Ready for the #24in48 #readathon!! 😁
Finished this book at midnight tonight, what a wonderful story!! A tumultuous, raw and unfair time and place in history, but also full of hope and love. Would recommend! #stayhome24in48 #readathon #24in48
I decided to listen to this book instead of really reading today(still recovering from the virus). Somehow listening makes books more intense, since I can't skip and scan the pages to ease my mind when the events get too much 😅#stayhome24in48 #readathon #24in48
Getting ready for the social distancing #24in48 readathon! Here's my stack for this weekend 📚🌟
A perfect city moment in a cute little cafe with a new library book 💖
I finished Rebecca (which I LOVED) and felt like continuing with Du Maurier's books 📚👌🏻 Also, I'm such a softy for beautiful covers!
📚NEW BOOKS!📚 I went to the bookstore to browse and came home with these. The covers lured me in and the blurbs make me really excited to read them 💖😁
Almost finished the book, but my eyes refuse to continue. So it's been 10 hours of reading this weekend for the #24in48 #readathon 📚 I will try to read more during the next edition! 😁
Two rounds of reading so far for the #24in48. I will not go for the 24 this time, unfortunately! The Moon Sister is yet another gripping story by Lucinda Riley, so I am happy to start round 3 😁
Getting ready to dive into the nest installment of the Seven Sisters for the readathon! With breakfast of course 😊 Already finished The Tea Rose by Jennifer Donnelly which was good, but sometimes too shallow for me.
#24in48 #readathon
I picked this book up at the library where it was on the 'new in' table. And oh my dear is this an intense, deep, profound read! I'm only on page 342/800 but it's beautiful. You should take your time though and take it all in, the scenes, the events, the characters, the beautiful writing. I could go on! Most definitely would recommend!
It's 9 am and a beautiful day, here🌞. These two books will be coming with me to the pool today for the #24in48 #readathon. I love the books by Eva Stachniak and Little Women is our current bookclub pick 😊
So far I've read 8,5 hours for the #24in48 readathon and after I bailed The Outcasts of Time I started with The Scarlet Pimpernel: what a delight!!
I had really high hopes, since the premise sounds interesting: skipping 99 years everyday when the characters wake up. But I bailed half way through. This book could have been so much more!
I'm having a late start to the #24in48 readathon, but I am ready now! I'm not gonna go for the full 24 hours, and probably not even 12, but I might get in 6 to 8 hours today 😊 This is a stack of books I picked up from the library yesterday 📚 can you tell I like Historical Fiction? 😇
The ultimate combination 😽📚
Rereading this book and I'm loving it all over again 💞
Fantastic! I didn't mind the amount of pages, because everything was just perfectly written with a wealth of information. And the characters were so real. I really wanted to dislike some characters, their behaviors and the way they thought and then Follett made me sympathize even with them by giving them a sentence where they showed true feelings, insecurity or remorse.
I just read that a third installment will be published this september: yeah!
Only a few hours left and currently at page 928 of 1102. I think I can make it :D
Past the half way point and am almost halfway through the book, but am struggling to stay awake. It's almost 1 AM here. Time to sleep!! 😴😴
9 hours down, 15 to go! My timer is counting down from 24. Currently at page 355 of 1102 of World without end and so much has happened already!
One more sleep!! And then tomorrow it's on!! Couldn't use my stopwatch since it forgets where I was after I close it (what I probably will do by accident), so I'm hoping this will work! Also, I might read some pages of The Memory of Midnight
In theory I should be able to read this book in 24 hours, which sounds perfect for the #24in48 readathon this weekend. Sooo looking forward to it!!!
Gosh!! These final sentences made me say "whaaat!" out loud.. quite the introduction ? (no worries, no spoilers here, because it's only page 22)
I read some reviews on Goodreads some time ago and went ahead to splurge on all these books! 😇 Second hand, because I don't know yet if I'll like them. Also, still have to find The Hypnotists!! Can't wait to dive in 😀 Do I miss some others as well?
I thought the first few chapters were interesting and weird and it got me curious as to where the story would go. Halfway through I still did not really know what to expect, but I kept on reading. I liked the idea, but did not like the final the chapter. It was too hurried and I could have used a few more pages of how and why (trying not to spoiler anything here!).
I would not really recommend but would also not discourage anyone from reading it ☺
I really have to get to work, but this book is so good!!! Don't want to stop reading 📚😃
Already 6 hours in, but it is a bit slow. Plus, the characters are all so greedy and unhappy.. I will finish listening to the book, but I'm glad I borrowed it from the library and did not buy it.
I did not really care for Girl on the Cliff but I do enjoy this one by Riley! I might not go to bed early tonight : 😊📖
This should be an interesting read. I already agree with the first 20 pages: the world has never been better than today! There is less poverty, less war, less malnourishment than any given moment in history.
#stayoptimistic #therightperspective
I forgot to bring a book on the train with me so I went to the bookstore at the station with a gift certificate I still had. I'd say a present well spent! Curious how long this one will take me to read.. 😞📚 oh, and again a gorgeous cover, it looks less daunting this way! :)
I enjoyed this book so much! It was my first book of 2016, a birthday present from my best friend and I had absolutely no other obligations the day I read it, so I finished it in one go. So, I'm curious if I would like it again this much without all those extra factors counted in. We'll see.. :)
Oh, and I adore this cover, so mysterious and pretty!
Literal translation of the Dutch title is Night with/of Stars☆
"Don't judge a book by it's cover" - but just look at this one! It's gorgeous ? I liked The Miniaturist and am looking forward to reading this one :)
Started reading this while attending the #24in48 readathon and was instantly drawn into the story. So many secrets already!!
Only a few more hours left.. I thoroughly enjoyed this weekend and am looking forward to the next #readathon!!
I'm currently reading Elle & Lui for the #readathon and it's going better than expected, considering French is my third language and I'm not fluent. Almost halfway through the book and still so many hours left to read! So enough time to read a few chapters in the other books from my stack, like Anna Karenina or The girl on the cliff 😊
#24in48 #bestweekendever!
Thinking about rereading this one by Donna Tartt. I read it in high school for English and it made such an impression on me that I am always recommending this book to my friends! It's been probably over ten years since I read it, so it might be about time 📚
My reading stack for this weekends @24in48 #readathon! The classic Anna Karenina, a book by Marc Levy in French, The Girl on the Cliff by Lucinda Riley and a travelbook about St. Petersburg. Excited to get started!!
Kate Morton is one of my favourite authors! I love all her books. Lake House was an intense one and at some point I even put the book aside because I didn't like where it was heading (turned out I was wrong, luckily). After a few weeks I picked it back up and finished it in one go!