Just landed back in Australia and I've hit 9999!
Just landed back in Australia and I've hit 9999!
Happy Friday, team #DeadSerious! Just letting y‘all know that I‘m traveling today and tomorrow (going to see Billie Eilish with my youngest 😃) so I won‘t be able to check in as much, but I‘ll do the best I can. I will reply to all my tags when I can! Have a good weekend!
It was the bestselling book in the U.S. the year I was born. Having seen the film, I was surprised at how little space was given to the disaster plot -- instead the narrative is looser, a soap opera with monologs on sundry topics in aviation industry (and, awkwardly, abortion). Then in the final quarter the disaster subplot delivers a rousing conclusion. Engaging, interesting and ends in thrills -- which you can't say about *some* bestsellers.
It's early still, but I'm calling this my #BookSpin #DoubleSpin #BookSpinBingo list for August.
Thanks @TheAromaofBooks !
I loved this. Totally cheesy in places, utterly nerdy in others. As a huge aviation nerd I could practically FEEL my eyes shining with glee as I read. Especially interesting to read AFTER watching Airplane!, because that film was inspired by the film adaptation of this book, and by a previous Hailey film, Zero Hour!.
Well walking round airports & a supermarket mean that I have definitely walked down to the shops and back! #bfc @wanderinglynn
On the train on our way to the airport. First solo flight with a kid - luckily just the one. I just realized that I forgot my Kindle 😭😭😭 I just feel sick! Hoping I can sign in on the app with my sister's details because all my books are on her account 😭
So I just wanted to give everyone a bit of an update. Barring any (further) flight delays, I‘m going to be out of the country until Oct 14. So @Amanda61 and @callielafleur your next books will likely be a little delayed as well, but I‘ll get them out to you as soon as I can! #lmpbc #genreswappbc #airportdrinks
Reading with my lunch of Thai chicken and rice.... Arthur Hailey has me gripped!
#Airport #ArthurHailey #BookNLunch #Suspense
My mom's a huge Arthur Hailey fan so naturally it was the first thing she recommended to me when I asked her for book recommendations. I have to say, I'm enjoying it far more than I anticipated. It's just the book I needed in the midst of fantasy and YA with a lot of airport related trivia
#Airport #ArthurHailey #RecommendsDay #suspense
I‘ve never seen this before! What a great idea for airports. You buy a book, read it, and return it for a 50% refund!
At the San Juan airport! ✈️🛫
Airport book shopping 🖤🖤🖤 Always interesting to see what they think the best selling and most accessible books are to offer.
#traveling #airports #holidaytravel
#whatwasithinking#2 I‘m at the airport with no book waiting for @AnnieD Her flight is delayed over an hour and once again - no book. Thankfully I have my phone and Litsy. The airport in Columbus Ohio is deserted by 9:00 pm
So instead of spending Saturday afternoon and evening with my book, I spent it with several hundred fabulous new friends at #sfo shouting #noban #nowall. The #womensmarch #womensmarchsf the week before was my first ever protest. Welcome to the new normal. Bay Area Littens, this protest is still going if you're in the neighborhood and want to drop off water, food!
My dorky dad sending me airport bookstore selfies. 😂
Standing in Newark airport, charging my phone and Nook, having flown from Glasgow this AM and flights to SFO and PDX to go, then a 2 hour drive. 😝 Here's some of my haul from the book festival with the rest in my checked bag. The things we do for book love! Cover shots to come tomorrow.