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Vilette | Charlotte Bront
CHARLOTTE BRONT (1816-1855), daughter of Patrick Bront, an Irishman, perpetual curate of Haworth, Yorkshire. Charlottes mother died in 1821. Leaving five daughters and a son to the care of their aunt, Elizabeth Branwell. Four of the daughters were sent to a Clergy DaughtersSchool at Cowan Bridge, which Charlotte portrayed as Lowood in "Jane Eyre". In 1825 her two elder sisters died. The surviving children pursued their education at home; they read widely, and became involved in a rich fantasy life that owes much to their admiration of Byron, Sir Walter Scott, the "Arabian Nights", the "Tales of the Genii" and the engravings of J. Martin. They began to write stories, to produce magazines. Charlotte and Branwell collaborate in the elaborate invention of the imaginary kingdom of "Angria" and Emily and Anne in the invention of "Gondal". "Villette" is an 1853 novel by Charlotte Bront. After an unspecified family disaster, the protagonist Lucy Snowe travels from England to the fictional French-speaking city of Villette to teach at a girls' school, where she is drawn into adventure and romance.
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Oof what an ending and what a lovely book— don‘t get me wrong, Jane Eyre is fantastic but why don‘t more people read Villette or The Professor?!

Speaking of which…happy graduation, my friends! Congratulations to all who celebrate 🎉 my colleagues and I truly love seeing everyone walk across the stage 🎓

Villette | Charlotte Bront
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I loved this one the first time I read it, enough to buy a new edition because the one that I had was very ugly. First time I got really invested and it did take me into a rabbit hole of darkness.

Although I found interesting the reread now that I know it's largely based on Charlotte Brönte's experiences and it has beautifully written chapters,I did struggle a bit with all the comments and thoughts about Protestantism and the English chauvinism⬇️

We have like in Jane Eyre the two male characters, the handsome intelligent Dr John (although this time a nice and not controlling like St John) in which Lucy has zero interest; and the ugly-toxic-what are you thinking about? (sans wife locked in the attic this time) that our heroin find irresistible. Really makes you wonder about the author's life. @Jas16 #24in2024
Jas16 Great job! 5mo
Ruthiella Yeah, that does appear to be her MO. 😆 Lucy‘s behavior drove me bonkers in this book. Still, it was a good read and appreciated Lucy/Charlotte sticking to their guns. 5mo
nanuska_153 @Jas16 Thanks! Slow and steady wins the race 🐢 5mo
nanuska_153 @Ruthiella same, what I couldn't stand was how Graham asked her directly her opinion about Ginevra and she didn't alert him. I know he might have been in too deep to believe her, but she should have been open and tell him: "she's a vain and frivolous and she's not that into you, don't believe me if you don't want to, but my duty as a friend is done". You don't care for people and just stay on the sidelines like a fly 5mo
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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"I could not go in: too resistless was the delight of staying with the wild hour, black and full of thunder, pealing out such an ode as language never delivered to man - too terribly glorious, the spectacle of clouds, split and pierced by white and blinding bolts", in "Villette", by Charlotte Bronte.

Villete | Charlotte Bront
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#UnderTheWeather has its roots in maritime language. When a sailor became ill or seasick, often because of violent weather conditions, that sailor was sent below decks to the most stable part of the ship, which was under the weather rail. The phrase under the weather rail was shortened to the idiom under the weather.

The quote by Lucy on a ship is from this “Ten of the Best: Cases of Sea Sickness” article: https://shorturl.at/nPV07

rwmg Interesting. Whenever I've felt seasick I've always felt much worse in an enclosed space. 12mo
DebinHawaii @rwmg Same! I thought the best way to ease it was to look at the horizon or something! 🤷🏻‍♀️ 12mo
Eggs Perfection 🚢 12mo
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Vilette was my March #Bookspin. I just wasn‘t invested enough in this one. Maybe some day I will come@back to it. Otherwise I had a great reading month. Percival Everett‘s The Trees was by far my favorite read (my #Doublespin) followed by Foster by Claire Keegan and The Poet X. No #BookspinBingo as usual. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great month!!! 1y
Litsi Hate this book 1y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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My love for Jane Eyre isn't enough to keep me reading this book. It draaags, and there's a big detail that Lucy keeps to herself that has given me pause. If this isn't an oversight by Brontë, Lucy is either very careless in her recounting (which doesn't feel like the case) or she really doesn't like the reader. But then, she seems not to like a lot of people, so why should the reader be any different? Still, not enjoyable, so I'm calling it quits.

ImperfectCJ As a side note, this is the Amazon purchase that first got me thinking they weren't a good place to get books. This is one of those awful no-longer-under-copyright printings that Amazon started sending to me when I ordered classics, even when I specifically ordered a particular edition by ISBN. Unforgivable. 1y
Clare-Dragonfly I agree, Lucy really doesn‘t like the reader! And Amazon‘s quality control is not what it used to be. 1y
SamAnne Ugh. I‘m also trying to slog through this one, which I started in January. I just haven‘t gotten invested and I‘m irritated by the same things you mention. To bail or not to bail…. 1y
ImperfectCJ @SamAnne A lot of people really seem to like this one, and usually I love an unreliable (even hostile) narrator, so maybe I'm missing something by bailing. I figure I can always come back to it later. 1y
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Vilette | Charlotte Bront
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Audiowalk scene this afternoon. The landscape doesn't match the tone of the book very well, but I enjoyed it anyway. I'm going to need to look at the print book to decipher the French in this novel. Duolingo hasn't prepared me well enough for comprehending through listening alone.

catiewithac I‘m listening to SPQR and hearing Latin read aloud is giving me flashbacks to high school and college 😂 2y
ImperfectCJ @catiewithac I didn't start learning Latin until my elder kid wanted to learn it (well, initially they wanted to learn Ancient Greek, but I talked them into starting with Latin), and we co-learned for a few years until I hired a tutor. SPQR is one I started, enjoyed, and never finished. I should go back to it on audio! 2y
BarbaraBB What a gorgeous photo 🥰 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Apparently not done talking about the Lookingglass production of Villette and how it introduces us to Lucy Snow yet. https://youtu.be/hPzNwMqSgpA

Villette | Charlotte Bront
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If you‘re a Brontë fan in Chicago, jump on the opportunity to see the Lookingglass production of Villette. I absolutely loved this production that so successfully and succinctly distilled Villette and Lucy Snow. There are major cuts to the text, but as a book lover and dramaturg, I believe this is an example of cuts done well.

batsy Wow! I'd love to see that 🤩 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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I understand that it's highly autobiographical, and I appreciate Brontë's reflection and psychological observations; but these weren't enough to make me like the book. It was slow, there were so many coincidences, and at points it was terribly overwritten. But most of all, it really bugged me that Lucy was falling for someone who repeatedly insulted her and invaded her privacy. Maybe Charlotte fell for jerks, too... ⬇️

eeclayton but that doesn't make me root for this guy.

Thanks for making this long buddy read enjoyable @BarkingMadRead When I was really frustrated with the book, your posts and the #pemberlittens comments helped me to continue 😊
BarkingMadRead I‘m glad we were able to help you get through it 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Overall, I‘m giving this a pick, but it‘s not an incredibly strong one. I found Lucy‘s story interesting and I‘m glad I read it, although there were plenty of frustrating aspects. Reading it as part of a readalong absolutely helped with the reading experience.

A bit more elaboration under a spoiler tag in the comments. ⬇️

#PemberLittens #audiobook #1001books

Daisey Normally, an ambiguous ending like this one would make me a bit crazy, but in this case it made me feel this was as close as Charlotte Bronte thought she could get to actually giving her main character a happily independent life. So, I choose to believe Paul died and she went on running her school successfully alone. 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Well. Not exactly sure how I feel about this but I‘d have to say it‘s a pick because I‘m glad I read it. On the other hand, my favorite character was probably the most shallow and self centered of the bunch, so I may just have odd taste. Also, @BarkingMadRead led the buddyread and I like anything she hosts.

BarkingMadRead You‘re so sweet, and I‘m glad it wasn‘t a total wash! 2y
EvieBee Which character? 2y
Bklover @EvieBee Ginevra! She just cracked me up. She just did and said whatever the hell she wanted, was manipulative and snarky, and it just made me laugh. Of course I wouldn‘t want to know her personally!! 2y
EvieBee @Bklover LOL! She was a trip! I love your take on that. 2y
Clare-Dragonfly I agree—Ginevra is a great character! Just not someone I‘d want to spend time with 😆 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Our group #Pemberlittens just finished reading this one in a group buddy read. I love reading books like this with a group as it‘s fun to get everyone‘s opinions. I liked this one although I‘m not thrilled with how it ended. Than again it‘s a Brontë book so it tracks. Still, I enjoyed the book and the characters.

Villette | Charlotte Bront
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I'm not sure how I feel about this one. The characters were generally unlikeable, the plot was hard to follow at times, and the ending was ambiguous. Yet I found myself rooting for Lucy despite her making some terrible decisions 😅
Overall I'm glad I read it with our #pemberlittens group because I may not have finished it otherwise. Thanks @BarkingMadRead for hosting

BarkingMadRead I feel like this is the general consensus about this one 🤣 2y
suvata @BarkingMadRead No. I really enjoyed it but I‘m often the “odd man out”. 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Not entirely sure how to rate or review this. I really liked the writing style which is important to me, and there‘s a lot to unpack here so I‘m glad I finished it. But I didn‘t enjoy the second half. I kept wanting to scream at the characters like I was watching a b movie. Not sure I would have stuck with it if it wasn‘t a #pemberlittens #chapteraday read, and it was definitely @BarkingMadRead ‘s hashtags that kept it enjoyable, so huge thanks!

BarkingMadRead Glad I could help lol 2y
SarahBookInterrupted @BarkingMadRead same for me! I would have bailed too. I‘m glad I finished it, but it‘s not a pick for me. I gave it a so-so. 2y
Ruthiella OMG @BarkingMadRead ‘s hashtags were hilarious! 😂 #Thiswholebookisacoincident (edited) 2y
BarkingMadRead @Ruthiella I‘m glad they helped!! 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Part two of the review I saw on goodreads

IndoorDame I like that point of view. It‘s not an enjoyable read, but it is an interesting one. I‘ve heard it described as Charlotte‘s most autobiographical and complex book. 2y
BarkingMadRead @IndoorDame it really changed how I looked at it. I‘m still super frustrated but I understand it a little better 2y
IndoorDame @BarkingMadRead totally agree! 2y
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Bookwormjillk It was brave to write a book with an ending like that. 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk I agree! Definitely not the norm 2y
TheBookHippie I love this book -so sorry my recovery took me out of the reread for me. Brontes have always been my zen 🖤 my dark little complicated heart fell in love with this book when I was 17! 😂 2y
batsy @TheBookHippie That's so cool! I read it in my early 20s and felt seen—not sure I should be revealing this anywhere 😂 CB does complicated and complex like no other 💜 2y
TheBookHippie @batsy HA. Exactly!!! 🖤 it was comforting to me. 2y
Bklover Thanks for sharing this review! I‘m not sure that Lucy hates us but it certainly seems like Charlotte Brontë might! 2y
Clare-Dragonfly Very interesting! I don‘t know if I agree that Lucy hates us, but she certainly doesn‘t like or trust us, it‘s true. What it really makes me wonder is—why tell her story? Jane telling hers makes sense. (edited) 2y
Ruthiella For sure she doesn‘t trust us! 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Part 1 of the review someone posted on goodreads

Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Chapter 41: y‘all. Wtf just happened? #paulisfinallycominghome #orishe #iveneverwantedtothrowabookharder #wedidit #wefinished #pemberlittens check out the comments for a review I saw that I loved.

BarkingMadRead I couldn‘t copy and paste the review so I took screenshots. I will post them without tags, so check my profile page….. 2y
IndoorDame In the penguin classics version I was reading the last note talks about Brontë wanting him to drown at the end and her father asking her to change it or soften it somehow, and included part of a letter to her publisher about how the reader could pick the ending according to their disposition now. 2y
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BarkingMadRead @IndoorDame oh wow, that‘s interesting. 2y
BarkingMadRead I was all prepared to be irritated by her happy ending, it was so bizarre the way it ended! 2y
Bookwormjillk @IndoorDame so choose your own ending? 2y
IndoorDame @Bookwormjillk I mean, yeah, I guess so. The text literally says to stop and leave hope for sunny dispositions, and then goes on to say that a bunch of side characters fared well but leaves out Lucy and Paul, so I think you have to decide what happens to them after the text ends. 2y
peanutnine Lol I was so confused when she breezed over her ending, I went back on the audio twice cause I thought I missed it! 😂 @IndoorDame it's interesting how she chose to leave it open-ended for the reader but honestly I would have been fine if she just killed him off and Lucy lived happily ever after alone 😅 2y
SarahBookInterrupted Yes the end was so disappointing. After all the confusion with the storyline in the very least make a decision on the ending. Good or Bad…just something. 2y
SarahBookInterrupted @IndoorDame I‘m glad to know this. I think her ending would have been better then nothing at all. 2y
BarkingMadRead @peanutnine I like the idea of her happily ever after not including Paul, I really don‘t think marrying him would have made her happy. I think she would have done it to make him happy 2y
AnneCecilie @IndoorDame We must be reading the same version for I read the same in my introduction. The ending probably suffers from Brontë trying to please everyone and not doing what she wanted. 2y
IndoorDame @AnneCecilie yes. Lucy is a lot like her. They‘re both people pleasers. @BarkingMadRead I think you‘re spot on in saying she wasn‘t marrying Paul to please herself but to please him. 2y
IndoorDame @peanutnine I‘m choosing to believe he drowned. (And totally ignoring what that‘s supposed to say about my disposition) 2y
IndoorDame @SarahBookInterrupted I agree. Ambiguous endings can be great, but they‘re even harder to write so I‘m guessing if she was committed to a different ending that‘s why it feels like a bit of a cop out instead of feeling like she‘s saying something interesting with the ending (edited) 2y
KristiAhlers Ugh I‘m not a fan of the ending. I wanted a happy one. But I guess I‘m choosing to believe he drowned @IndoorDame we are in the same boat 🤣 2y
jhod Thanks for hosting! 2y
BarkingMadRead My pleasure @jhod 😍 2y
Clare-Dragonfly Oh, Paul definitely drowned. It doesn‘t seem ambiguous to me—not taken in the context of the rest of the book. Lucy loves to hide stuff from us, especially stuff she doesn‘t want to admit to herself. She says that the years waiting for Paul to return were the happiest of her life. That‘s pretty explicit to me that he never returned for them to get married. 2y
Daisey I actually kind of enjoyed this ending for exactly the reasons @IndoorDame mentioned. I felt the Bronte wanted to end it with Lucy being independent but didn‘t feel she could do that. Info supporting that reaffirms my initial reaction. Usually I hate open endings, but the ambiguity of this one lets me completely end it with his death and her happily and independently running her school. Thanks again @BarkingMadRead for your daily posts! 2y
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Villete | Charlotte Bront

Well… that was a weird book. I certainly understand why it‘s not as popular as Jane Eyre 😆 At first I thought Lucy was brave, taking big chances on life, but now I think she just wanted life to sweep her along and didn‘t want to make her own choices. And it mostly worked out for her, which makes this rather an unsatisfying read. Plus she falls in love with a jerk. #PemberLittens

BarkingMadRead So accurate 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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These December weekends go by so fast, and I only got done about 1/3 of what I wanted to. At least I can go to bed tonight with the promise that tomorrow I will finish Villette. #PemberLittens #ICantBelieveIReadTheWholeThing

BarkingMadRead 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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I‘m so glad this was a buddy read with #PemberLittens so I got to it sooner rather than later. I‘m glad I‘ve read. I didn‘t know anything about the story before I started reading so I was just here for the ride.

Lucy Snowe goes to Villette without a plan but with a hope that it will work out. She gets a job at a school.

Lucy is an observer for a lot of the time to others stories, mostly love stories, but that doesn‘t mean that nothing happens

AnneCecilie in her life. Thank you for leading the discussions and your hashtags @BarkingMadRead @sprainedbrain 2y
BarkingMadRead I love your copy, it‘s so pretty! 2y
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Andrew65 What a gorgeous cover. Well done 🎄🎄🎄 2y
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2y
BookmarkTavern Lovely cover! 💕 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Clare-Dragonfly I was sure there would be a “how can we get married? We are different religions!” I thought that would be an insuperable impediment in the time, but I guess not. Also, this chapter would have been super heartwarming and sweet if Paul weren‘t such a jerk in the past 😂 2y
Ruthiella I still can‘t quite get over how he has treated her in the past either… expecting her to be as virtuous and self sacrificing as a nun… though given his backstory, I guess that makes more sense now. 2y
Bookwormjillk @Clare-Dragonfly @Ruthiella I can‘t get over it either. Although if someone made me the perfect workspace and then ordered carry out I might forgive them too 🤣 2y
Bklover Didn‘t get to read todays chapter until tonight. I agree with you all! 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Chapter 40: real talk, y‘all, I‘m driving from SC to NJ today by way of Pennsylvania for lunch, so I finished the book yesterday. My notes are somewhere in the car, and I don‘t want to give too much away by mistake so let‘s just stick with Genevra and her bad choices for now…. #deHamalisthenun #nohoney #heisnotbetterthandoctorjohn #pemberlittens

Ruthiella Doesn‘t everyone know a Genevra? Someone who totally gets by by evading reality, blaming others, never themselves? 2y
BarkingMadRead @Ruthiella definitely! 2y
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Bookwormjillk @Ruthiella lol for sure! Safe travels @BarkingMadRead 2y
RebelReader Genevra sure does live in her own little fantasy world! 2y
MoonWitch94 Where in NJ??!? 2y
Clare-Dragonfly If de Hamal was always sneaking in to see Ginevra, maybe Dr. John was right about her having sex with him! But it all worked out in the end since they got married. 2y
SarahBookInterrupted I‘m not surprised by Genevra and all her shenanigans. 2y
Bklover Ya know, I am a little disappointed about deHamel (or whatever his name is). I was hoping for a more interesting nun. I was pulling for the dead Justine. For some reason I find Ginevra funny and who knows why but I kind of like her. @RebelReader @Ruthiella @SarahBookInterrupted @Clare-Dragonfly @Bookwormjillk (edited) 2y
Bookwormjillk Ginerva has big Lydia Bennet energy 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bklover i was really hoping for a real ghost! @Bookwormjillk I almost used a Lydia meme for the elopement! 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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I‘m thankful for the #Pemberlittens and our fearless leader @BarkingMadRead for helping me get to this classic sooner rather than later. But man is C. Brontë/Lucy Snowe one odd duck, even accounting for the 150 year gap in time and history. I loved the nutty plot twists and crazy coincidences and I do appreciate that Lucy kept to her own principles in the face of pain and loneliness, even when those choices frustrated me as a reader.

BarkingMadRead It really was frustrating but she stuck to her guns the whole time, and stood up to everyone! 2y
Ruthiella @BarkingMadRead Indeed! Can‘t really fault CB for writing the book she wanted…. 2y
batsy I love this book so much! Precisely because of the nuttiness. People (and life!) are a lot nuttier than expected 😆 2y
Ruthiella @batsy Very true! I can only imagine C.B. feverishly writing out her true feelings about her time in Belgium in this book. 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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RebelReader This was my face too! 😭 2y
Bookwormjillk I was so lost this chapter. She‘s still drugged right? And the NUN was a pillow? (I love it when CB writes in all caps like an angry text message from the past.) 2y
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BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk I think she‘s still drugged up, and it seems that the nun was a pillow! So weird! I think Genevra is messing with her! 2y
Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead must be Generva right? Beck is still out partying. Glad she got a good nights sleep at any rate 🤷‍♀️ 2y
KristiAhlers @Bookwormjillk right? I was feeling like this was me experiencing a real bad “trip” I do think she‘s still drugged because nothing else really explains this. And beauty sleep is a thing! 2y
Bklover I‘m with @barkingmadread. Maybe Genevra? The other suspects were not at the house. Hmmmm. And this is crazy! 2y
suvata Strangest chapter in the book 🤷‍♀️ 2y
Clare-Dragonfly OMG. I got so excited, I thought maybe they‘d faked Justine-Marie‘s death to keep her away from Paul. But no, it‘s the kid (and why didn‘t Lucy know her name already?), who is obviously plotting to help Paul get to Lucy. 🙄 2y
Clare-Dragonfly I think the nun is Beck. She‘s the one trying to keep Lucy away from Paul. Maybe Rosine put it on the bed for her? (edited) 2y
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly right?!? I was open mouthed at first, expecting the original Justine Marie to show up! 2y
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly ohhhhhhh that could be as well! I wouldn‘t put it past her! 2y
SamAnne Dang I wish I could be reading along right now! Traveled for vacation and didn‘t want to pack along a physical book 2/3 done…..Will have to wait a week. 2y
BarkingMadRead I feel that @SamAnne I did hide it because I‘m traveling this weekend and didn‘t want to bring it along lol 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Ruthiella I too questioned whether this was a dream sequence or was it real? But I have since determined it was reality. I think this might be one of those books where I have to imagine my own “final” chapter to make it more palatable. 🙄 2y
Bklover Now I have that song stuck in my head ##! Very weird chapter, and if I stand back a bit and look at Lucy she‘s a bit of a crackpot. And Beck- drugging Lucy?! Wonder what she gave her that gave her such a buzzzzz! (Oh, and perfect image!) (edited) 2y
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BarkingMadRead @Bklover right?!? They were some high power drugs for sure! 2y
Bookwormjillk That was a very weird and long chapter. That said I liked this chapter more than I usually do. 2y
Bklover @Bookwormjillk I did too, although I‘m beginning to be a bit concerned about Charlotte B‘s mental health 🧐🤪 2y
Clare-Dragonfly 😂😂😂 2y
Clare-Dragonfly OK, so what is with Beck? What does she hope to accomplish by keeping Lucy from getting to Paul?! And why does Lucy love Paul, who constantly and nastily insults her, and doesn‘t even come to the class himself to tell them he‘s leaving, just fails to show up one day and leaves it to Beck?! 2y
KristiAhlers I totally agree 🤣 2y
SarahBookInterrupted Perfect image! 2y
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Villete | Charlotte Bront
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Bookwormjillk It‘s the final countdown 🤘 2y
RebelReader Just seeing your posts everyday has made this book fun for me! A million thanks @BarkingMadRead 🥰 2y
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RebelReader I always thought Polly and her father had a weird relationship, but wow! 2y
RebelReader I think Graham knew this would be his reaction which is why he put off asking for her hand. 2y
peanutnine Omg perfect image for today! 😂 Love that movie 2y
BarkingMadRead @RebelReader thank you!!! @peanutnine as soon as her dad started his nonsense it‘s all I could think of! 2y
SarahBookInterrupted I love this movie too and so very appropriate! 2y
Bklover Omg the pic is perfect! The whole daddy daughter relationship is weird. Yep weird. 2y
Clare-Dragonfly The dad‘s entitlement definitely grated on me but overall this was a sweet chapter. I love Paulina‘s amulet! 2y
Ruthiella I was a little surprised at how Brontë wrapped up this one story line in this chapter. I mean, she‘s been stringing us along since chapter 15 and now…zip zip, here‘s their future and bye bye! ? 2y
bthegood seriously, the best book I never read - love these posts - I look forward to your next read along - 😂 2y
BarkingMadRead @bthegood I feel like it‘s cheating to read the posts but not the book 🤣🤣🤣 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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KristiAhlers She legit was having none of it 2y
BarkingMadRead @KristiAhlers I was so proud of her 2y
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KristiAhlers @BarkingMadRead me too. Especially considering the time period. Women didn‘t have much say in things and the church was also very much in control of things even then. 2y
IndoorDame SO proud of her this chapter! Though there‘s that tiny voice in the back of my head reminding me that the Protestant church genuinely thought the Catholics were just as evil and were just as frightened of them, so on some level she‘s probably still being controlled by men and religion, just one‘s back home in England. 2y
peanutnine I appreciated how she admitted to being moved by the pamphlet but was still like nope, not for me thanks 2y
Bookwormjillk Go Lucy! 2y
RebelReader What made my heart happy was that she didn‘t cave to the approval of these men! Even though I think @IndoorDame makes a valid point, I still think it took guts to not give into Pere and Paul pressure. (edited) 2y
Clare-Dragonfly I was hoping you would get a picture of a spaniel for this chapter 😆 2y
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly the spaniel was in the works until the whole religion thing happened 🤣🤣🐶🐶 2y
Bklover Good grief. I‘m glad she didn‘t cave, like the rest of you. Sometimes it seems like there aren‘t too many things that M Paul actually likes about Lucy. @IndoorDame you have a good point! @KristiAhlers @peanutnine @Bookwormjillk @RebelReader 2y
Bklover @Clare-Dragonfly the spaniel is a great idea!😂 2y
Bklover @BarkingMadRead Great photo! I‘m really tired of MPaul treating her like crap. I agree- she needs to run Lucy run! 🏃🏻‍♀️ 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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peanutnine I am becoming more and more worried that she's going to end up with M Paul 🤦🏼‍♀️ 2y
Bookwormjillk This is bad 2y
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Clare-Dragonfly I‘m going to say it: Paul is acting like an abuser! Constantly giving his affection and taking it away, and then throwing her to other people who are nasty to her. Ugh! I still don‘t think they‘re going to get married because they‘re talking about treating each other like brother and sister, but all the other language sounds very romantic. In a gross way. 2y
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly everything about this is so wrong! He calls her sister but they definitely don‘t act like siblings! 2y
KristiAhlers Yeah I‘m not getting warm fuzzies at all. Then again it‘s a Brontë story so warm fuzzies generally aren‘t a thing. Sigh. 2y
Bklover I think the brother- sister thing is creepy because I don‘t really think that is what he has in mind! I also don‘t think Charlotte Brontë likes men very much! 2y
Ruthiella Yes, the coinkydinks are eyebrow raising…🙄 Her some what sadistic relationships with M. Paul isn‘t too unlike Jane and Rochester, however. 2y
Clare-Dragonfly @Bklover Yeah, I don‘t think any of the Brontë sisters ever met any decent men, considering how even the heroes of their novels are such jerks! 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bklover @Ruthiella @Clare-Dragonfly I totally agree, very much like Jane and Rochester in the very worst way. It‘s so unnatural. I have a feeling I will be throwing this book at a wall at some point 🤣 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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I jumped ahead on the group read because honestly I was done with this book. It was very slow and at some points confusing. I think a lot of the story could of been cut down to make it more enjoyable. I‘ve heard it said this book was better then Jane Eyre but I don‘t agree. I think I may have softened on the book if I found the ending satisfying but I didn‘t. Some might, but I needed more to make this book a pick. Also, yet another bad romance.

eeclayton I don't think it's better than Jane Eyre, either. I'm still on the chapter-a-day schedule, so I don't know about the ending, but I agree with everything in your review. 2y
SarahBookInterrupted @eeclayton let me know once you finish how you felt about the ending. 2y
eeclayton At first I was angry about the ending, and I still feel that we would deserve a less ambiguous final chapter. Then I read that CB's father made her tone the ending down, and I don't understand why she let him. But I feel that her original intention is quite clear. 2y
SarahBookInterrupted @eeclayton yes, I heard that afterwards too. I think that would have been a better ending. 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Chapter 34: y‘all. I could not get Eartha Kitt in Ernest Scared Stupid out of my head in this chapter 🤣 #hunchback #anotherconnectiontopaul #nowonderhesawthenun #idontknowhowtofeel #iwillnotlikepaul #iwillnotlikepaul #pemberlittens editing to add…. #eightchaptersleft

IndoorDame So this genuinely didn‘t make me like Paul any better. Not really sure what that said about me… 2y
BarkingMadRead @IndoorDame I totally get that, he really doesn‘t have any redeeming qualities. Even his hardship didn‘t bring out anything of quality lol other than taking care of elders, but he isn‘t actually there with them, he just pays for their home 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
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Ruthiella 😂🤣🤣 2y
suvata M. Paul is still a scoundrel. 2y
BarkingMadRead @suvata I totally agree! 2y
Bookwormjillk Did Beck send her there on purpose so she‘d find out about Paul or was it another coincidence? 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk I wondered the same! So many coincidences! 2y
Daisey I feel like she was sent there on purpose. 2y
Bklover I think Beck sent her on purpose. And I‘m with you @BarkingMadRead - I don‘t care what he does I will NOT like M Paul! Also, at the beginning of the book I was thinking Lucy was a badass for going to France all on her own but all she‘s done since then is faint all over Villette, cry at the drop of a hat, and very occasionally lose her temper, all the while never saying why she‘s mad. I don‘t know how she can go from Dr John crush to M Paul crush⬇️ 2y
Bklover ⬆️ Maybe they‘re the only men in France that aren‘t priests. Plus for a while there I think she had a bit of a crush on Generva. Maybe she‘s a frustrated lesbian in a time where that was not acceptable at all. I think I‘d like her better as a lesbian. @IndoorDame @Ruthiella @suvata @Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead (edited) 2y
Clare-Dragonfly @Bklover YES!!! 😂😂😂 All that about only letting Ginevra touch her and only sharing her food with Ginevra… I‘m so glad I‘m not the only one who saw that. 2y
Clare-Dragonfly I‘m with the rest of you on still not liking M. Paul. He may be generous and noble but he‘s still constantly nasty to Lucy and then demands her friendship! Being moral and upright does not make you kind. I don‘t understand Lucy‘s comment about him not being generous in trifles, either. He‘s always giving her books and stuff, and he took the class out to breakfast! How is that anything but generous in trifles? 2y
Bklover @Clare-Dragonfly I agree- Justine just has to be the nun ghost! 2y
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly oh she better be that ghost, too perfect! 2y
KristiAhlers It would be a perfect thing if she is the ghost nun. Fingers are crossed! 2y
SarahBookInterrupted I completely agree, doesn‘t make me like M Paul any better. He still has his personality regardless of the selfless acts. And Beck definitely sent her on purpose. She is a tricky lady…but why? 2y
eeclayton @Clare-Dragonfly Yes to all that, plus he's giving her books by invading her private space. Not cool. 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Bookwormjillk The countdown is on 😂 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk I know I‘m not the only one counting 🤣🤣🤣 2y
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Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead I‘m impressed you waited this long! 2y
Clare-Dragonfly I DON‘T UNDERSTAND WHY SHE LIKES HIM SO MUCH. Also I‘m surprised the picnic has just now happened, I thought when he said he would take them to eat in the country he meant that day! Also also, if M. Paul made me get up at 5am, walk a mile or whatever, and then sit through a ding dang story, I would have eaten HIM for breakfast. 2y
Bklover Had company yesterday so didn‘t have time to comment. I do not like where this appears to be heading but I do hope wherever it is we get there fast! @Bookwormjillk I‘m counting too! 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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I had virtually no knowledge of this story going into it, so it was lovely to just experience things as Bronte gave them to us. Although sometimes frustrated by characters or events, I pretty much loved every minute of it.

Cathythoughts Lovely review 👍🏻♥️ I have this and keep putting it off.. it‘s long 😁. Your review will give me a push. 2y
Tamra I must try it too. That cover is appealing. 😍 2y
Ruthiella I love how I have no clue what might happen next! The loopy plot twists are entertaining. (edited) 2y
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LeahBergen That‘s how I went into it, too. ❤️ 2y
quietjenn @Cathythoughts @Tamra I think it's with the effort. Although I don't think I realized just quite how long it was when I decided to read along with #pemberlittens 😄 2y
quietjenn @Ruthiella it's such a kick and so surprising! Really looking forward to the comments about the last handful of chapters. 2y
batsy This is one of my favourites! 🖤 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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RebelReader Well I wasn‘t surprised that Paulina would be his choice over Lucy. I want to feel bad for Lucy, but I don‘t. Am I cold hearted? 2y
Bookwormjillk This book- Lucy is the main character but the whole thing is about her playing the supporting role in other people‘s drama. 2y
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BarkingMadRead @RebelReader I felt the same way! @Bookwormjillk omg that‘s it exactly! 2y
RebelReader @Bookwormjillk You nailed it right on the head! 2y
Clare-Dragonfly @Bookwormjillk Oh my gosh—you‘re so right! I didn‘t really get the point of this chapter, except to interrupt the nun question. I figured it was already established that Graham had chosen Polly over Lucy. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
KristiAhlers What a mess! 2y
Bklover @Bookwormjillk Exactly! @RebelReader Lucy annoys me at least once per chapter! 2y
AnneCecilie @Bookwormjillk You‘re so right. 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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IndoorDame He had better not be the marrying kind! I‘m still skeptical 🧐 2y
peanutnine @IndoorDame I'm also very skeptical. He's so creepy but she seems drawn to him for some reason 2y
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Bookwormjillk See yesterday I thought they were going to get married. Today I think he‘s her dad. 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk I wondered the same! He insinuated they were related somehow! 2y
Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead they have the same eyes! 2y
RebelReader I think they are related too. I thought that whole scene was creepy, but then this whole book has been all kinds of creepy. 🤪 2y
Clare-Dragonfly I was pleased to see Lucy snap back at him a little, but he hardly seems to have noticed! And she‘s always getting over his nastiness, so she‘ll probably get over his voyeurism, too 🙄 I am glad to be reminded of their separate religions, though. I don‘t think either will convert so I‘m less concerned that she will marry him. 2y
Clare-Dragonfly @Bookwormjillk Ooh, maybe! I think he just means they are mystically connected but that is an intriguing possibility. 2y
Ruthiella I agree they will never marry due to the differences in religion. But yes, this is TOTALLY CREEPY! 😱 2y
Bklover He‘s just such an ass! I highlighted this comment he made- paraphrasing- A woman of intellect was a sort of luckless accident, a thing there was neither place nor use in creation, wanted neither as wife nor worker. The next part is awful too, talking about how only lovely feminine placid passive mediocrity was the only pillow on which a manly thought could find rest for his aching temples. I really really dislike that man. (edited) 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bklover I cannot get over what an ass he is! 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Chapter 30: where Paul is compared to Bonaparte 🤣 seriously, though, this guy 🙄 #mansplaining #gettingwomenfired #firstshestoosmart #thenshestoodumb #whomadehimboss #hehateswomen #provemewrong #pemberlittens

CBee Love the hashtags 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 2y
IndoorDame Love the hashtags, hate this guy!!! 2y
Bookwormjillk Oh no, she's going to marry him isn't she.
PS Love this picture
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BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk Omg she better not! 2y
Bookwormjillk @BarkingMadRead fingers crossed 🤞 2y
Clare-Dragonfly I‘m getting pretty sick of watching Lucy spend so much time with this jerk! 2y
KristiAhlers @Clare-Dragonfly right? It‘s like she‘s pathologically unable to avoid them! 2y
bthegood I'm not reading the books - but I love following your one line summaries and hashtags - 😂 (edited) 2y
BarkingMadRead @bthegood 🤣🤣🤣 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Chapter 29: y‘all. I can‘t even, with this chapter. I just can‘t. 🙄 #whyhim #dontsettle #ewwwwww #hesacreeper #whydoesntshecare #somanyquestions #pemberlittens

IndoorDame I was almost hoping this would go in a different direction, and then she relented and gave him the box anyway 😖😢 2y
BarkingMadRead @IndoorDame I know! When she caught him snooping I thought for sure she would keep it instead! 2y
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Bklover I‘m getting an Uh-oh feeling about M Paul and Lucy. I think she‘s starting to Like Him! 2y
Bklover Oh, and I think we missed Chapter 28, and I just wanted to say that it drives me crazy that Lucy keeps letting that “little man” order her around. He told her where to sit and she did it! 🙄😠 2y
BarkingMadRead Omg @Bklover I did miss 28! My cold has my head so thick that I forgot to post! 2y
Bklover Don‘t worry about it!! I don‘t know how you do it every day. Hope you feel better! 🤧😷🤒🤕❤️❤️❤️ 2y
Ruthiella @Bklover That‘s my feeling too. 😱 They are both way too into this repeated performative display of dominance and submission. 2y
RebelReader These two are enough to make a preacher swear! M Paul is such a baby over a nose gay! And I feel like Lucy did it on purpose so she could “get” him later. @Bklover Or else she really does like him. Sometimes I just want to throw this book out the window! 😤 2y
suvata The nose gay … Grrrrrrr (pulling my hair out) 2y
Bookwormjillk This book is no Jane Eyre 🤣 2y
Clare-Dragonfly Why does she continue to be so nice to him?! At the very end she‘s like “he seemed friendly even though he didn‘t say anything” and like… of course he seems friendly then! He‘s not insulting you for several minutes straight! 2y
SarahBookInterrupted I had a bad feeling that M Paul liked her and was acting weirdly jealous and possessive and that unfortunately he might be the love interest. The Bronte sisters really have a twisted sense of what a good relationship is. They all seem to have these very toxic love affairs with emotionally abusive men. 2y
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Villete | Charlotte Bront
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eeclayton I got behind during the work week and caught up this morning. There are so many coincidences and I wonder if there's anyone to like in this book. I'm not sure I would go on if it wasn't for this buddy read and your hilarious posts @BarkingMadRead 😁 2y
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BarkingMadRead @eeclayton this is definitely a weird one lol I‘m glad I‘m at least amusing you 🤣 2y
Bklover My favorite part of this entire book is @BarkingMadRead ! I think I‘d read anything you asked me to! 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bklover awwwww thanks! Does that mean you‘ll read Middlemarch with us starting in January? It‘s loooooooong 2y
Bklover Yes!!!! I would love to read Middlemarch with you!! I will go pull it from my shelves right now! 2y
Daisey What is this Middlemarch read you‘re mentioning? I might be interested! It‘s on my list but I‘ve been unsure about heading into it on my own. 2y
BarkingMadRead @Daisey it‘s written by George Eliot, it came up in one of the #pemberlitten books, the one about sisterhood that wasn‘t really about sisterhood 🤣 it‘s a #chunkster @Bklover I‘ll add you to the tag list 2y
Daisey Yes, I read along for the Sisterhood book, but I didn‘t realize there had been discussion of a buddy read. I haven‘t picked a chunkster to start the year, so this might be a great time to try that one. Will you add me to the list as well, please? 2y
BarkingMadRead @Daisey absolutely! 2y
IndoorDame Ooh, I‘ve been wanting to tackle Middlemarch! Will you tag me too? 2y
eeclayton Please add me to the Middlemarch taglist, too ☺️ 2y
SarahBookInterrupted @eeclayton me too. I think I may have bailed if it wasn‘t a buddy read. (edited) 2y
Bookwormjillk Add me to the list of people who would have never made it through without you @BarkingMadRead 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Ruthiella I wonder if it was Ginevre who took the letters a second time. I thought Madame was more careful and would have retied them perfectly…🤔 Lucy‘s passivity is frustrating, but on the other hand, where would getting mad get her? She has no independent means. 2y
BarkingMadRead @Ruthiella that‘s a good point, I hadn‘t thought of that! 2y
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Bookwormjillk Wow, this chapter was everywhere. Stolen letters, the ghost nun, German lessons with Polly, and now the trap for Ginevre is set. Hopefully something happens tomorrow. 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk something good better happen lol #lamechapternames 2y
IndoorDame The whole thing about Paul Emanuel and the letters started giving me St. John Rivers vibes. I really hope this doesn‘t go in that direction! 2y
Clare-Dragonfly Why will Lucy never give anyone a straight answer about how horrible Ginevra is?! She‘s fine with answering other questions! 2y
Clare-Dragonfly @IndoorDame Oh my gosh, great point! I think I‘ve been feeling those vibes all along since I keep expecting a proposal from him. Just as long as Lucy says no… 2y
KristiAhlers I can‘t wait for Ginevre to finally get hers. She‘s such a brat! 2y
Bklover Why does MPaul keep showing up and being his annoying self?! @Bookwormjillk I agree! This chapter went too many directions. And I can‘t figure out the nun. Just why?? 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bklover I feel like we are going to be so disappointed about the nun in the end 🤣 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Ruthiella #Holyagegapbatman ! 😂😂😂 I think for the era it was common, but yuck! 2y
Bklover Graham‘s certainly likes them young (except for his mom)! Also, what is the deal with this silent treatment that Lucy gives everyone. It‘s like a test or something to see if she can possibly bore you to death. When she‘s sitting with Polly she‘s downright mean. Or am I misreading? Is that even a word? 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Bklover I think you‘re right. He seems to see Lucy as a pet he has to look after and take care of because if all her anxieties. He does seem to bring lout the crazy in her. I felt sorry for Lucy though, when she went to her former room and Polly was staying there. She‘s been replaced! 2y
Ruthiella I think we can guess the reason for his silence. Poor Lucy indeed! 😢 2y
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batsy This graphic 🤣 2y
Clare-Dragonfly Poor Lucy! Dr. John knows she‘s in love with him! I wonder if he‘s being a jerk like he was with the letter, withholding his affection so she has to speak plainly about it. 2y
Bookwormjillk Dr John is such a flake 2y
RebelReader Dr John is like the modern day guy who only texts you when he‘s drunk and lonely! 😂 2y
peanutnine @RebelReader lol what an apt comparison! 🤣 Poor Lucy 2y
suvata @RebelReader That was a perfect comparison. What a jerk. 2y
SarahBookInterrupted Poor Lucy. 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Ruthiella We most certainly met Polly again! But that neither Lucy nor Dr. John with their amazing deductive powers notice it???? Also, WHAT A COINCIDENCE! 😂 (edited) 2y
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BarkingMadRead @Ruthiella right? And is this another case of Lucy keeping stuff to herself? 2y
peanutnine @BarkingMadRead I'm also curious if she knows and hasn't told the reader yet. I feel like Polly may have made the connection though... 2y
Bookwormjillk Of course it‘s Polly again! 2y
RebelReader When she said “where‘s my father? I get so anxious”. That was classic Polly. She could have changed that much that they wouldn‘t recognize her could she? 2y
Clare-Dragonfly PAULINA IS BACK!!! I didn‘t really get the whole Vashti thing. I suppose that was meant to be Sarah Bernhardt? And yeah, are we meant to think that none of them recognize each other? I‘d assume Lucy recognizes her except that she refers to her and her father as “strangers.” And it seems highly unlikely that Paulina wouldn‘t recognize them, but she says nothing! What is with these people seeing childhood friends and not saying anything?! 2y
suvata Oh joy, Polly‘s back! 2y
Bklover I wish they‘d quit doing that! (Bringing people in and not saying who they are) 2y
KristiAhlers Yeah I‘m actually perplexed by this. And I agree @Bklover it‘s getting rather annoying as I‘m thinking I think I know who they are but if the characters don‘t maybe I don‘t. 🙄🤣 2y
SarahBookInterrupted This is so weird. It was obvious that it‘s Polly and very strange that Lucy and Dr.John didn‘t know. I‘m sure her father hasn‘t changed that much. 2y
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Villete | Charlotte Bront
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Dr. John: now in competition with M. Paul for the title of World‘s Biggest Jerk 🙄 #pemberlittens #youresovain #youprobablythinkthisletterisfromyou

Villette | Charlotte Bront
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IndoorDame Yikes! That photo is way more terrifying than the ghostnun was in my imagination! No wonder she ran downstairs screaming 😱 2y
BarkingMadRead @IndoorDame 🤣🤣🤣🤣 2y
Ruthiella #Whenwillsheadmitshesinlove TOTALLY! ❤️😂 (edited) 2y
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Clare-Dragonfly I love the ghost bun so far! And I agree with all your hashtags 😂 2y
Clare-Dragonfly OMG AUTOCORRECT. Ghost NUN. 😂😂😂👻 2y
Clare-Dragonfly P. S. Tag list is missing! 2y
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly Omg thanks for the heads up and the giggles 2y
KristiAhlers @Clare-Dragonfly get a ghost bun is epic 🤣 2y
Clare-Dragonfly @KristiAhlers 👻🌭👻🐰 2y
suvata @IndoorDame No joke. I opened up Litsy and had bejesus scared out of me. 2y
suvata @Clare-Dragonfly for Thanksgiving. I‘m going to serve ‘ghost nun buns‘. I have no idea what they are. It‘s just that the name is just too funny. 2y
BarkingMadRead @suvata ohhhhhh sounds like a fun challenge! Ghost nun buns FTW 2y
Bookwormjillk Ghost nun bun cook off! 2y
batsy 😂😂 2y
Clare-Dragonfly @Bookwormjillk Heck yeah, I‘m in! 👩‍🍳 2y
Bklover I like the idea! Ghost nun buns! I don‘t think there‘s a single chapter in which Lucy does not irritate me in some way 😂 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Well! That was an ending that I was not anticipating. One in which could be interpreted in a variety of ways. I would give you my interpretation but wouldn‘t want to spoil the novel for you. Overall, I enjoyed the book, some chapters could have benefited with being less redundant and more concise. I found it engaging but having read all of the Brontë sister works other than The Professor, I would say Jane Eyre is the greatest overall. 2 Paws Up!

Leftcoastzen 👏🐶 2y
batsy Aww! 😍 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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IndoorDame I‘m really hating Paul! Such a creep! 2y
Bookwormjillk Well at least we finally got our quarrel. She was taking no crap from Generva. (edited) 2y
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BarkingMadRead @IndoorDame sooooooo creepy! 2y
KristiAhlers @IndoorDame he‘s beyond creepy. I loath him. 2y
Clare-Dragonfly Someone needs to give M. Paul a good smack upside the head 😡 And what is Lucy thinking, putting the letter away with her other things?! Madame Beck is going to get to it before she can! 2y
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly exactly what I was thinking! She should have kept it in her pocket! 2y
RebelReader I think it‘s unanimous that no one likes creepy Paul. 😂 2y
Bklover @RebelReader Definitely. (Great job on the hashtags @BarkingMadRead )! 2y
BarkingMadRead @RebelReader for sure!! @Bklover thanks 🤣 2y
Linsy Lol, love it! 2y
suvata Snoopy Madame Beck is definitely going to find that letter. And I totally agree that M. Paul is a creep. 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Ruthiella I don‘t understand how John/Grant could get all that from observation? 2y
BarkingMadRead @Ruthiella me either, I wonder if it‘s just his jealousy coming out? 2y
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Bookwormjillk Her horror at the pink dress was kind of funny. 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk I was laughing so hard, I was picturing so many things in my head 🤣 like Giselle‘s dress in Enchanted, but in pink 🤣 2y
Bklover I was picturing hot pink satin with hoops 😂 2y
suvata It was a very comical scene. But, personally, I like pink … which is why I never purchase clothing for other people. @Bklover Hot pink would have been perfect. 💖 2y
Clare-Dragonfly I want to wear Lucy‘s pink dress with black lace! 😁 I really liked Dr. John in this chapter. He kind of snaps back at Lucy (apparently he wasn‘t as taken in by Ginevra as I thought!) and any man who is that protective of his mother is OK by me. M. Paul, on the other hand, is more and more of an ass 🙄 2y
Clare-Dragonfly @Ruthiella Both he and Lucy seem to get a LOT from observation—look at her with the royal family! I wonder if they‘re meant to be incredible judges of character or if they just… make stuff up. 2y
Ruthiella @Clare-Dragonfly Absolutely. I was amazed 🙄at Lucy‘s diagnostic powers by just looking at the royal family. 2y
KristiAhlers @Clare-Dragonfly me too! I love the color pink. And Dr John did redeem himself for me here. Maybe because M Paul was being such a jerk. Hmmm something to ponder. 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Chapter 19: Lucy spends some time at the art museum, which bothered Paul….Emanuel….. #cleopatraoffendshim #notforgirls 🙄 #onlyforboys #perverts #whomadehimtheboss #lucyanddrjohnarechummy #hmmmmmmm #pemberlittens

IndoorDame I loved that the depiction of this timeless sex symbol was a strong, fat, dark woman and based on a real piece of art even if everyone in the scene was derisive of it 2y
Clare-Dragonfly Lucy is so judgmental! For a minute there I shipped her with Paul Emanuel because she seemed to understand him, but he‘s such a jerk 🙄 2y
Bklover I didn‘t get tagged for this one! The line that got me was “She had no business to lounge away the noon on a sofa” Not sure I‘m liking Lucy much. And I definitely don‘t like MPaul Emanuel. (Two names again🙄). 2y
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BarkingMadRead @Bklover omg I didn‘t tag anyone! 😳Thanks for pointing that out! 2y
suvata M. Paul is an idiot. Who is he to criticize her taste in art? And who does he think he is reprimanding her in public? Also, lounging away the afternoon on the couch is one of my favorite things to do. 🛋️ (edited) 2y
RebelReader I don‘t like MPaul Emmanuel at all! 2y
KristiAhlers M Paul you‘re a tool. Sigh. He‘s one very unlikable character. 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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AnneCecilie I know right? That was not what I was expecting 2y
Bookwormjillk I was wondering if I missed the quarrel. #FalseAdvertising 2y
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Ruthiella 😂😂😂 2y
RebelReader What a let down! I was hoping for some fireworks!!! 😕 2y
Bklover I know right!! (Response to hashtags). Plus I am dying for her to just say “DrJohn/Graham, Genevra is a self centered money grabbing superficial twit and you are an idiot.” Then let the quarrel begin!! 2y
BarkingMadRead @Bklover that would have been a much better quarrel! 2y
KristiAhlers @Bklover YES! To all of that! Gah she is the worst (Genevra) 2y
KristiAhlers Yeah I wanted way more from that. Sigh. However if he‘s actively not going to see what and who she is he deserves her. He didn‘t seem so shallow at the beginning of the book. 2y
Clare-Dragonfly @Bklover RIGHT?! I feel like Lucy went about this the worst way possible. She acts like she‘s agreeing with all his praise for Ginevra—at least she doesn‘t argue—and then she goes off and tells him he‘s stupid. Give him specifics so he can recognize them! This way he‘s never going to listen! 2y
suvata @Bklover I couldn‘t have said it better myself. 2y
suvata I think John realizes what Ginevra is all about but, for now, he likes playing her game. I‘m glad that Lucy her feelings off her chest, but I would hardly call that a quarrel. Sheesh 🙄 2y
Bklover @KristiAhlers @Clare-Dragonfly @suvata She drives me nuts! She‘s so passive! (And what is this weird never ending ailment she has?) (edited) 2y
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Villette | Charlotte Bront
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Chapter 17: Lucy hears how she was found by Pere Silas and Dr John…. #notmuchhappened #nextchapterinvolvesaquarrel #thatshouldinspirebetterhashtags #pemberlittens

Clare-Dragonfly What difference does it make if she‘s a Catholic or not?! I see that it was reasonable to ask (because she‘s English, so he would assume she‘s Protestant, but she went to confession, so that indicates she is Catholic). But why on earth would he care? UNLESS HE IS IN LOVE WITH HER AND WANTS TO MARRY HER. …but I find that highly unlikely. 2y
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly yeah. That was way strange, I don‘t know what difference it makes at all! 2y
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RebelReader This chapter was a bit uneventful, but I‘m looking forward to the quarrel tomorrow! The religion thing was a bigger deal back then I think than it is now. 2y
KristiAhlers This chapter was a bit boring but taking the time period into consideration when she wrote it religion would be a serious issue. Just my two cents worth. 2y
suvata This was as a rather uneventful chapter. Lucy appears to be happy in the company of her Godmother and Dr. John. I too am confused about if/why Lucy may considering converting to Catholicism. That would definitely be scandalous in Protestant England. 2y
Bklover Yawn. Looking forward to The Quarrel. 2y
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