Amazon First Reads pick in November. Loved it!
Book started out slow and I had trouble getting into it, but once I did, I loved it!
I loved this book so much!! New twist on a fairy tale classic- Beauty and the Beast.
#netgalley for the win! I‘ve been dying to read this book! Ready to stay inside and cool off and read this lazy Sunday away!!
My reading buddy on this lazy Sunday afternoon! She‘s as spoiled and lazy as I am. Hahahah
How are you spending your Sat night?! I‘m rather enjoying mine!!
You could rattle the stars. You could do anything, if you only dared. ❤️
This makes me happy for so many reasons!! First plane ride (I was a nervous wreck!!!) pre release book, and spur of the moment surprise vacation across the country with my guy!
A friend is someone who knows where all your bodies are buried. Because, they‘re the ones who helped you put them there.
Just started this one and it feels familiar... wasn‘t this a movie with Charlize Theron? Or maybe I‘m completely confusing that with someone or something else?
I am soooo glad I got over my aversion to audiobooks. I‘ve listened to a few good ones lately and made it through a lot more books I‘ve wanted to lately! I love being able to still enjoy a book while doing adult requirements like cleaning and driving and showering! Haha.
Great way to spend a Friday morning!
Ready to start my day finally! Haha. Gotta love spring break for kiddos and finally getting to sleep late!
#easterbasketbookswap @JanJan thanks so much for everything!! There was also a bunch of new flavors of tea my daughter took to make and a bunch of candy my little boy took immediately. Haha. I can‘t wait to read these! And the planner stuff is a big bonus cause I love my TN!
@JanJan look what I came home and found on my porch today!! I feel like a kid at Christmas staring at presents under the tree and waiting to open it!! 😂😂 #easterbasketbookswap
@readherwriteher #thisorthat
I love small towns!
I listen to both! And shuffle between the 2!
Love a good thriller!
Yessss!! All the pineapple!!
Neither- I‘m a Jon Snow girl!
Weekend plans!
#dontgetpinched got my green on and ready!
Don‘t drink, I use both bookmarks and random things I find, I bake, cook, and eat! I love nachos and candy, I prefer fantasy from the 2, but my favorite is horror or psychological thrillers!
1. Iphone
2. Charlottes Web
3. Both!!
4. Twizzlers
5. Martin! I looooove ASoIaF!!
Super excited to get started on this ARC today!!
Happy Valentine‘s Day to me! Gotta love 50% off day after holidays! Hahaha
#riotgrams #pinkredandwhite turns out that even though I have tons of books... I don‘t have many pink ones... I do, however, have this awesome pink hardcover book slip I use to save my paperbacks from destruction in my purse!
He‘s very proud of his Minecraft story he wrote!
My kid likes to write stories on Minecraft instead building things...
You guys see this email?! This is the first time I‘ve ever won a book! Also my first time trying- I didn‘t know there were contests you could do for those! Do you know how complete my life is?! Are there any other giveaways I can enter for books online?
These are a few of my favorite things. I really couldn‘t pick a favorite. Haha. #riotgrams #belovedseries
I‘m really hoping this one is as good as the first one was!
I‘m just broken. In a way, that makes me... me. ❤️
How I‘ll be spending my day! So far I‘m liking it! I do love a good #psychologicalthriller if anyone has some more recommendations!!
#MonstersGiveaway thanks @britt_brooke for the opportunity and congrats on the numbers!! Way to go! That‘s what I call #goals!!!
I‘ve tried listening to tons of audio books over the years and could never really get into them. My ADHD kicks in and I stop paying attention.
I discovered it‘s cause I was trying to listen to the type I like to read. I don‘t like reading funny books. Turns out they are great for listening to though!
This one is hilarious! As someone who suffers from mental illnesses, I love how she brings awareness to the problems but finds humor in the bad.
When you are trying to enjoy reading but your dog thinks she has to stand on top of you to check out the snow outside... #dogsoflistsy
Meant to post this earlier and just remembered. One of the many quotes from this book that stuck with me.
Time to start a new book!
#riotgrams #shortstories riotgram day 6 is a collection of short stories from local authors about things happening in my area. Got this bad boy signed by several of the authors and was able to introduce my kiddos to all of them!
#riotgrams #royalty My favorite book series ever for Riotgrams day 5!
#riotgrams #nakedhardcovers day 3 make up for naked hardcovers!