I‘m never going to finish this if #Airedale doesn‘t stop “helping” me read.
I‘m never going to finish this if #Airedale doesn‘t stop “helping” me read.
In progress. Well, when Mads is done napping. So far, I‘m really enjoying, it‘s just hard to make good progress when your bookmark is 25 pounds 🤣
“And so said every gentleman to the girl who lived in the servants‘ quarters, eh?”
Really enjoying this read - about half way thru.
I‘m a huge consumer of BOTM but I‘m not sure what‘s going on there. Been so let down by reads I‘ve had lately, & it‘s across all genres. I‘ve been most disappointed by “thrillers” which have been meh at best. The miss factor/overhyping is especially bad for 1st time authors. I used to have a bunch of editors I could rely on who seem to have been replaced by folks w/a pr over an editorial background. Hope this month turns it around for me.😔😩
I got this as a #BOTM selection and was really disappointed. I‘ve also heard it praised on a few podcasts. I found it pretty slight. A cat and mouse story with no suspense, a very perfunctory chase and nobody to root for.
In-progress #BookStack #TheLostMan #JaneHarper #ImperialRequiem #JustinCVovk #TheSixWivesAndManyMistressesOfHenryVIII #AmyLicense #TheRestOfTheStory #SarahDressen #SayNothing #PatrickHaddenKeefe
Think The Lost Man will be finished first.
It's a closed room mystery - company retreat trapped by an avalanche. If you liked Ten Little Indians or And Then There Were None, you'll like this a lot. It's fast paced, tense and keeps you going to the end. I read it in one day because I couldn't put it down.
I LOVED this book.
I just discovered this series and devoured it. I really liked this as a set up to a new world. I especially like a series when my favorite isn‘t the first book. That means the author is invested in all the stories. This was probably my second favorite of the entire run to date.
I‘ll die on this hill.
This is the most overpraised book in book “circles.”
I see it recommended and raved about over and over. It isn‘t charming. The only thing it‘s got going for it is that it‘s brief. But it‘s still self-satisfied and amused with itself on every page.
Loved this. Fast paced. Multiple POV. Twisty. Legal Mystery. So entertaining!
Actually watching the 1999 film with Frances O‘Connor, Johnny Lee Miller, Embeth Daviditz & Alessandro Nivola. Going to watch a bunch of adaptations during quarantine.
I love all of their books. I listened to this on audio but wasn‘t in love with the narration. Their trademark humor was there, the breezy pace. Likable leads you want to root for. Wish it was just a bit more fleshed out, but that‘s a greedy quibble. Fun & Fast.
Heard about this book from a podcast - .@tobyballnh true crime book club - .@crimewriterson - half way through - excellent BUT dispiriting, enraging.
#Mads really recommends The Proposal.
This is one of NYTs 10 best books. WTH! I hated everything about this book. It exploited a very real tragedy (which as a New Yorker I was v familiar with) & I felt icky just reading it. It offered no insight into the crime and I was enraged by the subtle shade thrown at the mother. The story felt thrown together and like a first draft. I'm utterly astonished by the praise. I've never told people to avoid a book like I have this one. Loathed it.
Yikes! I've loved several of her books but DNF the last one I picked up so I guess I'll try and hold out.
Perfect happy hour read. I know next to nothing about fine wine collecting but this book is a fascinating and accessible read. PeterHellman.com
Know nothing about wine but this is so accessible. Great story. Fast read. Racing thru it. PeterHellman.com
Finally finishing - no reflection on book - it's fabulous - life stuff got in way. The letter from Boies on page 271 is insane -not going spoil by quoting. Best NF I've read this year and it has been a good NF year for me. .@johncarreyrou
#LibraryCat #Talullah sitting on tonight's book - about 1/4 way thru and loving it. Fast paced. Well written. Accessible. .@JohnCarreyrou #BadBlood
I LOVED this, but then I've loved every one in the series. I'm a little behind bc I was hoarding them to jump start reading slump. Now I want to race thru the rest of the series. One of the most enjoyable books I've read this year. #SpyThriller #Series #GreatHero #huge cast of recurring charecters.
This was a really fun listen. Witches. Bitches. High school bullying. Outsider gets in over her head while she attempts to prove her best friend didn't kill her self in lemming-like fashion after 2 far more popular girls committed suicide. Twisty.
Just finished. Not my favorite #Hilderbrand but that's a v high bar. 1. Fiction 2. Betrayal 3. Local story 4. Rumors 5. regret
I LOVE everything by #DanJones and this one is a great read.
TMW you realize every thing in your house becomes a #bookshelf I Realize this #TBR is heavy into #NF #History #Royals
Listening to this on audible. Really enjoying. I love campaign books and this is a well written addition to the cannon. If you wonder how reporters manage the camp follower like existence at same time they are competing to the death for scoops and status, this is the book for you.
"If only love were so easily conjured, there wouldn't be so many broken hearts,"
I'm 100% #Irish. I love #Books. But I've never finished a #JamesJoyce book because they suck. Objectively, they stink on ice. Pretentious. Impenetrable. A chore. #BooBooBoo
"Brides never fare well in stories. Stories can sense happiness and snuff it out like a candle."
On this frigid #SuperBowl weekend #EvilKitten aka #Finnigan has some reading goals - #TheSunshineSisters #JaneGreen
I love anything about Queen Victoria - heard #DeborahCadbury on .@HistoryExtra podcast & couldn't wait for this book. Loved #PrincesAtWar and this is even better!
Great Read. If you like campaign books, memoirs or just want to refresh your memory about the craziest campaign in history, this book is for you. Tur is honest about her job & herself. I liked structure with one hour of election night followed by her coverage of campaign. Really recommend.
Beaslie approves of my next read. Have been saving this one to get me going after slight slump.
I love campaign books and this one is great! Fast paced, well structured and honest. .@KatyTurNBC tells it like she lived it and it's a fascinating read. I can't put this down.