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Joined January 2018

Library-lifer; mother to two brilliant lasses; proud North-Easterner. Back from my travels and re-building my book collection!
The Comedy of Errors | William Shakespeare
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I thoroughly enjoyed the #shakespearereadalong of yore, even though life got in the way and I drifted away a few plays in. I‘m taking my kids to see their first Shakespeare this year (in Stratford-upon-Avon, at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, I‘m so excited, haven‘t been for years!) and feel a reignited passion! I‘ve decided to set myself a year of Shakespeare, following the old format of an act or two a week. Starting here- let‘s see how it goes!

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I‘ve recently moved back home to the UK after going away and giving away most of my books and other possessions! I‘m rebuilding my collection and feeling utterly delighted by these shelves. Just need to read them now!

The First Sister | Linden A. Lewis
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I really wanted to love this book, but the early phrase, “strawberries as red as my lips” set the tone and it was a slog from there. I love the representation and quite liked some of the broader world-building ideas, but it just dragged for me. I‘ll probably read the trilogy because I am interested in where the characters will go, especially Hiro, who I loved.

rachelsbrittain Oof that is a rough phrase. Too bad too, because I'd been looking forward to this one 4y
JennAndrew @rachelsbrittain I wouldn‘t say definitely avoid it, because some readers loved it, but there were a few similar turns of phrase and a couple of plot points that kind of undermined others. There were definitely merits as well though, so I‘m on the fence! 4y
rachelsbrittain @JennAndrew yeah I'll still read it, but good to lower my expectations a bit going in 4y
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I‘m returning to Litsy after a 3yr absence. I‘m not sure what happened. I was overwhelmed by a toxic job & juggling family life. Now I‘ve jacked it in & moved halfway around the world! I struggled with reading at times in 2020, but am back and started the year with this awesome book by Temi Oh.

Space jargon that wasn‘t too much, believable teens & an excellent display of white privilege without ever mentioning the words. I loved this book.

Librarybelle Welcome back! 4y
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Thor vs. Thanos | Dan Jurgens
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Just finished this last week. It‘s maybe the oldest Marvel arc I‘ve read and I‘m used to the more modern writers and characters. I was absolutely creased at Scarlet Witch‘s outfit. Why, oh why, would she go to battle in bikini?! Silly patriarchy 🙄😂. I felt a bit bad for Thanos- seems he‘s forever going on doomed intergalactic scavenger hunts. He‘s very good at all the clues, bless him. Think I‘ll stick the newer runs from now on though!

The Witchfinder's Sister | Beth Underdown
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One I finished a couple of weeks back and didn‘t post- again! I wanted to love this, but never felt fully satisfied by it. I get really frustrated by characters who don‘t speak up/ out (no doubt reflecting frustration with my own lack of confidence, but that‘s by the bye) & there was a lot of that. I know it was based on fact , but I‘d have loved it to have been subverted. Let them have been powerful witches & hexed the hell out of him! 🧙🏻‍♀️😄

Othello | William Shakespeare
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@readinginthedark #ShakespeareReadalong

At the start of this play, I was right behind Othello and I was really rooting for him & for Desdemona and for their marriage. I wanted them to succeed in the face of adversity on many fronts. I knew Shakespeare tragedies end with many deaths, but I kept hope for a couple of Acts. Soon, I wanted pretty much all the men dead. The ending didn‘t give me what I wanted... (Image: cover Bookbyte Digital)

JennAndrew That said, I‘m still going with pick because Shakespeare promised a tragedy and he delivered. Plus, I expected them all to die and they didn‘t, which was kind of satisfying in a completely unsatisfactory, yet I appreciate it not being obvious kind of way. And, as ever, the language is beautiful. I‘m just so pissed that Othello allowed himself to be so manipulated and caused two innocent women to die. I want Iago dead! 6y
JennAndrew The language that wasn‘t totally racist of course. Some of it was very uncomfortable and unpleasant. I would be interested to know what was Shakespeare‘s own POV. Was he racist himself or was he ‘Woke AF‘ and writing a commentary on racism? 🤔 (edited) 6y
readinginthedark Yeah, it‘s hard to tell when Shakespeare‘s writing from a satirical standpoint or if he actually believed some of the things in his plays. Too bad he didn‘t leave journals or anything personal. 6y
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Still catching up on posting my recent reads and I‘m doing pretty badly at it! 🤦🏻‍♀️ I finished this a few weeks back after doing an excellent buddy read with @miralunasbooknook This was an excellent YA fantasy novel with layers of meaning. The characters grew and developed and the story was riveting. I‘m excited for further instalments! Another excellent book by a brilliant woman of colour, with some absolute badass female protagonists. 👌

JennAndrew Also, I did the quiz and I‘m in the Winder clan. Can‘t say I wasn‘t a bit miffed 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 because, being a total goth wannabe, I was hoping for Reaper, obvs, but I must concede this actually fits me spot on: 6y
JennAndrew “You‘re a Winder, the maji of air. Peaceful, optimistic, and fair, you have the power to manipulate the wind in all of its forms.
As a Winder, you love to seek harmony. Though your peaceful nature can make you indecisive and non-confrontational, you are not afraid to be a fierce proponent of justice and equality.” (From childrenofbloodandbone.com)
(edited) 6y
JennAndrew The indecisive and non-confrontational bit is me to a tee, but I do care fiercely about justice and equality, so I hope I can live up to the bit about not being afraid! 6y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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I‘m about on time this week! This play is so far apart from AYLI & is taking more energy to read, but I‘m getting more from it. So many feelings! I‘m so frustrated! This image represents my feelings for Iago. He‘s such a vile character and I‘m so distressed to see his machinations paying off and all the characters moving into place for him. I‘m both excited and terrified for the final act!

cocomass Same on all fronts!! Definitely more challenging than AYLI but it‘s making me feel way more feeling. And Iago MUST get his comeuppance! 6y
readinginthedark Yes, Iago is so vile! 6y
TheBookHippie @cocomass AGREE!!!!! 6y
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I Love Kittens | Laine Falk
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I‘m afraid we don‘t have any pets, much to my & my daughters‘ dismay, but I let my kids choose a new pillow each today & the 4yo chose this one. I love it! I hope it cheers you as it has me! xx

Emiller That is the cutest pillow!! 😊😊 6y
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Swing Time | Zadie Smith
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I‘ve read some great books over the last couple of weeks, but forgot to post! Of the 3 most recent reads, Swing Time was the easiest emotionally, but it was a beautiful read. It felt ruminative and philosophical, with the unnamed protagonist considering belonging, identity, culture & loyalty. I learned a lot as she tried to find her place and observed how others navigated this world we share but experience in totally different ways...


JennAndrew I actually only realised the protagonist didn‘t have a name when I came to write this and I‘m not particularly comfortable about that. I think it‘s partly because she speaks in the first person and I felt immediately drawn into her perspective. I think that‘s to Zadie Smith‘s credit. Also, the MC is surrounded by huge personalities, her mother, her friend Tracey, her boss Aimee. They all shape her world and carry her along on their... 6y
JennAndrew Journeys, without much thought for the MC or anyone else. They all see the world in quite definite terms, while the MC is questioning and uncertain. I really did enjoy this one. It made me think, but it wasn‘t harrowing or difficult, even if events were awkward at times. (edited) 6y
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Othello | William Shakespeare
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#Shakespearereadalong #Othello

I‘m behind on posting this week, even though I‘d done my reading 🤦🏻‍♀️. My first impression of Othello is that I‘m going to be totally invested in this play. I already have a lot of feelings. Iago made me furious and indignant, as did Brabantio, but to a lesser extent. I already feel a helpless inevitability and also angry and frustrated that we‘re still battling racism centuries on. I‘m eager to read more!

Jess_Read_This You are still infinitely further ahead than me! I am so behind on life this month. 6y
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Far happier this week! Act IV was short and sweet, and is it just me, but this play is all about the horns?! 🤟🏻 I‘m still not convinced by the dynamic between Silvius, Phebe/ Phoebe (my 2 editions can‘t agree which) & Ganymede, but Celia & Jacques were on good form & Orlando is redeeming himself somewhat in scene III. Seems everyone takes it for granted a woman will cuckold her man. Wish I‘d known! 😂

readinginthedark 😆Well, the man does get every other advantage in these plays... 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
JennAndrew @readinginthedark absolutely! I think I was going to get slandered for something, I might as well be guilty. 😂 And the Lords‘ song suggests there‘s no shame in it, although I‘m not sure my husband would agree! 6y
JennAndrew Incidentally, I was looking for images for this post and ending up looking up ‘cuckold‘ on Pinterest. It was certainly eye opening! 😲 Or maybe I‘m just hopelessly naive! 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 6y
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Jess_Read_This There is a lot of horns happening in this play. I didn‘t know the stag thing and horns being symbols of cuckholding until this act on the side notes of my edition. Now I‘m wondering if I missed anything in the prior acts 6y
JennAndrew @Jess_Read_This Touchstone was talking about cuckold‘s horns when he was droning on interminably to/ about Audrey 🙄. There‘s quite a bit of talk about them in relation to actual deer and hunting and that might just be coincidence, but I feel old Will never said much without intention? (edited) 6y
readinginthedark My copy points out every instance. Which I appreciate, but at this point I‘m like, “Yeah, I got it, thanks!” 😆 @Jess_Read_This 6y
JennAndrew @readinginthedark yes, I‘m reading across two copies and between the two of them it‘s incessant antlers talk! 6y
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Gormenghast | Mervyn Peake
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This news has made me so excited! I loved the BBC series, but confess I‘ve only read the first book.

The first thing I thought when I saw this? #Gormenghastbuddyread!😄🎉 Would there be any interest? I‘ve never hosted a buddy read so if anyone was interested in taking it on, that would be awesome, but if not, I might see if I can drum something up for May/ June? I‘m finding BR‘s a great way to get through my TBR & this is high on the list!

laurieluna I've never read these! Buddy reads are easy to organise once you get into the swing of things. I'm enjoying hosting the one for Children of Blood and Bone. Give it a go! 😄 6y
readinginthedark Sounds fun! 6y
JennAndrew @miralunasbooknook @readinginthedark I may take the plunge! I‘ll find out when it‘s slated to air and have a think about a schedule. Should be loads of time, I don‘t think they‘ve started making anything yet! 6y
readinginthedark 👍🏻Tag me when you get it started! 6y
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Last month was the first time I made a TBR list for the month. I posted it to Litsy, hoping it would help me achieve my goal- and it worked! I haven‘t finished the audiobook I wanted to read, largely because I only listen to it when I‘m doing housework, and being a tremendous slattern, that isn‘t very often! However, I did read everything else on my list & enjoyed it- Litsy is definitely making me a better reader. Making an April list now! 😄📚

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My AYLI review this week is brought to you by this awesome Veronica Dearly pin badge as my message to the characters in this act is, ‘Stop being dicks!‘

Orlando wasn‘t awful, but his poetry was. Touchstone seems depressed, but that doesn‘t excuse his behaviour to his ‘fiancée‘. As for that shower of a scene with Silvius, Phoebe & Ganymede? ?? So much dickish behaviour! Lots of clever wordplay, but the content was rank...

JennAndrew I remember some people at uni felt it was redundant to dissect work like Shakespeare from a modern, feminist perspective, but surely it‘s rot like this, being peddled for centuries that leads to damaging stereotypes & behaviour? The idea that Silvius refusing to just back off when rebuked is romantic and proof of love? 🤢 The idea that Ganymede can talk to Phoebe like crap & she‘ll fall for him? 🤢 6y
JennAndrew (Also, apologies to Jess_Read_This for tagging you in this post, I only realised just now that it may seem very rude! 🤦🏻‍♀️😂) 6y
JennAndrew The best thing I read this week was an essay on influences in the notes section of my Arden Shakespeare copy. The number of plays old Will just rips off is hilarious. One of the plays, Rosalynde by Thomas Lodge has pretty much the same story & he even uses many of the same names! 😂 I just love how blatant it is. That play borrowed heavily from other things too, so they‘re all up to it. Very interesting! 👍🏻 (edited) 6y
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readinginthedark Some of your interpretations were a bit different than mine or just more severe perhaps. But hopefully it will get better! As far as Shakespeare borrowing, I see him do this so often! We were talking about it some with Cymbeline, because it seemed as though he took pieces from different works (most notably Boccaccio‘s Decameron) and scrapped them together in a way that somehow just worked! 6y
JennAndrew @readinginthedark I was aware that he borrowed a lot from other sources because I studied a lot of his work at university, but it was a while ago and I was tickled in being reminded of it. I feel a bit bad for the writers of much of his source material, because WS seems to have taken their work & made it better and I suspect most modern readers only know them in relation to Shakespeare & not on their own merit! 6y
readinginthedark Yeah, I can see that. Of course, sometimes rewrites bring attention to works that would otherwise fade into obscurity! 6y
JennAndrew @readinginthedark yes, that‘s absolutely true! A very good way to look at it- and they do say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so hopefully no-one minds! 😄 6y
Jess_Read_This No apologies needed!! I love hearing your thoughts on this and never find it rude at all. (My apologies for the delay in responding, I missed this post last week and am catching up). My uni time was all science class based and I never got the chance to read Shakespeare til now. I had no idea he ripped off so many other writers until we started discussing it. I‘m going to have to check out the Arden edition, I‘m missing a lot of info I think. 6y
Jess_Read_This And secondly, I agree that we should examine these plays with a modern view as well as a nod to the time period. If we simply excuse it or give it a pass bc “that‘s just how things were then” it really does a disservice to any progress made and progression we are currently making towards equality (in my opinion). So I love when you start us discussing this topic. 6y
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Boy, Snow, Bird: A Novel | Helen Oyeyemi
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Absolutely loved this! 😍🙌🏻 I‘m completely bewitched by Oyeyemi. It‘s so hard to describe, but she creates these damaged, beautiful women that are brittle and dangerous and compelling and I love them. We‘re maybe supposed to hate them though? I guess both, because these are tales of incredible nuance and depth. This is a Snow White story which examines motherhood and identity and ethnicity, with magic (or madness?) throughout.


JennAndrew (The HP thing peeping out the side is my bookmark, part of a set laser cut for me by my tattooer 😄. He designed them for his son but as we got very excited about HP together, he made me some too!) 6y
Cinfhen Great review and I‘m obsessed with this book cover...it‘s stunning ✨✨✨✨✨✨ 6y
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(Image by John Manders)

#ShakespeareReadalong Act II

Perhaps unsurprisingly, my favourite scene in this Act was the one where Rosalind, Celia & Touchstone decided to be farmers. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was so tickled by Touchstone‘s take on wooing. I‘ve seen AYLI performed by the RSC, but it was a long while ago. I remembered the forest being delightful, but I found the majority of this Act quite slow. Too much pontificating from Jacques! 👇🏻

JennAndrew That said, I found a lot of what he said interesting, he just didn‘t need to spell it all out. I think the ‘All the world‘s a stage speech‘ went into far too much exposition on what the 7 ages are, for instance. I think it‘s interesting he seems to envy/ want to be a fool, as they‘re regularly regarded as melancholy at heart, so perhaps a fitting role for him? More Rosalind, Celia and Touchstone in Act III, please! 7y
merelybookish I don't understand Jacques character, what his purpose is exactly. 6y
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Boy, Snow, Bird: A Novel | Helen Oyeyemi
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I‘m out and about with my 2 & 4 year old daughters. We‘ve had a delightful, busy morning and they‘ve exhausted me! 😂 Thankfully, there‘s a cafe in town with kid‘s food &, most importantly, a lovely play area. I‘m sitting beside it while they play, and I can keep an eye on them while thoroughly enjoying a rest! Queue reading & coffee- win!

AmyG I loved this book. Enjoy! 7y
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Totally loved this! We‘re a massive MCU household and every movie that comes out, I just love more and more. I‘ve read a few of the graphic novels, but am somewhat overwhelmed by the sheer volume of them. So pleased I went for this one though. I loved that Captain Marvel wasn‘t a token female, but that women were the majority of the characters. I love her upgraded suit. I love learning more Marvel lore. Can‘t wait to smash through Vol 2 tomorrow!

Oryx and Crake | Margaret Atwood
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Margaret Atwood is one of my absolute favourites and Oryx and Crake was as brilliant as I expected.

I read The Year of the Flood a while ago and I really enjoyed finding out more about the origin of the crisis. I love a non-linear timeline and the evolution of Jimmy/ Snowman was fascinating. I would have liked to get inside Crake‘s head a bit more, but hopefully that‘ll come further into the trilogy? I can‘t remember YotF so will reread! 😂

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#ShakespeareReadAlong @Jess_Read_This @readinginthedark

Got a 2nd copy of AYLI from my library, plus some bookmarks we have to celebrate National Shakespeare Week! 🎉💝 I much prefer this version 👍

I very much enjoyed Act 1; it was a great introduction to the cast and the razor wit was a huge pleasure. Already some interesting thoughts on gender too. I don‘t think women are less favoured by fortune, only by the patriarchy! Can‘t wait for more!

readinginthedark I love those bookmarks! 😍 7y
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I‘m so excited to join in with the #ShakespeareReadalong! 😄 I got an annotated ebook version of #AsYouLikeIt, but didn‘t read the description thoroughly and I was disappointed to see they‘d modernised some of the language. I want apricocks, not apricots! 😂

I may use these, my dad‘s edition of the collected works. He gave me them when I went to uni to study English Lit & where I took every Shakespeare module going. These have been well loved!

laurieluna If I didn't already have so many books on the go I'd join in! Definitely going to read some of my favourites over the summer though! 7y
JennAndrew @miralunasbooknook I just couldn‘t resist, but I am wondering if I‘ve bitten off more than I can chew! 😂 One of those #blameitonlitsy moments! 7y
readinginthedark @miralunasbooknook It‘s ongoing, so feel free to join us on whatever we‘re reading this summer! 😊 7y
readinginthedark We‘re a really low-pressure group, just chatting about whatever strikes our fancies! Don‘t feel too overwhelmed! 😉 7y
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Power | Naomi Alderman
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Just finished this & loved it!

It was exciting, frustrating, funny and fast paced. A fairly quick and easy read, but it was thought provoking and emotive. It highlighted, for me, the absurdity of many of our social constructs. We all need to be better!

And I totally want a skein! 😂⚡️

Mort | Terry Pratchett
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1. Fantasy/ satire. Discworld! Anything I can get lost in really, but it does help if it‘s funny.
2. Sales assistant in a fancy glass shop. All hand blown on site. The shop was dead so I read all day!
3. Librarian.
4. Librarian with much better funding! 😩 Or author.
5. Black coffee ❤️☕️

#manicmonday @JoScho

The Colour of Magic | Terry Pratchett
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It‘s Mother‘s Day here in the UK & I got my first couple of books for the #ookbookclub! 😄 I already have 3 of these gorgeous editions and am excited to have an excuse to collect them all. Also got the illustrated edition of Chamber of Secrets to go with HP&tPS & build that collection. Possibly most excited about my Shuri #BlackPanther Funko Pop. I have a collection of badass female pops & Shuri‘s such an awesome addition. All the collections! 😂

laurieluna 🙌❤ Happy Mothers Day! 😄x 7y
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Saga 1 | Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples
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I finally located and finished Saga Vol. 1 and I f*@#ing loved it! As a (former) breastfeeding mammy, any book with a woman feeding her baby, on the very cover no less(!) is a huge winner for me. As it is, I loved the story too, and will definitely be investing in the rest of the series.

Yey Saga! ❤️❤️

(How do we feel about swearing here, btw? I‘m partial myself but don‘t want to offend! 😬)

xicanti I say fuck it, swear all you want. I do. 7y
laurieluna Fuck yes! Swear words are just words, and great for self expression! 7y
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City of Heavenly Fire | Cassandra Clare
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I‘ve finished the Mortal Instruments! I feel like I‘ve been reading them for ages 😂, but I enjoyed this last one. Lots of setting up other series so I‘ll have to read them too at some point!

As far as supernatural YA goes, these were pretty good- compelling and with some great characters. Some annoying characters too though! Some bittersweet moments in this one, but I do feel 6 books may have been excessive for the arc. 4/5 stars!


JennAndrew I‘ve come back to this a few weeks later and re-graded to a so-so. I was being overly generous before. These books were ok, but everything I‘ve read has been so much better, that I just feel really disingenuous calling this series a pick. They‘re ok, but not in the same league and so it didn‘t seem fair. Overthinking is definitely my bag! 😂 7y
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Northanger Abbey | Jane Austen
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#MagicalMarch has given me another opportunity to shout out to #InternationalWomensDay

I share my initials with a literary queen, Jane Austen. An honour! My favourites are Northanger Abbey and Sense & Sensibility. Jane Austen‘s wit is legendary and I‘m always delighted by NA‘s satire and Austen‘s general acerbic commentary on her world. ❤️

@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

JennAndrew I feel I should add, these beautiful editions aren‘t mine, unfortunately, but they‘re on the wish list! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks They are beautiful!!! 💛 7y
vkois88 😍😍😍 7y
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Tying my #ReadingResolutions in with #InternationalWomensDay - Hell yeah!

One of my TBR for the month, #orange cover & plenty of badass women. I‘ve read a bit already and I‘m loving the Banshee Squadron so far! 😍💪🏻


Boy, Snow, Bird: A Novel | Helen Oyeyemi
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March TBR!

I struggle to read as much since having kids, but @miralunasbooknook promised Litsy would encourage me, and she was right! I let TMI distract me in Feb so hoping that posting my TBR will motivate me:

•Finish The Mortal Instruments
•Finish Oryx & Crake
•Finish Saga Vol 1
•Boy, Snow, Bird
•The Power
•The Blind Assassin (audio)
•Captain Marvel Vol 1 & 2

Not a huge list, so 🤞! Tips on making reading time with kids (2&4) would be 👌

laurieluna Yey! I read mostly at bed time, but Max mostly takes care of his own entertainment at the moment and Robbie just loves rolling around on the floor or sleeping! 😂 I usually find distracting Max with his own books gives me a good 20 mins reading time during the day, and thats sometimes a whole chapter! 7y
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@bookriot #riotgrams #fairytales

I‘m sure this will be a popular pick today, and rightly so. There is so much right about this beautiful reimagining. The artwork is gorgeous and the story is just perfect. Neil Gaiman and Chris Riddell are one of my favourite author/ illustrator pairings and this might be my favourite of their works. I don‘t want to spoil it but- eek! That kiss! 😍😍😍 It‘s all so utterly divine!

erzascarletbookgasm 🙌 NG, CR fan! 7y
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City of Lost Souls | Cassandra Clare
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Just starting this after finishing book 4 on my way home from work. It‘s starting to feel like a bit of a slog, mostly because of these two characters. Open communication, people! Make all our lives easier! It‘s like being irritating is becoming a major plot device 🙄😂. If I‘d only just let myself bail. I have permanent book FOMO though and never can 🤦🏻‍♀️. Fingers crossed that it picks up! 🤞🏻

ofclumsywords I thought the same thing when reading this series. But the last book makes up for it. I think that one is the best out of them all. 7y
JennAndrew @Ofclumsywords that‘s exactly what I needed to hear to motivate me, thank you! I hoped it might be the case. 👍🏻 7y
kaysworld1 @JennAndrew I finished all 6 in 3 weeks there great. If you want a Good laugh try the bane chronicles by Cassandra Clare OMG hilarious 😂 I cried with laughter 6y
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Girl Up | Laura Bates
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@bookriot #riotgrams #selfhelp

I absolutely loved this book. It‘s such an awesome guide, primarily for teenage girls, but even as a supposed-grownup, I got a lot from it and was very inspired. Teenage boys could learn some valuable things from it too. Everyone could!

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Soul Music | Terry Pratchett
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@bookriot #RiotGrams #music

I absolutely love Terry Pratchett‘s Discworld novels and this one is probably my favourite. These books make me laugh out loud whenever I read them. Also, Death is one of my favourite characters- so endearing! I love this so very much 😍😍. I have a few of these beautiful hardcover editions, but not this one. It‘s very high on my wish list!

laurieluna Theres a Pratchett read along happening! We start the discworld novels next month. Ran by @TricksyTails under #ookbookclub 😄 7y
TricksyTails Thank you @miralunasbooknook ! Please feel free to join in the buddy read any time! We start The Colour of Magic on March 8. 😊 7y
Gezemice Pratchett is my favorite! So much fun! 7y
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JennAndrew @miralunasbooknook @TricksyTails That sounds awesome! Sorry- totally ignorant, but how does a buddy read work? 😬 7y
laurieluna @JennAndrew we all read the book over the month at our own pace, then have a group discussion at the end! We can also post and discuss it along the way. 7y
TricksyTails Thank you @miralunasbooknook 🤗♥️! If you have any more questions @JennAndrew please let me know! 😊 7y
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Boy, Snow, Bird: A Novel | Helen Oyeyemi
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New arrivals! #bookmail arrived today. Looking forward to both of these. Love the Boy, Snow, Bird cover. 😍 May have to read that one first 😄

Christine11 I‘ve got this Boy, Snow, Bird cover too and I love it too ! 😊 7y
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Power | Naomi Alderman
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Today‘s Book Riot #riotgrams photo prompt made me chuckle. In my experience, library workers are amongst the worst for having #AnUnreturnedBook or two lying around. Here‘s a small sample of mine 😬😂. All TBR, all too tempting to put back on the library shelves. I‘m particularly excited to read the tagged book. I just blinking love books! 😍📚❤️

Rapture | Carol Ann Duffy
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#heartsandhardcovers #red @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

I love Carol Ann Duffy! ❤️ Her poems are can be witty and cutting and laugh out loud hilarious, but she also writes beautiful love poems. Some of these make my heart ache. And the cover is just to die for!

Christine11 Beautiful cover ! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty!!! 7y
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How gorgeous is this cover?! Just stolen this from Waterstones‘ Instagram. I must read this! Their blurb:
‘Tomi Adeyemi conjures a stunning world of dark magic and danger in her West African-inspired fantasy novel, Children of Blood and Bone.‘ Sign me up!

JennAndrew Pre-ordered! It‘s not out until March, so I‘ll look forward to this arriving. May have slipped and ordered ‘Swing Time‘ and ‘Boy, Snow, Bird‘ at the same time! 😬 #blameitonlitsy 7y
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The Gargoyle | Andrew Davidson
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#riotgrams #hearts

I really enjoyed this book. The opening few chapters were a bit tough to get through, but it was thoroughly gripping. I read this with a book group who universally struggled with the opening and were almost all determined to dislike the book, but were all won over. I‘d definitely recommend. An unusual and beautiful love story. ❤️

Wuthering Heights | Emily Bront
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#MyBloodyValentine @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

I used to think that Heathcliff was The Most Romantic Man Ever and I used to read this over & over and swoon everywhere and declare that this was, ‘exactly how I feel!!!‘ And then I grew up a bit and realised that Heathcliff is not romantic, he‘s a psychopath and, thankfully, my beloved is not 😂. Not a hardcover, I‘m sorry, but a very well-loved, well thumbed edition. Need a beautiful hardcover!

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Glad to see your taste in men changed 😄 Perhaps I would have liked this book better if I had first read it when I was younger. I found all the relationships/personalities so toxic. But we tend to tolerate these types better when we're younger. For better or worse. 7y
CherryPie 😂👍 7y
JennAndrew @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego yes- so toxic! I read it last a few years ago when I was in my late 20‘s and was horrified! 😂 I think younger me thought the extreme behaviour was a demonstration of passion, but I‘ve definitely realised that‘s nonsense. Have you seen Uma Thurman‘s recent comments? She talks about our conditioning to think that way, but it is so important we move on from that idea that violence = love. 7y
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JennAndrew @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I feel I should that I‘ve been with the same guy throughout and he‘s nothing like a Heathcliff. Far more kind- and mentally stable! 7y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @JennAndrew I will have to look up the Uma interview. Makes sense though, we're taught from childhood that if a boy hits you/is mean to you then he likes you. We need to break that cycle! ... Glad to hear you found a keeper 😉 7y
JennAndrew @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I haven‘t read the whole interview yet, but she‘s talking about Weinstein & Quentin Tarantino and power and, from what I‘ve seen, it‘s very relevant. We do get that message from being so young. It‘s not ok! I get to teach my two girls a different way, but that cycle is huge. It‘s so daunting, but necessary! 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I haven‘t read this!! 🤭🙊 7y
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Time Traveler's Wife | Audrey Niffenegger
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#FierceFeb @Cinfhen @batsy

One of my absolute favourite books- one of the protagonists is a punk librarian, need I say anymore?! 😄😍 This books raises questions about the nature of love. It made me think about choice and free will and what it means to be chosen by someone else. And it‘s certainly #NoOrdinaryLove when one of the lovers in question is hurtled repeatedly through time. It‘s been a while and now I must re-read this!

batsy You had me at punk librarian! 😀 I definitely need to check it out. 7y
Centique This is one of my all time favourites. I wish Audrey Niffenegger would write some more novels! (edited) 7y
Cinfhen This book has been on my TBR for ages❣️❣️❣️I can't seem to find an inexpensive copy....I keep looking 🤞🏼 7y
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JennAndrew @Cinfhen this one is ex-library stock, so was very cheap. I don‘t own that many books these days- I work in a library and borrow most and buy only when it‘s something very special. At least, that was true until I joined Litsy- I‘ve spent what I‘d usually spend in 6 months in the 3-4 weeks since joining! 😂 No regrets! 7y
JennAndrew @Centique yes! I have two illustrated books of hers- The Three Incestuous Sisters and The Night Bookmobile- from the library to read but haven‘t gotten around to them yet because I‘m much more of a novel reader. This one is just so good, I‘m desperate for more! 7y
JennAndrew @batsy I‘d 100% recommend it! So cool 👌🏻 7y
Cinfhen Truth @JennAndrew I've tripled my book budget since joining Litsy 💸💸😬🙄 7y
Centique @Cinfhen I‘m going to keep an eye out over here for one for you. 😜 7y
Centique @JennAndrew Have you read Her Fearful Symmetry? Way creepier than this one! Night Bookmobile is creepy too but cool 👌 7y
Cinfhen Awww, thanks so much @Centique 😘 7y
JennAndrew @Centique I have. I didn‘t enjoy it quite as much as this one, but I did love it. It‘s definitely put Highgate Cemetery even higher on my list of places to visit next time I‘m in London! 😄 7y
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City of Bones | Cassandra Clare
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Finished this a couple of days ago but haven‘t had a chance to post. I‘d say it was a bit predictable and the protagonist was, at times, ignorant to the point of being unbelievable. Teenagers aren‘t that dim 😂. Overall though, I‘d say it was a pick because, faults aside, it was one of those rollicking adventures that totally picks you up and flies you away. I‘ve already started the 2nd & am looking forward to seeing how it all plays out.

Cinfhen Great review....this is why I don‘t enjoy YA.... 7y
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#riotgrams #belovedseries @bookriot

I briefly considered choosing something else, but to do so would be to dramatically misrepresent myself. This series is my most beloved. My heart belongs at Hogwarts. I will die a Potterhead, even if that means ferociously ignoring any and all new additions to the canon, as I see fit! 😂😂 Also, I must drop more hints about getting the rest of the illustrated editions! 😁👍🏻

Birdsong28 Do u count Cursed child or fantastic beast films ? I don't as Potter is just the series in your pic to me 📚📖 7y
JennAndrew @Birdsong28 honestly, no. I‘d love to see Cursed Child on stage as I‘ve heard they do the magic beautifully, but I think the story doesn‘t hold up. I love JKR so much, but I kind of think she and her associates need to step away from the Wizarding World and stop diluting the legacy. These books are perfect and they are my canon. So I absolutely agree with you! 😄👍🏻 (edited) 7y
Birdsong28 @JennAndrew Thank you. That's exactly what I feel as like you say its just diluting the originals and future generations will not know why we love it so much with these other weaker elements to it. They weren't needed as it's so rich anyway 😘📚📖 7y
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Asking For It | Louise O'Neill
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#FierceFeb #TooManyCreeps @Cinfhen @batsy

This wasn‘t an easy or satisfying read, but I think that‘s appropriate, given the content. It made me angry and distressed, as it should. I liked that the protagonist wasn‘t a ‘good‘ or even particularly likeable character. I appreciated that the wrongdoers weren‘t overtly evil, but recognisable, ‘good boys who got carried away‘. We have so much work to do. I look forward to more by Louise O‘Neill.

batsy Great description. This is the second time this book has come up this month; I definitely want to read it. 7y
Kalalalatja I agree with everything you said, perfect review! 7y
JennAndrew @batsy @Kalalalatja thank you 😊. I also enjoyed ‘Only Ever Yours‘, by the same author. A YA dystopia with a similar feminist feel 👍🏻. 7y
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Cinfhen Sorry I missed this post! I really WANT to read this book...even though YA is not my thing and I‘m curious about the other book you mentioned 7y
JennAndrew @Cinfhen they‘re two very different types of YA. Only Ever Yours is a dystopian future fantasy type, but Asking For It is more contemporary fiction that has teenage characters. If you‘re not into YA, I‘d go for AFI, although it is a difficult topic. 7y
Cinfhen I got that sense from the book blurbs...will definitely be looking for AFI 7y
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City of Bones | Cassandra Clare
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I‘m stuck home with flu this week 😭. Felt too rotten to read at the start of the week but feeling up to some YA now and have been reading this for a couple of days now. I wasn‘t sure how I‘d like it after reading mixed reviews, but I‘m hooked! I feel like I‘m going to race through this series 👍🏻😄.

Scurvygirl Feel better!! 7y
JennAndrew @Scurvygirl thank you! I‘m on the mend- just at the stage where I‘m wiped out exhausted, but past the worst. Nothing a day or two curled up (with plenty of fluids and books) won‘t solve! 7y
JessClark78 Hope you feel better soon! 7y
laurieluna Didn't see this! Hope you're feeling better now! X 7y
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The Well: A Novel | Catherine Chanter
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I‘m going to say it, this was... under-well-ming! 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 Sorry! Couldn‘t help myself. This was alright and kept me mostly interested, but was a fairly basic whodunnit. I felt the author chose the easiest option in the end and the most interesting part- the drought- wasn‘t explored in a satisfying way. Some interesting concepts and some irredeemably flawed characters. A decent debut. (Image by Curepi on DeviantArt)

Let the Games Begin | Niccol Ammaniti
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Listened to this on audio &, whilst usually an audiobook fan, I wish I‘d just read this. I think the satire didn‘t come across, which is a shame, because on consideration, it could have been very funny. Think the narrator gave the characters too much dignity! 😂 Some were hilariously absurd, some too unpleasant to be funny. I‘d probably give the author another go, but this was only OK.

Saga Volume 1 | Brian K Vaughan
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We‘re having a much needed week away, just the four of us. It‘s going to be fairly action packed, but I‘m hoping to get some decent reading time. I‘ve wanted to read Saga for ages and seeing it raved about on here prompted me to buy it as a holiday read. Can‘t wait to get started!

laurieluna This has been on my list for so long! Hope you have a wonderful time away! 😄 7y
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Double Fault | Lionel Shriver
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1. Anything chocolate- I‘ll take it all 👌🏻.
2. Netflix binge was Stranger Things, or Spooky Monsters with the kids, which is actually pretty cool. Currently re-watching Parks & Rec, my favourite, but that‘s on Prime.
3. The latest to stress me out was Double Fault by Lionel Shriver, and not in a fun way. I had to bail on the building marital tension 😬.
4. About 24 hours! 😄
5. I will when I figure out how to identify fellow newbies!

CherryPie I don't know how to identify noobs either! 😄 7y
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