Winter reading #thewifebetweenus #bookofthemonth
Another one in the books (pun intended!) 📚 #dianagabaldon #drumsofautumn #outlander
I always say I will read just one book at a time yet this is how my book stack looks once again...
The perfect addition to my Scandinavian collection #norsemythology #neilgaiman
Burton's books have the most beautiful covers... good thing I enjoy her story telling, too :) 📚 📖 #themuse #jessieburton
Heard so many good things about this and the cover is so amazing; can't wait! #LitsyAtoZ @BookishMarginalia #MissJane #BradWatson
Ready to devour The Vegetarian! #LitsyAtoZ @BookishMarginalia
A fitting reminder for today. #thistooshallpass #LitsyAtoZ @BookishMarginalia
Usual reading blanket and usual reading buddy. I do feel like I should be reading on the beach with this book though.
Ran out and got this yesterday after listening to @Liberty on All the Books podcast. Quiet house = reading time! UPDATE: um, wow... what just happened!? #LitsyAtoZ @BookishMarginalia
#LitsyAtoZ @BookishMarginalia Loving my "O" selection for 2017 Litsy AtoZ challenge. #MonicaWood #TheOne-in-a-MillionBoy
Picked up this great Yann Martel book and Ian McEwan's "Amsterdam." Love love love library book sales ❤️ ?
Holiday book haul... so far 📚
This has been on my bookshelf forever. Finally the right time to read it! #sarahdunant
Just started and already really loving it. #emmadonoghue #thewonder
Longest book this year was The Pillars of the Earth. I've been considering World Without End and the Century Trilogy for a long time now too, just haven't taken the plunge. Everyone raves about them but Pillars wasn't my favorite. Anyone read them? What do you think; should I go for it? #goodreads #thepillarsoftheearth #kenfollett
Book of the Month Club: My two favorite days of every month... When the monthly selections are announced and when my package finally arrives 📚 #bookofthemonthclub #bookofthemonth #swimminglessons #clairefuller
It's weird to me that this book is taking so long to get through. I'm enjoying it (just like the first two Cormoran Strike books, which I devoured) but I keep reading a bit, putting it down, reading something else and then come back to it. I just need to sit down and finish it! #careerofevil #robertgalbraith #cormoranstrike
Tough reading about the ocean and heat in southern Spain when I'm at home in the cold and snow. Still finding a way to enjoy it though. #hotmilk #deborahlevy Update: This was an interesting read, not my favorite but overall is was pretty good.
About halfway through this book and it is nothing short of AMAZING. UPDATE: Finished just as strong as it started. I really loved this book and have so much respect for Noah and his incredible mother. Read this book!! #bornacrime #trevornoah #LitsyAtoZ @BookishMarginalia
As the cover suggests, I already think this one is going to be "a gem." Plus, it matches my blanket, so... win-win #therednotebook #antoinelaurain #LitsyAtoZ @BookishMarginalia
This novella is so beautiful inside and out. If you like Backman's other works (which I'm in love with) you'll like this too. His writing is magical to me. This, like all his books, is so painfully sweet it guarantees at least a few tears. #LitsyAtoZ @BookishMarginalia #fredrikbackman #andeverymorningthewayhomegetslongerandlonger
Apparently, I'm just really into these short, sweet Swedish reads right now. #LitsyAtoZ @BookishMarginalia #fredrikbackman
Have you ever seen such a beautiful book? It's a gift; going to be hard to hand this one over. Maybe she'll let me borrow it... #otherwordly #beautifulbooks
So excited for book 10!! #theflamebearer #bernardcornwell
Audiobook listen, made for an easy road trip. Great book, enjoyable reader. @N.rebecca #stevenrowley #lilyandtheoctopus
Sleepy Saturday morning with coffee, a fire and The Invoice. ☕️ 📚 #theinvoice #jonaskarlsson #LitsyAtoZ @BookishMarginalia I loved this book! Quick read, adorable story. An instant favorite for me.
Love sharing my books. So glad this gem is getting a second read @N.rebecca #lostandfound