I have a huge soft spot for Chelsea and I liked a good portion of this book, but I think it would have been better on audio.
I have a huge soft spot for Chelsea and I liked a good portion of this book, but I think it would have been better on audio.
I've been totally slacking on updating my reads on here, but good news is that I LOVED this one. It is probably one of my favorite books so far this year. It wasn't anything that I was expecting and I am so glad that I went into it not really knowing what it was about.
This was a super interesting early feminist piece of literature. I thought that it was a bit dry at times, but I enjoyed the concept and it's place in history.
I've been absolutely loving short stories lately and this collection was great.
This book was okay. Not as scary or interesting as I thought it would be, but I enjoyed the lore behind it. Not sure that I'll read the next one though.
I listened to this on audiobook. I really love how the author read it herself. It was cool to see a bit behind the scenes into the presidency and everything that it takes to keep it going smooth. I had never heard of Mastromonaco before this but I'm glad that I picked this up.
I liked this one. Selkies have been one of my favorite mythical creatures for a long time and this is the first book that I've read involving one. There were some issues with it but I really liked the writing style.
Gorgeous cover. Loved a handful of the stories, but wasn't in love with most of them.
Another YA that I really enjoyed. Although I didn't really like the last chapter. I felt like it didn't fit with the rest of the work, but this was a fast paced story that will keep you guessing.
I really loved this book. Something about the tone and feeling that it brought up was just perfect for the time I read it. I just love books that are set in LA and deal with the deal with the strange juxtaposition of the city.
Loved this short story collection. My favorite was honestly 'Take it from Cats' (and I love the cover too)
I never thought that I'd be the type of person to read and enjoy poetry, but Litsy has helped me to learn and grow in my reading life. This collection was beautiful. I can totally see why everyone raves about it.
I've been having a rough week, so I though that I'd reread one of my favorite books. It has probably been 3 years since I've read Pride and Prejudice and I'd forgotten just how masterful Austen is in this one. There is a reason why it is so popular.
Over half way through my reading challenge this year. I'm also doing great on my challenge to myself to read more diverse books. 33/40 books were written by women and 21/40 were written by POC. I've loved how many different perspectives I've read and I've discovered some new favorite books/authors.
Nighttime reading with this strange, wonderful work of art. Highly recommend.
This was tooth-rotting sweet and I loved it. Although she described all the people like they were in real life, I did just imagine the cast of Hamilton in the roles. I think it works just as well. While it may not be historically accurate, I just can't hate on it.
A great companion to We Should All Be Feminists.
This book made me angry and sad, but I feel that it was so important to read and try to understand. The nonsensical murders of Black people across this country angers me and I think all people should read this book. Black Lives Matter.
I actually enjoyed this more than I thought I would. Fanny Burney was a writer who heavily influenced Jane Austen and as I love Austen, I thought I would give this one a try. I could totally see how Burney would have influenced Austen's work and this one was just really fun.
Another YA that was fairly interesting and different. I did enjoy it.
Moose by Robert Sherman is a collection of memories and short stories from Sherman's life. They stretch from childhood, serving in WWII, working with Walt Disney, and more recent endeavors. Robert Sherman and his brother, Richard, are the amazing songwriting duo the Sherman Brothers. The write the music is Mary Poppins, Summer Magic, Winnie the Pooh, Happiest Millionaire and much more. I loved reading about Sherman's life experiences.
I like this, but it was hard for me to get through for some reason. I just felt like it wasn't anything new or revolutionary. I think I would have liked the audiobook way better.
I borrowed this off Overdrive purely for the gorgeous cover and I am so glad that I did. I don't think I have read any book before that had a similar narrative. The chapters alternated between Rowan, a half-black, privileged teen who finds an old murdered body in her family's home, and William, a half-native American dealing with the rise of the KKK and the Tulsa race riot of 1921. Both characters learn about race, privilege, and family. Loved it
Gorgeous Russian vintage classics. I just had to get them all.
This is one of those books that I think I wouldn't have enjoyed as much if I wasn't listening to it. Kendrick's narration was interesting and I really enjoyed it. I have actually seen very few of her movies and they are not any of my favorites, but I had such a great time listening to Kendrick tell her story.
Dude. After finally reading the Civil War II tie ins with PM&IF, can I just say that Carol Danvers is the worst? Preemptive punishment is awful and not fair and she is totally wrong. Anyone who agrees with her is also wrong. And she totally doesn't care that she is hurting people that DIDNT ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING WRONG. Also, this comic in general is a joy to my life. Love Luke and Danny and the rest of the gang.
I flew through this book. I think I read it at just the right time and it was amazing. I used to think that I just didn't like YA. But I think what it more likely true is that I don't like YA that isn't diverse. I will definitely continue trying different YA novel (if anyone has any suggestions, let me know) and I am going to pick up Medina's other works. I highly recommend this.
There really isn't anything new in this collection. It is exactly what it says on the tin. Stories from Norse Mythology told by Neil Gaiman. However, I really enjoyed listening to the audiobook. I already knew by heart all of the myths Gaiman tells, but he is an amazing storyteller and I 100% recommend the audiobook. I don't think I will get the print copy since I already have so many other versions of the myths, but I will listen to this again.
For this #blackhistorymonth I decided I would spend the month only reading books by and about people of color. Honestly, I think I have found some new favorite authors, learned a whole lot of interesting and important things, and I look forward to continuing to read diverse books.
This is one of those books that I cannot say I enjoyed reading in anyway, but I found important. Focusing on the War on Drugs within Mass Incarceration, Alexander writes about how the justice system is a new racial caste created on the heels of Jim Crow. There was so much information in this book that I had never considered or heard before and I recommend it to anyone interested. The introduction and first chapter were absolutely brilliant.
After reading some very heavy nonfiction this month, Akata Witch was an absolute delight to read. I loved it. I will definitely be reading the sequel when it comes out later this year.
This set of graphic memoirs is one of the most painful, yet inspirational things I have ever read. I have the highest amount of respect for Sen. John Lewis and all those involved in the movement. I read these at the same time that I read 'You Can't Kill Us All' which gave me some perspective on the present and it is easy to see that the work is not done. We must continue the work and continue to get into good trouble.
I know this sounds kinda ridiculous, but I cried through this entire book. I learned about the Civil Rights Movement in school, but never in this much detail and from a real person's view point. I just don't understand how people can hate others based on their race and even though it has been 40+ years since these things happened, we still have work to do. God bless the souls of all those who fought/died for equality & those who still are fighting
This is an important book that follows the beginnings of the Black Lives Matter movement until the summer of 2016. I knew of all the police shootings and protests that were discussed in this book, but the insight and connections that Lowery draws are vital to understanding how this came to be, as a young white woman who has lived a very privileged life. Be an intersectional Feminist or no feminist at all. And most importantly: Black Lives Matter.
Sadly, I'm doing a #bookunhaul today. After counting that I have over 600 books, I figured that I should go through my shelves and see what I don't need or what I've read and not liked enough to keep. This was just one quick look through. Why is getting rid of books so hard?
I might have given in and bought a new audio book. Did I need it? No. But I have been obsessed with mythology since I was in middle school and I wanted it. It will be fun to see how Gaiman's versions differ from the other ones I've read.
#riotgrams Day Thirteen: #pinkcovers Here are some of my favorite pink covers.
#riotgrams Day Eleven: Favorite Children's Book. I was obsessed with this book when I was younger. I love Egypt and learning about ancient cultures in general. This book even led to me listening to a college course by Prof. Bob Brier at the age of 11. I read this so much in 3rd grade, that my teacher gave me her classroom copy. (Also, check that diverse group of MC. Pretty good.)
#riotgrams Day Ten: #comics I have hundreds of comics (new and old) but my prize possession is definitely every issue of the West Coast Avengers from the 80's. I love Comic Hawkeye, Mockingbird, Tigress, Rhodey Iron Man (who is better than Stark), and everyone else involved. It is way more fun and campy than the original Avengers. And the annuals involve coast vs coast softball games. #westcoastavengers I think you mean #BESTcoastavengers
Normally, I am awful at listening to audiobooks. My mind wanders and I can't keep my attention on it. This one was completely different. I was enthralled by Noah's story and voice. I knew who he was before this, but I didn't really know his past. It is so important to listen to life experiences that are completely different from our own and I definitely recommend this on audio.
#riotgrams Day Nine. I was named after Katie Scarlett O'Hara. (Except my mom spelled it Katee Scarlett). My mom says it's because she wanted me to be a headstrong and independent woman who knows herself and what she wants. Even though the book is pretty problematic, I am thankful for the fact that my mom gave me such a strong name. (I also have like 10x more GWTW mementos in storage. These are just my favorites.)
John Lewis is one of my heroes. I think that reading accounts of the Civil Rights Movement is so important in this current day. This is definitely how integral it is for everyone to stand up for justice. I am going to start Book Two right away.
#riotgrams Day Eight: #blackhistory These are some of my most recent buys for Black History Month. Reading March right now.
#riotgrams I love going to my local library, but I'm not able to make it as much as I would like. However, I am ALWAYS borrowing from my library's overdrive.