Great on audible
Her formula works. Every time. I always laugh and enjoy her characters immensely.
Sometimes I make poor choices, such as staying up until 2 am to finish a book when I have to be up early for a meeting tomorrow and am coming down with a fun cold.
However! This particular book was not a poor choice. Strong storyline and great characters, filled with love, family, friendships, grief, and humor. It was sort of like the book version of a chick flick, but I couldn‘t put it down.
My #newtoyouauthor for #booked2019 ✔️
My mom brought me to a new used bookstore in the next town over, and there are stacks upon stacks of paperbacks (mostly mass market). I could browse in there for hours! How long would you stay in a store set-up like this one??
🙄😐😶 fluffy. I DID shed some tears.... and I did keep reading quickly...... but it was very shallow. Read if you're needing some good fluff! Or don't.....
Every now and then I want to read what call a "nothing book," a good, engaging story that requires no thought. This was a fantastic nothing book. Probably my favorite since Something Borrowed.
Sometimes Jasperkitty doesn't think things through
The GoT reference made me laugh out loud. Good thing I am at home.
Picked up this book in anticipation of meeting and hearing the author speak at Barbara Vey Reader appreciation weekend in a few weeks.
Well alrighty then. I can see this is going to be a fun read.😃
I'm a huge Higgins fan and this one hit the mark in all the right places. The dual stories of Ainsley and Kate were woven seamlessly together and I never felt one sister had more of a story than the other. I was hesitant for a moment, afraid there would be sisterly friction instead of support but instead this was a story of once distant sisters coming together and carrying the other through their grief as only women can.
It took me a little while to get into it but it was so worth it the time. I ended up not being able to put it down until I was done. There were laugh-out-loud moments and lots of anticipation and hoping. It's a keeper!
-Sisters reconnecting
-Revenge against an ex boyfriend
-A total Mr. Darcy romance
-And Daniel the hot firefighter
Couldn't put it down. Plus the real cover is out now and it's much prettier. #romantsy
I love Kristan Higgins' books. This one is about two sisters who both have something awful happen to them but in the end grow closer together. And it ended the way I wanted it to.
This pic is of the frost on my car this morning.
My dad surprised me with flowers at work. 💕😊
Waterfall? Haha I'm enjoying this brother/sister relationship.
So true. My brother never lets me steal my cute nephew away. 😜he's so selfish
Taking a break from my other book to start this. And I thought cookies might go well with it. 😉 #dessertfirst
I always enjoy Kristan Higgins and this was no exception. It's about two sisters who were never close but whose lives fall apart at the same time and how they bond through that. Kristan always manages to be very funny and also heartfelt and heartwarming. And sometimes sad, in a touching way. If you've never read her before, I'll warn you now that she always gives a bunch of back story around chapter 3 or so, but stick it out!
Arrived in the mail yesterday. Stayed up late reading. Woke early to finish. Yes I am addicted to this author. After a very brief romance, newlywed Kate is trying to have a baby. Her younger half sister, Ainsley is expecting a proposal from her long time boyfriend. But the Kate's husband dies in a freak accident and Ainsley's boyfriend publicly dumps her. Living together the two sisters find strength in their long neglected relationship.
Lunchtime reading! It's funny, I've actually had an ARC of this book for months but just didn't end up reading it until actual release. I really don't know why because I always love a new Kristan Higgins books!
Quality author time with Kristan Higgins and Saundra Mackay. Hosted by Caroline Linden (photo credit belongs to her too). Held at Porter Sq Books in Cambridge, MA.
Just tried to preorder --AGAIN! Do you do this? Thank goodness, in this case the wait is almost over!! #romantsy