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Miss Jane: A Novel
Miss Jane: A Novel | Brad Watson
Longlisted for the National Book Award for Fiction: Astonishing prose brings to life a forgotten woman and a lost world in a strange and bittersweet Southern pastoral. Since his award-winning debut collection of stories, Last Days of the Dog-Men, Brad Watson has been expanding the literary traditions of the South, in work as melancholy, witty, strange, and lovely as any in America. Now, drawing on the story of his own great-aunt, Watson explores the life of Miss Jane Chisolm, born in rural, early-twentieth-century Mississippi with a genital birth defect that would stand in the way of the central "uses" for a woman in that time and place: sex and marriage. From the highly erotic world of nature around her to the hard tactile labor of farm life, from the country doctor who befriends her to the boy who loved but was forced to leave her, Miss Jane Chisolm and her world are anything but barren. The potency and implacable cruelty of nature, as well as its beauty, is a trademark of Watsons fiction. In Miss Jane, the author brings to life a hard, unromantic past that is tinged with the sadness of unattainable loves, yet shot through with a transcendent beauty. Jane Chisolms irrepressible vitality and generous spirit give her the strength to live her life as she pleases in spite of the limitations that others, and her own body, would place on her. Free to satisfy only herself, she mesmerizes those around her, exerting an unearthly fascination that lives beyond her still.
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Miss Jane: A Novel | Brad Watson
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I felt like this was a better portrait of Dr. Thomas than Miss Jane, partly because Watson seems better at writing men than women, partly because there was so much focus on his inner life. The peacocks are his (and the cover makes you think Jane Austen will figure into it, while it‘s Jane Eyre. There are beautiful descriptions and contemplative language.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful cover 💙 6d
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson


Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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Been loving Americana literature and this one did not disappoint. I love this story for its sympathy and sweet portrayal of female disability. Great read

Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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a delightful and relevantly educating piece. I enjoyed and appreciated the excellent choice of words and elegant style of writing. 4.8/5

BethM Welcome to the best place on the internet! Check out @Chrissyreadit for tips and tricks! 2y
tpixie Welcome to Litsy. Everyone is friendly here, but one way to find friends is to find books you like and friend those that also like the books! Also, check out @LitsyHappenings 2y
Deblovestoread Welcome! 2y
marleed Welcome to my favorite place in the virtual world! 2y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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“Especially if both were disposed to darkness of spirit?”

Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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Mellow and beautiful. Perhaps not suited for everyone since it just breaks all rules about how you are supposed to construct a compelling story — and never gives the reader what he/she wants.

Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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I made my own Crème de cassis so lots of Kirs from now on!

Erofan 😃👍 6y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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Ok I said I would return with a report on my incontinent book. It really wasn't bad for a book about a woman with a genetic disorder, the author has an amazing knack for character descriptions. I just have to giggle at the thought of his proposal to the publisher yeah the book is about a woman who lives with incontinence her whole life. Good writing but I finished and went MEH.

Miss Jane | Brad Watson

My review on Goodreads was apparently controversial because I dared to say that the main character was too passive, too dependant on other people and that she resigns herself to a bland life without a fight... I stand by those opinions.

BookishMe While I don't share your views, I don't see anything controversial about your conclusions. Each reader perceives characters and story differently 6y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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Spending the day with Miss Jane.

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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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This is my pre-book club rating. I always leave book club liking the book more than when I went in, though, so maybe I‘ll rank it again in a few hours.

It was well written, but not a lot happened, and I felt a lot of the “seams” were showing — like Mrs. Chisholm doesn‘t get referred to as “Ida” until page 150, and then gets called Ida a lot, as if the author didn‘t think of a name for her until Halfway in.

emilyhaldi Beautiful cover though 😍 7y
ReadingRover That cover is amazing! 7y
Librosycafe Hmm sounds like it needed development in creating the name. Other than that, I love the cover. 7y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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First read of 2018 to prepare for my first book club meeting of 2018. So far, 50 pages of hinting around at a baby‘s gynecological deformity.

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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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I dont know how productive I'll be, but I want to at least finish Miss Jane and start on one of the other two!

#SpookyOctober #OctoterTBR

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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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Honestly, I picked this up primarily because of the beautiful cover. I'm glad to say I really enjoyed it. Its not plot driven, but rather, a quiet little story with beautiful writing.

BookishFeminist Pretty photo! Love the flowers. 7y
monalyisha OoOOo you're making me want to read it even more than I already did! 😍 7y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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Gorgeous cover!

saraisabel What is it about? 7y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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My SILs took us to Union Ave Books in Knoxville today and here is part of my fun haul-- Miss Jane and artsy bookmarks from two Edwards...Gorey and Hopper! #bookhaul #bookmarks

diovival Love that cover! 7y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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This was one of those books that is pleasant enough to read, but you are still waiting for the story to begin as you turn the last page.

Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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I'm going to give this one a try. I'm still having trouble with heavier books, but this might be doable. Plus, it is for one of my book clubs, so I have to read it anyway. #books #MissJane #BradWatson

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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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Ahhh trying to be better about working out!!! Reading helps 😂

TheNextBook Someone told me that working out is a really great way to try audiobooks! 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto Books make cardio possible. 😂 7y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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Next author at the #alabamabookfestival .... Brad Watson.

MeggsKY I want to read Miss Jane so bad!! Holding out for the paperback release .... 8y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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This beauty will be in the mail this week #BookClubGoingPostal #MyBookSwap #LitsyGoesPostal have you read this?

[DELETED] 3604292746 That is a beautiful cover!! 😍 8y
tricours It's on my to read list! 8y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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#shepersisted in maintaining her independence and dignity despite the birth defect.

I was amazed by the impeccable writing in this slow paced story.

Susanita Beautiful cover! 8y
BookishMe @Susanita yes, the meaning becomes apparent towards the end of the story, complemented by the lovely prose 8y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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apparently I managed to complete part of #santhiReads2017 -
to read 6 authors new to me.
Last year I managed to read 35 writers (fiction) out of the targeted 52. I expect to continue discovering other authors this year

Miss Jane:
I was impressed with Watson's impeccable writing, despite the slow pace. The book came to my attention through a Facebook book club and I am glad to have made this book a January priority.

Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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#bookmail 📚❤️

BookFreakOut ❤️ Heartless 8y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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Heard so many good things about this and the cover is so amazing; can't wait! #LitsyAtoZ @BookishMarginalia #MissJane #BradWatson

BookishMe Impeccable writing even if it moves at a slow pace 8y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson

Miss Jane is a quiet novel, but oh the writing is so beautiful! It won't become a favorite for me but it's a solid read.

Miss Jane | Brad Watson

Left me a bit hopeless and unsettled but also oddly comforted.

Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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A+ Saturday right here.

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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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Beautiful & quiet exploration of a woman's life. Watson did a superb job conveying the emotions tied to each of Jane's setbacks & triumphs. It's not necessarily an exciting or thrilling story, but I found the writing compelling all the same. Would be a good pick for readers interested in literary fiction but intimidated by giant books (this comes in under 300 pgs). My first time reading Watson, but I'll be seeking out more of his work!

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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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I‘ve still got about 60 pages left before I finish this, but I have to make this my #recommendsday pick. This little-ish book packs a punch with beautiful, thoughtful prose. Jane's story, while heartbreaking at times, is captivating. If I didn't have to be up early in the morning for work I would be staying up to read more!

Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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What a beautiful, quiet, contemplative masterpiece. I doubt I will ever forget Miss Jane, and I will hold Dr. Thompson up as an example of compassionate physician-hood for the medical students I teach.

Libby1 Funny, but I assumed from the artwork on the cover that this book was about Jane Austen. It is similar to some editions of Pride and Prejudice. How wrong I was! 8y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson

Oh, this book. This beautiful book. The doctor and Jane are two of the most lovingly written characters I've ever had the privilege to meet.

Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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I can already tell I will love Brad Watson's writing.

MrBook I like it too! 8y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson

Author Silas House just posted a list of his favorite books of '16 that includes more than the usual suspects.

Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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Amazing!! Just a lovely, bittersweet tale that reads like a classic. Won't soon forget it!!

Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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How disappointing. This story just feel flat for me, there was little sense of time passing and the characters were oddly lifeless and undeveloped. I chose it based mostly on the lovely cover (unfortunately marred here by library preservation) but the blurb made me expect more.

saresmoore I hate it when a cover and a blurb mislead! This one is really pretty and I love the photo, too. 8y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore I almost bought this one for the cover alone, glad I waited for the library copy instead 8y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore PS Thanks, I have so many scarves I can usually find one that coordinates 😉 8y
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CrowCAH @Moray_Reads beautiful picture arrangement! Love the cameo! 8y
Moray_Reads @CrowCAH That's my other Miss Jane (Austen). It seemed fitting 😉 8y
Nic_Schuck I was a bit bummed with this as well. Have loved everything Brad Watson has done, yet this one just never really got going for me. 8y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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"She was thinking about people who came in through the door at a normal size but started growing then, becoming huge, giants, and as she passed through that image into sleep her body felt heavy, massive, so much so that she was unable to move, and sleep overcame her and moved through her like death."

Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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Miss Ruby suggests that you read Miss Jane, about a woman with a genital deformity who lives a life of curious solitude. Beautifully written and my final book for my ten book reading challenge to read all of the NBA longlist. #2016nbaficlonglist

Bette ❤️🐱 8y
MrBook 😻😻😻 8y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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My Saturday morning routine used to include a 20-minute walk to Capitol Book and News, our independent bookstore, with a stop for coffee on the way. But last January the owners retired and closed the bookstore. Now I rely on book mail from Amazon.com. Happy to receive these, but today I am missing my neighborhood bookstore! #booknerdproblems #bookmail #photoofthedaynov16

Moray_Reads I saw Miss Jane in my local bookshop and managed to resist (for now!) but the cover is so beautiful 8y
8little_paws I'm reading Miss Jane now and it's great 8y
Kimzey @Moray_Reads I do love the cover! 8y
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Kimzey @8little_paws Great to know. I'll keep an eye out for your review! 8y
DivineDiana Homegoing is a powerful book! 8y
Kimzey @DivineDiana Looking forward to reading it! 8y
LisaJo I was searching for what people thought about Miss Jane by Brad Watson because he's going to be at the Alabama book festival. As you know I'm sure. And I saw your post about Capitol Books. I was very sad last year when I went to the book festival and Capitol Books was no longer there. I would always wait and get my book festival books there so I could support the book store and because I really liked the people. Your post made me a little sad. 😭 (edited) 8y
Kimzey @LisaJo We'll need to connect at the Book Festival! Brad Watson is also receiving the Harper Lee Award at the Alabama Writers Symposium in Monroeville. Yaa Gyasi will be a keynote speaker there. Can't wait! Yes, I'm still sad about Capitol Book and News. (edited) 8y
LisaJo @Kimzey We will have to connect for sure. We will have to figure out a place and time. #littensmeetup Wow! Yay Gyasi, that is spectacular. 8y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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#photoadaynov16 here's my book and brew for today. I'm feeling very half hearted today to say the least. I work in admin at a school with a large population of students of color, and a noticeable Muslim population as well. The students and faculty are going to be on edge today. I have a lot of thoughts I'm still working through. @RealLifeReading

rachellayown Yes. Today is so incredibly difficult. 💔 8y
saresmoore But your compassion can overcome so much pain. Sending love your way today. 💙 8y
Librariana #imwithyou Sending lots of extra 💙💙💙💙 your way. We're gonna be ok... we're gonna work through this... we have our books and each other, this community of like-minded individuals. 8y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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Hmm, I was very undecided on pick or so-so for this one. I grabbed it at the library because I loved the cover, started reading and really liked it but as it went on it sort of became just ok, so 😐

Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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Inspired by the author's great-aunt, this story of a young girl with a genital birth defect growing up on a Mississippi farm in the 1920's-30's was only "meh" for me. Though Jane's struggle to live a normal life kept me reading, I got bored when the story veered into descriptions of American pastoral life at that time. PS - the feather is the headpiece to my daughter's peacock Halloween costume.

Gulfsidemusing Love the photo!👌 8y
Sarahsbookshelves @Lakesidemusing Thank you! It was kind of a stretch theme-wise, but gotta work with what I have around! 8y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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Just staring this while I wait for my son to arrive but it's tough when everyone's so sleepy! Cuddly puppies make me sleepy!❤️💤

Eyelit 💙🐶 8y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A beautifully written story about a woman born with a genital defect and her acceptance of herself.

LauraJ Hmm, a congenital genital abnormality. Very interesting. 8y
SharonGoforth @LauraJ It is, and the author handles it well. 8y
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Miss Jane | Brad Watson

I just finished this book and can honestly say it's one of the best books I've ever read. And I've been reading for many years. The synopsis might sound like something you would normally pass by, but give it a chance. You might find that you enjoy it. Miss Jane is an amazing person.