So many awesome facts in this picture book that is perfect for my pint-sized Lady Liberty! 🗽
Not just because Christina Lauren are my Wonder Woman BFFs, I‘m so excited about my new book.
Soldier in petticoats. Was thrilled to have the chance to say thank you.
So happy that TrumpCare failed. So ready for America to take on healthcare and make it right.
Are you a public librarian who would like to expand your foreign language romance collection? Do you know one who might? Please help me find the floor of my bedroom once more!
I've got foreign editions and am eager to donate them to good library homes. Message me if you have one? Thanks!
I regret nothing of my choice to blaze through the Immortals After Dark series (with a slight pause to revisit my favorite of her Game Maker series). Except for the part where now I'm done and have to wait for the next one like a sucker. (Sweet Ruin is my favorite.) #romantsy #osrbc #kresleycole #bookhangover
So excited that Kirkus enjoyed Sera & Mal's story -- this one was a heartbreaking book for me to write, so it's always nice when that pays off! #dayoftheduchess💃 #romantsy
Headed out to a writing retreat this week, and packing my research for Bareknuckle Bastards... and also, the latest by Melissa de la Cruz!
When all other boy frogs are away, Froggy goes on the "worst playdate ever" with a girl frog. They go to a girl movie (The Frog Prince). At the end, girl frog kisses boy frog & he is grossed out, then she eats his ice cream. He declares it "the worst playdate ever."
Me (resisting urge to wallbang a library book): I don't like that book.
3yo: Why don't you like that book?
Me: Gender stereotypes.
Read Rhinos Don't Eat Pancakes instead. #kidlit
"What's this book called?"
"Should you read it to me?"
"Well....it's really for grown ups."
"Maybe tomorrow?"
"I think I'll like it."
This might be my favorite of Sophie Jordan's contemporaries--can't wait for you all to read it! Added bonus: Fury on fire is an apt description of my mood these days. 😡🔥#romantsy
Ok. But seriously. How have I never seen this on a menu before? (Frankie & Lola's, Morro Bay, CA)
I have a very sure feeling I'm going to love this book. Thanks to @bookavore for the rec! #romantsy
Literally the last romance fan on earth to read this one (the title turned me off for months)...but stayed up til 3am last night finishing it. It's been a long time since I've read a romance with such a slow burn. These two dance around each other for hundreds of pages (it's not a short book), until you're just as desperate for them to get together as they are. I do wish it had been dual POV, but that's my problem, not the book's. #romantsy
Finally, time to sit quietly with my best loot. #thankssanta #foodlit #cookbooks
So much fun handselling my favorite books as part of the #indiesfirst #smallbusinesssaturday guest bookseller program at Savoy Bookshop in Westerly, RI! ❤️📚🎉 #getindie
ARC arrives, along with heart lollipop, just in time to convince (read: bribe) my 3yo to eat her broccoli. #romantsy
That feeling when you're cleaning your room and discover the notebook in which you write your first book. (Alex & Gavin's first kiss!)
Headed to the @AvonBooks 75th Anniversary celebration, where I'll be book talking one of my favorite romance classics--Beverly Jenkins's Night Song! #romantsy #osrbc
Lovely night meeting Joni Davis & Lisa Hyatt tonight as part of the James River Writers Conference. Looking forward to this one!
"At the end of the day, despite all our praise of strong women and selfless activists and lean-inners, the trainwreck might turn out to be the most potent and perennial feminist icon of them all."
Wandered into @FountainBookstore today and they even had books for me to sign! What an adorable store right in the heart of lovely Richmond! #getindie #romantsy
All packed up and ready to go to the James River Writers Conference in Richmond this weekend! I have my laptop and Sady Doyle's TRAINWRECK: The Women We Love to Hate, Mock & Fear...and Why, because if there were ever a book relevant to my interests, it's this one!
A+ ARC packaging from @Sourcebooks -- The second in Amanda Bouchet's Kingmaker Chronicles wrapped in three different colors of wrapping paper, adorned with great reviews for the first (including mine from The Washington Post). Gorgeous! Aside: I can't wait to read it! #arc #romantsy
TFW that out of print research book arrives and you're so excited but your husband is like, "Are you trying to tell me something and also you paid *how much?!*" #amresearching
This is a book of places around the world, New York, Paris, Tokyo, Rio, Mumbai, London & more. You can open doors and windows and see how people live all over the world. It's so cool. Here's V finding a Bollywood poster.
#kidlit #bedtimereading
"When I look at you, and you look at me, I wonder what wonderful things you will be."
It's so totally heartstring-pulling, and I kind of hate that it gets me every single time, but I adore this book (recommended to me by the lovely booksellers at Volumes Books in Chicago) and so does V.
#getindie #kidlit #bedtimereading
I'm loving this, but V is concerned that "there are no pictures in this book."
Just hanging out in church, talking about romance with @EloisaJames & Lauren Willig, like you do! #morristownfestival #romantsy
Best section sign in a bookstore ever? Possibly. @WORDBookstores in Brooklyn. #getindie
Looking for signed Sarah MacLean books? @WORDBookstores will ship these freshly signed babies right to your door & your eyeballs! #getindie #romantsy
Scot spotted at the swanky @HarperCollins party at the #NEIBA conference. #getindie #romantsy
Rosie Revere & Iggy Peck finally get a sequel. Ada Twist was preordered for months -- what a cool scientist she is!