#FandomFriday Mr. Rogers
1. Original. Although I wasn‘t aware there was a modern cartoon, but I‘d still go with original.
2. I always liked Mr. McFeely & the Trolley
3. Who doesn‘t love the Neighborhood of Make-Believe?
4. When Mr. Rogers met Koko
#FandomFriday Mr. Rogers
1. Original. Although I wasn‘t aware there was a modern cartoon, but I‘d still go with original.
2. I always liked Mr. McFeely & the Trolley
3. Who doesn‘t love the Neighborhood of Make-Believe?
4. When Mr. Rogers met Koko
Google has a lovely doodle video today. You should check it out.
1.original. I‘m not a fan of the cartoon. The original talked about real things and showed it in was to remove the “scary”
2. The Trolly. It always meant an adventure.
3. The post office. It intrigued me as a child on far away military bases.
4. No my favorite thing is not an episode but his testimony before congress to help fund PBS.
1. Zeppelin!
2. Legs for superspeed.
3. Puuupppyyy...
4. Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
#fandomfriday #steampunk @LibrarianRyan
1. Absolutely Zeppelin.
2. I'd love at least one mechanic eye
3. Kitties. I love those cute, meccanica kitties
4. The Golden Compass has been in my TBR forever
@LibrarianRyan #FandomFriday
1️⃣ Airship or zeppelin, since they are too functionally similar for their passengers to separate.
2️⃣ Eyes. I'm there already.
3️⃣ Mouse
4️⃣ Tagged
@LibrarianRyan #fandomfriday
1. Airship
2. Arm
3. Kraken!!
4. If you don‘t mind a little romance: Meljean Brook‘s The Iron Seas series. First one is tagged.
Is it weird that I could answer these questions without having to think about them?🧐😁
1. zeppelin unless Nemo is driving.
2. Mechanical glasses or an eye
3. Bumbersnoot from Etiquette and Espionage
4. The Golden Compass