like I have no words here. 🤔 I just finished reading this and I completely agree with you @GingerAntics and @batsy. And whatever happened to Christopher Sly?! I love that Shakespeare included a play within a play in Hamlet, it made complete sense. It doesn't make sense here at all, unless I'm completely missing something! Thank you for hosting @merelybookish! Are there plans for the next play for #shakespearereadalong? 6y
GingerAntics @CoffeeNBooks oh I read about that, too. The play in a play was most of the play. The thing with Sly is in a pub where he‘s showing a newlywed man how to tame his wife. The rest of the play is this guy in the pub learning how to tame his wife through the play in front of him. 6y
GingerAntics @CoffeeNBooks last I heard it was Richard II. I hope it still is because I‘m gearing up already. lol 6y
CoffeeNBooks @GingerAntics Great- thanks! I want to make sure I get a copy of it in time! 6y
CoffeeNBooks @GingerAntics I thought Shakespeare would wrap up the whole thing a little better than he did. 😕 Definitely not my favorite Shakespeare play., but I'm glad I read it. 6y
GingerAntics @CoffeeNBooks we haven‘t talked about it since before we read TotS (and possibly the play before that), but that‘s what we decided at that point. Not sure if anything has changed. 6y
GingerAntics @CoffeeNBooks it does seem like he just stopped writing or like he was bored with it so tied everything in a bow and moved on. 6y
GingerAntics @readinginthedark @Jess_Read_This are we still doing Richard II next? 6y
batsy @CarolynM That's a good way of looking at it! I was intrigued at the point where 💩 was going down with Bianca and her suitors, P & K were like a team, observing the fun together. 6y
batsy @CoffeeNBooks @GingerAntics Yes, there was no conclusion to the Fry aspect and I'd forgotten all about him 😆 6y
GingerAntics @batsy apparently someone else did a version of this story, and had Sly as an active member of the audience and give a speech at the end, too. 6y
merelybookish My pleasure! I still have to finish the last act but am bracing for disappointment. I really wanted to believe Shakespeare would bring some sublety to it. Or subvert the male tames female storyline in some way. But I think I'm hoping for too much. 6y
merelybookish @CoffeeNBooks And WTH... No Sly at the end to frame things? 😯 6y
readinginthedark @CoffeeNBooks Sorrysorrysorry! The pregnancy nausea has me barely ever checking electronics right now. 😕 But I'm enjoying reading everyone's thoughts even if I'm not responding! And yes, Richard II next. It might not be immediately...unless @GingerAntics wants to host? Let me know! 6y
GingerAntics @readinginthedark lord woman, we need to keep you off the electronics then. I‘ll do it if you want me to. I‘m so excited out this one. 6y
CoffeeNBooks @readinginthedark Great- thanks! I'll go ahead and buy a copy of it. Hope you start feeling better soon! 6y
readinginthedark @GingerAntics 😆It's starting to get better, thank goodness. That would be awesome! I don'tactually know much about the histories. I'll do a preliminary post later today directing people to you as the host. Feel free to set the schedule whenever you want, and reach out to me via here, email, or Goodreads if you have any questions! 6y
GingerAntics @readinginthedark are you still in the first trimester at least, so it will be better soon-ish? 6y
batsy @readinginthedark That sucks about the nausea and I hope it eases soon. And hope all is well with you otherwise :) @GingerAntics I just placed an online order for Richard II; local bookshops don't seem to have it so I hope it arrives soon. The histories are the ones I know the least about so this should be interesting! 6y
GingerAntics @batsy R2 is not the most popular play, for some reason, so it is harder to find. I read about why it‘s not usually staged. When we were talking about doing a history play I looked them up and which order was recommended. Apparently their are three groups of the history plays (and then some tragedies that are also histories), and R2 kicks off one of the sets and all the rest in that set can‘t get over the first act of R2. (edited) 6y
readinginthedark @GingerAntics @batsy I have a couple of weeks left, but I'm learning how to manage it better. I didn't have this with my first, so it's been a little hurdle. Thanks! And could you email me that list of the recommended order? That would be great when we want to read more histories moving forward. readinginthedark1988 at outlook. 6y
batsy @GingerAntics Oh, that's interesting! I wasn't aware of that. I'm thinking I also need to get a giant compendium or overview of his plays as we read along... So much of it becomes interesting when considered in context of his other works and the time period 6y
GingerAntics @batsy I actually got that from an article about what order to read them in. lol I have a copy of Marchette Chute‘s Stories from Shakespeare for a quick overview before reading a new play. I usually read the retelling in prose by David Bruce along side the actual play, but lately I‘ve actually been reading those first and that‘s helped. The historical context I usually get from the intro info from the RSC/Modern Library edition of the plays. 6y
GingerAntics @batsy that can also come from articles, too, though. Sometimes it can be hard to find the historical context and that sort of thing, which is part of why I like those editions. They give you that info before the text of the play. I‘m a big history nerd, though. 6y
batsy @GingerAntics Yes, I particularly like the Signet editions because that's the one we used in college and it's got great supplementary info! And I should look up more articles online as I read the plays but there's something about having a giant tome next to me to browse through like I'm an archivist on a mission, lol 😂 6y
GingerAntics @batsy lol maybe a digital big tome? Those are probably easier to navigate and definitely easier to carry. 6y
Lcsmcat @readinginthedark Have you tried Sea-Bands? They worked wonders for me when I was pregnant. You can get them at scuba supply stores.. 6y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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Sooo, at the end did Shakespeare just get tired and decide to feck it all? That ending was a totally cop out/disappointment. I did enjoy the beginning of the play. The first act was good. It sort of went downhill after that. I really do feel like Shakespeare called in that ending. This play did not make me dislike 10 Things as I feared; it actually made me love it more. #shakespeare #tamingoftheshrew #10ThingsIHateAboutYou

GingerAntics @Riveted_Reader_Melissa It certainly will be interesting to see what the rest of the group thinks about this. Hm. Wow. I can‘t even begin to figure out how many stars to give this thing. That was a total non-ending ending. Wow. (edited) 6y
Rachbb3 The ending was disappointing. 6y
GingerAntics @Rachbb3 I ended up reading the intro stuff last, so I do have a slightly different view of this ending, but I‘m still not a fan. K‘s speech could be sarcasm, which makes me like her speech more, but not the abrupt ending. 6y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa And why did we never go back to the prologue players watching the play and pulling their own little mean joke? 6y
GingerAntics @Riveted_Reader_Melissa no idea. It‘s like they just didn‘t exist anymore. Something I read suggested it may have been because they didn‘t have enough actors, so those actors did other parts later so they couldn‘t go back to it. Seems weird you couldn‘t just add something in, though. The prologue has nothing to do with the rest of the play. It just barely ties in. If it wasn‘t there, would anything really change about the play, really?! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @GingerAntics It definitely explains why the prologue was new to me reading it for the first time, since every version I‘ve ever seen basically just skipped that altogether. 6y
GingerAntics @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I could see just cutting it out of a production. It would allow more time for other parts that a director might want to explore further. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @GingerAntics The few times it‘s even sort of referred to, is in the idea of others watching the play as it starts, but the whole playing with the local drunk is usually left out. 6y
GingerAntics @Riveted_Reader_Melissa that is too bad, I find anytime you can play with the local drunk in theatre is just awesome!!! lol 6y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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I‘ve seen this one preformed before, and fully enjoyed the banter and comedy in it, reading it now though for the first time as an adult...well in the current age of ‘me too‘ and equality for all, it was a bit more disappointing, especially considering some of the bard‘s other writing.

I‘m looking forward to seeing what the group made of this ending next week. #ShakespeareReadAlong

GingerAntics I‘m sort of dreading the ending. 6y
merelybookish I think they play, more than any other, probably benefits.from being performed where irony and subversion can be incorporated. But as a read, it's tough to take! 6y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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This book was just nuts. Although some parts just didn't make any sense I laughed in spite of myself. I loved the last line in the play, it's a credit to Katherine, but it didn't resolve another part of the play that I was very curious about! I can't say what because the #shakespearereadalong isn't over, but I'm looking forward to discussing it.

carrceli Did you see that production of Taming of the Shrew? 6y
Rachbb3 @carrceli I haven't, after reading the play though I would like to. 6y
carrceli It's a great play! But those 2 actors are awesome I just thought you'd seen them. I saw them in Utah. 6y
Rachbb3 @carrceli That's what the pic is from I think. I thought it was hilarious so I used it. 😆 6y
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Taming of the shrew | William Shakespeare
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Time for the #Shakespearereadalong Act IV discussion. Liz pretty much sums up my feelings about this act. ? Or as Curtis says, "he is more shrew than she." Also, bully, ass, abuser. K is broken and it's hard to read. But beyond P's cruelty, it's a long act. A few things that stood out
1) We get secondhand accounts of both relationships. What do they offer?
2) We get a soliquey from P but still no access to K's inner thoughts. ?

merelybookish 3)Lots of discussion of clothes with haberdasher. Felt significant, connected to themes of disguise/ruses. 4) anyone else struggling to keep the identities of B's wooers straight? 🤷 5) is there anyway I'm not going to end this play pissed off? 🤪 6y
GingerAntics I fear there is no way to end this play not pissed, and I‘m still looking for a “B Wooer Master List”. (edited) 6y
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CoffeeNBooks I'm so glad I'm not the only one having a hard time keeping all of Bianca's wooers straight. I'm having a hard time remembering why they're all acting as different people, and I'm wondering how that's going to work out in the end. 6y
CoffeeNBooks Also, why is Petruchio still acting like such a jerk to Katherine? Especially when he finally gets her to say the sun is actually the moon like he says, but then he tells her she's a liar. What's his point? Why is he doing this? 6y
Rachbb3 This act was I guess difficult? I agree that I would like to know what's going on with Katherine, what is she really thinking about all this. @CoffeeNBooks I can't remember why they're acting as different people either. 😂 P is annoying but I'm guessing he has a plan? But I'm feeling bad for Katherine shrew or otherwise. 6y
batsy I'm also struggling with keeping all the disguised men straight & it's stressing me out ? @CoffeeNBooks I guess this is P's way of "breaking" the "shrew" in Kate & unmasking her sweet wifeliness? ? It's pissing me off too & I can't imagine how Act 5 would make me less pissed off? Like, I can't imagine how P can be redeemed unless we're meant to see his tactics as roguish or charming ? 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Sadly there is no way to end this play un-pissed-off through modern eyes, the banter is great, but it‘s all about breaking a Shrew (ie an independent and strong minded woman) to be the dulcet and fawning yes-woman that all servents (and in her case chattel) were supposed to be. Plus P will get kudos for being the better man and being able to do what her father and others weren‘t MEN enough to do. B, is the role model of what woman should be.... 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ...hence all the fawners and admirers. 6y
Lcsmcat @Riveted_Reader_Melissa But B ISN‘T dulcet and fawning. She‘s manipulative. And I think K isn‘t so much strong-minded as rude. P is giving her a taste of her own medicine. Don‘t forget she tied up her sister, broke a lure over her teacher‘s head, etc. 6y
Lcsmcat I still want to know if/when Sly will come back into it. 6y
GingerAntics @CoffeeNBooks P is really starting to get on my nerves. She gives him what he wants, then he turns around and says she‘s lying. What‘s up with that? I was wondering why B‘s wooers were pretending to be other people, too. Some of them are even pretending to be each other? What‘s up with this? This play is weird in that respect. 6y
GingerAntics @Riveted_Reader_Melissa good point...there is no way around being pissed off. So frustrating. @batsy I can imagine anyone seeing P‘s behaviour as charming. I‘d like to meet this person and try to understand their POV here. 6y
GingerAntics Has anyone else found the play within a play? @Lcsmcat I agree that B is manipulative. Is K rude because she can be, or is she rude because she‘s sick of people trying to “tame” her. Too much of anything like that can make anyone chuck it all and come off rude. For me, there is something other than rudeness underneath K‘s actions. B just seems to like playing these guys off of each other. 6y
Lcsmcat @GingerAntics Is there any indication of anyone trying to tame K before P? I don‘t remember it if it‘s there. So other than sibling rivalry, which most kids outgrow before they‘re old enough to marry 😀 I don‘t get K‘s rudeness before P. I‘m not saying P is delightful, I just don‘t see K as some feminist role model. 6y
GingerAntics @Lcsmcat certainly not for our time, no, but I would imagine in her own time other women probably looked to her and thought maybe they should be more like her with annoying men. There isn‘t any record given, but her “reputation” sort of precedes her. The definition of Shrew could be taken as rude or as a woman who refuses to accept “her proper place.” 6y
readinginthedark @GingerAntics @batsy @Rachbb3 @CoffeeNBooks @merelybookish They started out disguised in order to be closer to Bianca and actually woo her. I guess they're just continuing that until almost the end, in classic Shakespeare style. 6y
readinginthedark @Lcsmcat I'm also not a huge fan of Kat. I feel bad for her, but I also think she takes it too far. And I think if she hadn't treated B the way she did, her father might have given her more say in who she married. 🤷‍♀️ But maybe she was hoping to avoid marriage, in which case Petruchio just outsmarted her. 6y
merelybookish @Lcsmcat I get that K is no paragon of virtue but I do find P's methods cruel. No food, no sleep is a form of torture. (Admittedly I do love both a lot!) And the whole up is down, down is up stuff would drive a person mad. It surprised me how much it bothered me to read. 6y
merelybookish @batsy Roguish and charming it is methinks. 😒 6y
batsy @merelybookish Yes, and a far cry of the Heath Ledger variety in 10 Things 😬 6y
Jess_Read_This I am so sorry- I‘m such a straggler but will be up to form by Saturday!! 6y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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Here is some of my July TBR list.... the top 2 are ongoing buddy reads, then 1 from the library, 2 new releases, and 1 Chunkster I‘m looking forward to reading with the Litsy group later this month. This is just the ebook pile, not the physical or audiobooks, somehow I got behind in June and I need to use this month very wisely and try to get myself back on track. 😱 #JulyTBR

Ashley_Nicoletto The Stand is my favorite book. 😍 6y
JazzFeathers I hear you 😱 6y
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Taming of the shrew | William Shakespeare
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#Shakespearereadalong Act III recap with Dick sporting Petruchio's ridiculous wedding outfit and Liz/Kate looking gorgeous, of course.
Two scenes this time, two forms of romance.
Is there more to Bianca than originally thought? Is she having fun with her wooers?
What IS up with Petruchio's behaviour? Is there a method to his madness?
Is there any hope for Kate? She seemed somewhat resigned to her fate.
And what has become of Christopher Sly?

Rachbb3 I thought Kate would have put up more of a fight. The whole wedding was bizarre. I don't know what is going on with Petruchio's clothes! ? I love when Bianca said, "That, being mad herself, she's madly mated." 6y
GingerAntics I‘m still trying to figure out what on Earth was up with P after the wedding/when they got home. He must leave now, as soon as the wedding is over and doesn‘t necessarily take K with him? Then they get home and P is a total jerk to everyone, including her? Then he goes into full on torture mode with no sleep, no food. WTF 6y
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GingerAntics @Rachbb3 I liked that part, too. I‘m pretty sure she‘s going to be a whole other kind of mad coming up very shortly here. 6y
merelybookish @Rachbb3 Yes, and something about him being Kated! (Shakespeare has had lots of fun playing with the name Kate in this play!) I feel Petruchio is making fun of someone/something -- I'm just not sure who/what is the butt of his joking. 6y
Rachbb3 I guess Christopher Sly is just sitting back watching this all unfold? Lol. He's probably thinking everyone's gone mad. 6y
merelybookish @GingerAntics I know! It's like he is trying to completely disorient her. And everyone else. I keep hoping he's doing it for a good reason. 6y
merelybookish @Rachbb3 I keep waiting for him to start or end a scene. To remind us that this is all a story-within-a-story. 6y
GingerAntics @merelybookish I thought his comment about “this is how you tame a shrew” was explanation enough. I‘m honestly hoping she flips on him, and maybe even his dead because a great little punchline in here somewhere. It‘s like he‘s gone off his rocker. 6y
Rachbb3 @GingerAntics @merelybookish I'm definitely interested to see what P does next. 6y
GingerAntics @merelybookish @Rachbb3 I‘m still waiting for this play in a play to present itself. That certainly hasn‘t been clear, thus far. It will be interesting to see where this start/stop point comes in. 6y
batsy Yes, worst. wedding. ever. Definitely agree it was bizarre and funnily enough I don't remember this Act much at all from when I first read it. I too think P is making "a point" or skewering some aspect of this situation... Or at least I hope so! Definitely a long passage was devoted to the condition of his horse ??? 6y
Lcsmcat @GingerAntics Yes, me too. I didn‘t remember that part from having read it before and am wondering if it comes back in the epilogue at least. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I have to agree with all of thee above, this wedding was just bananas, and sadly I think Kate is the butt of the joke....they would literally marry her to anyone to be rid of her, even a completely insane person so long as he weds her and takes her out of their hair they could care less what he‘s like and what her future is with him. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Petruchio, I think, is making a point to everyone, Kate they will give you away and send you off with anyone, so you have no one on your side here. What better way to put a wedge between her and any family she thought might help her...she‘s said no, called him crazy, he‘s now proven himself to be so in front of the whole town, and still they could not care less, and marry them anyway...and party after they‘ve left. Not worried about her in the... 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa ...least. If she had any hope of friends or family caring for her, he‘s effectively severed that...even her Sister writers her off immediately as she‘s mad, she mated madly, oh well, let‘s go eat. It reminded me of the red flags of bad relationships... completely separate them from any loved ones or support network, make them completely reliant on you and you alone. 6y
TheBookHippie I can't believe she didn't put up a huge fight you forget women are just property to be had I agree with alll above weirdest wedding ever and mockery of Kate and trying to tame her...it's just all bananas good reading though I am fascinated by the plot ... 6y
GingerAntics @Riveted_Reader_Melissa absolutely. The mad one is P. I‘m serious I hope she goes crazy on him and beats him up at the very least. A death as a punchline would be dark, but fitting for him. 6y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie I agree. I‘m quite enjoying this one. I was afraid it would mess with my love of 10 Things so I considered skipping it, but I am so glad I didn‘t. 6y
CoffeeNBooks I'm enjoying reading everyone's thoughts about this act! I'm curious about why Petruchio showed up looking the way he did, and I'm interested to see how all this plays out. 6y
TheBookHippie @CoffeeNBooks He reminds me of boys and mind games 🤦🏽‍♀️🤪🙄he has a game... 6y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I was worried too!!!!! 6y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie still worried? 6y
merelybookish @batsy Yes LOTS of 🏇. I guess it's one thing to show up in silly clothes, quite another to have a beat-up horse! 6y
merelybookish @Lcsmcat I assume it has to come back. And I'm wondering if Sly might not get the last laugh. 6y
merelybookish @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I can completely see this, how they want to get rid of her so badly they will put up with anything. Still...I just can't give up yet that there is something to what P is doing. Because the alternative is too depressing. Plus, I feel like Shakespeare likes his character Kate too much to leave her to an ugly fate. 6y
merelybookish @GingerAntics @TheBookHippie So glad you're not regretting reading thus far! 6y
merelybookish @CoffeeNBooks I know! Where does it go now the wedding is over?! 🤷 6y
merelybookish @gingerantics What is the 10 Things equivalent to this act? Heath singing on the bleachers? Does Kat in the movie get "forced" into anything? 6y
GingerAntics @merelybookish she doesn‘t really get forced into anything...maybe going to prom, but by the end of the bleacher concert, getting him out of detention, and paintball she wants to go so it‘s not really forced. Hm. It‘s hard to say if there is an equivalent. 6y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics nah 😂🙄🤣 6y
GingerAntics @merelybookish yeah, I‘m going with @TheBookHippie. I don‘t think she‘s forced to do anything. Kat in 10 Things is not the type of girl who does anything she doesn‘t want to do. 6y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics Kat is my favorite ❤️ 6y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie oh yeah - I want to be more like Kat most days. lol 6y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I am most days thus trouble ensues ... 6y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie really? I feel like I just need to stand up for myself more and not take shite unnecessarily. 6y
Erin7 @CoffeeNBooks I wonder the same thing. I really enjoyed the original banter between Kate and Petruchio. It was raunchy though which keeps surprising me about Shakespeare‘s plays. I love the little comedic parts too like when Biondello tries to explain that Petruchio is on his way to Baptista. 6y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I stand up for others and myself and people listen they just hate me 😂🤣(not my friends)I don't live in a feminist friendly place 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️🤬 6y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie neither do I. I guess I hadn‘t thought of it that way. Still, the people I give a crap about would be proud of me, so I‘ll let the morons be anti-women amongst themselves. I don‘t plan to be here for too long. 6y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics it wears on you for sure I just keep telling myself that's their issue ...gets old ugh. 6y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie it probably does. It gets hard to take people‘s BS. I take enough of it already to know that. Not sure when it became appropriate to follow a woman down the street for three blocks to ask if they know Jesus. At this point, I almost feel like my only prayer is to annoy them as much as possible. lol 6y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I tell them I have a relationship with Jesus not a crazy religion and then they're speechless because they have no reply. People are supposed to see Jesus in you and ask you about it, not the other way around. I've told them that too. I tell them I'm a Jesus Feminist usually cures them from talking at me. Oye. 6y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie I actually started that book, never thought of saying that. Part of me wants to say something really snarky like claiming to be a Satan worshiper or “don‘t make me call my wife, she‘s a cop.” lol Usually I just tell them yes and walk away. So glad I‘m not the only person who finds this inappropriate. 6y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics ohhhh yes I've done that ..terrible of me but I laughed for days...shock on the persons face "you go to church" and I said "only to worship the devil" ????? 6y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie 😂😂😂 that is the best!!! Why is walking down the street with a sign saying “I was addicted to porn, but not I have Jesus” a sane thing to do? I always want to rattle them when they decide they need to follow me. What part of the bible suggests stalking people? My bible must be missing that part. 6y
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The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare
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This act started with B flirting and ended with madness. I‘m shocked K got married so soon in the play. I suppose it‘s not really all that soon (about half way through), but I guess I expected it later. #Shakespeare #shakespearereadalong #tamingoftheshrew

GingerAntics I think I‘m missing someone. Let me know if I‘m missing someone so I can add them. 6y
merelybookish The pacing of this play is different from the usual comedy where the wedding comes at the end. Another clue, I guess that this play is *doing* something. Marriage first. Love later? 6y
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GingerAntics @merelybookish that definitely makes sense...I‘m not so sure K is actually going to fall in love with P with his crazy Gitmo tactics though. 6y
Lcsmcat I think Shakespeare is definitely trying to turn expectations upside down. Bianca is not as tractable as everyone thinks. She‘s pushing those men around plenty, but in a less forthright way. Kate says what she thinks, but is rude about it. Perhaps P is happy with her independence and honesty, but hopes to induce her to some politeness. 6y
GingerAntics @Lcsmcat maybe, I just don‘t see these particular tactics working. Apparently this is how one trains a falcon in falconry. K is definitely NOT a Falcon, but I could see her taking his head off eventually. Hello P, K is a person not a bird, thanks. 6y
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