Rewatching some Jessica Jones while i get more work done on the site to get it up by tomorrow. Maybe I will get to some audiobookin' before bed.
#NWC #PLC #TBRCrew #NewYear_NewYou
@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72
Rewatching some Jessica Jones while i get more work done on the site to get it up by tomorrow. Maybe I will get to some audiobookin' before bed.
#NWC #PLC #TBRCrew #NewYear_NewYou
@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72
This is for Vol. 1 of the Jessica Jones: Alias series.
I really enjoyed it. Jessica is so bad ass in the show I wanted to read the comics. They are really good but I prefer the Jessica in the show.
Jessica Jones is a former superhero who has traded in her costume for a private investigator badge, digging up the dirt on people, often finding out what people already suspect. While the book does a good job establishing the character and her role in the Marvel universe, it felt like a standard p.i. story. Potential definitely, but not completely fulfilled in this collection.
I loved this! I watched the first season of Jessica Jones with no background knowledge of Jessica Jones and enjoyed it. I finally decided to pick up the comic and enjoyed it 1000000% more. I will definitely continue reading Jessica Jones graphics.
#shortathon18 #jessicajones #graphicnovels #alias #booknerd #booklover #nycreader
Just reacquainting myself with JJ.
1. Telekinesis
2. Purple Man (Kilgrave)
3. Earth
4 Everyone
Did I forget to mention that I'm a supervillain 😈 😘
@LibrarianRyan #FandomFriday
#ReadingResolutions #RelatableCharacter @Jess7
Jessica's no nonsense tell it like it is NYC attitude is so relatable for me. Plus her jeans & t-shirts, flannels, leather coat & boots style totally relatable as well
[#ComicBookReview] Jessica Jones: Alias Volume 1. If you‘re a fan of Netflix‘s Marvel show Jessica Jones I definitely recommend checking out the comics! 📚🚬🥃
Full review:
I‘ve been MIA from Litsy lately and haven‘t done much reading for the last 2 weeks. I have been down the rabbit hole of depression again. 🙄 So frustrating. Planning another late night binge of Jessica Jones. I hope everyone is doing well. I will try to catch up on what everyone has been reading. If anyone else is struggling with depression, please know that you are not alone. Much love, Littens! ❤️❤️
How Im ending my Friday. Starting season 2 Jessica Jones.
Day 12 of #riotgrams - #FavoriteLeadingLadies
I for sure had to go with Jessica Jones. What a powerful character! She‘s my favorite hero. I find I relate a lot to her character, her story is all the feels.
Can‘t wait for s2 as well! 💜🖤📚 #jessicajones #marvel #comics #books #superheros #thriller #mondayreads #monday #leadingladies #women
I have mixed feelings on this one. I feel like I'm missing the whole back history on Jessica Jones although I do enjoy seeing a different side of the #superheroes.
As they are discussing The Thing 😂... #thepunofallpuns
Good Graphic novels. I kept comparing it to the Netflix series and saw some similarities. It was good to learn a little about the backstory.
After reading a lot of all-ages comics/graphic novels recently, I mixed it up with some decidedly adult fare. I had been meaning to check out Jessica Jones' adventures since I first saw the show, and thanks to a great library network, I finally got the chance!
#uncannyoctober day 22: #hatsandotherheadgear
Luckily the comic I'm reading at my kids' swim class has plenty of headgear-like things
I'm pretty sure this was the first superhero comic I've ever read. I watched the Netflix series a few months ago and it was interesting to see which things they changed and what they kept the same. I really liked both and I'm excited to read and watch more of Jessica's story!
2⭐️. Not for me. I found it boring. Full review on Goodreads.
I know nothing about Marvel and have never really taken to comics.
Nevertheless, I needed to find a "Superhero comic with a female lead" for #ReadHarder and Jessica Jones seemed closest to my style - world weary, hard-drinking and not super interested in being a superhero. This was like a comic book version of a Dashiell Hammett novel.
After watching the trailer for Jessica Jones I think I would enjoy this more as a TV series.
I often forget that I get free downloads through Amazon Prime but this was a good chance to try out the comic book functionality of my Kindle Paperwhite. This volume shows Jessica as the former superhero and new detective but does not introduce the darkest villain of all time that played a prominent role in the tv show (also on Amazon Prime). This a "mature content" comic with explicit content, not a surprise if you've seen the show.
#marchintoreading A favorite atypical #femalesuperhero of mine, private detective Jessica Jones, who decided to forgo the traditional cape and tights.
Finally making some progress with my reading challenges. #LitsyAtoZ #LetterA @BookishMarginalia #MountTBR #MadLibReadingChallenge2017 #NounThing @EclecticReaders #LitsyReadingChallenge2017 @jessica #OnTBROver1Year
I can't find this exact tpb here so just posting under general title. I love Jessica Jones. Alias was my (unintentional) intro to the Marvel universe years ago. Pulse was not as great - but I still liked it. When I saw this at the library I was super excited - more JJ and a new series!! Um, NOPE. These are issues collected from other series that happen to have Jessica in them. It's not cohesive I was confused more often than not. Disappointing.
This was one of three books that I have that has a full face on it... still not sure if I'm interpreting the #bookface photo challenge correctly. Ah well. My cats had some amusement watching me try to take this photo 😸 #readjanuary
30,000 litfluence!!! Thank you Litsy :) so glad to be part of this family and to serve as your Litsy librarian. What would I do without y'all?
Jessica Jones takes on politics. A rated R kind of superhero.
Here's the thing about this comic: Jessica is the same as she is in the Netflix show but the plot is different, and I'm okay with that. Bendis is a phenomenal writer and Jessica will always have a huge place in my heart, and I especially love Carol in these as well :)