This book was really good! I loved how cute the characters are. And I loved who SN turned out to be it made me warm and fuzzy! I hope you guys enjoy this book.
This book was really good! I loved how cute the characters are. And I loved who SN turned out to be it made me warm and fuzzy! I hope you guys enjoy this book.
This book in my opinion strayed from what it advertised I expected it to focus on Ava's relationship and it more focused on her family's relationship. It wasn't bad just not what it advertised.
Quite frankly I think this book is the most interesting Jennifer E. Smith. I love the characters relationship in this book so much more than the other books. I also think I like the scenario a little bit more. I highly recommend reading this book if you're into romance.
First may I just say I love the fact that it is based around the fanfiction written in fangirl. Second this book was so good it didn't take me very long to read even though it's bigger. The plotline is amazing and the whole story is worth reading.
If I was basing this book off my real emotional feelings right now this book would've been a no pick. I love the characters in this book so much and the ending broke me. I still think it's a totally worth reading. Just don't be me and expect a happy ending.
The ability to keep your mouth shutis usually a sign of intelligence.
For someone grieving, moving on is a challenge. Because after extreme loss you want to go back.
I don't think anybody knows how much I love Willow. Her entire personality and story is incredible. The whole book was well written and the plotline was solid, and I deeply recommend this book for anybody. I didn't think I'd like this book and ended up loving it.
I was so sad when this book was over it felt like I read it way too fast. This book will have you laughing until the very end. You also can't help but to love every single character and the choices they make. The ending was probably my favorite part because how he brought the whole story together.
I was once again in love with this book the first one was amazing and I love the second one I couldn't get enough of the series. I read it just as quickly as the first and I felt the plot was amazing, I also grew to love Maxon and America's relationship more.
It wasn't bad it was just that certain parts weren't interesting. I felt as if though they were stuck in the same place in the same area for ever. I don't like any of the characters except nox who was hardly there. But there are a lot of people who love the series. So maybe it wasn't my cup of tea.
Is it better to have a good thing and lost it, or never to have had it.
Love is the strangest, most illogical thing in the world.
There's too many good things to say about this book in order to put it under 300 characters. This book is so much of life the relationship is just so perfect the humor is hilarious, sweet, and innocent. I recommend this book and I recommended it 100 times after.
One of my favorite parts that I still remember is when Simon and Blue are talking about coming out and how they say everybody should have to, and it should be this really big awkward thing, and I love that part because I can't stop thinking about how right they are.
I read this book so quickly and as I near the end I thought to myself this book was too short and it's true because good books are always too short. I love so much about this book just all very warm. It's a feel good story.
I think this book is really cute and while the whole thing is kind of sad. You really do fall in love with the characters and even their small amount of relationship you fall for because that's what the story was meant to do. I highly recommend this book.
I got this book from owlcrate and wasn't sure how I felt about it. It's not like anything Ive read before. And the book was good, I think towards the end it wasn't really what I was looking for in a book, other than that it was a good story.
It's probably not the most exciting thing I've ever read, but it was a good book I enjoyed every minute of it until the last second. This is not your ordinary love story and I think it's interesting that it's written from different perspectives. This would not be my first recommendation choice.
I recommend this full series. I love every character I love the relationship between maxon and America. The storyline going on outside of the palaces interesting and keeps you captivated. I highly recommend, If you haven't read the series.
Compared to, stolen, this book was amazing I was hooked until the very end. You never knew who you could trust you didn't know what was going on until the very end. I felt in the main character shoes. I completely recommend this book to anybody who is remotely interested.
I actually thought the book started off really well. It was towards the middle that I started to lose interest, I felt as if though I was reading the same thing over and over again. Towards the end where she started to do things that she probably shouldn't is where it got interesting.
This book wasn't necessarily bad. I just expected more from it. I didn't really enjoy either character. My favorite characters probably Lula's step dad. For maybe two minutes. I think I can probably recommend this book with caution.
It took me over a month to read this book because I couldn't get through it. I was invested in any of the characters and quite frankly didn't care what happened to them. Picking up the book was such a struggle that I hated reading. I highly recommend not getting this book.
If there's one thing I've learned, it's this: we all want everything to be okay . You don't even wish so much for fantastic or marvelous or outstanding. We will happily settle for okay, because most of the time, okay is enough.
This was one of the first romances that got me into romance novels. I fell in love with the characters as they fell love with each other. The story was well written and had a beautiful romance. I ,hundred percent, recommend this book to people who love romance.
This is definitely a comedic book I think it's hilarious there's actually a couple times where I started laughing out loud. The sense of humor is hysterical and the characters are amazing. The entire storyline is well written.
And maybe the only way to find what you're looking for is to get lost along the way.
Then that's with the northern lights are. All the lives were not living.
Funny, how it took a little bit of pain to remember that certain parts of yourself were alive.
I scream every time I see this cover. I love this book, the different storylines within the story how one character travels throughout and changes people's lives. I read this book in one sitting because it was so good and captivating. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who read young adult.
At first the story didn't contain enough information. I'm not saying it was a bad book but it did take me longer to read. There's not really a romance in the book, I thought it would take more into the story. I don't know how much I like the characters, it's all preference I'm sure.
I wish it was more backstory. I want to know more about the rain where came from. I also feel parts of the book I slept through like there wasn't enough for me. So to be fair, something did keep me reading I couldn't put down the book had to know what happen next so that counts for something.
Just because you can't experience everything doesn't mean you shouldn't experience anything.
Maybe growing up means disappointing the people we love.
Everything is a risk. Not doing anything is a risk. It's up to you.
Just so everybody knows let's get one thing clear this app needs a love button because I don't like this book I love it every detail I love the characters I love. So I hope you all think the same because I fell in love with everything about it. The relationships adorable and perfect.
I'll be honest I've been a lot better books. This one just didn't connect to me, I didn't feel the characters were anything special. I found stella to be a pity party and her boyfriend was totally sketchy. But to give the book credit you do fall in love with the relationship. It's your choice.
I don't think it's gross. I think it's kind of beautiful. Everything, and everyone, is interconnected.
The humor of this book with beautiful I love every minute of reading it. And just actual storyline brought it to gather it pulled the whole story and turned it into something that's been done before and something totally new. I sincerely hope that people should read this and enjoy it.
The universe as you nothing, Kady. It has already given you everything, after all. It was here long before you, and it will go on long after you. The only way it will remember you is to do something worth remembrance.
It's not the bullets kill you. It's moments like these. One piece at a time.
Agh! If only I had the sequel right now, I love every part of it even the characters who broke your heart, how every chapter left you hanging. The ending left me scrambling, trying to piece together everything that I had just read. I really hope that you're enjoying reading this book.
If you don't ask me for much, I could spend the rest of my life trying to deserve you.
This book is amazing in every way. I loved the characters, Jessie and Bridget, who are both hilarious and have totally different perspectives of the world around them. Kat Spears brings this whole book together. You do have to get through your hatred of Ken being with Bridget though. Enjoy!